Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    marybe - I'm in!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh MB, we are sista's. My favorite show is True Blood and Sookie Stackhouse and Bill and the gang. ARRGH, to have that kind of vampire, blood sucking love in my life again-like when we were young and hormones were raging! And as to my ups and down- I forget that I am such an adrenaline junkie that if my blood isn't racing at a thousand miles and hour and my teeth aren't full of bug juice (as i am flying whereever with a shit eating grin on my face) I am in a complete funk. It comes with being an alcoholic and even though I do have 22 years sober, I am still addicted to any rush!! SO if i am not rushing and really amping the adrenaline my life just blows and i might as well be dead. I am so bad that way-I do extremes and am extremely high from sailing (and i have to do it everyday to stay high) or I am crashed bec David has to work and won't go play hookie out on the boat with me and he doesn't yet trust me to take it out alone. And i don't understand bec he now has two 24 foot sailboats!!! Both are awesome but the deal is that the Albemarle sound (where boats are moored) is very tricky in that it is very shallow and if I ground one of those suckers in the mud in the sound, it is up to $5,000 for "Sea Tow" to haul my ass out of the mud. Ya have to get out of the Albemarle Sound to get to the Ocean and it is a bitch. Getting thru Oregeon Inlet (only way out to the ocean) in a sailboat is definately like taking your life in your hands. I can get out-but getting back-waves can be 10 feet in a channel that is only about 20 feet wide. I used to get my junkie fixed by snow skiing everyday-but too old and broken now. And MB ok do I need to be worried!!!! Are you OK? Wha'd up with docs and such and the waiting game is just so not right. GD when do you get news? SClisa, where are pix??!!! SHHH-CB is watching NASCAR along with that turncoat Isabella-never trust an Englishwoman oilhead! and Julia, thank you for the kind comments and no you are not lecturing. I feel like the resident "Ken Kesey" of the gang and my moods swing all over. I am still blaming it on thyroid not being fixed.

    OK going to try to post pix of the beach today from the tower camera-

    Love you all, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    You "kids" are just too much fun!  I loved reading about your younger thoughts Marybe!  I think we were ALL like that!  When I really looked good, I didn't even THINK about it!  But man, I think about what I look like now, Ha!    And it ain't good...Wink  Well it's not that it isn't "good"'s the best I can do!    I just read the funniest things about "mid-life"....I'll see if I can paste it here....

    I can almost feel myself losing weight . . . by forwarding this to you! You'll understand at the end.   I've seen two shows lately that went on and on about how mid-life is a great time for women. Just last week Oprah had a whole show on how great menopause will be . . . Puhleeeeeeeze! I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you.

    Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck), you'll probably relate.     Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache. In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wing spans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag. Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around..

    Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.   Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, 'Listen, honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too.'   Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones. 

      Mid-life is when you look at your know-it-all, cellphone carrying teenager and think, 'For this I have stretch marks?'   In mid-life your memory starts to go. In fact the only thing we can retain is water.   Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally--more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map ofWisconsin .  

    Mid-life means that you become more reflective. You start pondering the 'big' questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?   But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important. We realize that breasts sag, hips expand, and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now, for the body you had way back when?

    Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired.. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it!   Smooches!  

    Yeah!  I DID it!  I amaze myself sometimes!  SV....You had better behave little girl, or Isabella & I will do a drive by your house & TP it....Ha, ha!    And we'll wear our "leathers" and gun our motors on our Harley's!   Yeah, you can jump on the back of mine!  Wouldn't that be a scream?   I loved your "picture" of you sailing on the ocean blue!  What a descriptive writer you are!   And your "face-plant?"....Good Grief Gertie, you could knock some sense into you if you aren't careful!  

    My Daughter is going to see that movie...."Eat, Pray, Love"....She just TOLD me to read the book called "Jane Eyre" I've started THAT one, & probably WON'T get the Eat, Pray, Love book!  A girl can spend just so much time dallying around, when she should be drinking chocolate cokes & eating sunflower seeds!  Wink

    My friends Daughter is going to "work" the "Walk for the Cure"....Is that what it is?  I declined the offer to join....Is it just me, or why do I just want to cry when I think about being around so many women who have been through so much...I mean so much more than I have....I just couldn't do it.   I told her about this "board"....and how much we all help each other....sometimes just being silly, or trying to help a new gal who is just panicked over a new diagnosis...I am like you Marybe....I love this place!  Just all of us together. 

    Okay girls  smooches & hugs!  Jeannette

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    I decided to dye my hair again yesterday. I have been using the L'Oreal 10 minute dyes, and they've not been too bad, BUT 10 mins means 10 mins ! But.... super clever knowitall me was so sure I knew what I was doing that I dyed away, exactly 10 mins, THEN read the info. leaflet that said, quite plainly, 'previously dyed hair only needs 5 mins'. 

    I have found these dyes to be good, but , prone to fade, and show grey thru pretty quickly, so have been using them every 6-8 weeks, as you would a semi-permanent dye, but this time thought I would try a shade deeper, from 'frosted blonde' to 'dark frosted blonde', ( which are both really shades of natural looking light brown) but I am now a quite darkish brown!! and it does not suit my pale complexion. I have to live with this now until it fades again. this is the second disaster I have had with hair dyes this year !!

    DD called in to see me this morning, and burst out laughing before she said a word to me, at the state of my hair !! I have an engagement party to go to in 4 weeks, so hoping things will change before then ! DD is having make or break talks with her DH today, she called to see what my opinion was, but I don't want to say too much, or she will be slinging 'my mother says this, my mother says that' at her DH. I love my SIL, and have always got on with him very well. They have been together since they were 15, so he has been around us for ever, so it seems. Their kids are devastated, 2 have taken DDs side 1 SILs side, which isn't good. There is a very good, busy, thriving garage business at stake, and 2 houses, plus some commercial property, and lots of animals.....oh. I don't know what they will sort out, and at the moment am not a good example myself. Roll on 2011.

    SV, your beach pic looks good, very inviting....I don't think I shall be seeing the coast this year at all ! I do like to go to the coast 2-3 times a year, the sea air is so good, and I sometimes make it when the tall ships come in...what a sight. I go to Whitby, on our east coast, where Captain Cook set off from to sail to America.....somewhere in the 1700's I think, history was not my best subject.

    Jeanette...I'll join ya to buzz our SV, she'll have a fit when we roll into town. I haven't been on a Harley, but I like the look, and sound, of them. DD has a trike, she rides it quite a lot, full leathers, bandanna etc, I just hope not too many people see her that know me, she's quite the exhibitionist, total opposite to me, I'm usually somewhere on the back row if anythings going on !

    Marybe, I had a port in, I think it was in about 6/7 months, never had much trouble apart from awful itching all around it, which I daren't scratch, in case I dislodged the thing, used to stick ice cubes on it.  There was a bit of trouble flushing it out a couple of times, don't know why, can't remember now....but the nurses got there in the end.

    I am having a special lock fitted onto MILs door, one any of the family can open whenever we need to get into her house. She has taken to not answering the door, you can see her dodging about looking to see if we are gone, but will she hellaslike get the door open, and if you could see me attempting to use a cell phone from her doorstep, so I can get into her house with her shopping or tablets you'd laugh. I am pretty hopeless with a cell phone, press the wrong buttons, switch myself off, and generally make an ass of myself. Although DH and I are no longer speaking we have to sort out MIL. I can't just abandon her, so we still share this chore, I have had to get this lock sorted out via the police, but how on earth they will get into her house to fit the lock will be anyones guess....they've made 2 appointments now, and not turned up on both occasions. I am getting a bit ratty as I need it doing, so I can pass this problem on to her 2 daughters, who live nearby, nearer than I do, but who, so far, haven't wanted to be involved. I am bowing out as soon as its done, tho' I will still call on MIL, but when I want to, not when I have to because these 2 won't, it has riled me over the years how they've just sat back and let me do this, and when I have asked for their help they've always had something else more pressing to do....well, very soon they'll HAVE to take over !! 

    OK , over and out, for tonight.


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Jeannette,   I loved the midlife description.........I have probably asked this before, but have any of you read Nora Ephron's book, I Hate My Neck?   It's a great book and made me laugh outloud.  Jane Eyre.....I loved that book.  I remember I cried and cried at the end.  Both of those things I have mentioned, laughing out loud and crying....I don't seem to do much of either and I miss them....miss the feelings. 

    The beach picture is beautiful.  Hope you are up and sailing soon, SV.  No, you don't need to worry about me.  I am OK until they tell me I am not and then we will just change my treatment. I have been Stage lV for a long long time and maybe I am being naive, but I just don't think I am going to be dying any time soon.  I could send you the books if you have not read them....right now I am on volume lV

       Ok, GD and BarbA are in for a get together.....we need to plan on a place and set a date. Isabella is in England, isn't she?...that could be a problem.  We need to get a central location. We can do a long would be sort of like a more mature version of bachelor pad, but we would not be squabbling over who gets the guy.  BarbA, I see you are in Treasure Island.....I have stayed there before, back when I was a beach lover....liked to go to that Little Area called John's Pass.

       I have been saving my frequent flyer miles forever and have enough to go just about anywhere. In Oct, am hoping to go to NYC with my girlfriends....we like to buy knockoff handbags and see a play or two and go eat in Little Italy.  I love to people watch there.

     It rained today, but not enough.  It's been a long hot summer already and it's only mid-August. 

      Well, guess I will go back to my reading.  I had nothing, absolutely nothing I had to do this weekend except go take care of my friends cats and it's really been a nice change of pace. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010
    Oh CB and Isabella I would kill to have you both roll up on Harleys and stay for as long as you want too-wiggle your toes in the warm sand-and bob about like bouys in the great Atlantic ocean. Hey Isabella, if I do a message in a bottle wonder if it would hit your coastline!!! And OK, what color is your hair now-too funny. I gave up as my hair is hovering at the inch long stage and has been for months!! CB you absolutely crack me up and the midlife stuff is hysterical and I passed on to about 10 friends-as to my own experience, just shoot me!!! And MB and all, I would so love to have you all come to the OBX, or the price of a ticket to England cannot be that much. Wouldn't Isabella's DD and DH just love to see us come tromping up the lane in our Wellies??  Lordy you have enuf to worry about-truly glad you got an open door on your mum's place. It is so hard when parents get old and we are their children no longer. I think that being the caregiver for a parent is about the toughest job around. SoCal where are you, Jackie, and others I have not seen on the board in a while. Wha'd up!! Love you all, SV
  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Marybe, nothing causes more agita than waiting for the phone to ring with the results, it's a bummer.  I hope and pray when you do hear from them, it's the best possible news.  Good luck, Sweetie!  You mentioned Twiggy, my idol.  I don't understand this vast collection of flab I have accumulated lately ... the 35 lbs I've lost have blossomed into a flab city muu muu!  And my favorites, potatoes, pesto, mac and cheese ... help!  Would you believe that just this past week my boyfriend introduced me to mascarpone cheese.  Well I just have to say like Fred Astaire, Heaven, I'm in Heaven!  It's very kind of you to go all that way to feed your friend's cats and turtle.  They must look forward to seeing you and would give you a great big thank you smooch.

    Beccabrite, I hope and pray for that healing energy from the universe for you and that you are soon in the best of good health.  Hope you enjoyed the Yo Yo concert.

    That's a great shot of the OBX, SV.  What was your vantage point?  It's always been my dream to live on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

    Have a sensational Sunday all!

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited August 2010

    Thank you Julia, I'm happy sometimes and not at other times.  Sort of like life. HA HA.  I'm glad my name makes you feel happy.  Love ya, Darla

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Morning Lovelies!  Yes, Isabella, we really WOULD have sooooooo much fun on our make-believe Harley's....Hah!   I'd probably dump it on top of me....and yes, I would have to have a "trike" also.....My legs are so short I could sit on a curb, and dangle my legs.   And your hair??? I've been coloring my hair since I started turning grey, at 21!  But it is the same color now as it was then....Wink I get that "Wella Presentation" tube of color & mix it with #20 cream developer.  And yes, it lasts about 6-7 weeks, without looking two toned!   Glad things are going "along" with you....and yes, I know what you mean about staying out of your Daughter's business....even when she asks....They just have their own ideas about how things should be run....or not!  And they are fine when you agree with what is going on, but when you don't, better keep it buttoned.

    That is so sweet of you, and completely believable that you want to help his Mom...I don't even "know" you, but I know that is something you would do.  ....I know.....caretakers forever. 

    Marybe..... No, I haven't read that book about my neck!  Damn!  They wrote a book about my neck?Wink  What next?  A journal on the rashes I get on my legs?    Okay, I will keep reading the Jane Eyre book in earnest now....Between THAT & my crochet stuff, and working with shells, I have to just READ!  I do all this whilst watching TV with DH.... 

    Oh hey, I found I can sleep better with this Tamoxifen, if I take one Tylenol PM at night!  Just a tid-bit I passed along.

    SV>>>>>>Wouldn't that be a kick!  We would have EVERYbodys heads turnin' .... to rumble through your hood on our bikes!   I must buy some a leather bra & shorts...that should do it!  And a big pair of sun-glasses...And a sign on my bike that said 'RECKLASS".... I deserve it. need a long black flowing curly wig....and huge sunglasses...We could knock em' dead!  Ha, ha!    It's fun to dream......

    Julia.....YES....I have always loved Kraft Mac & Cheese!  But I try to hold off eating it more than twice a day....I mean I would if I could. 

    I found this in my email last night.....why would ANYone send this to me?  Wink  Love you gals! xoxoxoxoxo

    Questions and Answers from an AARP Forum Q:   Where can men over the age of 60 find younger, sexy women who are interested in them?A:   Try a bookstore under fiction.Q:   What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause?A:   Keep busy. If you're handy with tools, you can finish the basement.  When you are done you will have a place to live.Q:   Someone has told me that menopause is mentioned in the Bible. Is that true? Where can it be found?A:   Yes. Matthew 14:92: 'And Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Egypt   .....'Q:   How can you increase the heart rate of your 60+ year old husband?A:   Tell him you're pregnant.Q:   How can you avoid that terrible curse of the elderly wrinkles?A:   Take off your glasses..Q:   Seriously! What can I do for these crow's feet and all those wrinkles on my face?A:   Go braless.. It will usually pull them out.Q:   Why should 60+ year old people use valet parking?A:   Valets don't forget where they park your car.Q:   Is it common for 60+ year olds to have problems with short term memory storage?A:   Storing memory is not a problem, retrieving it is a problem.Q:   As people age, do they sleep more soundly?A:   Yes, but usually in the afternoon.Q:   Where should 60+ year olds look for eye glasses?A:   On their foreheads.Q:   What is the most common remark made by 60+ year olds when they enter antique stores?A:   'Gosh, I remember these.SMILE, You've still got your sense of humor, right?  
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Morning Lovelies!  Yes, Isabella, we really WOULD have sooooooo much fun on our make-believe Harley's....Hah!   I'd probably dump it on top of me....and yes, I would have to have a "trike" also.....My legs are so short I could sit on a curb, and dangle my legs.   And your hair??? I've been coloring my hair since I started turning grey, at 21!  But it is the same color now as it was then....Wink I get that "Wella Presentation" tube of color & mix it with #20 cream developer.  And yes, it lasts about 6-7 weeks, without looking two toned!   Glad things are going "along" with you....and yes, I know what you mean about staying out of your Daughter's business....even when she asks....They just have their own ideas about how things should be run....or not!  And they are fine when you agree with what is going on, but when you don't, better keep it buttoned.

    That is so sweet of you, and completely believable that you want to help his Mom...I don't even "know" you, but I know that is something you would do.  ....I know.....caretakers forever. 

    Marybe..... No, I haven't read that book about my neck!  Damn!  They wrote a book about my neck?Wink  What next?  A journal on the rashes I get on my legs?    Okay, I will keep reading the Jane Eyre book in earnest now....Between THAT & my crochet stuff, and working with shells, I have to just READ!  I do all this whilst watching TV with DH.... 

    Oh hey, I found I can sleep better with this Tamoxifen, if I take one Tylenol PM at night!  Just a tid-bit I passed along.

    SV>>>>>>Wouldn't that be a kick!  We would have EVERYbodys heads turnin' .... to rumble through your hood on our bikes!   I must buy some a leather bra & shorts...that should do it!  And a big pair of sun-glasses...And a sign on my bike that said 'RECKLASS".... I deserve it. need a long black flowing curly wig....and huge sunglasses...We could knock em' dead!  Ha, ha!    It's fun to dream......

    Julia.....YES....I have always loved Kraft Mac & Cheese!  But I try to hold off eating it more than twice a day....I mean I would if I could.   

    Well, I was trying to show you a funny Q&A about Menopause, & it didn't come out I had to delete the whole thing...Oh Well....Maybe next time!  Love you gals! xoxoxoxo

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    OK ladies this has to be quick ---more company on the way and I need a shower! We had company on  T & W, Now SD and family and on Tues, friends from California. Glad we moved to the quite country! Anyway I do love them all but an get double whammyed (is that a word?) .

    OK the middle age stuff - I  got a secondary benefit of a neck stretch with my BMX- was so pleased that besides saving my life ny neck was tight too- I would never have surgery for age related gifys but hey---- DH is 60  & I am 57 so we are LMA's---Later Middle Age. A one time I would never leave without make-up, hair done and a "perfect" appearence. I now go every where and in fact have given up FOOBS completely so I gues I an IN, in  a big way. I entered this world flat-chested and I am leaving that way and it won't be gravity!

    Much more to say - the beach is lovely, I am thinking about you guys on Harleys and all the rest but need to run.

    Isabell,Julia and anyone else with extra stress and treatment and with test results that are "more than hoped for" My heart ,Prayers, and Good Energy to you. Beccabrite- I think positive thought and energy is the BEST thing for you, you too GD and Julia

    much love, Miss Kitty

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Thinking of all of you --- a little Zen for this Sunday.  Great words of wisdom:




    1)   The realities of life are most truly seen in everyday things and actions.

    2)   Everything exists according to its own nature.  Our individual perceptions of 
    worth, correctness, beauty, size and value exist inside our heads, not outside them.   

    3)   Everything exists in relation to other things.    

    4)   The self and the rest of the universe are not separate entities but one functioning whole.     

    5)   Man arises from nature and gets along most effectively by collaborating with 
    nature, rather than trying to master it.     

    6)   There is no ego in the sense of an endlessly enduring, unchanging private soul or personality that temporarily inhabits the body.     

    7)   True insight does not issue from specialized knowledge, from membership in 
    coteries, from doctrines or dogmas.  It comes from the preconscious intuitions of 
    one's whole being, from one's own code.     

    8)   In emptiness, forms are born.  When one becomes empty of the assumptions,
    inferences, and judgments he has acquired over the years, he comes close to his 
    original nature and is capable of conceiving original ideas and reacting freshly.     

    9)   Being a spectator while one is also a participant spoils one's performance.     

    10)   Security and changelessness are fabricated by the ego-dominated mind and 
    do not exit in nature.  To accept insecurity and commit oneself to the unknown 
    creates a relaxing faith in the universe.     

    11)  One can live only in the present moment.     

    12)   Living process and words about it are not the same and should not be 
    treated as equal in worth.    

    13)   When we perceive the incongruity between theories about life and what 
    we feel intuitively to be true on the nonverbal, nonjudging plane, there is 
    nothing to do but to laugh.     

    14)   Zen art has this characteristic quality, that it can fuse delight in a work of 
    visual art, knowledge of life, and personal experiences and intuitions into one 
    creative event.     

    15)    Each of us develops into a unique individual who enters into unique 
    transactions with the world as it exists for him. 


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    Mascaprone cheese, Julia.  Ummmmmm.  You need that to make Tirimisu (sp), one of my favorite desserts.  I made that once and guess I got the wrong kind of marsala (it called for the sweet) and it was way too overdone with the alcohol of the guests said it was probably the only time if she was pulled over for  DUI she would be able to blame it on the dessert!

    Yeh, a trip to England.  Are you ready to be invaded Isabella?  Half the trips I plan,never materialize, but I like the anticipation and planning, gives me something to look forward to and looking forward to things, keeps me going.

      Enjoyed your words of wisdom, Illinois lady. 

      Darla,  Are we the only Stage lVs posting?  Not that it matters, I guess since I always figure we are all in the same boat, regardless of stage.  Were you named after someone?  Remember the Our Gang comedies.....Darla Hood? Alfalpha had such a crush on her.  I always loved the little rascals.

         Well, I am off to see The Kids are Alright this afternoon.  Am saving Eat, Pray, Love to see with a few gal pals as I know my husband would not like it at all. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2010

    Hi Darla and Maryb, I'm stage 4 and post also but I read much more.  I am here most days somedays for longer than others.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Love n hugs to you all. chrissyb

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    good morning all

    im all excited about the reunion.i just hope it would be nice.Im not a good flyer as i worked near the trade center and was there that day.havnt did the flying thing yet but am willing to face the fear to see my sitas.this will be a huge step for me to take.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    So, Isabella, is it to be Merry Olde England then? I'm game. Haven't been to the UK in 20 years.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited August 2010

    I have a license to drive a motorcycle and a couple of tickets in a raffle to win a good motorcycle in September. Have bike, can travel (in North America)! If we plan to gather in the UK, that's good too as I plan to go there in the fall.

  • senior
    senior Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2010

    I was so pleased to find a site for just for us older but wiser women.  It's about time we were

    recognized as a group with problems and insights sometimes different from our younger sisters.

    I look forward to a new source of inspiration and friendship. Thank you for initiating this much needed topic.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2010

    Hi senior and welcome, glad you are aboard.  We are a pretty diverse bunch, we laugh, we cry, we support each other when we are down and most of all we are friends who share our innermost thoughts and fears.  The best place to come when you need a shoulder or an ear.

    Love n hugs. chrissyb

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010
    Wow, such beautiful stuff on the Board today. Becca, oh honey I am so sorry about your hair. Honestly, I stepped in the shower and my hair came out in gobs. One minute it was there and the next-outin handfulls. So, I took the doggie clippers and just shaved my head completely bald. So for the first time in my life I was like a babe again with nada up a toppa. DO get a felt hat bec you won't belive how cold your noggin will get without hair!! How do bald headed men even live-I damned near froze to death and wore my felt cap for months during the winter months (night and trying to sleep was a bitch). CB knitted me caps and things to wear to keep my head warm.  Melissa, isn't it great to retire to your country estate only to have the whole world pounce on you. And Senior, welcome aboard and I am so glad that you found us. We could write a book and ditto what Chrissy wrote. This is the place to get real, laugh cry, let it all out and we are here for you!! This is truly a special little club that noone wants to join bec of BC but I wouldn't trade my sista's here for the world. And ChrissyB and MB god I just hate being slammed back to reality with the "stage thing". I would give my right arm for all of us to be miraculously cured. And Isabella, it sounds like the gang is winding up for a trip from the colonies (hey we are the pods and oceans cannot part us). Oh Lordy what a hoot it would be to see us all tripping (literally) up the lane. We have white wellies here (fishing community) that everyone calls "wanchese dancing shoes". They are calf high rubber boots and they only come in white for some freaking reason and the whole town of Wanchese-just south of me-is noted for this "fasion statement." All of the crabbers and shrimpers live on Wanchese and it is like a mini  "Deadliest Catch" without the deadliest part. Prayers for all waiting for test results and other rotten things and as to the port-they would not put one in me for fear of blood clots-oh great one more nackered thing to worry about for those of you who do have ports. And now i have no veins after the "near death" chemo experience so almost wish I had one installed anyway!! And oh, i just flipped on the tele and "The Canterville Ghost" is on-from 1944- a great B&W movie with Charles Laughton as the ghost. One of my favorite movies!! Jug of iced tea and chicken salad sandwich-and aaahhh-living the dream and life is good! Yippee, SOCAL is back and posting gorgeous pix-hey gal the view looks gorgeous!! Missed you-bring us up to date on the trip! (((Big HUGS))) SV
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2010

    MB, I read the book "I hate my neck" is a hoot..loved it...

    I spent last night on the water in San Diego was lovely...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2010

    PS..San Diego is a great place for a get together

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hey....what about Christmas in New York for a reunion????? there would be a lot to do during the entire month of December.just a thought.The UK really scares such a chicken shit when it comes to flying.BUT I will go where ever it is.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    oh by the way welcome senior...we are a great group for everything and anything you need.if it was no for my sistas here i dont know where i would  have of my friends told me today she prays that one day all you would have to do is eat a banana with the skin on and be cured of cancer.her daughter is in stage 4 of pan.can. perhaps if we all pray for just that you never know the power of prayer.

    huggggggggggs to each and every one of my sistas.God bless.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010
    Granny.....I'm so sorry......You know we are with you....and your friend!  (((((hugs)))) for you all.. and her Daughter.  .....I'm sorry.
  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    My prayers go out to your friend's daughter Granny, I hope she gets the right treatment and is well very soon.

    Welcome Senior!  I'm so sorry for your circumstances but I'm glad you're here and hope you join us often.  My best wishes to you.

    Thanks McBird, you are a tweeeeety!

    Always great to hear from Miss Kitty and Jackie, thank you as always for your wonderful words of wisdom.  Each and every statement can be pondered and appreciated.

    Hugs all around (Smile ) (Smile ) (Smile ) (Laughing ) (Smile ) ( Smile) (Smile ) ...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Challenges come so we can grow and be prepared for things we are not equipped to handle now. When we face our challenges with faith, prepared to learn, willing to make changes, and if necessary, to let go, we are demanding our power be turned on.

    Iyanla Vanzant

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      My post went into the ozone, but I am not going to allow that to ruin my is good and I am going to go work in the yard.

      Welcome Senior.  What part of the country do you come from.

       I am excited that all of you are excited and anywhere sounds good to me.  NY when the Xmas tree is up would be favorite chocolate in the world is right by Rockefeller Center, Teuscher, but last time I checked it was like $80 a lb....this is no lie.  Also San Diego sounds wonderful.....I hear it's the perfect climate and right now Travelocity has it for $248 RT from CIncinnati......England, well, I just love Europe in general.   So I will leave it up to popular vote, but for sure we need to meet somewhere.

            Have a great day.  Hugs to all,   Marybe

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    illinoislady..powerful words.i wrote the down for future reference.thanks for sharing

    By the way my friends daughter is in the final stage of pan can.all she needs is prayer.the drs.have nothing for her.sad.38 yrs.old.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    MB, the chocolate at Rocky Center is cheaper than chemo!! TEEHEE!

    GD, loving ya lots and angel prayers and kisses for your loved ones!

    Gearhead and Oilhead, we need a place for the first reunion. If all want to come to the Banks and my friend's house (it will be empty and open for us during the winter), I would be over the moon. Free house with plenty of bedrooms-free views of the sound, the Continent and the Atlantic ocean out of all windows when the whales come in! And we are unsurpassed in our ghost stories and sightings. Afterall, this is the "Graveyard of the Atlantic."

    Who is game 4 fun? opps I wrote this in all bold letters and I am not going back and changing it! Hugs to all, hey where are our Aussie and NZ gals?

    And this would be our winter beach!! My house is right near the end where the government land starts. Living the dream!


    Big smooches, SV PS oh no, the camera running constantly and it is nighttime now, i think that is why it all went black. So need to delete pix of the beach. I am blown away and do not know how I hooked into the 24 hour camera on the research pier tower. so maybe leave it.