Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    I was just thinking maybe tamoxifen would be a good backup and maybe better tolerated since it allows your body to make estrogen, just blocks it from feeding cancer cells. Do I have that right?


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    I think they all do that Pam, don't they????  I don't really know for sure, but I find it amazing that research goes on and so many things are still not known -- including of course, the cure.  I keep thinking it will come down to some scientist doing some little "wrong" thing and suddently discovering that is the answer everyone has been praying for, for so very long. 

    Gorgeous day here, so back to work for me.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    I thought the AIs actually stopped your body from making estrogen. Somebody straighten me out/


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    I have been on Femara for 3 years now and not sure what will happen when I get to 5years. Jo, do I understand right that you have continued taking Arimadex? Sometime I must discuss this with my onc.

    Have been watching the Icelandic volcano with great interest. We are heading for the US on May1 and then to London on the 10th. Will miss my little GD who is so cute and funny at present and is saying so much now.

    Really must do some work , there is so much to do before we go. I do wish I could visit you all.

    Big hugs


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010
     How does Tamoxifen work? Estrogen can promote the growth of breast cancer cells. Some breast cancers are classified as estrogen receptor-positive (also known as hormone sensitive), which means that they have aprotein to which estrogen will bind. These breast cancer cells need estrogen to grow. Tamoxifen works against the effects of estrogen on these cells. It is often called an antiestrogen or a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator)Although tamoxifen acts against the effects of estrogen in breast tissue, it acts like estrogen in other tissue. This means that women who take tamoxifen may derive many of the beneficial effects of menopausal estrogen replacement therapy, such as a decreased risk of osteoporosis.How does Arimidex work?Post-menopausal women do continue to produce oestrogen.This is mostly produced when other hormones are converted into oestrogen by an enzyme known as aromatase, which is found in the liver and the fatty tissues of the body.Arimidex works by stopping this conversion from taking place so that the amount of oestrogen circulating in the body is reduced. 
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    So ... does that mean Tamoxifen allows some estrogen in your body which is good in a way but IF you have BC Cells some  where other than breast tissue it does not stop estrogen from feeding those cells? Or because they are BC cells, it does not matter if they have set up house in lungs or liver, tamoxifen will still not allow cell growth?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    So, is the bottom line that tamoxifen protects against recurrence in breast tissue  but is not a protection against tumor development in bones, lungs or liver? I don't  mean to be obtuse, just trying to understand the whole picture.


  • meau28
    meau28 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2010

    Dear All,

     What an interesting conversation in light of the recent commentary about Tamoxifen vs. Evista.

    I was absolutely terrified to start taking Tamoxifen - I, too had heard horror stories of difficult SEs

    Some from friends who had terrible side effects. My Oncologist was adament that it was going to be Tamoxifen or nothing for me. My tumor was ER+/PR+ as well. I will be 65 when my five years are up. So far so good - knock wood. Yes, I have some SEs but I too like the fact that it actually helps in bone density protection. Yes, it has black box warnings but the reality is it's ultimately my decision and for me it's the best thing for now.

    I absolutely identify with anyone struggling to decide to take a certain med. It was harder than my surgical decision to have a double lumpectomy instead of a core biopsy. I have never taken any meds whatsoever. Just know yourself well enough to identify anything "funny" going on once you start Tamoxifen - if that's what you decide.

    You also have the ability to stop if you choose.

    Good thoughts to you all - raining right now in LA. Almost done with work for the day- Peace.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    Hello Ladies, I have finally gotten Internet service and my husband has dubbed it  (the time frame to get service) as part of  the "Rural Condition"--- we joke hard about it and have laughed so hard and so many times during this move- it feels kinda wrong!  I did miss you ladies and the stories we exchange and the friendship, HOWEVER,  I MUST ALSO SAY THE QUITE AND SERENITY HAVE BEEN GREAT!

    We arrived Monday morning early, slept on sleeping bags, can you believe that? I really just wanted to be in the house and have the Pekes calm down. They do not travel well, each had two days of abdominal upset. Now they are all settling in nicely.

    On Tuesday DH and I drove down to the Arkansas state line to pick up his (puppy) birthday present- a Swiss Bernese Mtn. dog- the puppy is so big we have named him Hoss Cartwright! 30 pounds at 10 weeks. As if that is not enough among the boxes and paper (2 tons of paper!!!), We also took his sister, only 24 pounds but a total pistol! she is sassy and wants the last word- we have had a tremendous time with them! And yes we have screws loose! Ha Ha  what fun- BTW we have 2 sled perfect hills and are plotting for that adventure also.

    Finding a place for all this stuff is or was overwhelming- we are by no means done but LOTS of progress has been made. I will catch up with the postings and log on later, if you want pictures of thr dogs (they resemble small black bears). PM your e mail address and I will forward them to you.

    Love and hugs, Melissa

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    just read some of thr postings Did I tell you haw amart you are? What a group!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Oh my --- I have learned a lot of new things.  I possibly won't know them tomorrow, but I know then today.  This is a part of the reason that I had to trust my Dr. so much.  Also, it just so happened ( the Good Lord does arrange your needs pretty darn well ) that the Avon Patient Navigator from my surgeon's office....a few years back had my diagnosis and was treated and has had no recurrence.  She was extremely in-valuable to fact, gave me her phone number and email address and wanted me to always get a hold of her if anything didn't sit just right with me or if I needed guidance not only from a nurse...but a nurse that had "lived" through my diagnosis herself.  It was a most opportune situation. 

    I have to run....but thanks everyone.  Even if I don't know tomorrow, I know today.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    So good to have Melissa5-19 back with us.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2010

    Welcome Back, Melissa!

    Jo, I think you covered the Tamoxifin/Arimidex issue wonderfully.  That's how it was explained to me and that's why I keep taking the Arimidex even though my knee, foot and elbow act up every so often.  I take the occassional Aleve and just keep moving along, sometimes more slowly than others!

    It looks like today is going to be another great day so I need to get moving and get my work done.  Then guess where I'm heading!!!!!    Yep, down the lane in my golf cart to the golf course this afternoon.  Then I'm actually attempting to make chicken fettucine alfredo for dinner.  Hopefully we won't end up ordering pizza at the last minute! 

    Hugs to all of you!  Have a great day!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    I too am VERY glad Melissa is back with us.  We missed you gal.  Glad that you are safe and sound and enjoying getting life started in your new home. 

    Guess the bad part about these 5- yr. pill meds is the potential for serious se's.  I think it is really daunting after you have undergone the rigors of your own personal tx plan to then find yourself in potential jeopardy over the "cure" offered by the 5-yr. pill.  Naturally --- if it saves you from recurrence it is worth the risk.  Funny, before they started having to put all the se's in advertisements on tv -- we just did pretty much what the Dr. told us and only dealt with a se if one turned up.  We didn't worry and fret about things because we didn't know what to worry and fret over.  Now it is all scary -- but there is a bright thought here.  At least -- we aren't signed up to "test" before something goes into the marketplace or gets a patent. 

    Meau -- the other up side is that only a very small percentage of people get the really serious se's. Of course, that consolation becomes very scant if you happen to be one of them.  I guess the bottom line is....even the little white aspirin -- here forever now it seems, has drawbacks for some people. We just sometimes have to take a leap of faith and pray it turns out ok. 

    I'm going to get my day started, or a second cup of coffee -- whichever comes first.  I think the coffee is going to win out.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2010

    I just said a naughty word. Last night I wrote a long post. Asked Jo a question, made comments to a lot of people and came on to see if there were replies I and my post has vanished into the ether. Gone somewhere but never mind.

    Haven't time to write it now and I can't remember exactly what I said. Like Jackie I need a cup of coffee so will get one when I go up the road soon as I am going with my sister on an outing for the 'elderly' I will be the youngest by many years. My sister is in her seventies - I am the baby of the family by many years.

    DH is hovering as he wants the computer.

    Hope you all have a great day.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2010

    I can't comment on Arimidex or Tamox, as I am er/pr negative and her2 positive.  Herceptin was/is my life saver, I hope.   In  a way I am jealous of those of you with the choices for a 5 year plan.   

    I did convince my onco for the once a year Zometa for osteoporosis prevention.  Evista and Actonel were my meds before BC, but stopped when chemo began and my one episode of "superficial Thrombo Phlebitis" led me to do zometa instead of Evista again.  

    One more box to unpack, and it is way over in the corner, almost hidden by piles of stuff to be put away.   Things are shaping up, and the kitchen is fully operational.   A gal has to eat... LOL.

    Hugs for all, Nancy 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited April 2010

    Good discussion of how tamoxifen and arimidex work.  Thanks for doing this research for us!

    As for a "Cure" for cancer, I doubt there will be one simple discovery.  There are so many different types of tumors.  Time magazine had a really interesting article some months ago about the scientific study of genetic switches.  Something happens to activate a gene that otherwise would remain dormant.  I can't summarize the article but you might be able to look it up if you're interested.  This branch of science shows that it doesn't necessarily take as long for adaptation to environment as Darwin believed. 

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010


    Mutations happen all the time, perhaps this is what you mean when you use the word adaptation.  Most mutations have no affect on adaptation of a species.  Some cause the death of the individual and some give an individual an advantage.  However, the favorable mutation would have to be inheritable for the advantage to be passed on.  Then there would have to be offspring who lived long enough to breed and have offspring of their own. 

    Mutation can happen in one generation.  In order to affect an entire species, the mutation needs to be a dominant mutation and be passed on repeatedly until all individuals without the mutation are literally out bread.

    Adaptation takes time.  How long depends on many other non genetic things like range and population of the species, type of mutation, favorable conditions for the mutation continuing for a long enough time, fertility of the individuals with the mutation, etc.

    The genetic switches you mention are called telomeres.  Here is a good article by the University of Utah on telomeres and their importance in cellular division.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010

    Hi all you girlz....I have been missing for a while, last week I lost 3 long had been putting off posting again, in case  it was all for nothing!   I have been reading.

    I have been having 5 days of pc problems also. I am just absolutely lost when it comes to putting anything right on my pc....I don't know whether its my pc, my laptop  or my provider thats the problem. I am biting the bullet early next week, and getting some Geek or other in to sort things out! Could cost me the price of a decent pair of shoes !!  I was on my pc last night, only been sat there 15 mins, when it started, flipping me off as soon as I changed sites, if I attempt to open any file it just shuts me down....I miss my son, he would come by at the drop of a hat and make things work, I have been trying to get some sort of 1 to 1 tuition on posting pictures all winter....I just cannot figure it out anymore.( I used to be able to put pics on eBay 2 or 3 years ago, but not anymore !!) No-one seems to want to know. There are classes at our local college for beginners, I'm well past that ...well past....then there are classes for qualifications to help advance in the workplace...I don't want that...all I want is help sorting out minor problems that crop up, and camera help.

    DH has been seeing a physio for his siatica, still troubling him after about 4 months, he has had very bad pain using his shoulder....I have been saying to him I bet its a torn rotator cuff, and what did his physio say today?? rotator cuff!! He has to go for an MRI as soon as they can fit him in, and what a performance I will have with that !! He is really spooked out by being in enclosed spaces. I just shalln't go in with him, or he will play up thats for sure. He has this terrible fear of being buried alive, so let the technicians deal with him !! Men !

    I have been managing to get in my garden, we are having some lovely weather, sunny, not a lot of wind and around 60-65, just right. Everything is taking me 10 times longer than it used to, but I think I am just about on top of the weeds at the moment. I have a superb show of tulips, everything is just at its best. I planted bucket loads last September, and now they look lovely. My blossom trees, ornamental cherry and plums, and apple trees are at their best, at this moment in time I could just set up a tent and live outside ! We have the biggest and best Spring flower show running for 4 days right now, 30 miles away. I have been going to it for over 50 years, and this year I haven't a cat in hell's chance, as I can't walk far at the moment. Its not worth paying the entrance fee, which is astronomical, to have to find a bench and sit down every 10 mins. I have been upset all day at not being able to go!! Today is the 1st day, the day I always go, everything is pristine, and all the judgeing can be watched. Next year ......

    Melissa, glad the Pekes are settling down, they really don't like to travel do they?....I always used to clip mine at the first sign of any warm weather, as they hate the heat...don't look good, but they must feel great with those big coats off. I'm going to pm you WHEN I get round to it, for some of those doggy pics ! I have to make a start clipping my wire haire Daxies, and 2 very old Yorkshire Terriers very soon. I keep putting it off because bending is a problem!!  I dread the day when something tells me I am too old to manage my dogs!! I sold the very last of my puppies today, I now have no babies at all, and I don't like it !! No more puppies due for 6 weeks...nothing to bill and coo over on a morning !! Its the first time I have been puppyless for years and years.

    I am going to sign off while I am ahead. I am getting more and more worried that I will lose this post the longer I type! Has anyone any knowledge of torn rotator cuff, and treatment options ?? I am sure someone on here had surgery earlier on this year.


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited April 2010
    Isabella4, I notice you are in the U.K.   On the TV news here they are making a big deal about the planes being grounded due to the volcano.  They have interviews with lots of stuck travelers at Heathrow.  Can you actually see any ash or debris in the air? Your post sounds like it is lovely outside and I pictured is like Washington State after the Mount St. Helen's eruption all dirty air and hard to see.
  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited April 2010

    Well ladies I finally have the Internet and was really jaonsing without my internet fix! The last time I posted I was in a pizza parlor with DH waiting outside-- tee hee

    now however, I am on! IT is great.

    The move went well- too much work but what can you say? After all this was my idea. DH had returned and painted the house and it is lovely. we have struggled to get the unpacking completed and now need to finish up in the 2 bedrooms upstairs. The house is getting put together.I ma being eaten alive by tiny spiders and we spray the entire yard tomorrow. YES!

     anyone wanting pictures of the new dogs- just PM me your e mail address and I will send them to you- yes that was pleural- 2 of them.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010
    Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
    they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
    -  Marcel Proust
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2010

    Duchess. The skies overhead have been crystal clear, you'd never know there was any trouble.

    I THINK I heard it was hanging around at 3,000 feet, so seems to have stayed there. I did read a report in the paper that minute traces of volcanic ash had been found in Bristol, which is SW England, quite a way from me, but it was so minute it couldn't be seen with the naked the heck did anyone know it was there !!!!

    I live just about slap bang in the centre of the country, so overhead we get a lot of vapour trails, as planes pass up and down to USA and Scandinavia. It looks odd to see clear blue skies, as its not often we actually see much blue sky for many days in a run.

    Another lovely day here, Soooo unusual to see sunshine for long periods of time at this time of year. I decided to go to the garden centre, and they'd added a pet store since I last visited. So after I'd filled a cart with plants I ventured into the pet store.....and ventured out again with a pair of love birds, and big cage..... DH went ballistic, as usual, he doesn't like my birds, he says their singing annoys him ! I must admit my canaries are singing their little heads off at the moment. I just love to hear their song thru the house, but DH doesn't.  Love birds tend to shriek a bit...but their antics keep me amused. I am off back to get them some toys tomorrow. Swings, ladders, ropes, bells, and I am going to try and wheel their cage into the kitchen. IF the dogs don't start jumping at the cage then they'll stay there where I can see more of them.

    Its tree planting for me tomorrow, well for DH anyway ! I shall just direct operations, he'll be wielding the spade. I have 8 trees waiting to go in, and got another 4 today, all ornamentals with lots of blossom in Spring. Also may go see a litter of German Shepherds....not a breed I like....but a breed I need. Our nearest neighbour was broken into 2 weeks ago, in the middle of the day, so thought a GS mooching around the farmyard and house MAY deter the same thing happening here. I already have 2 Rotweillers, great big boys, bought with guard duties in mind, but I can't trust them with the cats, and thought if I got a GS puppy, and let it live among the cats from the start then it wouldn't harm them. My Rotweillers are 12/13 stones each, I am a bit wary of them as 2 of them together are quite a handful to hold back. I have been soft with them, so all they want to do is come and jump on me and lick me...I don't like to shout at them...but I couldn't control them if they got out of the garden and paddock where they roam strength left nowadays.

     Also got electrician coming next week to sort out some 'invisible beams' on all 4 side of the house. If someone walks thru this beam, we have them set at human height, so all the dogs and cats don't set them off, a siren sounds in the house, and we can see whats going on. We already have floodlights up all around. I hate these, as it seems so unnaturel, bright light all night long, but the things that go on today give me the creeps, and we are quite isolated. 

    Running out of time here, I am starting to lean forward over the computer and fall asleep, so will call it a day...or night.

    I have a houseful tomorrow morning, 3 g/children and their other halves, plus DD, all planning to call in. I have told them all 'come early, I have plans!!!!' otherwise I shalln't get my jobs done.

    Night all.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010

    HI All,

    I wish my bird situation was with Isabella's love birds. We are plagued with vultures! They roost across the water from us and set on our roof to sun themselves. You would think there was a crew of workmen up there! Not to mention the ominous vibes of having vultures hanging about. Look Alive!!! We were convinced there had to be a dead elephant in the woods but we walked over there and found nothing suspicious or disgusting.

    It's almost summer here.... 80s and sunny. Our lawn guys have abandoned us so we are going to have to buy a goat or get our lawn mower fixed. Ugh to both options.

    Cyber hugs to all,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Pam, both you and Isabella are way too funny.  We have about an acre here to mow.....a bit of a hill side on one side.  Needs it now but we are taking a time out for rain.  A couple more days of it I think and then hopefully we will dry out.

    Just running by...l'm exhausted from my two days at work....going to curl up in a chair though I know the three small dogs and a couple of cats will insist on being there with me.. Lordy...hope I don't have any hot won't be a pretty thing at all.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited April 2010


    Vultures are wonderful intelligent birds although up close they smell to high heaven.  Surprisingly, they are related to storks!  If you want to feed them, they really like pumpkin although I hope they will be gone by October.  There really is no way to get rid of them but after a while, they do move on. 

    They love to tear things up that are soft like the rubber strip around car windshields and windshield wipers, etc.  If you have a garage, park the car in it.  Wink

  • Suecee
    Suecee Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2010

    Hi Everyone- Thank you for starting this thread! Wonderful idea for a forum for post menopausal women (please don't call us old!) We are at a different stage in life and we definitely share common life experiences and concerns.

    Btw, I'm 57, recently diagnosed with DCIS and getting ready to have a bmx.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2010


    Our vultures (who thought I would ever call them ours?)  are obviously townees as they definitely prefer neighborhood garbage on Monday and Friday mornings. They attack white plastic garbage bags and strew the contents all over looking for meat and, probably, pumpkin. They must not equate black bag with food as so far we have been spared cleaning up a mess.  I came out one morning to find one in my bird bath! They appeared during the winter after a hard freeze when there were thousands of dead fish so that was not a bad thing. But when the dead fish ran out they turned to trash picking. They soar beautifully but lumber along on the ground like they are wounded eliciting sympathy where none is due. And they do smell awful!   Is it Disney's Dumbo where the vultures make such a good case for their place in nature? Ohmygosh, how that movie made me cry as a child! Disney sure knows how to tug at your heart strings!

    Off for my walk and work in the yard. New weedeater to break in today!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2010

    Hi Suecee!  No, I guess we are not old!  I'm not going to grow old, until I grow up!  Wink  But kiddo, I am over 20 years older than you, & I STILL don't think I am old!  I just hate how TV & younger people portray us women as we "get older!"   We still don't want to lose our boobs, we still wear make-up, because we still want to feel beautiful!  & we sure as heck could run the legs off most of the younger "kids" anyway!  

    And I'm sorry you are getting ready to go through what we have all been through!  T'aint easy kid, & we will be here with you every minute.....All you have to do is hang around here, & we will hold you up! 

    Isabella....could you please post every morning, just to get my day going off with a smile or a laugh?  Wink  We need you!  Your & your Husbands antics just make me giggle!  You sound like me....if we WANT something, even though our DH doesn't....We can usually make it work....Ha!  We don't need a "boss" right?  Sometimes I swear my DH thinks he is my captor! And good for you & your birds!  I just LOVE to hear birds singing when I step outdoors on these early Spring mornings!  

    And Melissa....can you please post pictures of your new place AND your dogs?  I know we would all love to see them! 

    Now don't have Elephants in just have those darling little lizards!  Ha!  I saw one crawling on the wall above our bed when we visited....I WANTED to yell, because i just wasn't used to this type of wild-life....especially in the bedroom.....(oh wait...did I just say that?)  But I just slightly screamed for DD to come running & remove the intruder!   My Daughter says it is "like living in a Petrie Dish" when they moved to Orlando!  But she LOVES the nesting Logger Heads, the Cranes, Swans, & knowing her, even the Alligtors! 

    Okay girls......gotta bump this morning into a higher gear!   xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited April 2010

    Oh Pam and notself --- how interesting about the vultures.  Sorta glad we don't have anything like that here.....I think we have buzzards.  Now I'll have something to go look up.  It is all very interesting. 

    Jeanette...great to see you this a.m.  You are so right I think.  Isabella could star in one of those reality t.v. shows and keep us all knee deep in laughs. 

    Suecee -- a big warm welcome to you.  We are well seasoned here and we are all old enough to know better but too young to resist.  I could never envision being my age ( 64 ) many years ago and now that I'm here I realize why ----  doesn't matter if some mileage shows on me because my heart and brain are still way back there somewhere and they don't intend to catch up.  In most cases my creaks and groans and little stiff places have come on rather slowly and I have had time to adjust to most of them and so my feeling is I'm still 45 or so.  I just do not intend to stop trying to create a good life for myself and those around me.  Hope you spend lots of time with us Suecee.  It's a very nice place.

    Well, off to start my day.....due for some storms a bit later I think.  This time of year can make them a bit exciting.  I'll be checking in later.  Got to go read up on buzzards.l. 

    Hugs, Jackie