Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited April 2010

      There is a drycleaner here that still picks up and delivers things.  I know the neighbors use the service because I see things hanging on their door.  I try to avoid anything that is dryclean only because I am cheap.

    Isabella, Send us a picture of your garden. 

    SV,    Welcome Back!!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited April 2010

    need desperatly 2 speak 2 moderator asap.called, left message on general voice mail, don't know how 2 reach u guys. this is not spmeone playing, please pm me asap!3jaysmom

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2010

    Hey 3jaysM, i know that you do not know me-but i have always been able to contact the moderators by pulling up the home page for, then scrolling to the bottome where it says "contact us" and sending an email that way. Melissa is one of the moderators who always responds by PM.I hope this helps and if there is anything we can do on the Board, please PM any of us, especially those you trust. Sending you prayers and gentle hugs, SV

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    Pam, we still have a dry cleaner in town that picks up and delivers.  I haven't used the service yet but my neighbor does.  I imagine that she's paying a little more for the convenience but sometimes the convenience counteracts the cost.  I try to stay away from things that need to be dry cleaned but every once in a while I find that perfect item of clothing that still needs it and I can't resist!

    Carole....I'm like you.  I have some dresses in my closet but they seem to just hang there taking up space.  I usually wear shorts, cropped pants or slacks and that suits me just fine!  One of my problems with dresses is my shoes.  I have narrow feet and I can't seem to find attractive narrow shoes.  When I do find a pair, they cost a fortune, so I don't have much variety in my shoe wardrobe.  I used to be able to pick up lots of narrows but they just don't seem to make them much anymore.  Anyone else have this problem?

    Melissa........loved your quote.  Isabella, I do think it would be very appropriate for a cross-stitch piece!

    Well, I need to get some work done around here this morning because I'd like to golf this afternoon so I'm out of here.  Everyone have a great weekend.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Hmmm, wide feet versus narrow.  I think there are just more of us with wider feet....though depending it can be hard to find wide-sized shoes too.  I end up often in tennis shoes.  Sandals -- a few will work, but with the wider foot you really have to watch that too.  Oh well, life could be/has been worse.  Weren't those the days we didn't appreciate when that was about the only BIG problem we faced.

    I'm off to work.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Shoes drive me crazy! There is not a perfect pair on the face of the earth! The other day I cut out the open toe space on a pair of walking sandals as it rubbed a toe. Suddenly I realized I was one of those old women who cuts holes in their shoes for sore toes! Oh NO!!!! I am trying to find something I can walk in  without socks so I won't have the tan ring around the ankle look. But my feet are so tender that if I don't wear socks I end up with blisters. Years ago I went to my mom's and she was wearing anklets with high heels... NOW I get it.

    Oh, dresses are so much more comfortable than pants of any length, I think. Even men in Scotland embrace the kilt. But  I do observe dresses are a dying style. We have friends who ALWAYS wear shorts, he year round. We attended a Christmas party and he had shorts on! He did wear long pants to a funeral recently, thank goodness.

    I saw my med oncologist a few days ago. All is good and for the first time she did no blood work. I asked who she is keeping on Arimidex for a second five years.  She said only high risk patients, like positive nodes or high grade. So, for now, I am looking at another 4 years, 1 months to go!  Time flies when you are having fun :)

    Another beautiful day in paradise. No walk today as I have a lot of yard work to tackle. And limited energy. Our lawn crew has abandoned us so that is creating problems. DH has built a HAM radio antenna right in the middle of the yard, wires etc, and I think it makes it too hard to mow. I am thinking of a total lawn remodel. Big project but maybe one little step at a time? Should finish about the time I finish Arimidex! :-)

    Hope everyone has a great day!


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    Shoes oh how I used to love shoes!!! My mom was the industrial nurse for Brown Shoe Company---you know Natualizer, when I was in HIGH SCHOOL- Oh My did I have shoes- high high heels and many colors - now I am reduced to tennis shoes, rubber boots for mucking about (thank the good Lord for rubber boots, never though I would say that!!!) one or two pair of flip flops (just learned to wear those) and 3 dress pair- But I refuse to not have fun and if I am the only one at the wedding (whatever) dancing in what I can wear-so be it. Haven't had to trim yet but I must wear my orthopedics-have for years. My mom was a AAAA (narrow!) my sis is a AA- so things did improve. But my poor sis has little choice of what to wear.

    Isabella I think that stitching that quote would be lovely and I may copy you. I am determined to find Jackie's quotes as I have always admired one who has meaning quotes to refer to- wisdom of the past you know. Learning something daily should be mandatory, even if one learns what NOT to do, it is not a wasted day.SHALL we keep looking or Shall we be idle and dwindle on our vines?  ( I like shall too).

    Well I am at the salt mines- not mining too hard however- short timers attitude your know.

    Gotta go-, love ya all! :) XXOO

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2010

    Good Afternoon ladies, I cannot believe that I EVER wore high heels let alone the fact that i was sure I had to LIVE in them!!! There has not been a high heel or even a lift in my shoe closet for over 20 years!! Best dress shoes are my Berkinstocks and Bork sandels. All of my dresses are now MuMU's but with the kinds of wind we get on the OBX, it can be like "your dress is around your ankles one minute and then up around your head the next!!" last time i risked wearing a dress IT happened at a church function-the wind caught the back of my dress and AND THE CONGREGATION GOT TO SEE MORE THAN  ALLOWED. besides, i refuse to wear panty hose anymore-never again!!! Most of the time I am back to my childhood status of going barefoot!! Easy to do at the beach except for the sandspurs! If my clothes do not come out of LLbean or landsend, i don't wear any! Miss Kitty, get to work you lame duck you! It is a gorgeous day on the Outer Banks. Tring to get meaningful things done but my thyroid meds have not kicked in nor has the Vitamin D, nor the iron-Crikey-there will come a day where i will be able to write about complete recovery. Prayers for all coming up on tests and anniversaries. I am now facing a double mastectomy and see the surgeon on may 9. Just not sure i want to go there and hope i will croak from something else before the gals go!! But thank God we only have one dry cleaner on the OBX and they are too expensive to use!!!! So great excuse for not dressing like my aunts!! ((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited April 2010

    My in-laws in Decatur, IL, have pick-up and delivery drycleaner's service.  Or at least they did, when my physician B-in-Law was still full-time in his medical practice.  I haven't had anything drycleaned in goodness knows when.  I buy clothes that can be laundered either in the washing machine or by hand.  You can actually wash silk blouses in cold water.

    Your sympathy is appreciated, Pam.  Louisiana did not need another disaster, but it looks like we have one of huge proportions.  I just wish BP could figure out some way to cap off the oil.  When the wells are drilled, BOPs (blowout preventers) are installed, but they obviously didn't do the job in this instance.

    Isabella, I would love to see your garden.  It sounds wonderful.  I have huge amaryllas blooming in my flowerbeds now.  Some are crimson and others are a delicate pink-and-white variegated.  The whole out of doors is like a greenhouse today.  Very humid with light flurries of rain.  The greenery is very green.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Don't know where to post this so here goes.  We went away for my birthday.  Had lunch at a restaurant overlooking a lake.  The waitress gave us the table when I explained it was my birthday wish.  There was a very rowdy crowd of young people at the next table.  They really annoyed me and I almost said something really crabby to them.  At the end of the meal the waitresses all came with a piece of cake and sang Happy Birthday.  When DH asked for the check the waitress said that the people at the next ta ble heard me say it was my BD and picked up the check and the tip!!! Boy was I glad I wasn't nasty.

     Same day son #3 ( we have 4, 2 married and 2 single) called to say he was engaged!

     A perfect 68th BD!!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Great story!  


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    flyingdutch,that was quite a story.  I guess there is a lesson in it.....that some of the judgments we may make would or could be quite wrong.  Still, it is rude to be almost over bearingly loud but who knows --- maybe they took care of the bill because they themselves realized that they were being somewhat intrusive with their behavior and wanted to make amends. It was a really wonderful thing to do and I think perhaps the next time they go may be with the idea that we don't know the story of the people next to us ---  and so maybe keep the tone at a lower level.  We live and learn, and grow,.  You did have a great B-day after all and big congrats to #3. 

    A long two day work week for me at the Realty Company --- and of course, I still go and do Maggie's after work, along with feeding at the feral cat need to find me some dinner. 

    Funny one station I've had Rocky Raccoon showing up for some time.  I find of late that at a second place I now have Ricky Raccoon.  Jeepers -- just what I need lazy raccoons.  Well, we have a brand of dog food here ( quite cheap ) so I got some --- you might know, the raccoons don't want it.....thanks anyway.  I figured it must be because the cat food is so much smaller.  So, back to Wal-Mart for another bag --- this time I got the Ol'Roy Puppy chow.  No problem now.  These raccoons are really picky.

    See you in the morning....I'm off to eat....famished now and it is after 7 p.m.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2010

    that is so funny- makes me think of a time when I used to go around feeding the homeless-I would drive around with bags filled with sandwiches and a drink and stick my arm out the window of my car- sometimes I bought food, sometimes I made it.Then I got this really bright idea to just fix an extra lunch to take to work with me on Saturdays as this one homeless guy was always hanging around a corner near the hospital- I was on days then. SO I make an extra lunch- put all kinds of goodies in the bag and a drink and off I go. I arrived at "His Corner" and ---no guy. It seems the homeless don't get out at 6 AM........ And why should they????..............last llunch I made.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Wonderful day though I got absolutely nothing done. I am on morphine right now and spent the day just piddling about with my pups. I have a growth that has developed in my breast (the one with the lumpectomy) that really hurts. i cannot get into surgeon until may 9 but i think i wll go to the ER tomorrow and get CT or whatever needs to be done to see what is going on. And to have some tests done in prep for my appointment. honestly, it hurts like heck. i could not drive today (too whacky) and my darling vet came to my house to tend to Max and Angus. Both have eye infections from the allergies!! I have never seen so much pollen-we get green mist from the pine trees that soaks everything!!! Need to close! Good night and sleep tight to all. SV

  • dianaleo
    dianaleo Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2010

    I was happy to stumble on this forum.  There are so many women younger than myself and my heart goes out to them and I consider myself lucky to have gotten this far, but I think we at this age probably have more in common as far as emotions, priorities, fears, and different aches and pains. 

    I am a 64 year old who first encounted BC in 1996 -did the chemo, took tamoxifen for 5 years went for every mammogram, blood test and dr. appt,  Last year I felt a sudden pain in my back -never once thought it was mets, but low and behold it was.  BC was just a distant memory to me until this jolt.  In fact I may have been feeling a little smug that I had beaten it.  I am on arimidex and zometa right now.  Last month my TM were elevated.  I was suffering from a terrible cold so just waiting this month to see if it is a trend. 

    Hope to talk to many of you in my same boat.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    Hi Diana...I am glad you found us...I am 67 and it will be ten years this fall since I had diagnosis, mastectomy, chemo and hormone therapy..I think many of us have the idea in the back of our minds that we are waiting for an axe to fall once again..I am so sorry it happened to you. One of my best friends had a recurrance after 14 years...wishing you the best and again, welcome

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010

    I just came from dinner with my DH's family.  It was his sister's birthday (69) and his father was there.  He is 93.  We were just like that noisy table because three out of five of us have significant hearing loss.  Surprised And talk really loud.  Undecided

    The homeless usually sleep in because if they are in a shelter, they stay as long as they can.  They are usually turned out during the day. If they don't go to a shelter, then they have a night in the cold and most likely have trouble getting into REM sleep. Most also have a regular early morning route to pick up bottles and cans for cash redemption.

    When I worked in downtown LA my office raised money for incidentals for the homeless.  We bought disposable razors, travel tooth brushes where part of the handle was also the cap, small tubes of tooth paste, combs, small packets of Kleenex.  Everything we bought was small enough to fit in a pocket with the thought of grooming and hygiene.  We had a special event to buy baby carriages for shelter for women who were homeless and had children.  They didn't have to carry their wee ones during the day.  Three of the people in my office had been homeless for a while as young adults.  Homelessness can happen to anyone.  It just takes back to back bad breaks. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Dearest Diana, i am so sorry to read about your heartbracking news. My prayers and any support I can give are with you. (((gentle hugs))) SV

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Diane, but I too am sorry you have to be here.  I can well understand treating myself to a pat on the back for making it to the 5 yr. mark.  It is such a merry-go-round getting to that point and who is NOT ready to breathe a sigh of relief.  Just feel bad that yours had to be a short sigh. Just recently here we were lamenting the fact that there still  ( along with no cure ) are few ways to know who will recur until they do --- and knowing all along the way there is no right or wrong.  People who do everything right are just as apt to face this as those who are somewhere along the path the other way. 

    Carole,I feel so bad for La right now.  On the news today they showed the first bird covered in oil that had been found.  It has already happened, and I now hope they maybe can learn some valuable things to hopefully prevent or take much better care if another disaster comes.  La just can't seem to get things turned around and another big disaster is there.  Thoughts and prayers for all affected.  Painful to watch the news. 

    notself, good description re: the homeless.  That was really great that your office did something positive about the situation.  It is always heartwarming to me that someone will take on a "reach-out project" of some kind.  We are not in the world alone and it is always positive to try and make the world a better place, however you can.    Your party sounded fantastic.  Congrats to your hubby's Dad sharing his daughter's 69th.  Wonderful to be 93 and still able to go out and enjoy a party.  I doubt anyone around you was bothered  -- we all hope to be able to participate in similar get-togethers with those we love as long as we can. 

    Got to get started today....Hoped to sleep in a bit --- the storms kept me from restful sleep ( no damage though ) so I'll be plodding along in no time.  Got to do some things before the energy level drops too much.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited May 2010

    Some very inspiring posts!  Notself, you have a very understanding attitude toward the homeless.  Your comments gave me a better insight.  I rarely go to downtown New Orleans, but I sometimes see stories about homeless people on the New Orleans news.  One big problem I've heard discussed is that many of the homeless have mental problems that are not addressed since they don't go to doctors and can't afford meds.  I hate to think about a homeless woman with children.

    Welcome to our group, Diana.  I'm very sorry to hear about the mets.  That's our great fear.  Please let us know how you're getting along.

    SV, I completely identify with the "green mist" from pine trees.  We're already finished with our pine pollen phase,  Everything gets covered with green.  Patio furniture, cars, porches.  I've been taking allergy meds morning and night.  It's a shame that spring has to bring misery along with the blossoms and beauty.

    Flyingduchess, I loved your birthday story!  A couple of months ago Dh and I and another couple went out to eat at a little restaurant.  We were offered a table in a separate room from the main dining area because we might find it "quieter," the greeter told us.  We had no sooner sat down than a group of pre-teens came in and were very disruptive with a lot of laughter and loud talking.  Our waitress apologized and explained that the parents of these kids dropped them off.  It had happened before and when the time came to pay the bill, the kids hadn't had enough money among them.  Apparently the greeter thought it was better for one foursome of diners to be annoyed than for the people in the main dining room.  We have not been back to this restaurant! 

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Live with intention.  Walk to the edge.  Listen hard.  Practice wellness. 
    Play with abandon.  Laugh.  Choose with no regret.  Continue to learn.
    Appreciate your friends.  Do what you love.  Live as if this is all there is.
    - Mary Anne Hershey   


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010


    When the states started passing laws that people could not be involuntarily committed unless they were a threat to themselves or others, it has the unintended consequence of denying proper institutional care to thousands of people.  That continues to this day.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Jackie, All good advice except the part about "walking to the edge." :-) I am not afraid of heights, just afraid of falling!

    Today is a lucky day for me. My pharmacy called and I won the once a month drawing for a $25.00 gift card. I don''t think I have ever won anything before... mostly because I do not buy chances or tickets. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket today?

    Watching the news about the oil spill is like watching a slow moving hurricane approaching landfall. Such a tragedy - for the floral and fauna and the economy.  This event will certainly cool any ardor for off-shore drilling which seemed to be gaining some momentum. I think I am for off-shore wind turbines. What harm could they cause? Probably something I don't know about yet.

    Conversely speaking about rowdy restaurant parties... My DH sponsored a small high school reunion dinner for about 25 couples. It happened to fall on Valentine's Day. The restaurant gave our group (everyone over 60++) a separate room so people felt comfortable getting up and giving little speeches or reminiscing. Lots of laughing and banter from the  crowd. Only problem was that the restaurant had seated one young, 20 something, couple in the corner of our room. I bet that was a horrible Valentine's date for them! 

    Hope everyone has a lucky day too!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Where is Kathleen ?? Haven't seen her on here for some time.

    Talking of birthday bashes, I'm still waiting for DH to take me out for mine ( way back in Feb.) We take one another out when its our respective birthdays but mine seems to have been conveniently forgotten !! He got his treat 3 weeks ago, right slap bang on the day, but I'm still waiting.

    DH has not had a good day today ...he was trying to loosen some big garage doors, and one suddenly gave way, knocked him to the ground, and flattened him. Of course it had to be his 'rotator cuff 'side, didn't it ??' G/Daughter was here this morning, and we just looked at one another and fell about laughing, very naughty, but the last thing I said to him as G/D turned up was 'DO NOT start messing about with those broken garage doors, until there is someone else around to help !!!!!  Ten minutes later he turned up looking very sorry for himself, and got absolutely no sympathy at all ! G/D knows him of old !!

    This afternoon he was messing about with the cows and calves, again after he had been warned 'don't bother them, let them settle down' and one of the cows pushed him over with her head, gave him a bust lip, and small cut on his forehead, nothing much really but you'd have thought he needed to call out the air ambulance the fuss he was kicking up. I had to walk away on him otherwise I'd have smothered him !

    DD is having a barbeque tomorrow, as its a holiday w/end, so we shall go over to her house for the afternoon, barring accidents, of course ! I haven't seen her piggies, the ones who were babies at Christmas, for months. I hear they have really grown so shalln't be wanting to pick them up for a cuddle as I did at Christmas....and certainly won't be letting DH too near to them, they might take a lump out of him. I have yet to tell DH we are going via the local school children dancing round the Maypole, on the village green in the next village.....I love to see them, I well remember as a child, going from farm to farm all around the area, on foot, taking our Maypole with us, and dancing round it and singing May songs at every stop. We were all dressed in white, and had made garlands the night before to put in our hair, must've been a lovely sight . I'd love a little troupe to come calling down to my farm and do me a dance !! but now they just do it in one place, so I'm determined to call in on them. 

    We are now a THREE washing machine family, unbelievable !! Both my washers packed up within about a week of one another. I pay an insurance scheme to keep them mended, and working. I had 2 repair men come out and tell me they were both beyond repair, and that they would be reporting to insurance company, and that 'it looks like you're going to have to dig deep, and get yourself 2 new washers, as insurance certainly won't be paying out now'. I cannot last long without a washer, so went out and bought myself another one whilst waiting for contact from insurance company. In the meantime I had DH bring up a tractor and take both old washers onto the scrapheap. THEN I got a letter from insurance telling me I was on a 'new for old scheme' and would be getting 2 new washers forthwith !!!!!!! They both arrived this week, so now there I have 3 flippin' washers stood there. I am sticking one straight in our local paper....unless DD or one of G/Ds wants one, tho' that route is always fraught as someone is always left saying 'I could have done with that ' !!!!!!  I suppose it'll be best to keep my mouth shut, just hint a little to see the state of everyone elses washers, and anyone with a clanky one can then have my 3rd one. The one I treated myself to is a really nice one, just about silent, has no motor, works on a system of magnets so I am told. It could be running on donuts for all I know ! It also has a ten year guarantee, which is good for me as I am heavy on washers. Washers, tumble dryers and vacuum cleaners I am worse with, and I really do make the effort to look after my machines... I think its all the dog hair they have to wash dry and suck up that does for them, not me. 


  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

    Oh Isabella,   Your posts always make me laugh when you write about your husband.  We don't have as much at our house for my husband to get into messes with, but the poor man should just stick to watching tv as whenever he attempts to do something he thinks is going to help, it backfires.  He got a truck since we are always hauling things to my Dad's house.....well, he should not have a truck and I told him so.  He left for Portsmouth (our hometown) with five chairs I had the seats reupholstered on and when he got there he only had three.  He had a dining room table I had purchased (it went with the chairs) in the back of his truck(because he was too lazy to take it out and put it in our garage until we were ready to move it) and while at a traffic light he happened to glance back in time to see it sliding out of the truck.  He had  not put the door or bed flap or whatever that thing is that closes off the back of the truck up after he had put a tarp on the table ( again because he had not unloaded the table even though I told him it was going to rain).  One of the leaves broke off, the top was scratched all the way down to the grain and the table will never be the same.  He is just lucky there wasn't anything behind him or he would have caused several accidents.   Then when I was out of town visiting a friend, he thought he would make me happy by getting someone to clean up the yard and get rid of all the leaves he did not get around to raking last fall and this guy he paid way too much chopped down all my perennials. I got home and just about died....had a clematis that went all the way to the roof on the side of the house and it is now about 1 foot tall....he took down my poppies, my siberian iris, my peonies, the wood hyacinths, all of them down to the ground.  I asked what did he use a machete and Tim says, no, a weekwacker.  A weedwacker!!   They will come back I know, but not this year, although there is hope for the clematis.  I had an Oyster kitchen center that I really only used the food processor and grater on, but I really liked the way it would chop things....well, the blade somehow became bent and it was not doing a very good job and scratching the plastic.  So I said I am going to have to take this somewhere to get it fixed and he said Oh, I bet I could fix that with a little pair of pliers, Marybe.  I said Don't touch it, it will snap off.  Well, I am doing dishes and have my back turned and I hear this little pling as something hits the floor and he says Well, it's broke now.  I was so mad about that one, I just dried off my hands and went to the store for a few  hours.  The kitchen sink was spraying water when you turned on the water and he says Oh, I can fix that, I will just get a new washer or end at Lowes.  I said you aren't going to find a piece to fit it at Lowes.  This is an old house and nothing in it is standard....maybe it was then, but now everything is about an inch or a few centimeters off here or there.  He bought two different things that did not fit so then decided to take the end of the faucet in to the store and when he goes to take it off he breaks it off right in the then he's going to get that out with something called an extractor and he got three of those and none of them were the right size so in the end he called the plumber as he should have in the beginning.  Last week we had a leaking pipe in the basement....I told him the floor was wet and he was certain it wasn't, it was just where he'd cleaned up after the dogs....well I walked over to it and left a trail of footprints behind me and said it sure does seem wet.  So once he determines the pipe is leaking he said I could probably fix that and I screamed Call a plumber, please!!!  He's broken pieces of decorative trim off antique furniture and lost the piece before glueing it back on.  He is maddening.  I honestly don't get too mad anymore, just accept the fact that he's a screwup.  This man was head of the corps of engineers before he retired and when I saw on the news that a door came off one of the dam locks I was will to be money it was one in his area and it was.  He hates, absolutely hates being wrong....I will tell  him something I know for sure to be true and I catch him looking it up or he will tell me later, you were right about such and such, Marybe.  That really burns me he doesn't give me credit for knowing something and won't just take my word for it.  He was afraid someone would get into the basement and steal his precious guitars and ukuleles so he put one of those giant bolt on the basement door....the kind with a  combination lock and I think you call it a hasp...if that isn't a sign to a robber, I don't know what is....Hey, come this way, we've got our valuables in the basement.  About the only thing we have in common is that we love our pets...but he loves them too much and doesn't discipline them at all.  He thinks it's ok for the dog to crap in the LR and just cleans it and hopes he finds it before I do.  This is HIS dog that does this not mine.  Things are still mine and his because we have only been married a little over two years.  Amazing we have made it this far, but his insurance is keeping me alive so I figure I am stuck.  In a way it is sort of sad  because he tries to do things, but they just always blow up. I find dishes and glassware that he has glued together thinking I won't notice he broke it.  I send him to the store for something and he comes back with something totally wrong.  It's amazing.  If I wasn't already a bitch, he would have turned me into one by now. 

       I know you got your washing machines through the ins co....sweet.  But if anyone buys one that is energy efficient, you get a $150 rebate....that is pretty sweet also.  I got a new washing machine for my Dad's and they are supposedly sending me a check for $150 if I registered on line correctly. 

        My mother used to always say the reason she had such big arms was from swinging on the Maypole.  The only time I ever saw a one for real was in Germany.

         You are correct about making judgements, Jackie.  Once when I still had bad neuropathy, I sort of tripped over my feet and fell in the grocery and these same guys whom I had seen in the parking lot and said to myself that they looked like they had just come down from the hills, were the ones who came and helped me up and wanted to know if they should call the store manager.      

        Melissa, how are the big dogs.....eating you out of house and home yet? 

         SV, Hope you got some relief from that pain in your breast.

          Pam, Hope your winning a gift card is just the beginning of good things for you. By the way I do love that picture and a calendar would be such a fun that movie Calendar Girls. 

       Welcome Diana.  I have not been on here all that long myself, but this is a great group of ladies.  Not only will you learn things, they make you laugh and laughter is important also. 

         Hope all you ladies had a great day.  At least we are having a break from the rains we got last night here.  I have not done much all day and don't even know what horse won the Derby.  Shame on me.     


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2010

    Every once in a while I wonder if it would be better to have remarried sometime in the last 15 years or so since I became single. Marybe and Isabella have convinced me to continue to appreciate my life as it is!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

      You got that right, Lassie. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Men... can't live with them, can't live without them!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

        Oh believe me I could live without them and did so very happily until I was 58 years old.  I still think if you find the right one, you can be really happy and that it is never to late to find love.  I unfortunately got married for the wrong reasons and didn't really know what I was getting into in spite of the fact I have known this man since I was 15.  There is someone on the boards who found the love of her life later in was really such a sweet story.