Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    The story of Christian the Lion is just wonderful! Thanks for reminding me.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited April 2010

    We call the big black carrion-eating birds buzzards.  But I guess they are actually vultures.  I wouldn't like them roosting on my roof!  We only see them when there is road kill, and they're taking care of it.  They serve a very good purpose.

    Yesterday DH and I attended a family crawfish boil.  My brother Gary brought the crawfish, already boiled as were the potatoes and corn on the cob.  He also brought tables and chairs to be set up outside in the shade at our mother's house.  The mudbugs were delicious, cooked just right.  For dessert we had home-made strawberry shortcake.  Strawberries are plentiful this year.  Farmers selling them out of pickup trucks for $10 a flat.  A flat has 12 pints so it's a good price. 

    Today I worked out in the yard, mulching flowerbeds with pine straw.  Also did some weeding and pruning.  Our yard is looking very nice.  My giant amaryllas are starting to bloom and they're spectacular. 

    Enjoyed everyone's posts.  Welcome to Suecee.  I had BMX, and life goes on.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    See how strange I am - I wouldn't eat something called "mudbugs".  The connotation would get to me.  And since I don't like the name "crawfish" wouldn't eat them either.  I know I've missed out on many things but if it's not named right and you tell me the name, I can't get past the name to chew it.  Sad, I know but that's just me.  Now, if it doesn't look funny and  I taste and like it, before you tell me what it is, then I would be okay in future. 

    So, that's all to say before you all send me care packages, make sure it's presentation is superb and don't tell me what it is.  Wink

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010

      Would you eat something that looks like small lobster with the name Crayfish?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    I think I'm in Patoo's kitchen.  There are certain things I still have an aversion to due to the shenanigans of my dad who thought if funny to tell me liver tasted dark brown and grainy.....and when I tried did.  Spinach was wet grass -- not only tasted that way to me but smelled like it too.  Hominy was wet popcorn ---  so I don't eat it either.  Asparagus never puts in an appearance on my dinner plate as well.  By this time, dad quit giving me these impressions for fear I'd give up eating entirely.  I was not a big eater as a child --- it took so much time from all the important things I had to ride my bike at breakneck speed, or run, or fly kites, or walk on the home-made stilts or any number of the many fun things we had going on when home was a little town of 200 people -- five miles from where I'm sitting today.  All dirt streets and no names on those streets anywhere.  We had to walk up to the black-top road ( the only one in town ) to get our mail from the mail boxes there.  Everything came to Rural Route 1.  There were so many toad frogs in the grass very wet from dew at night that you'd step on them making your way to the "facility" after dark which happened to be on the farthest edge of our yard -- well behind our house and past the well.  Those were the days.... a moment in time now it seems, but it felt like forever then. 

    See you all tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    Like Isabella we wore 'bloomers' under our uniforms and they had to be navy at one school and black at High School. In our last year we were able to wear 'witches britches' but they had to be black. Teachers could check these things.Our uniforms, which were 'gym slips' had to be touching the ground when kneeling. This could be achieved by letting your belt (or girdle - a long belt that was tied like a tie) out, this fact was hidden by your blazer staying done up. Once uniform inspections were over you then hitched your skirt up and held it there with your belt. And we wore rompers for PE, now that was even worse. Wish I could find some pictures.

    As I child I always wanted a longer full skirt like the my sister and future SiL wore but by the time I was old enough to have my skirt below the knee fashions changed. 

    Patoo, I don't like the idea of mudbugs - we get 'Moreton Bay bugs' which are probably much the same thing, I love them and crayfish.

    I have a small person wanting me to let her watch something on the computer. She loves watching a show called the Wiggles which comes from Australia and is very popular here. It will keep her entertained for a while.

    We leave for the US on Saturday evening, 9.30pm our time and arrive in LA Saturday afternoon 2.30pm. Very confusing.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    ok the shortest dress, with high heels, tube tops and tans- oh yes I am so there- My double D's

    held those tube tops up just fine thank you very much. And I would wear the skirts any were at any time and for the entire day- in airports, traveling across the globe and everywhere!

     Remember when we could afford stuff??? We have spent a lot of dough setting up house BUT we took all 4 dogs to the vet with out a huge cost here yesterday! I was amazed.   On Wednesday I return to Vegas- need my 6 month MRI and check up with doc. before I leave for good on the 20th- then it is back to the "Farm" and I will be very glad. I did get a few things planted -peppers for DH and tomatoes for me. Will still get herbs and salad stuff in the ground when I return. I had a  story about a dead Navajo in the hwy- 89 between Page and Cameron's TP on the way to Flagstaff, stopped at 05:40 and could not move until 8:12- then I insisted on stopping at Cameron's- naturally there was a bus load of tourons from God knows where, and EDDIE the male Peke got freaked out and peed on DH's leg- then had diarrhea in the car and FINALLY , after all that we were back onthe road - and that was the 1 st day of travel

    so pleased for good MRI results for all of us and Rita - I bet you were the teacher you wanted to be. Isabella, losing pets is so hard- we know it when we accept them intyo our hearts but that does not stop us from giving them a place.

    must go ladies- still lots to do but wanted sent my love to you all. Miss Kitty

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010've made me laugh this morning with the story of Eddie !!!! Diarrhea in the car just is no fun, and why does it always happen at the start of a journey, so that it 'cooks' all the way to the destination !!! I always travel with some spare clothes, when moving dogs around.

    I'm in a major temper this morning. I have been collecting an old pattern of kitchenware slowly  from eBay.....some storage jars, a bowl, some plates to dot around my kitchen. I recieved my last piece this morning, a bread crock, and the lid was broken into 3. I was mad, but it wasn't the fault of the seller, the packing was extra good, but the carrier had obviously stood something heavy ontop of my box, the lid was depressed (and so am I today !!!!) and stoved in the top of the parcel. Right, I thought, get a cup of coffee on, and glue it back together, it won't show, it'll be on a shelf fairly high up.

    THEN I had to begin a search for my Superglue. I know I have 2 new tubes around somewhere, but I have to hide them away from DH, he will use up anything he finds....So I have learnt, if I want to keep anything, I have to squirrel it away. I have turned every drawer, and hidey hole that I use. to no avail. So I now have to get tidied up...I am in my gardening outfit (say no more !!!)...and drive to the shop and get some more glue.

    DH drives me mad at the best of times, but this time I am spitting fire! He will NEVER NEVER NEVER buy Superglue...he considers it a waste of money, But just let him see any tubes I leave about, and he's using them all over the place. Of course, if he's not had to buy it its NOT a waste of money !!!!  If I didn't have to hide everything away from him, and could remember where I hid the stuff I could get on and mend my pottery. I just wanted a DH free day today, he's out all day, so I had plans to slop around all day in the garden. I have locked the gates, pulled the 'phone out and got myself into gardening mode ! now I am hot and bothered !!!!!

    I had to have a shout at DH last night, he suddenly decided he was going to the 'where are my things???'  'my things' were all squashed up and stinking in his bag left in the back of his 4WD. He hadn't used them since before Christmas, 4 lots of shorts and vests, all smelling of stale sweat, and he expected me to do a miracle in 2 hours, and have them all pristine and ready to go. I was really mad, and stood him infront of the washer, with the instruction book and yelled at him to get it sorted !!!!!  I relented in the end and walked him thru the instructions, but now he is on his own ...WHEN was it decreed that men couldn't use a washer ??????????  No wonder my Dr asks me 'is anything bothering you?' when my blood pressure is up, yet again, when I visit her !

    Alyson, sounds like you wore the exact same uniform as we had to, except for the colour. You were navy , we were bottle green. Our blazer was terrible, green white and black stripes, we looked like bees. Did you wear the straw 'pork pie' hats in summer ?? we did ! That was when you went to school and learned something !! These uniforms were only for the grammar school kids, I think they were harking back years, they were so old fashioned. My mother wore almost identical outfits 25 years before me. The kids who went to the secondary schools didn't have uniforms, so we got singled out and teased !

    Jackie...thanks for your kind words, I knew you'd understand with your great love of cats.I am still pretty fragile, its odd not having Doris around to look after. I threw her special dish in the bin yesterday, just couldn't fashion to use it for another cat. I always do this , dishes, leads, blankets, sometimes beds that have been the special belonging of one animal, I just can't bring myself to go on using these things. Potty ?? Yes. (Somebody please lock me away, in complete seclusion from DH for a bit !!!! ) I'm not like you I don't have religious beliefs as such, but hope someday to be reunited with all the animals that have gone before me. Just how this will happen is going to be a flaming miracle !!!!!! I sort of take on board Buddhist teachings.

    My coffee has gone cold now, I am sat outside in the garden, its a lovely day, not particularly warm, but sunny. I have to go and get some tidy clothes on now and go for some glue, and probably a magazine and a bar of chocolate, my gardening plans now are dashed !! I have trays of plants waiting to go in the soil. Rain is forecast Fri/Sat so want to try and get every plant in to benefit from the rain.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Isabella, you are always a riot in the descriptions of your happenings.  I bet many people could say they have had to go "buy" something they knew they had, but could no longer recall where they stashed it.  Happens a lot to me -- and sometimes it is only a little less aggravating than having to hide it from someone so it won't all be used up. 

    Of course, you do know.....if you go out and buy more it will likely turn up right under your nose, and the "place" will end up so logical that you end up just as disgusted as you were before you went to town to replace it.  That is what often happens to me anyway.

    More people are more religious/spiritual than what they think. I am Gnostic Christian which basically only means ( extremely condensed version ) that I believe all roads lead to Eternity and it doesn't much matter after that.  I feel in my heart our Creator will accept us no matter how we get to Eternity -- be it Christian, Buddist, Catholic, Baptist ---- indeed to me, most religious denominations are only good for bringing people together to enjoy worship and fellowship together.  As I have not found a Church here that I care Church here becomes the lake behind me and the acre of timberlands right around me.....the song of the birds, the rustle of the leaves, the dappled look of the sunshine coming through the trees, the sigh of the wind, and the agile movement of three or four deer meandering through the yard ---- any day and any time all these things give me inspiration, hope and deep, deep faith that my place in Eternity only awaits my safe and happy arrival at the appointed time --- many years from now.    And all the dear animals that have shared their short lives with me will be there too.

    Well, now I best get some of my day started.  Was out washing the garage ( it is a four car garage ) yesterday and since I think the drippy rain will clear later, I'll be back out today.  I did the house last summer.  Part of the small price of living out in the heavily wooded areas here is that you can get some mold on your siding -- usually mainly on the North side though I'm not sure why.  Anyway, the garage is long overdue.  Isabella -- you'll love this -- Dh told me he'd do around the front.....not all that much to do there as there is an entrance door and also a large remote control garage door.......and after checking his work....I am going to have to go back over it.  Do you think they do it on purpose ?????  Aaaarrrgg. Oh well, he is good in so many other ways, but still it is a pain.  I think I'll have to get my sleeve out if I am going to have to take on the rest of the garage and apparently I will if I really want it clean. Oh well....onward for my day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    Jackie, would love to have conversation with you about beliefs but don't have time now. I have become very interested in Celtic Christianity and even in our Church we have many things from the Iona services.

    Please can anyone tell me how much one tips in the US. We do not tip here in NZ only in exceptional circumstances so it's something we are not used to doing.

    Have to go to the bank to get some US and UK currency.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2010

    Hi Alyson!  Email me when you get to Denver, Okay?  And we usually tip between 15 to 20 percent for meals!  I know it sounds high, but if you've had Daughters working in restaurants, that is how they make their money....some establishments don't even give them wages....just their least that's the way it used to be.   If the service is great, I do the 20%... 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2010

    Alyson, in the midwest it is 10 to 20% in restaurants. If a "bellboy" in a hotel or cabbie helps with bags we usually give one to three dollars depending upon their attitude and how much they had to carry. Each morning in a hotel/motel we leave a few dollars because if we wait until we check out a different housekeeper may be assigned to our room.  Hope this helps. Have a safe trip and may the wind be at your back.  Hope all your pain goes away while you are on your trip.

    gentle hugs.......

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010

    Hi Alyson....we usually tip 10% after a meal here. If the service hasn't been great I don't bother. I went thru a stage of not tipping at all, things seemed to get sloppy, waitresses getting things wrong, chattering when they should have been looking after things seem to have got a lot better, we usually only go where we are known, unless far from home, so most places know us by name, and we get looked after ! If I don't think things are up to scratch I say so...DH will sink into his seat if I complain, but the cost of food here is disgusting, very overpriced to what I know the proper cost is, so if they're going to rip me off pricewise I make sure everything is as it should be.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    You ladies sure brought a smile and giggles reading your posts.

    Isabella, I find I have to go out and buy stuff because I just don't remember where I put it.  No DH to blame.  Guess the house is just too big so too many places I can "store" stuff!  I probably have more tools than Sears of Home Depot, but look for a phillips screwdriver and there is none to be found!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2010

    Anyone live on the east coast??

    we are going to Charleston and Savannah next week and I am wondering if the old

    no white before Memorial Day is still a "rule"...

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Absolutely not a rule anymore. Now maybe you wouldn't wear white shoes to a Christmas service but white pants, white dresses, white shoes  and bags... now.. perfectly okay. Have you been there before? LOOOOVVVVEEEEEE both cities. Take the trolley tour of Savannah to get an overview. The walking tour of old Charleston homes is great. Wonderful time of year to be there. Should be warm, maybe a little cool at night but warm days for sure.  Beauford, half way between, is interesting.  Seafood on Tybee Island is fun.  Wonderful history. Looking forward to your great pictures.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Don't know.  I still have a hard time with white before Memorial Day - white shoes at least.  Old school, just can't seem to put them on.  White pants have always been hard for me - underwear seems to show through even if they are lined so I usually don't wear them.  But, I think anything goes nowawdys and as long as you are comfortable...

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Coastal towns seem to have much laxer fashion rules. People wear shorts to church here which still surprises me.   I was brought up to wear a hat to church! And it is not unusual to see someone in the grocery store in a bathing suit. It is so cold I don't know how they can stand it! 


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    well in Vegas you wear anything you want and I mean an it! We went to a play and the folks next to us were wearing cut off shorts and flip-flops, not that I would but white shoes is OK- Tipping - after waiting tables to get through nurses training I always leave 20%- tax laws have changes and the waitresses get taxed on a percentage of sales as their tip intake- and it is hard work. BUT if the service is poor do like Isabella absolutely!

    I never tip the hotel maids, does anyone? I gibe belly boys and valet $3.00 but others may know better on that one. Alyson which cities are you visiting?

    Jackie I am with you -spirituality is in a person not in a building and prayers are heard from wherever they are said sincerely. I believe in a forgiving God not a punishing God and He is wonderful. I met a woman on the plane today that is a  BC survivor from 1985! How up lifting is that? night ladies- had a really long day.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    We always leave a couple dollars for each night in a hotel. $1 or $2 per bag if we check them with the skycap. $1 or $2 for a cabbie. We never stay anywhere with doormen or bellhops anymore. :( But would tip them if we did. 10% to a hairdresser. $1 or $2 to a valet. It sure adds up!


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    Isabell, I have gone back to read some postings - catching up is a task. I just wanted to tell you that we lost a Chocolate Lab one time, "Buster", and thought DH and I both would crawl into his grave with him! I so understand your distress and grieving for a dear pet- usually we love our pets more that most of the people we meet- they are always there for us and kind, never a cross word and always loving! My Pekes licked my tears the day before my BMX- what person would be that comforting? We could not bare to have Buters bowl, blanket etc. around to remind us and buried his things with him, DH even put his tennis shoes that Buster used to sleep with (NOT CHEW) in with him. It did help. No replacing a really good friend. Just time,

    As far as DH- well like I told you in the early stages of the move that after packing his closthes he was "all packed and ready" HAHA do you want to borrow Eddie? I am sure he would pee on him too if he is RANTING!  Love to all

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,940
    edited April 2010

    I have just been reading some of the postings about older women and breast cancer and have been looking to see if I could find someone with the same cancer from which I am in remission. I shall be 68 in September and was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in June 2005. (ER-,PR-,HER2-) I would like to hear from women of a similar age and with the same breast cancer.This cancer affects about 10% of women and they are usually much younger.After chemotherapy, surgery,and radiotherapy there is no preventative treatment in the United Kingdom.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    I really like thios quote:

    Watch your thoughts; They become words.
    Watch your words; They become actions.
    Watch your actions; They become habits.
    Watch your habits; They become character."
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
    -Frank Outlaw

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited April 2010

    Hm.  Every now and then I miss a whole block of posts when I check in.  Just went back and found those on mini skirts and going braless.  I was married in a mini skirt-length dress in 1969.  It was an informal wedding in my parents' living room with family and a few close friends.  The wedding reception featured boiled shrimp.  Instead of champagne we had iced tea or Dixie beer in long-neck bottles.  I did wear a bra, but mostless I went braless those days since I was never well-endowed in the boobs department.  I wore bikini bathing suits.  I haven't worn a skirt or a dress in at least 10 yrs.  It's shorts, slacks, jeans, or cropped pants.  One nice thing about getting older is you wear what you darned well please!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    I'm with you Carole --- we have to have some compensation for making it this far now don't we???Melissa...I loved the quote.  I think I mentioned before that I put on Rita's thread every day.  Something uplifting that hopefully starts everyones day out just a little better. 

    Warning:  Humor may be hazardous to your illness.  ~Ellie Katz

    I hope you all have a good day and hopefully are able to do something nice for someone else.  It is really all about the little things ---  helping someone put something in their car, smiling at someone who seems a mite sad, picking up a trash can lid that came off and landed on the road.  We never know the tremendous difference we may make for someone if only they found out all over again that someone really cares.  It is a great acknowledgment to life --- and of course, I always think...if I do what I can for someone who needs something, now when I can, maybe someone will be there for me when I need it.  I'm not going to be this  young forever.  I'll see you all later.  It's noon here at work and the only time I can snag the computer.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  hi everyone...I'm thinking about you.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010

    I know it sounds very cheesy, but I always like to do one good turn, and learn one new fact before I go to bed each day. Some days, when I'm not feeling too good I try and get my good turn over with, so I can go eat some chocolate !!! 

    Today I have not done a great deal...I am trying to attack my pile of sewing thats been waiting for me since before last Christmas. I have 5 pairs of pants waiting to be taken up, managed to do two. Also managed to pocket 3 bras out of 5 I have on my pile.

    DH came in to fetch me to give him a hand calving a cow, an absolutely stupid thing to do ...I haven't the strength to pull up the sheets on my bed, never mind help pull a calf out ! All I could do was slather the cows nether regions with obstetric lubricant, and stand back.  DH is out of action with torn rotator cuff, but he did give it a go, and managed to get the calf out after a while. The poor calfs head was swollen and blue, it took 7 hours for it to go back down to normal, but all is OK now. This is the second calving in 48 hours we have really needed help with, DH gets mad if I suggest shouting for one or other of our 2 oldest g/sons. Both of them could be here in 15 mins, and are young and strong, and would love the drama !!!! DH does not take to getting older at all, and he's 4 years younger than me !!!! We now have 2 lovely new calves, and my very favorite cow will have her calf tonight. tho' I am going to bed....enough is enough for me today. I hope to get up in the morning to another calf. It is lovely to get in and walk among them, and listen to their lowing noises as they 'talk' to their new calves. I am much more wary than I ever was, not being able to shift quickly if anyone gets funny with me. I was pinned up against a wall years ago, with a mother cow keeping me from her calf, I thought it was curtains for me, so I always have a very healthy respect for them.

    I looked out of my sewing room window to see DH prancing around with a camera, taking pics of the garden this evening, most unusual as he never bothers with a camera normally. I asked what he was doing, and he said he was taking pics to enter my garden in our local 'Gardens in Bloom'  competition. I told him to put it in his name, I don't want anything to do with being in the local press ! The garden is an absolute picture, tho' I say it myself....every blossom tree is absolutely at its best, and I made a real effort with tulips and spring flowers, and a lot of the climbing plants that ramble over walls and arches are flowering as well, so I have quite a show .

    Mellisa, loved your little quote, I think I will TRY and either cross stitch, or embroider it onto linen, then frame it. My project for the coming winter !  Last winters project is still half done, I stretched a piece of embroidery on my embroidery frame, and got going like mad....a Pug dog picture...I don't know when that'll get done. The winter before that I bought a brown angora beret, and started to put sequins on it, but thats still sitting there half done !!! Never mind keeps me out of mischief.

    We are in for 3 days of rain, I seem to be the only person looking forward to this, as its a holiday W/end here, May Day, so everyone but me will be praying for sunshine. I love the rain a couple of days a week for my garden.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Oh Isabella --  I say clobber that guy your married too and then go call the g-son to come birth the calf.  My goodness gracious --- no one wants to get old, but I am not willing to do too many "goofy" things to prove to myself and the world at large that it is not happening or going to happen.  Rushed through my work tonight and then went to McDonalds and got Maggie a cup of coffee.  She was in no shape to go herself.  Must have had a really bad afternoon.  She was in her jammies when I got there right after 5:30. 

    I don't think it is cheesy at all Isabella to do a nice thing and learn something new everyday.  I'd say that is pretty worthwhile and you certainly have my admiration for your attitude. 

    I shall see you all later.  Have to go find some dinner.  We are due for rain for a few days too.  Hmmm, will make things a bit dicey around here again.  See you all later.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    TWO people have said "I shall" !!!  I love it ! No one uses shall and will in the proper sense anymore. This just makes my day, really. Yes, little things get me excited in life.

    Bummer of the day, on the other hand.... I took a dress to the dry cleaners today. $12.00! I am always shocked at the price of dry cleaning as I usually wash everything. But this is a lined silk dress so had to give in. It has a stain on the front (dropped my food) and I bet anything I will get it back, stain in tact. And waste my $12.00!   When I took my bed comforter in a year ago you could not tell anything had been done to it when it came back. Anyone remember when the dry cleaners came to your house to pick up and deliver?  Halcyon days.

    Spring in Florida is gorgeous. Sunny, breezy and warm. Thinking of the oil spill and hoping the Louisiana coast is spared. What a tragedy.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Pam, I do recall when dry cleaners would come to your house....and I recall when they actually got stains out ( most of the time ) too.  I find it hard to understand why it costs so much to dry clean, but then when I heard recently how much to go to the laundromats --  Wow is all I could say.  It seems for the most part it is far more economical ( if at all you can ) to have your own machines.  I recently too a comforter to the cleaners and I think it was something like $35.00.  I'm definitely thinking of giving up comforters and just put extra blankets on the bed under a bedspread as the cold weather comes. 

    I'm going to go find my recliner while I can still sit up half way straight. 

    Big hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2010

    WELL SISTA'S, I AM BAAAACKKK! I decided that the 'grunt's' from the ORC (Oral Roberts Crowd) are just not enough to keep me off the Board. So here is a BIG HINT to a few of the so-called christian trouble makers-IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I WRITE, DON'T READ IT. AND IF YOU HAVE TO SPEND ALL OF YOUR TIME GOSSIPING ABOUT ME BEHIND MY BACK IN YOUR NASTY PM'S...WORD OF ADVICE...GET A LIFE!!!!! FOR REAL.

    Truly, I hope that the experince that I have gone thru the past four months will be a heads up for all and I TRULY HOPE I CAN SHARE IMPORTANT AND INFORMATIVE POSTS for all of us facing very difficult treatment choices. I am just SO thankful for the women who remained and have become close friends and women I truly love thru personal emails. i do not know where I would be or what i would do without you. You know who you are; Miss Kitty; my RNGH; SIS from Aukland; Isabella and her gonzo DH and many more who continued to support and help me. THANK YOU IS NOT ENUF FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVING CARE. I am too exhausted to regurgitate the post that I just did on the Chemo thread but i hope to get caught up on all of my BFF's over the next few days. To the newcomers, WELCOME. But caution, this is not a hotbed of sanity here. Research the Board carefully and find a thread that truly fits your personality. When it comes to cancer, being 'true to oneself is critically important.' We who have joined the cancer club, are not left with a lot of choices so pick your friends wisely and know that cancer does not stop a few really sick women from being incredibly two-faced and doing enormous damage in their PM's. I know it is scary, but there are over 50,000 folks on this Board and you will find the perfect nitch for you. NUF said for my part. There are so may women on this thread that i love and so grateful I met you all-you know who you are!!! ((((BIG POD HUGS))))) to my courageous sista's. And for those of you who hate my guts (oh you know who you are) -KISS MY GRITS!! Tongue outKissWink XXOO SV