Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Hi Gals!  You go ahead.....I wish I had enough nerve to plan something without DH, but honestly I don't want to leave him....  Little miss SV!  So this is from me "the gear head"....and that was SOME fun race yesterday!!!!!!  I loved it!  And it's about time someone ELSE wins, Ha!   I just partially watched or listened to the darn thing....I was busy sorting out all my sewing stuff, & organizing a bunch of useless things!  Wink

    I am so happy!  I called my Oncologist, questioning her about me taking Tylenol PM at night...I had heard, AND read, where you shouldn't take Benadryl with Tamoxifen....And Tylenol PM has Dyphenhydramine .....BUT she said it was "fine" to take one at night!  Yippee!  Smile  And it really helps to stay asleep & not dream so much! 

    So if you guys all meet somewhere, just take lots of pictures!  And I will be "with you" anyway in spirit!  I love you girls!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010
    Oh no, there will be no par-teee without you! We can put any DH's in another house next door or across the street. These houses have major man caves and the golf courses are world class (i hate golf and don't play) but any who do will have plenty to do!! If we have to come to your house to accomodate your DH, then start blowing up the air mattresses! So just forget any idea of you NOT being whever we end up-I simply won't have it!  Banish the thought! SV and so glad about the nighty-night drugs! I am really having trouble sleeping and wonder what that is about-9 months out of surgery - 7 months out of chemo. Anybody else having trouble? Like is this another normal thing that the onc don't tell us about! Yell
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    chevyby...bring the hubby.there will be others im cannot miss this party.he needs it as much as you do...we have to do this for each other.we need this like we need the air to breathe.Look at the big picture.This is a gift from GOD.we may never have this chance to do this again.we have the best person to organize this SO......lets get the show on thee road. we have upcoming drs appt.and surgery so its gonna be hard but hey LETS MAKE A DEAL...OK

    love and need to meet my sistas

    God bless


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    I know girls..... But there is no way he will go on a trip...... He doesn't even like to go see our Daughter's family in Orlando, for God's sake!   He Hates traveling, & for that matter, he doesn't like to do much of anything.  We used to go fishing up to Grand Lake!  But we haven't even been up to the Mountains in a few years!    He now doesn't like to fish, or travel, or go any further than we have to!  I think he is afraid of doing something out of his "routine"...... He has this feeling of getting sick, & of dying.....and yes, it scares me & makes me sad.  I know he is more depressed, because he is "older"....and I try so hard to make him happy.  But he won't take any pills....and when he drinks, it is even worse.    So what was I saying?  Wink  I can't go......but I love you guys! 

    I am just happy for all you gals that will plan to all deserve it!   

    AND SV.....ask your Oncologist about Melatonin or the Tylenol PM!  I couldn't take the Melatonin with Tamoxifen....because I couldn't stay out of the "girls room!" 

    Okay......Love you all! xoxoxoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    Oh girls.we need a group prayer for the sistas that are not able to make this reunion

    perhaps if we all pray that somehow we can find the way to all be together GOD and the Angels will find the way.

    Hey you never know..we all know that prayer works.

    I love you sistas


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Well, we have not yet decided on our location.....perhaps the mountain (s) will have to go to Mohammad (?) as the saying goes. Denver? Although I think the offer of a house from SV sounds pretty good.  And Chevy.....maybe your daughter or someone could stay with your hubby for a long weekend so you wouldn't feel like you were desserting him and then you could join us wherever. Me on the otherhand, I love leaving my husband and think he is probably happy to have me go. All I worry about is him not keeping good track of the dogs and forgetting to give the cat food and water.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    I am up for anywhere. And i don't want to push the Outer Banks on anyone. The thing about off season on the Banks is that ya' will either love it in the winter (off season when we can get the houses) or absolutely hate it-there is no inbetween. Now, there is NO shopping-no Nordstrom's nada. Just island life little galleries and great bookstores and visits to lighthouses (we have five) that are close tomy house. Cool thing is that the beaches are open for driving so if anyone not feeling good-we bundle ya's up in my SUV...crank the heater and the tunes and drive the beach so we all get slammed with positive ions from the salt water-but want everyone to be happy and we have time to plan-unless we go to the UK and one of us has to take a boat-now that would be a blast!! Love SV

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2010

    Well.............SV, I am keeping a low profile after seeing your beautiful coastline. We have beautiful beaches too but today, unfortunately, a young father was attacked by a shark on our west coast and didn't survive.  I feel such sympathy for all his family to have this sort of outcome to an ordinary day.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh Sheila, I am so sorry to hear of such news. it is heartbreaking. We too have shark attacks along our coast. We will get a tiger shark or a bull that will claim its territory, but we now have spotter planes to pick out the dangerous ones. And yes, we have had several deaths (last summer two russian tourists killed by one shark) due to attacks out of nowhere. This never used to happen until the charter fleets made the decision to do near shore shark fishing trips and began chumming the waters off our swimming beaches bringing the beasties in. This was a couple, the tiger killed first the man then the girfriend trying to save him. But the swift reaction by Coast Guard has greatly reduced such events. BUT, how are YOU doing? Are You OK? How are things going down under? XXOO, SV

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited August 2010

    That party sounds great.  I would love to come I hope that you decide on somewhere that I will be able to get to easily ( I don't fly too well).  I'm excited, that chocolate at Teuchers sounds delicious I am the world's biggest chocoholic.  I have a favorite chocolate store in Cheektowaga that I go to and I stock up.  I usually pay 16$ a pound and people think I'm nuts to do that, but it is so worth it and after I got my taste back after chemo, I was so ready for that chocolate lol and now I'm ready for a party.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    so can we once again consider Christmas week in NY???? Im not too happy about the shark only thing with that is it could be quite expensive.Unless someone know someone connected with hotels in NY.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    I hate to change the subject but i went for my mammo breasts are benign.Yes thats a good thing but i kinda knew that.Dr#3 was just dbl.checking but the lymph nodes are indeterminate mamographically.further evaluation based onn clinical evaluation which is tomorrow with onc.I dont know what to ask this onc?????I am bringing my tape recorder and i know to ask a lot of questions but im not sure what to ask about.

    does anyone know?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2010

     Yesterday...We had warnings of a Great White Shark off the coast here...sighted by the Life the coast of La Jolla shores...still people

    went in..yikes

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,377
    edited August 2010

    Jo -- thanks so much for putting that on here.  I feel better about the remaining years I still have to go on the Arimidex.  I felt secure that my Dr. felt it was exactly what I should have and I don't think I have had near enough adverse effects to be concerned with switching to anything else. 

    As always ----  yes, definitely using these drugs is a lot easier than having and treating active cancer.  Hats off for thinking of all of us. 

    Blessings, Jackie

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Thank you for the report Jo.  Disappointing that extending the time over 5 years on the aromatase inhibitor makes no difference in survival with <5% reduction in the risk of recurrence.

    I'll be with you in spirit also folks, I'm sorry I can't make the get together.  Hope you have a wonderful time!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2010

    G'day SV, we used to have shark hunters here years ago, who went out and caught any large sharks hanging around beaches where people went to swim.  There are also shark nets along the more populated swimming/surfing areas, actually my hubby used to work on the boats that worked the nets, getting the sharks untangled etc., boy...........does he have some stories.

    Green type people protested the shark hunters, putting them out of business.  The numbers of sharks have increased, along with the crocodiles, to the point that they come close to shore of the beaches where there are no nets.  I suppose it stands to reason, you enter a sharks kitchen--don't ask what's for dinner.

    Personally, I am fine at the moment SV, but will know more after my 3 monthly check-up with my Onc next week.  Have to vote in a Federal election here on Saturday, for a female LABOR candidate who I hope won't win just because she is a female, and a male LIBERAL who once studied to be a priest.  With all the promises they are both handing out, I would rather vote a shark in.


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Several have said sorry they can't join us.....we haven't even decided on a place or's still jut a thought, until we actually have a plan.  So let's have some far it's NY at Xmastime or SC offseason. With NY it would be a lodging question.....unless you have lots of room ,GD.  By the way, glad to hear the mammo showed nothing new and you are right about it not showing nodes.  Something that has had me puzzled is how my friend has gone thru all her chemo and is scheduled for her BMX on the 31st and has not have a single lymph node tested.  Does this make sense?! 

    Today I see my onco....have not seen I got the report that the CA27/29 had gone up198 points.  I tried to get them to schedule scans before I saw him today, but don't even know if the request got past the front desk. I am quite sure he will tell me I need them today and as much as people dread scans, I want them since they are what will let me know what is really going on.  Tumor markers are accurate on me, but there is always hope something else caused them to go up.  I would really like to stay on navelbine, but if it isn't working know a change is needed.  Can't say I will miss being constipated, but it is a much easier SE to live with than some of the ones I had in the past.  Soooo, we shall see.  Cross your fingers for me.

          Weather has been what summer should be the last few days, but they are saying the humidity and heat will be back full force.  I guess weather is like cancer.....something we talk about, but really can't do a whole lot about, just have to take it one day at a time. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,377
    edited August 2010

    Marybe --- a couple of thoughts to share here.  I think lymph nodes are tested at the time of the operation for the most part.  Just my opinion of course, but most Dr's would have done other tests for other areas of the body --- so the Dr's may feel ok at waiting until the MX is done.  It is my understanding that chemo is often done beforehand to shrink tumors to better manageable levels and this would help keep debris ( active cells ) from drifting to the wrong areas during surgery.  Sorry if I am wrong -- it has been some time since I read thru a lot of this info and my retention for information is not what it once was.

    I too will not be able to get away.  I am now paying for Medicare and that puts a bit of a crimp into an already ( for a big variety of reasons ) fairly small SS check.  Every day I have lived and breathed after cancer is like a gift and a vacation to me.  I wake up most days in a little bit of awe at the world the good Lord has provided and know my soul is being nourished by the universe and all of the wonders it holds.  It would be wonderful to see all of you in the flesh -- no mistaking that, but I have a mission in life and I can't fit a vacation in it right now.  I know you all understand. 

    Gorgeous day today as I speak of the universe and I think I shall have a great time of it throughout.  A big hi to all those not posting recently --  Pam, Carole, Rita.  I am wishing everyone well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2010

    Some of you know that that there is a second TaTa reunion in Las Vegas in October.   Below is the link:

     This looks like it will be an annual event and from what I have read - a MAGNIFICENT time.    

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2010

    I too have been poked into action to post. Life here in our winter is really quite mundane. It has been really cold and wet and I do so want to get out and start walking again.

    Yesterday our main computer crushed I think probably for the final time. SiL is coming around to see what he can do and what we have to get.

    One exciting thing is that renovations are moving on, will decide on which kitchen company to go with once I have spoken to the builder. Have splashed out and bought a Rangemastercooker - Isabella will know what I mean when I say its like a baby Aga which I wish I could have had but they are just so expensive here..

    My sister starts chemo -for bowel cancer in a couple of weeks so that will keep me busy as it is going to be every week. I have an MRI coming up to see if they can sort out my back pain which is a mystery.

    Sun is trying to shine again- did I say something about sun it raining again!!!!

    Hope you are all doing well. Sending lots of big hugs


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      An Aga......oh how I wanted an Aga.....then I found this other great looking stove, a Fratelli, that was really much less expensive, but such a wonderful stove.  In the end I got neither. What's the one they have at Williams & Sonoma?'s even more expensive and the one I wanted originally. Do you cook a lot?  Hope things go well for your sister and you also....back pain is no fun.

    Today pretty much nothing happened at the onco's. I am still on navelbine and he isn't going to order scans unless my cell search is above has never been anything other than zero and I think I will really freak if it's even three or four because that means it is in my blood stream and can go anywhere.  At least it's been staying in my bones, liver and lung ever since I became Stage lV.......just the thought of some of the places it could go scares the crap out of me.  However, I always feel better just seeing my doctor because he is so calm and matter of fact and he said he is not happy at the jump in the tumor markers, but he isn't really worried since I am having my now I have to wait to see what the cell search results are.

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    YEAH Granny - benign - LOVELY words!! keep us posted.....



  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Hope it's a good morning...evening, whatever the case may be around the globe. 

    Sheila, good luck at the onc next week. 

    Alyson, my best wishes that your sister's treatment goes well, without incident and of course does the trick.  It's great to have a good sister like you to help. 

    Marybe, all my digits are crossed for you and PG that cell search finds only good, healthy ones.  It's wonderful that you have doctor that you like and who gives you confidence.

     I finally arranged to get those professional foobs yesterday, I guess they're made of silicon.  I've had the prescription since the first mx in Feb.  I have been using, when necessary, rubber gloves with facecloth insert, the fingers hang under the bra so that they won't fall out like the one that dropped in the Stop & Shop freezer.  She said "and I bet you didn't go back for it" ... a very insightful lady, she knows a big chicken when she sees one!

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) hugs and more hugs ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ... 

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

        Good morning, Ladies,    Today I go in a bit later which is nice, but my smaller dog, Harley, has a built in alarm and when I wake up with his paws on my chest, I know he thinks it is time for me to get up.  Then we do our routine.....I feed the cat who is on the counter meowing wanting his breakfast (he gets one Tbsp wet food in the AM and PM and dry the rest of the time) .....Harley follows me to the fridge and walks along on my heels to the cat's dish (it's up high where his shelf is so the dogs will leave him alone and he can look out the window). The other dog who sleeps about 3/4 of the day, comes when he hears the fridge door open or a jar lid or plastic being rustled ( in other words food is his motivation for being up). lst the cat gets his, then each dog gets a tiny bit on the end of the spoon.  I know cat food is not good for dogs, but they love it and they seem to be content with that little bit.  It is funny how they all want to be when I am giving the dogs treats, the cat sits there and glares so I get a cat treat for him....and the one thing they all come running for is chicken...If I am fixing chicken, they all rally around waiting for a bit and they all sit patiently and wait their turn.  It's about the only time Harley can be near the cat without jumping up to attack him.  The cat actually weighs more than he does and George does have his claws so he could calm Harley down with one good swipe, but he doesn't seem to know that.  Anyway, I love my animals.

          The only time I am not available for a get together is the weekend of Nov. 5.....have changed travel plans with my girlfriends and now instead of NYC we are going to a timeshare the one can get in Florida.  A group of us go to NY and buy knockoff purses and go to plays and eat a lot of good food every year if we are able.. 

           I will let you all know when I get the results of the cell search.  It's always been 0 and I have no real reason to not think it will be zero again, but you know how that goes.  Imagination is sometimes a terrible thing.

           Re Aromatase inhibitors......they worked absolutely great for me when they worked....unfortunately they no longer do.  I would take hot flashes, night sweats, bone aches and pains, weight gain and any of it over the SEs of chemo, but sometimes we don't have that choice.

           Hope everyone has a good day.  I am good to go and am drinking my hazelnut coffee which I love.  Are any of you into flavored coffees?  I also love fat free sugar free lattes'. but they charge you way to much for milk and coffee when you get those made to order and they just don't come out the same at home.  

          Good luck with the foobs, Julia and thank you for crossing your fingers for me.    

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hi sistas

    more good news.the onc feels after she had another updated close up mammo that possibly only 1 more node is involved.she is recommending not arimidex or tamoxifin or femara..brain dead the other one that starts with a rush =party=I FEEL GOOD AGAIN.probably a few rads but her the picture looks good.

    so now im ready for this reunion.i do hope it does happpen.NY is expensive.i live in NJ in a studio dont see too many people wanting to do it..come on girls.we can make it a cheap vacation..there are ways

    i love all of you.good luck to all who are going through tests.God bless my sistas


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    GD,  Think it would be aromasin.  I was on that one for a long time and it did good things for me, but I was on it as treatment, not prevention.

        I am still up for the reunion, we just need to decide where and when.  I think at least four or five said to count them in. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    Marybe..I think its treatment for me too as i am HR positive.right?

    I think we should have a head count first and then see where we want to go for this reunion.

    How is that?????

    SV where are you on this?

    luv ya sistas.God bless


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    GD sounds like good news-rock on gal-I know it is tough. And MB, Good grief the things you go thru with such grace; and thank you so much Jo for the post and wow, Shelia is ALIVE and living downunda' and WOW-finally a post from the missing Alyson from NZ. SO good to hear from ya' girfrin." And she says her her life is boring. I would give anything for boring!! IJo thanks so much for the articlke and info!! I continue to remain in DE-Nile about all of this and just want to pull the covers over my head and wait until it all goes away. I started throwing up blood with awful side pain-appears I have a bleeding ulcer SO I have to have both ends scoped in Sept-oh joy!! Now, if all want to come to the Outer Banks, I am so up for hosting it-advantages" affordable (free) lodging at off season homes on my street near the beach; we can drive on the beach for those too ill to walk (just trundle all up in bankies and crank the tunes and the 4x4); great sea food and wonderful ghost stories (and if your a sensitive) ya' might even 'see' yer own swabbies from days of yor', long dead of course; little shops and nooks and crannies to explore; trips up to see the wild horses; and trips to the lighthouses (which will be closed to climbing) but amazing to see all the same. But it would be laid back and boring for many. Winter and off season here is very quiet-I love it but some people do not; excellent Good Will store where all of the rich women in Southern Shores dump their LLBean stuff with tags still on the clothes; a personal surf fishing instructor (me) and trips to the other islands by car-ferry. But do google the Outer Banks, NC to see if it looks appealing. Google the 'Army Research pier in Duck" bec that is where i live-on the south camera shot.

    Say hello to my little friend!! ((Big Hugs)) SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    I need to come to this thread more often! SV- your offer of a trip to the OBX sounds awesome! Down here in the south, the Outer Banks are THE place to go for beautiful, ocean wilderness. I say go for it!!

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    That must have been a terrible scare SV, I hope that ulcer is eradicated asap.

    Granny, great news, that's what we need to hear, keep up the good work!

    Marybe, thank you for your good wishes.  Imagination can also be a wonderful thing, as I'm sure you would agree.  The other is just a non-starter.  It was really fun to hear about your pets, their distinct personalities and habits.  They sound like a happy bunch. They must bring you a lot of pleasure.

    So my 4 doz eggs are due to be laid on my doorstep today Jeannette, I ordered from the website you kindly provided.  This was the minimum order, it works out to be a little over $1/egg.  I've learned you can't freeze them in the shell, I have the instructions on hand, oy vay!  You can also pickle them which I will try.  

    Have a great weekend everyone, I'll be swimming in eggs!