Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Count me in for wherever. I LOVE the Outer Banks. Gorgeous beaches. And a free place is also appealing.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    quick note-not a complete report on recent company but one important bit of news to report---not BC related! The Buttermilk Coconut pie was a HIT Barb- they could not get enough of it and I scraped out about 2 Tsp to save for my own taste after all had left- Heavenly recipe! Thanks

    I am thinking about those of you seeing Oncs' and getting results- those in TX- ALWAYS on my mind- thoes with terrific results i.e. B-9, hip-hip hooray! More over the weekend . Miss Kitty (SHHHHI am at work) XXOO. gota go!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    SV take care of that looks like we are comin to visit hope you are not getting in over your head...

    lets take a head count....IM IN...

    Yes my good news puts me on a mental high....still prayin for all my sistas who are waiting for results,in pain,in the dark  etc.God bless you all.

    sending you all a big huggggggggggg


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Well, Raleigh is about the closest major airport. I'm game to rent a van and do the driving. I know Southwest goes in there. I go there a few times a year, too since I travel every week. I am used to navigating strange roads (although I spent 7 or 8 summers on the Outer Banks when I was a kid and I sorta remember my way around).

    Melissa, I'll tell Mom the pie was a big hit. She'll be tickled.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

         Me too....I am in.  We can all chip in on the cost of a van or whatever vehicle we end up needing.  My friend just got a really good deal on a rental car with priceline or one of those on-line agencies.  Also we can always try for the AAA or AARP discount.  What sort of dates are we looking at? When is the tourist season over so these places will be empty and available?  I like the idea of going to the Goodwill.....I love consignment stores and looking for bargains.  Won't this just be so neat (sorry for the dated word, but I just can't bring myself to used awesome) if some of actually get to meet face to face....and not only meet, but exchange Hugs!!

        Julia,   I didn't think any eggs, - soy or not were freezable.....think they get all funky as I seem to recall one time when my temp control was out of wack and I had some eggs freeze. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    HOW FUN YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!  I am so glad you are actually planning to get together!!!!!  And to be with that crazy red-neck SV, is PROMISING to be the best time EVER!!!!  You KNOW she will make sure you will always have something to do!    And SV....don't get those girls in to any trouble, Okay?   You gals thinking of a VAN?  Perfect?  Sounds like the best "Roadie" ever planned!  

    You will all have to have name-tags!  With your Avatar & sign-in name!  Oh, and don't dare take the girls down to the beach, looking for the wild horses near where you nearly drowned Moby!   I'm just excited you are all going to meet!  I will stay HERE and keep us "stay-at homes"  in shape.....and not lonely!  Or better yet.....SV, just send us updates about all your "venturing".Wink

    Love you guys! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2010

    All I ask is that someone has acomputer which has skype on it, then I can say hi. It has been great being able to talk to my chemo group on skype. If anyone has skype and would like to have a chat just PM me with your skype name.

    Really just popped in to check on every one. Big hugs to all


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    Hi all, not been too good this week, so catching up on lots of zzzzzz's Seem to have some flu-y virus-y thing, but starting to pick up now.

    I mainly popped on to ask what Hilary Clinton has done to her face ????????? She was all over our news tonight, and I had to do a double take...SOMETHING is odd.Her forehead looks frozen, and her hairline looks as if its been pulled up. Her eyes have changed shape, and her face is 'oblong' for want of a better word!!! If it IS a facelift I would be wanting my money back !!!!!!!!!!

    Much as I would love to meet up, I have 2 major ops. coming up in the next few months. Well, I hope I do, until our last change of government we were SUPPOSED to be seen, and dealt with within 16 weeks, tho' it got to be nearer 6 months, by the time they'd messed you around. Now the new government announced 2 weeks ago it would be scrapping the 16 week thing, because there were just too many patients waiting, and they couldn't keep up with 16 weeks. But so far, I haven't heard what they intend to replace it with. If its back to our older system, before the 16 week deadline, we were waiting anything up to 18 months.

    That, and I HATE flying....tho' I could certainly do a break. I tend to sit on a plane wetting myself 'til my sleeping pills kick in. My kids and g/kids just hop on and off planes like catching a bus, not me tho'.

    We have had 2 days of heavy rain. I have been getting up, sorting out my dogs, cats and birds, and tottering back to bed for the day,listening to the rain coming down in buckets was nice, knowing I didn't have to be out there in it.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Hey Isabella-are U OK? Getting over the buggy thing in the tummy, I hope/ And now I am going to have to scramble to look up new pix of Hillary Clinton. With her daughter Chelsea just getting married, I am sure she had to do something! Lord knows that she should ever look like a grandma-teehee. OK, sorting out the 'dogs, cats and birds", Isabella, are these actually in your house or is this the raving of an Englishwoman trapped on her farm in the rain? Good grief nothingon TV but the "Craigslist killer who has offed himself" and it is Katheryn Hepburn Day on AMC (with Spencer Tracy) wow, what a life!  CB, I am so sorry, but you have to find a way to come!! It won't be the same without you. And, nearest flyin on the plane is actually Norfolk, VA which is only about a 2 hour drive from the OBX. Now, I have to get some dates together on when we can get a house and I will just put it out there. Who knows if this will actually come together. The houses that I am thinking of on my street are already posted online for summer vacation rentals so you all can see the house first. I know this will be way scary to leave one's comfort zone, pack up and haul out to a rugged winter island. But we'll see. Again anyplace else is OK except i do not do big cities too well (major fear of crowds and I have been in NYC-sorry). I will get some dates out on available homes. I have noticed that the "TATA sisters" have reunions in Vegas-maybe they have a good gameplan as they have done this before. Awful day, slept all day and think it is due to drugs for the stomach-painkillers and other things I cannot pronounce. So I will get my tummy up and running soon and out to play I hope. ((((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    a strange question - anyone else have bladder/uterine prolapse after starting tamoxifen - or is it strictly age-related (I am 66) ?????????????    may need surgery ;-((((((((((((

    have a great w/end all


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2010

    Maybe one of these years, we can have a get together on the west coast...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Lisa, I'm in!! I actually get to San Diego a few times a year. I'll PM you next time I'm out that way.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

       Lisa,  I hear SanDiego has the perfect weather so that sounds like a good idea.  I about froze my butt off in San Francisco last month, but someone told me Oct is the best time to go there. Also I guess we will have to take a trip to UK to include Isabella. 

        Don't let us put too much pressure on you to find a free place, SV.  I am sure we would all be willing to pay something so long as it isn't anything like NY hotels. What's with a killer on Craigslist?  Another one?  I remember that time a girl was killed maybe 5 yrs ago.  I use Craigslist all the time....found out lodging in NY on there the last time I went, rent my apartment on there and have had some really good tenants and also am always buying things for my Dad's house. 

         Sorry we don't have skype.  Can you do that with a video camera?  

         I am still waiting to get the results of my cell search.  When I talked to the nurse yesterday she told me it takes 3 - 5 days to get the results back so that would mean I won't find anything out til Monday.  I am at least happy that they told me that so I won't be thinking all weekend they had it and just didn't bother to call me.  Am off to my Dad's today since we have not been to visit him for a few weeks now.

        Hope everyone has a good weekend.      Marybe

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2010

    Good morning all.  I am fairly new to this sisterhood and just found this board.  I am finding your stories inspiring.

    To introduce myself---I live in Ocean Shores Washington, moved here 20 years ago and love it.  I took an early retirement from the state in '93, my husband was already retired.  I do have a very part time business doing taxes.  My consuming commitment is our local Senior Center where I started voluntering in January '94 and where I am treasurer, kitchen manager and a cook.  We welcome everyone, regardless of age and serve meals 365 days a year. 

    I have completed 10 of 35 rads and have developed an infection of some sort in 'the' breast. Started 7 days of cephalexin for that yesterday.

    Look forward to getting to know you all.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2010

    Hi Cabba, welcome to the boards. How's your treatment going?  Are you managing everything...including your volunteering work?  Nosey aren't I'm from Australia, South Australia to be exact and I've been retired for three years now after working in our own business for many years.  My DH still has his little Antique shop to keep him occupied and out of my hair.

    Love n hugs. chrissyb

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Hi Chabba!  You sound "bizzzzy!"  Ha!   Yes, I had an infection in my breast also!  Mine was from where the tubes of the MammoSite device were hanging out!  And I took that antibiotic also!  Then it wouldn't get better, so they put me on another one to take WITH it!  So you are probably going for the "6 week" radiation?  They will keep an eye on it also.....And while you are taking the antibiotic, eat lots of yogurt!  It's supposed to replace what the anti-biotic takes away from your system.

    And we are fun here!  Sometimes we even talk about our cancer...Wink  A lot of us have been through it all, but we LOVE to welcome our "newcomers"...!   We're here for you when you are afraid, or waiting for tests, like Marybe.  So pull up a chair, & just have fun with us!    We'll listen to you when no-one else will!  Ha!  Hugs little women......xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,378
    edited August 2010

    Good morning and welcome Chabba.  Jeanette ( Chevy-Boy ) is right.  Yogurt --- the kind with active cultures in it --- like Stoneybrook Farms, is good when taking antibiotics.  I mix a little bit of fruit and grapenuts or both in it's a filling snack that way.

    Hope you all had a good day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010
    Dearest Chabba, huge welcome!! This is the worst disease to get but the best place (this thread) to get all you need to cope with all there is. I agree with CB, we do write about cancer and all take it very seriously when one of our sisters is 'down' or waiting-Lordy, plant that word firmly in your vocabulary-waiting always for test results and treatments. So sorry about the infection but I have heard it common with a number of women. I have not had that experience but I have had enough 'other stuff' going on' to fill a book. I am so glad you found us and keep posting so that we can get to know you. Morning ladies-yes, I just rolled out of bed-teehee. I got no sleep last night with awful stomach stuff, vomiting and all the fun that goes with an apparent bleeding ulcer: falling over dogs in the night trying to get to the bathroom; and all from stress along with IBS which has flared up from so much gatorade and just the stress of my life post cancer. Now my father informs me that my deadly incompetent and mentally ill brother (he creeps me out and always has) has been named executor of the estate and I, the eldest daughter, have no say in anything. hmmmm! VERY luckily as adults, we can chose a new family of supporters. I got caught in the crosshairs being home to care for a dying Mom and then being diagnosed with cancer and not able to get well euf to pack up and leave!!!! For right now, I remain stuck here in this house, but this too shall pass. Lordy, I just wish I was rich!! Good Grief, enough b#tching. I love you all very much and hoping that the smell and feel of fall is drifitng into someone's life somewhere. Hey Alyson, what is winter like in NZ and is it cold there? I keep watching Discovery channel and the place looks so incredibly awesome. I vote for an ocean cruise to NZ to get us 'wobblies' together, except we need to figue out how to get Isabella out of the UK and CB out of Denver. Hey I don't even have a passport and need to get one. I hear that Homeland Security has put passport apps in a six month backlog!!! I need more coffee (((BIGGEST HUGSS TO ALL))) SV ps, Miss Kitty made me develope a 'facebook page' and I only have two friends-pitiful-so everyone has to join. XXOO
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2010

    Barbara, let me know when you are in town...

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    Welcome - chabba!  we are a fun bunch

    Take care SV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can choose our friends - not our families.........



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Oh SV!  I just thought of this!  When I had an ulcer, and yes, sometimes it did bleed....but the pain in my chest & stomach nearly doubled me over.  I never threw up with that.  But a gal I worked with at Coors, told me "Oh, just go get some Aloe Vera juice, & drink a little like 3 times a day!"....I thought yeah, right!  And I was scheduled to go in for an "upper GI" ?? But I stopped on my way to work the next day, picked up a gallon jug, drank some mixed with juice, & that pain did NOT come back!  It almost did later that day, but I drank it twice more, for about 3 months!  Honest, it was GONE!!!!  And whenever I have something wrong, with stuff like that, I head for the bottle of Aloe!  You can get a gallon at Walmart for like $7-8 !!  Mix it with hot tea, or your favorite juice, & I put in a little flavored creamer, mix it up, & just drink it all day!  I promise you it will work, IF it is an ulcer! 

    And SV....your brother is a Dink, & I'm thinking so is your Dad.  You don't really think that you stand a chance of being included in your family unit, if something happens to your Dad.  So just don't even think about it....Sounds like he tells you these things to deliberately hurt or make you mad?   Maybe if you smack him up along the side of his head, he will straighten up?  (Just KIDDING!)   If things just get un-bearable for you, well, you know you can always go SOMEwhere else.....if even temporary.....They just don't sound like any fun at all!   Can't you just have a "sit-down" with your Dad, quietly?  And explain to him how the things he says & does hurts you to the bone?   It just isn't healthy to be at each others' throats like this. 

    If you WANT....Isabella & I, who have had TONS of experience trying to whip people into shape, will come & straighten him out!  And your Brother too, damnit!   (Can I say that?)  

    Yes Jackie!  Do you know what else is good?  I freeze Blueberries, & throw them right in some yogurt, & it tastes soooo good! 

    Love you guys....xoxoxoxoxo

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    Welcome chabba from Washington! This seems like a great thread to hang around. I have been posting here and there but this one seems more relevant to us "seasoned" girls. I'm doing chemo now, but also dreading the radiation - I hope your infection clears up quickly.

    I forgot to introduce myself here before. I get lost on these boards because there are so many threads - all of them so interesting - and I just start wandering around. Can you imagine how much you would learn if you read every single thread??? My head just started hurting thinking about it!

    Anyway, I'm divorced and live with my 21 year-old college student son, who has been a HUGE help to me. He goes with me to my doctors appts and helps me remember what they said - it's like having a portable brain! I live in HOT-lanta, and it is called that because it is very, very hot. No, I have no idea why, but it's SO HOT! I have 4 cats (2 of them are bad) a dog, and a bird. I used to be a realtor, but that was then....

    I'm just now starting to recover from my 2nd TC, which was miserable and I hear they keep getting worse. I've been sleeping and sleeping this time around, and my friend said, "That's just your body healing from the cancer", and I said, "No, that's just my body healing from the chemo", and she said, "you're just being negative". I've been hearing that a lot lately. Tongue out

    SV, I hope your stomach settles down soon. Did they give you any medicine for it that works worth a damn? There's always an animal in the way around here - I'm not sure I'm even in charge any more! Oh, I've been longing for the smell of fall in the air - it's my favorite season! But with this heat wave just hanging around, I doubt if I'll get a whiff of fall until mid-October. Last winter, I was saying, "Oh, it's so cold I can't wait until summer." I must remember to kick myself if I say that again - I kind of knew at the time that I might regret saying that, but I had no idea it would be THIS bad! 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    Hi Ladies, and welcome Chabba, heartnsoul, and all!  This is a nice group of women, and it's a real shame we had to meet under these circumstances, but thank heavens for the opportunity to connect like this.

    I haven't checked in for awhile, but there's been not much newsworthy... Two and a half weeks out from rads and beginning to feel myself.  Glad to not have the 45 mile drive to town every day! 

    Felt well enough to fill goodie bags for our booth at the local Fair, attend our Fire Safe Council meeting, and get out to book club & catch up on local gossip.  Started generic Arimidex last week and so far so good. Getting in some walking - our driveway is 1/10 mile, so it's laps for now.  Have been putting up vegies from DHs first garden (he's always been too busy with other things) - and am enjoying seeing the jars and frozen packages of real food; and eating just-picked food every day! ... Dog is getting ready for fall and the autumn leaf drop.  He's on high alert every time the wind blows, ready to chase or grab those downward 'intruders.'  He still hasn't looked up. Undecided

    Dry, dry, dry here, and a heat wave coming this week, but it's only 83 outside now.  Fire season is starting in earnest, and we'll all be glad when the rains come again -- probably October. Wish us luck!

    Lisa, I might be able to make SoCal -- or if you gals ever want to meet on the north coast of Ca, up by Humboldt, I can help make a lot of arrangements.  It's a magic place over there, redwoods, ocean, some "special-in-the-universe energy". Speaking of magic places, Duck Island was featured in the Wall Street Journal real estate this week with a nice description of the island.  SV it sounds wonderful -- ..sorry I can't make it, but I'll join you in spirit; fly a kite for me! 

    I wish peace for all who are waiting, wondering, enduring.  And for all of us, good health.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2010

    Thank you all for the warm welcome.  And thanks for the tip on yogurt, didn't know that. Ironicly, just before checking in on this board I decided on a snack---yogurt of course. Cool

    Spent a couple of hours at the senior center today preparing for tomorrow's breakfast.  Besides checking and organizing supplies I have to make the sourdough starter for the pancakes, waffels and my own special recipie biscuits.  Breakfast is cooked to order but everyone who wants--and most do--can help themselves to buscuits and gravy while they wait.  I have to admit that beating that starter takes longer than it did a couple of months ago.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    CB, price of living with alcoholics and yes, I am SO looking for a place-tough on fixed income but God willing and the creek don't rise. Trying to qualify to purchase here on the Banks! I am learning to leave out the cancer story bec I see the bankers face dropped-is she going to croak before we get paid?  Unfortunately, all my med stuff is on my credit report. ERRGH! Welcome all newcomers to our little group and blessings to all. Sweetest dreams. (((Big hugs))) SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    Oh, to sleep! Perchance to dream!! We'll forget the rest of it, but I sure have screwed up my sleep patterns now. And my dreams are still so weird - almost always about people trying to chase me away and I won't go. I want happy dreams again!

    chabba - you certainly sound like you enjoy your work at the senior center. You're very lucky to have found such a happy niche for you! I'm still searching for what to do with my unfocused energy. I have been thinking about taking up scrapbooking - first, to get all my son's childhood treasures organized before they all get completely ruined.

    Then, second - haha, SV, you might get a kick out of this. I think I'll make some for my brothers about what nerds they were when we were growing up (I was the cool hippie - didn't realize they were so jealous of me) and all the hateful things they have done to me in recent years. Of course, they will be done tastefully like they are a gift, but it will be rubbing their noses in their crappy treatment of their only sister. I'll definitely make some DVDs as well, with good music and choose the worse pictures of them and the best pictures of me - all in the spirit of sharing with them and the entire extended family, which by the way is all over North Carolina. That's how I spent so much of my childhood there. Grew up in Atlanta, but went to NC all the time to visit grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I think I will call it "creative venting".

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Great to meet you Chabba and welcome, sorry it's under such revolting circumstances.  I have found my time here to be rewarding, inspirational and informative and I always look forward to returning to get good news and updates.  I hope it's the same for you.  Wow that's some huge commitment, managing the kitchen and cooking at the Center that serves meals every single day, good on you for such an amazing effort!

    Welcome and great to meet you too Heartnsoul76, hope you will join us often.  Good luck with the rest of chemo, I hope it goes without incident and you recover your good health very soon.  What a wonderful son to help you, God bless him.  And great to have all those pets, how delightful!  Wishing you happy dreams.

    Lost_Creek, congratulations on completing rads and good luck on Arimidex.  I hope it goes as well for you as it is for me (~2 months now).  Yes walking is a good thing.  After my hour in the morning, up and down hills I feel I've done myself a huge favor for my health and I recommend it highly.  Wishing you the best of good health.  Do you think in the fall you will be able to get a picture of that sweet dog of yours on alert for the "chase and grab"? It sure sounds like a Kodak moment!

    Have a sensational Sunday everyone!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    Julia, I'm going to try and get some pix of Gus (all 130 lbs of him) chasing leaves; and also of him trying to be fierce and bark without letting go of his Kong toy.  It's hilarious -- barking with a lisp!

     Heartnsoul:  I love your idea for your bros. scrapbooks.  That's so "southern woman", the cut delivered with compliments.  HAH! Where do you go in NC?  I'm interested in and write about the upper Yadkin although I live in the CA Sierras, and have only been there once...(I buy microfilms from NC archives in Raleigh, they are great fun! And have a number of correspondents in the area....)

    SV, I wish you the best in distancing yourself from the negative your "family" brings to you, and Good Luck in finding the right dwelling-space for yourself.  Your island sounds just wonderful! I share your sailing stories with DH, he likes you too....

    All the talk about stoves, Agas &c, made me nostalgic for my old wood cook stove (1911 Round Oak) -- I just loved it.  We had water pipes through the firebox, running into a tank, and it kept us provided with hot water most of the year.  The stove was later stolen by the renter-from-hell, but I still have the ribbons from the county fair for my baking.  I was so proud because it was competition with folks with modern equipment.  Wink  Nowadays, we heat with wood, but cook with propane on a generic stove.  Canning this month has reminded me how much I loved my big stove with a lot of cookspace!  When I see pix of Agas, I just sigh.  Way out of my range, but they sure look like they do the job!

    Have a good day all!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    HeartNsoul-isn't it great knowing that WE WILL likely have the last word! XXOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    SV - oh, yes. Revenge is sweet, and it WILL be mine! They won't even know what hit them. They'll be thinking, "wait...was that nice of her?" hahaha! 

    Lost_Creek - just like you said! It's one of those southern women things, delivered with a smile! I've never really tried it before - I've never been motivated - but I've seen it in action - WHAM! And something inside me has changed since I got bc. I don't think I'm quite as sweet as I used to be. Now I'm motivated - weird, huh? My mother is from a small town about an hour east of Charlotte and my father is from Goldsboro on the eastern side of NC. So, we traversed the state on a regular basis visiting both families. My grandfather from Goldsboro was a writer, too - he was roommates with Thomas Wolfe when they were students at UNC/Chapel Hill around 1915.

    I only lived with a wood stove once, several years during college. It was one of my most favorite things ever.  Of course, I also enjoyed watching my nice, hunky boyfriend chop up all the wood for it. :)