Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

    In the U.S. the name 'vulture' applies to the turkey vulture and the black vulture. Both are relatives of stokes and their soaring flight closely resembles a stork with a short neck. Both species of vultures are carrion feeders as well as are some stork species.

    The word 'buzzard' is an old European term used to refer to several hawk type birds. It has been carried over into the common terminology of the U.S. to mean any mid-sized type of predatory bird or vulture. As a 'common terminology' and not a scientific name or designation it may be loosely applied to most raptors that are not owls, eagles, or falcons and kestrels, but may include the vultures and condors.

    This is what yahoo had to say about buzzards so I guess loosely they are about the same thing as a vulture.  Still interesting.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2010

    I don't know if it will work for vultures, but tying a noisy plastic bag, with a couple of pebbles in it, to the house overhang (drain pipe), can keep pigeons from roosting on roof tops.   By noisy, I mean the kind of plastic bags that "crinkle", if that makes any sense.   Wind socks (and wind chimes) also help keep birds from roosting on railings and balconies and are prettier than plastic bags.   

    How old is old?   My mom will be 97 on Sunday - can I say she is "old"???   And doesn't that then make me "young"?   Just kidding.    Hugs for all, Nancy 

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010
    OLD!! We are all 18 inside.  When we pass by a store window, we think "Who is that old lady?"  It is always a bit of a surprise when we discover it is our reflection.  Laughing
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    Oh my gosh gals!  I've been away for a few days and come back to discover that this thread is "going to the birds!"  LOL  I can't imagine vultures perching on my roof!   YIKES!  I don't suppose that they would feel threatened by the outside cats either!

    Welcome Suecee....there is always room for another gal on our thread and it's good to have you.  Keep up informed on your surgery and journey and we'll be here to cheer you on.  The ladies on this thread are amazing gals...just in case you haven't noticed.

    I'm off to find a comfortable place to curl up for a few hours.  We have an adult birthday party dinner to celebrate tonight and this dreary weather is making me tired.

    Catch you all later.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2010

    They say, stop and smell the

    So I did today

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    Beautiful pictures, SoCaLisa!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010

    I just love the Iris pics, one plant I can never grow well...I gave up trying....they beat me!

    I am just not in good spirits today...I found my favorite cat dead early this morning, and I can't get my head round it.

    I think I have told you about my little stunted cat, almost a dwarf really, she has been babied along for the past 3 years first by DH, then I took over....and between us we have kept her going. She has always looked like a 3 month old kitten, and was pretty well blind, she was always bumping into things, and would run to me with her head in the air, looking to the sky, and as soon as I stopped calling she would stop until I called again, and she found me by the sound of my voice. To look into her eyes was like looking into petrol, all dark green and starey. Actually it turned out , after I had christened her Doris she was a he !! but I didn't change her name.

    I'd been outside calling for her for her breakfast, she never appeared, I went looking for her and found her laid in the garden, not a mark on her, but I am betting 100% my Rotweillers had had a hand, or should that be paw, in it. The garden is just not her territory, she stays in the farmyard, and sleeps with the baby calves, under their heat lamp, but somehow she had gotten into the fenced... well fenced.... garden, and she cannot climb, so would have had to have squeezed thru some tiny place, well away from her usual haunt, and would have had absolutely no idea how to get out of the garden at all, not being able to see. Anyway, happen it did, and I couldn't do a thing about it. I couldn't shout at my dogs, because it was obvious it'd happened hours before I found her, so shouting at them was a pointless thing to do. I did take the hump with them, and locked them away all day in their yard, which they hate, they won't have known why I was so mad at them, but it made me feel a bit better. They have been locked away now 15 hours, and they're staying put until morning. It will be like cleaning up after elephants when I do let them out !! 

    These animals really wring me out, but I can't live without them at all....DH yes, and he knows it !!!, but not my animals !! I had to go back outside and bury Doris, it was an absolutely beautiful day, which made it all so much worse. I haven't really done much else today but sit about sniffling. I have another little cat, looks to be going the same way as Doris, very stunted, but he can see. I've called him Simon, but it could very well be Simone when I do manage to tip him upside down and check....he started coming in for his breakfast with Doris about a week ago. He's all hiss and spit and knots at the moment, but he will come round once I can get near him.

    Even DH has been subdued today...he DID break out once when a party of walkers decided to tramp across one of our fields, he was over and shouting at them to 'go away' !!! and made them go right back very sharpish the way they'd come trespassing. ( We have these regular arguments with the walkers most of summer ) We chase them off in the 4WD, my DD will chase them on her horse, they are just vandals, and litter all over the place, leave gates open, let their dogs run among my cows, let the kids run amok in the farmyard, but will NOT be told they aren't welcome on our land. I have had the police a couple of times, but there is no actual law of trespass in UK, but SORRY, I think there is, and I don't want the world and his wife, and bl**dy kids tramping across my land !!! There are extensive public parks, and plenty of places where anyone CAN walk, but can you get that thru to them ?????

    My love birds have settled in well, I caught DH talking to them tonight...I am just so pleased I don't have vultures tramping about on my roof !!!! I can't imagine what a racket, and stink, by the sound of things, they must kick up! I spend a small fortune on bird food, fat balls, millet sprays all winter in my garden. I have bird tables, bird boxes, bird baths all to attract birds into my garden, but never get the big boys come visit. Probably the noise of all the dogs keeps a lot of them from thinking about landing here !! At the bottom of my garden I have a smallish paddock where my sheep live, and I have a family of hares, Mum Dad and 3 babies. I am like a kid at Christmas watching their antics...last year a family of foxes were in residence, but DH complains about foxes pinching his chickens. I'm quite sure they do, but whats a hungry fox got to do when a nice fat hen strays right under his nose !! DH should keep up his electric fences to keep the foxes out, if he can't be bothered to mend the fences, well its dog eat dog !! We nearly come to blows on this one as I will not allow anything to be shot. We have an endless stream of people at the door, on the 'phone, and writing to us 'please can we come and shoot your vermin??' NO YOU JOLLY WELL CAN'T !! My cats keep the mice down, and I don't class rabbits, hares and foxes as vermin.

    Well, I have just eaten my way thru a bag of liquorice toffees, and half a glass of red wine, so its off for a shower for me, and hope tomorrow is a better day than today has been.


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited April 2010

    we do have lizards--we have an awfully ugly small wall made of of 2 layers of gray concrete blocks right by our patio.  We can't bear to take it down as there is a family of lizards living there longer than we have. Either Papa or Big Fat Mama is getting huge, there is a smaller adult lizard and then 2 or 3 small ones. 

    We also have alot of rabbits running around.  We love it except when they eat our plants or a coyote eats them and then DH has to clean up rabbit pieces from all over our backyard.

    The funniest bird story I have is this.  I was looking out of my window and saw 2 quails dancing around and spreading out their feathers.  I finally figured out that it was a mating ritual when they started to go at it (OK I never lived out of a city until 5 years ago).  I said aloud to myself "Oh they are having sex right outside our window"!  I hadn't realized DH was in the room until he rushed to the window for a look.  He said disguistedly "its only birds!"   What did he think a couple was driving down the street and said "OH this is the perfect place" and stripped and lay down on my front yard which is gravel not grass as I live in the desert where water is precious.  Men!!!!! I was interested in birds and he thought he was getting porn!

     H ave a good weekend.  I enjoy our chats.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    hehehhehehehe! Men, indeed!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Isabella....I am so sorry about the kitty.  Each animal I have here is just as precious as the next and though I've kept "friends" for years and years, it is difficult to "lose" one -- no matter why.  I hope each day finds you feeling a little better about all this.  If it is any consolation.....I think the animals we hold so dear share our eternity with us.  That has help me find acceptance much faster than I otherwise might have.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2010

    Howdy all,  I haven't posted in quite awhile but read your posts every day or so and you are all my friends in my thoughts and prayers.

    Have to share a funny thing that happened on the way to the grocery today 

         Last Monday, after seeing the Doc. and getting good reports from my 6 mo MRI and mammogram, I breathed a sigh of relief and we lit out for the Hill Country in Texas to see the wonderful wild flowers.   They are more beautiful this year than I have ever seen them ( or do I appreciate them more this year)  Anyway I bought a bright blue T Shirt with Bluebonnets painted all over it.   Today I wore it to the grocery store with a denim jacket over it.   As I walked to the store there was a table set up next to the store and older folks were manning it to ask for food donations for a charity here.   As I neared the table, an older gentlemen saw my shirt and said "O look at those lilacs"  I pulled my jacket open wide open and said "No, these are bluebonnets"  I don't know which one of us was more embarrassed when we thought for a minute.   Boy, do I remember when I would have probably pulled my coat shut and hurried away.   Now I wonder if I want to wear the shirt anymore or just hang it in the closet.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2010

    I just love you gals!  I'm sorry Isabella.....It's hard to even think about losing our pets...I know.  And no matter what anyone tells you to make you feel better, your heart is just falling to pieces.  I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.  Too bad you can't let your "Pups" out to chase off the intruders!    But then you would just get into trouble. Glad your birds are living in your happy home!   

    That was FUNNY, flyingdutchess!  Yes, men are all the same, Ha!  And what about all the cute little tarts on TV?  All half dressed?  Seems like they attract husbands like flies! Oh well, someday even those little flounces will grow up & be as beautiful as we all are!  

     Nah kayok....wear that shirt!  You will always have a little "smile" in your head when you do!  It sounds pretty to me, anyway!  Love you gals! xoxxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Good Morning Ladies,

    It is raining here this a.m.   I'd be growling about it, but have to be thankful that we were spared any of the tornado's or other really severe weather that went on around us.

    Hmmm, kayok....I say go ahead and wear the shirt.  Hopefully, it was just a chance remark that wouldn't happen again.  Must be very pretty to get comments anyway.  The minute you told that story, I thought of the young gal we saw out at the restaurant last night.  She had on a long dress, and strapless too.  Obviously you could not wear proper undergarments.  Well, I imagine you could.....but guess she chose not too.  I'm not really a total prude, but I can't say ( we were sitting right next to them so you couldn't help but see them from time to time ) I totally enjoyed my meal.  One thing it is rather coolish seemed out of place and meant to garner attention.  Makes you wonder --- what will this young woman think when she gets a bit older.  I sincerely hope she thinks at that time that she had lots of great attributes that will not have to be enhanced by wearing provocative clothing.   My thought on this has always been ( this was in part because I was far too skinny to have much of a shape anyway ) that imagination, left alone will probably do as much -- maybe more, than all the revealing clothes. 

    Ok, all this from someone who has become a bit of a fuddy-duddy I suppose, but you can have lots of style without flaunting body parts, and then people like me can enjoy a meal. 

    Not sure what today will bring.....but I think the rain will move off later.  We will be dark and dreary for a couple of days....then I hope our sun comes back. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

    Happy Hugs, Jackie

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010


    Don't we all remember the late 60's and early 70's?  I have blouses now that are longer than the dresses I wore then.  We were young and beautiful because we were young.  I admit to wearing short dresses and no bra.  I didn't need a bra to be perky. 

    Instead of disapproving of the young women, appreciate their beauty.  It lasts such a short time like the blooming of a flower.

    "Nature's bequest gives nothing but doth lend." W. Shakespeare

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    OOOHHH, I loved short dresses! Still do but common sense prevails. Even my shorts are longer now :-(   The young women (and older ones too) at the wedding we just attended were dressed with a lot of skin showing. Very short, lots of strapless dresses. Mother of the Bride and of the Groom were both in strapless dresses and they are both 60ish.  Everyone looked quite stylish but it did surprise me that bare shoulders in a church wedding were acceptable. A FEW had wraps for the church which was appropriate I thought. No sartorial moral dilemma for me as I am always freezing so had a silk sweater on :-) That is, unless I am having a hot flash!  Gosh, I remember when wedding dresses had little jackets for modesty in the sanctuary. Not any more... Bride was strapless too. 

    I never could do the no bra thing. At least not until I was 63 and having radiation :-)  By then I figured my "look" was the least of my problems. But gotta admit I am glad to be back in the harness, so to speak.

    Going out now to try out the new weedeater.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Interesting reflections....I had no shape when I was young unless you call a thin stick a shape....however I did like the short dresses.  Still, I think a little modesty is always appropriate....and as well, I hope that young lady will always be attractive and never have to "truly" feel she has lost anything.  I'm sorry, but I did feel she was an open invitation to any lecher available -- that is something that has never changed.  I really do think you can have style and good taste go together.  That is my wish for her and for all the young ladies.

    p.s.  I never went without a bra either -- being I guess from a small country town....the only people ( usually much older ) that went bra less were people who had to save them for dressing up.  All the younger girls would have gotten some real reprimands had they done without.  This is part of the joy of small town living I guess, but looking back --  I'd change very little.  What is that saying....different strokes for different folks. 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    SoCal...What beautiful pictures!  I really love the iris.  It is my favorite flower.  It's too bad that they bloom for such a short time but when they do, they are very showy.  I have lots of them, all different colors, planted in front of the house near the lane.  Mine are just now beginning to get some buds on them, so it won't be too long now!

    Oh notself, I wore those short dresses, too and you are so right.  We were young and we were beautiful because we were young.  How fast that phase of our life goes and a new one appears!  I loved those times when I was this energetic teacher who was going to solve each child's problems and I shared each day and night with my own young son who was always filled with so much curiosity and wonder.  Today, I love my more mature, thoughtful life....I just wish it was filled with less joint problems and aches!   Smile  

    Isabella.....I am so sorry about your kitty.  I've never seen a cat that I didn't love and know how heartbreaking it is when you lose one.  Just try to think about how much you gave to that little cat and how much better you made its life.  About three and half years ago a fuzzy young feral cat appeared on our doorstep during a major winter storm.  She would not let either of us near her but I put out food for her twice a day.  She'd hover near the edge of the porch where she could easily bolt if necessary.   Yesterday, I picked her up for a few minutes for the first time.  I have become so attached to this cat and I'm going to be grief-stricken if anything happens to her, but at least I will know that I made her life easier.  You did the same for your little friend, and although that doesn't remove the grief and sadness, it should give you some comfort.  HUGS!

    Kayok...congrats on the great MRI results and the clean mammo!  Celebrate!!!!!!

    Well, I'm off to do some work around here.  Everyone have a great Sunday.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2010

    You gals are so fun!  I love reading about your antics, & "how we used to be!'  Ha!  Before I forget, I was sent this in an email, & was just mesmerized....It is so unusual!

    Also I remember how un-comfortable I was seeing all those young things obviously wearing no bra!  Now it seems like ANYthing goes!  And when I went to school, our skirts were mid-calf!  Wink

    And yes, the dress length now, is the same as our blouses...Ha!  I wouldn't wear all the new style stuff even if I could.....Even if I was 50 years younger!  And my Daughters feel the same way!  But isn't it funny, how we don't like when our Husbands almost fall out of their chair, when watching TV & they see those young cute girls!   I think it makes me feel bad.....I would like to look like them, but we KNOW their day is coming!   I don't get excited when I see some hot, good-looking guy dancing around on TV....well maybe I do....Wink  Well, it's fun to talk about!  xoxoxoxo

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010

    What a terrific video. Thanks for posting it. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Bra-less in the 60's and 70's, yep, that was me.  Skimpy dress for going out on dates, clubs, parties - that was me.  When I think back now I just shake my head, "what was I thinking???"  

    But  I don't remember not being able to sit down in a short skirt or worrying about anyone seing my 'cleavage' in the lower back!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Oh Jeanette....I loved the video.  I have heard that seals have an extreme amt. of intelligence and this one certainly seemed gentle didn't it.  I'm sure I'll watch that several more times.  Thanks a bunch.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    Love all the comments about skirt lengths. I wore very short skirts (and very long hippy ones). Didn't need to wear a bra but did so to give myself something. I had a skirt that was 12 inches long - don't know how I sat in it? I remember having a dress when I was pregnant with DD1that was quite short, three years later with DD2 I wore it as a top so fashion changed quickly. Yes Patoo we were young and a bit silly and Rita like you I thought I could be the best teacher in the world.

    Isabella I am really sorry about your little cat. We get so attached to our to our pets. Gus my ginger cat ended up with a large abscess which burst well I gave it a little poke and it went pop, He is fine now of course but DH was horrified at the cost of the vet, he doesn't normally come with me. 

    I am going to have a little rest. I have pain in my back which actually has been going on far too long. Dr wants me to have a scan but I would rather wait until we come back from our trip.

    Have a great day.


  • Unknown
    edited April 2010

      Oh, Isabella, I am so sorry about Doris.  My pets are my children and it took me a long time to get over losing the Silky I had for 17 I have another Silky and I love him, but he can't take the place of Sydney. 

    I never really had the legs for mini skirts, but wore them anyway in spite of my mother's comments.  Even if I had shapely legs, I would cover them up now due to all the ugly veins.  And, I must admit, I did the braless route also since I was a want to be flower child.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    What I love now is that any length goes! Love short, love long, and anywhere in between. Sometimes my daughter looks at me and says "Mom, that is so seventies." Don't think she means it as as compliment. :-) Gnarly legs or not, I still prefer dresses or skirts, long shorts in the summer. Long pants are hot in Florida except for the month of January. 

    The loss of a pet is terrible. And the suspicion that it was instigated by other pets is particularly painful. With all Isabella's cats, dogs, cows, chickens, sheep and birds there has to be someone in peril at all moments. Even DH! :-) I am still holding off making the pet commitment again. Someday.

    Rainy day in Florida. I was going to work in the yard more but have had a reprieve.

    Cyber hugs to all.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    When my daughter started school I was still making all  her clothes. She asked for shorts to wear under all dresses so  "the boys could not see her underwear when she hung upside down on the monkey bars."  I miss those sweet innocent days. 


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010

    In high school, any teacher could make a girl kneel down on the side walk.  If the hem of the girls skirt did not tough the ground, she could be sent home to change.  I went to a good high school but in spite of the rules and strictly chaperoned dances, kids still got drunk, smoked pot and girls still went to "visit their aunt" for a year. 

    We could wrap our children in table cloths like they do in Afghanistan and they would still find a way to be teenagers.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010


    You are like my husband, able to put things aside until you are ready to deal with them. You are probably smart to put off scans til after your trip if you can go and not worry. And by the time you get back all of our prayers and good vibes will have reached NZ. :-) Hope you have a great time... i's right a round the corner, isn't it?


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010

    I had to wear bottle green 'bloomers' for the want of a better word !! They were awful , elasticated legs, and after a few washes felt 'scrubby' against the skin....was I glad to get out of those.

    Now all I ever wear are black lacy 'bikini' bottoms, always have done, and suppose I always will do, they fit nicely under my, now, jelly belly' !!! My DD keeps having a go at me to change, but, I may be an old granny, but I'm not going into granny bloomers for anyone !!

    I'm just the opposite of you, Pam, I very very rarely wear a skirt !! Well, in my job for a start it just isn't practical, but I've never been a fan of skirts. Now and then I will buy one, probably if theres a family do, but when I do put one on, and walk into the kitchen the dogs go potty, don't know who it is 'til they hear my voice. I have a lot of once worn skirts in my cupboards !

    Shoes are my big weakness, I have every shade you can think of, and then some, they're all over the house !  bags aren't too far behind either ! Clothes and garden plants soak up any spare cash I have.

    Lovely evening here, cool and sunny, just taking a glass of white wine and lemonade to sit in the garden and listen to the birds for an hour.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2010

    This is another fun video.....(Isabella, the white wine & lemonade sound SO just perfect!)  Wink 

    It's about that Lion......xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2010

    This is another fun video.....(Isabella, the white wine & lemonade sound SO just perfect!)  Wink 

    It's about that Lion......xoxoxoxo