Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2010

    I never had a chance to cook on a woodstove but I remember watching Mom do it when I was 4 and 5 year old.  We spent almost two years on the old family homestead in North Dakota, no running water or electricity.  The thing I remember best is the nice heat of the stove in winter and the awful extra heat in summer.  But as long as I lived at home we always made our own bread and made lefse for the holidays---well by the age of 15, I did all the baking.  Mom always said no electric stove could bake bread or lefse anywhere as good as that baked with wood.  I've always wanted to try for myself.  I know that wood fired brick ovens produce a superior product.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    HNS, My great cousin (who is a major cancer survivor) with about four kinds of cancer from lymph to bladder said it best of southern women-"We have learned to smile with murder in our hearts." I just love her!! And I do even remember the old wood stove and the ancestors that swore by it-they were so wrong! I (children) get the 'chopin kindlin" job and it moves up to logs from there. During the Depression-my G-Grand had an old stove out back with a giant pot of soup on it and serve it up with bread to whomever came by, passing thru town and needing a meal. XXOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    SV, your cousin sounds like my kinda woman! I love the "southernisms" the women of that generation had. When my friend's mother was reminded of something embarrassing involving her pastor, she said, "Well, I don't remember and I don't give a damn." I say that all the time now - it comes in handy for all sorts of situations!

    I need to start hanging around a senior center somewhere because all my older relatives are gone now. I will miss the wisdom of that generation - I'm afraid we don't have as much to pass down. :( 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    HNS-we have so much wisdom to pass along-if only I could remember it. I lost the 1960's and 70's to major drugs and living in the Height Asbury District among other Hippy haunts from Telluride to Park City before all discovered and pilaged. The chemo got the rest of my brain. I would SO love to rekindle my writing skills and do a book on us (those who want to participate) here on, and pass our wisdom on. Never forget that we are all Women Warriors; whatever stage; whatever cancer; whatever remission. FYI, a few of us twisted sisters started a thread inspired by "You can tell a cancer patient by": and after a few days, we now have pages of hysteria mimicing the Jeff Foxworthy comedy tour-"you can tell a redneck by". We are a group that defies talent. We are brilliant beyond the norm and all doing this while sick as rats and barfing gaterade as quickly as we are trying to get into us along with a chaser of phenergen. You do not know how much I love and admire you ladies and speaking of there are several MIA's-Connie-where have you been and wha'd up? Do I have to come after you with my whip??! Honestly, the depression has hit me really hard and this Board and this thread is truly the only thing I am getting out of bed for. I think the chemo clocked the Prozac and it is no longer working. I do need to get to hospital (Shepard Pratt) if only I cared enough to go. SO, now we have a trip to plan and a book to write!! Lordy, how awesome are we?? xxoo, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    You're right about the wisdom, now that you mention it. I was thinking of the "living off the land" kind of stuff, but I guess wisdom changes with the ages. The baby boomers have been through it all, invented it all and made the best music. I just really, really miss the tales from the old-timers but one day, we'll be the old-timers telling our grandchildren about going to see the Rolling Stones, or dressing up to go to the airport, or going through such barbaric medical treatments as chemo - LOL. 

    The only man I want to see saying "I don't give a damn" would be Rhett Butler.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Chabba, I had to go to the good book (the other one - wikipedia) to look up lefse.  I can only imagine your fond memories of baking with Mother, the woodstove, the beckoning aromas.  Today kids can throw a poptart in the microwave ... will this be a fond memory?  I remember in my youth holding a slice of bread near the fireplace with a stick for toast, yes fire was discovered at that time.  I have an electric stove now that I do not like.  When I took the macrobiotic cooking class 22 years ago, they said the electric energy used in cooking was too frenetic and it transmitted that to the food producing stress and every other bad thing imaginable.

    Lost_Creek, Gus barking with kong in mouth does sound adorable, it would make a very special ring-tone.  I bet Jeannette would know how to do that.

    Heartnsoul76, you have more memories to pass down than you realize.  Heck, I'd love to hear about that hunky boyfriend!  And chemo ... 3 months out and now when asked about it, I'll just say "well, I don't remember and I don't give a damn!"  (joke, I'm not minimizing its importance).

    So summer is winding down here and ramping up down under.  I hope the new season brings increased energy, strength and the best of good health to you all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Morning Gals!  The link SV was talking about, IS hysterical!  We can laugh & cry at some of the things the women talk about!  I'm only on page 4.....and man, I just thank God that we are all here talking, having fun, & learning from others!  

    And Julia....I tried to download "AIM" last night, & I could NOT figure out how to sign in!  Geez, I feel so stupid!  All I wanted was to be able to create an "Avatar" that when I signed in to comment on the "Owl Box" .....It would show MY avatar!  Oh well....I don't need it anyway!  I don't even CARE!  I'm NOT doing it.....drives me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!  I might try later.


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

         Saying we have been through it all as Baby Boomers sort of sums it up , Heartnsoul.  This generation cannot imagine life without computers and cell phones.....I use both, but remember a lot of happy times without them. I guess every generation sees a whole heck of a lot.  I remember how my grandmother told me her father wanted to get her a horse and buggy, but she didn't feel the need for one...she had this georgous tiffany lamp that had been in her family for years and had it converted to electric since when she was growing up, they did not have electricity and just to think of all the changes she saw, telephone, AC, the automobile, it's just mind boggling. Baking with my grandmother on Sat. mornings was one of my favorite things to do....she made rolls and cimmaKuchen and her own mayonaise.  I had a llittle hand mixer that you turned a handle on and a little rollling pin, which I still have in the basement.  My Dad was born at home and so was my Uncle.  My claim to fame was that I got to see The Beatles perform live.  I grew up in a small town and am glad about was simple and good.  I remember playing out in the yard until dark in the summer with the neighborhood like hide & seek, seing the Statue, hopscotch,  roller skating with the key type skates that we clamped onto our shoes.  I still consider my life to be good in spite of being Stage lV.....think it actually makes me appreciate things more that I used to take for granted.

         I have a whole list of things to do today since I am off on Mondays.  If I don't have my list, I will do nothing as so often is the case......tend to get sidetracked way too easily these days.  I am going to stop taking this effexor since I don't think it does one bit of good, but at the same time am afraid that maybe it just makes me not care about things in general and that may be the reason why I keep putting off til tomorrow and have been making late payment charges on bills that I just don't get around to paying.  I have always owed on credit cards, but prided myself for always paying on time.  Should I blame this on meds? Age? Or I could just be losing it?

          I am taking a birthday cake to the office today that I just finished decorating last night and if I do say so myself, it is a pretty as any a bakery could produce.  I used to sell cakes and baked goods, but it was very stressful and time consuming so I gave it up.  So now I just bake for friends. 

         Clark Gable as Rhett saying Frankly my dear, I don't give a....................AAhhhh, be still my heart.  I don't care if he did shave his chest and wore dentures....this all came out of a book I read about him once, but it may have all been made up for all I know. 

           I am trying to plan a trip to MO with my Dad to see my Uncle and cousins.  And that lst weekend in Nov am doing the Florida trip with my gal pals.  I am guessing our get together will be later than that?  I do so hope this materializes. 

           Have a good day everyone.  Welcome Chabba and all others whom I have not personally said hello and welcome to.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    Remembering grandmothers is what I "do" with the history I write, and I am so in awe of our fore-mothers and their competency, and their endurance.  My own maternal grandparents were born in the 1880s, and grandma could do everything on the KS farm that any man could do - including plowing.   However her mother wanted grandma to have an education, and sent her to Friends' University. Although she had a bilateral mx in the 1920s, with no further tx, Grandma was quite a woman, she lived to 92.    This week was the 90th anniversary of the 14th amendment, women's right to vote, and grandma told me she voted immediately (to grandpa's consternation) and she was a charter-lifetime member of the league of women's voters.  As I studied history, many things were still academic and 'long ago' distanced. Until:

    Then I looked at dad's parents. Dad was older than mom, and he was the youngest of 12; a MO farm family.  Dad's parents died while he was a teen, so we never knew them -- I realized my grandfather, born in 1854, was a child during the Civil War!!!  - (they were same ages as the great-grands on mom's side.)   That was the first time I felt old. Surprised Now I have a great-granddaughter of my own...I must seem so ancient to the children...

    When grandma was 90 she told me she still felt 18 inside, until she looked in the mirror, then she thought "you have betrayed me!" Some things are eternal, eh? Laughing

    ps: HNS, we tried that living off the land stuff and sure could have benefited from passed-down wisdom (tho' local ranchers mentored us).... It's Hard Work, and we ended up chucking it all, buying a sailboat and sailing off into the sunset for several years, working our butts off and living on beans & rice... Boomers' experiences run the gamut, I think.

    psps: I'm having such fun with my new book, Captain Francis Gross's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue 1796 ed.:  So many phrases or words we think we invented were simply street talk 300 years ago!!!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hello my sistas

    SV you are just soooo funny.I just got the dreaded call(not really because I knew I had to go for another surgery) the date for  my left node disection is sept 20th ..I thought they were only going to take 1 more node usual i got it could be anywhere from 5-30 nodes.does anyone have any input on this????one step forward and 2 steps back.i guess this is the story of our lives.

    I hope the reunion is planned for after that.

    luv you girls God bless



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,378
    edited August 2010

    Man is the only animal who enjoys the consolation of believing in a next life; all other animals enjoy the consolation of not worrying about it.  ~Robert Brault,

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    hang in there Granny - My understanding is they take as many nodes as they need to - the C ones. That's all good and the incision for one is not all that different from many - I think. GET THEM OUT OF THERE I say....think of it all as moving toward healing. That's what I thought of with each rad - a great shaft of good light.... Medicine is amazing in its ability to heal. Just go for it..... xoxo |C

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    thank you C.

    i already had the sentenil node removed but the dr#1 did not finish the job so i have to go back to do the rest.From what i understand this is a much bigger operation as there now is a drain involved.that scares me.already im thinking allergic to almost all im a little stressed right now.I AM GONNA TAKE THEM OUT.

    Thank you and God Bless


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    Julia - that hunky boyfriend, so nice watching him chop the kindling and get that rhythm going. 6 ft tall and full of muscles (remember Men at Work?).

    Chevy - I have got to check out that thread! I'll read it out loud to my 21 year-old - he thinks my friends and I are so corny, it's fun to watch him groan at what we think is funny. Then again, maybe some of it is x-rated? I'll have to skip over that to protect his delicate little ears...

    Marybe - one of my son's projects when he was in 6th grade was to interview his grandfather and ask him about his childhood growing up in the '20's and '30's. We just came across that VHS tape today. Christopher asked what it was and I yelped, "That's a treasure!" because I thought I lost it. Wow, you saw the Beatles?? I remember driving by the stadium when they were playing here (I was about 11 or 12) and thinking, "I'll see them next time." Uh-huh, oh well.

    Lost_Creek - amazing to think that your grandfather remembered the Civil War! He had to have known it was going on. Too bad you didn't get the chance to know him - and pick his brain. I'm always interested in what things used to be like. When I was talking about "living off the land", I really meant how it used to be when people were independent of stores and knew how to do "stuff" - like fixing things when they broke, making dinner from scratch, muscadine wine, their old stories of what they did for fun. I think I'm hung up on yearning for simpler times.

    Does anybody know anything about scrapbooking? I was serious about making my brothers' "gifts". Is a Cricut machine a good thing to have? 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh GD, I am so sorry to hear of the news. You know my blessings and biggest prayers are with you. I think we were all born out of time! or we hold the wisdom of the ages in our genetic make-up as women. Just a short note as I have a pounding headache that will not stop! Love to all, SV

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

      Sorry I am so self-absorbed as to not comment on any of the posts right now.  I am STILL waiting for the results of my cell search....Friday they said it took 3- 5 days and they would have it Mon. (had it done Wed.)   Then today they tell me that they talked to Quest (that's the lab) and that they were still working on it and should have the results to them tomorrow.  Grrrrrrrrrr. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    The waiting sucks. Wait, wait wait.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    I think it will soon be winter. It has been damned cold today. Tonight the temperature has dropped to 47f.....and I have just been right round the house closing windows, and have switched half of the central heating on, just for tonight. I hate being cold, I'm a softie. I have to admit that this summer I have only twice switched off my electric underblanket...even tho' we have had some quite warm weather.

    The log man called last week, and his prices were up quite a lot on last years...his reason ?? He had been in hospital for 3 weeks, and had lost quite a bit of business, so he had to put his prices up, so he could afford to live....I am looking for a new log man. Of course, he managed to dump all the logs about 5yds from the open shed they normally go INTO, I particularly asked him to 'back right in, and dump them at the back of the shed'. My g/son will be cursing me under his breath when he comes round ! I have no-one else to ask now !!

    Things could be moving on the DH front soon. I have seen a small place, with a few outbuildings and small field, for a reasonable price. I have got my solicitor onto it, and DH is half, grudgingly, listening to whats being said, so barring tantrums, in a few weeks I could be living alone. I know DH knows if we start to argue, the only ones who will win will be the solicitor, my solicitor that is...DH hasn't got one. I can't see it will all go as smoothly as it sounds, but we shall see. I sort of ran it past the bank, as they will have to help me out here, and they are in a reasonable frame of mind about it. I have 2 small fields up for sale to help as be sensible I should TRY and get planning consent here, I would get a much better price, but it will hold up proceedings, and I just want DH gone.....need that closure now.....I usually mess about for ages before making big decisions, but I just want to move like lightening on this one. It is not a nice atmosphere at the moment, neither of us talking unless we need to....DH tried to 'make me listen to reason' as he put it a couple of weeks ago, but I cannot ever forgive him for telling me I was attention seeking when I was diagnosed with heart disease, and had just been told I would need heart surgery...he is trying to liken this to his siatica (which has now gone ) How the hell can siatica ever compare to open heart surgery. To be truthful, this was just the final straw in the behavior I have put up with for a while. I COULD have let it go, but what would he be upsetting me with next, life is now too short to continue with his antics. I just want peace and quiet nowadays.

    ( I have told DH he can take most of the cattle with him...I just have a handful of favorites....but NOT ONE SHEEP... I love my sheep.) I have been walking among the sheep today, they are all so tame, I have made fools of them over the years so they have no fear of me at all. As soon as they hear me call they'll all come racing across to see me, most have names, but I have to confess I can't remember some of the names nowadays.....some days I am searching for the names of my G/sons G/Fs, most embarrassing, especially when they're in the same room and the names won't come !

    Right I am off to my bed...hoping the heating will have warmed up my bedroom for me by now. The rain is lashing down outside...we're in for a stormy week.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    i too am so self absorbed im sorry,yes the waiting sucks.dont give in to it...

    SV i too have a headache for 3 days migraine>>>>are we under tooooo much stress with this damn bc?????i think so

    Barb.thank you

    God bless all my sistas.Im prayin for all of you

    we will beat this monster one by one holding hands and praying together



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010
    Oh dearest Isabella, I am so proud of you for moving on but lordy, the stress that you must be under. I am praying that all will be well and when you make your move, you will feel like a cow or twohas been lifted off of you shoulders. But so very hard-hey is there a farm nearby that might be affordable for a former colonist. I very honeslty have been doing land searches in the uk and it seems there is so little land left and the prices-egads. i wish i could just trundle you up and wait on you hand and foot for a month or so to make all of the boo-boo's go away. Your DH truly is off kilter and you need to get away. His comments are much like my Dad's who did start out as a great supporter but with the alcohol, all things go south. Had a heart to heart (well he has no heart) and had to remind him that he is the only person in my life who has ever hit me (beat me actually-a 6'4" man whaling on a little girl and the beatings were constant. His rage knows no bounds. He refuses to this day to see his part in anything and my only consolatio is knowing there is a special place for him when he passes on. AND MB, oh, I am holding my breath!! Please let us know ASAP or pm or email me so I know what is up. I just love you so very much. And GD, I think the headache is from all of the tension in the muscles in my back. i am wound as tight as a rubber band and paying dearly for the 'pleasure' of living in this house. I am looking for rentals and have found a few potential possibilities-but i am one in a field of a gazillion folks trying to find a place to live here in paradise. Our grief group is doing a home visit to a new member who is home after BC surgery and who has just lost her husband. She is a member of the church and asked that we come and visit her Tomorrow (Tuesday) and share a bit about our stories. We hope that our little group of women I adore, will grow but all in God's time. Mo, one of my best friends is an 18 year survivor of BC and she is in the group. Her husband was killed last year while riding his bicycle (he was a cycling fanatic and the most careful man I knew). A kid hauling a load of manure ran him down and he died on the spot in Southern Shores. The most horrible thing is that this is this kid's second vehiclicular homicide-he has well connected parents with a ton of money so he skated on both "accidents." Witnesses say he was talking on his cell when he hit Mo's husband. So very sad! We all carry such heavy burdens and i so wish that the lord would send us a few Arnold Schwartznegger (not the politician) angels to lighten our loads. in the meantime we have each other and i honestly would and could not make it thru without all of you. Sweets dreams to all, SV
  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Ladies, I know you might want to accuse me of not being able to read a post to which I didn't want to respond but I'm afraid after yesterday's diverse contributions to the board of such fascinating, interesting, heartbreaking, etc. communication, I will be spending the day here commenting.  From the Civil War to child abuse, from nodes to sheep ... I don't know where to begin so I think what I'll have to do is restrain myself and write a little at a time, over time.  You are all so amazing to me and I just love to hear all you wish to share and I'm blessed to be here.

    Granny, I'm so glad you've decided to go with your doctor's advice.  PG the biopsy will yield the best possible results.  Try, try, try not to worry, try not to anticipate the worst but please do picture success and putting all the fear and consternation behind you.  All the best!

    Marybe, not self-absorbed at all, just anxious and rightly so to get the good news.  PG we will get that good news from you soon.  Imagine converting that Tiffany Lamp to electric, if that isn't a statement on the times, I don't know what is.  Seeing the Beatles in person!  Wow, I remember watching the Ed Sullivan Show with my girlfriend and actually screaming like every other teenager in that audience.  And skates with the keys, brings it all back!

    SV, I'm so very sorry to hear about the treatment your father inflicted on you when you were young and continues to this day.  You have found your kind heart despite this cruelty and you are to be admired and congratulated, not everyone has the strength to do that.  I wish you good health and happiness as this would be your sweet revenge.

    Kathryn, your grandmother has my heart ... feeling 18 at 90, way to go!  Can I put in my order right now?  And your grandfather experiencing the Civil War!  It is truly mind boggling what a changed world it is today compared to what they had to endure.

    Will close now, wishing you all the very best and hoping to hear good news and all your wonderful stories again soon.  Julia

    ps. Jackie, Isabella, Barbara, Caroline, Heartnsoul, Jeannette, (((((((((((hugs all around)))))))))))

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    Marybe, hope you hear some good news today! Waiting drives me nuts - just that stresses us out!

    Grannydukes - I'm glad you have a game plan in action. I know you'll be glad for 9/20 to hurry up and get here and get it over with!

    SV - what a nice group to belong to. Very nice thing you're doing.

    Isabella - keep on keeping on. It's the hardest thing to do on so many levels, but it is SO worth it in the long run. Congratulations and good job so far! 

    (((BIG HUGS))) to everyone today. We sure do have a lot going on! 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    Adding my good wishes to marybe, gd, isabella, and all who are waiting, worrying, wondering, enduring.  It's sometimes a lonely road and even the strongest of us needs the reinforcement that is brought about by a fellowship such as this.  Prayers for all of us. 

    Hope you get good news today Marybe. 

    Isabella, my best to you - you are acting with courage and decisiveness, and an admirable equity. 

    GD - ((( ))) - waiting is really tough.  The days can really drag, but you might think about using the next couple of weeks to get in the best "condition" you are able - diet/exercise/blahblahblah.  Going into any invasive procedure as strong as possible may help in the healing process. Build up some endorphins, do a few things you'd really like to do!

    SV you are a brilliant writer, I hope you can find your way home to the pen or keyboard.

     Best to all,


  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    ZERO!!!  The results of my cell search were zero. I called this AM and left a voice message for the nurse's voice mail and when I got the call back it was this person named Kelly who must be new because I do not recognize the name.  She starts out telling me who she is and that she's from Dr.Cody's office and she wanted me to know that they had already called my home this AM, but maybe I did not get the voice mail and that she assumes I had called again because I did not get the message and that she was calling to tell me the results and I am just about dying waiting for her to tell me and finally she said The results came back zero.  I said Zero!! That is wonderful. Thank you so much, thank you , thank you.   Not that she had a thing to do with the results, and I had no real reason to think they wouldn't be zero since they have never been anything, but when we have run the test, but since the tumor markers are up and the onco ordered this test, I figured he must be looking for or suspecting something.  Needless to say, I am very very relieved and wanted to let you all know.  Then I decided I would bake something for his office for when I go get my treatment tomorrow so was headed to the grocery store on my lunch hour and fell down the front steps to this building so am now sitting here with an icebag on my hand and my elbow.  Also landed on my fake knee to make it even worse....and am just hoping I did not mess it up, but had an appt already scheduled with my orthopedic surgeon a week from Mon anyway.  But the fall is no big deal, am just glad the test isn't showing that it's in the blood stream. I have always been clumsy and was looking at something while walking down the steps and bam, down I went.   I will read the last few days of posts and make comments later.  Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes.....they worked. 

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Hip, hip, hooray for Marybe!!!!  What great news, I'm so happy for you ... and now for the happy dance...let's boogaloo, shingaling and twist the night away!!!  I know, I know what an old fogey.  Congratulations, keep up the good work!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,378
    edited August 2010

    Marybe -- the queen of zero's and may it always be.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    yeah Marybe - yahoo!   Just watch out when you are doing your happy dancing, will you?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Marybe - YAHOO!! Happy dance!!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    Marybe.. just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pleased for your Zero, but not too pleased about your fall !! Did anyone see you ?? I have had 2 or 3 big falls, but in my own back yard !! 

    Jackie....where have you got to...I am missing your long posts, and daily dose of animal news! Your short posts are no-where near as interesting !!!!!!

    I have had a quiet afternoon, just sat sewing away, piles of alterations to do...being a shortie everything I buy is toolong, sometimes I get sick to death of taking up yet another hem or some sleeves. I still am finding things I bought last winter sitting there waiting to be fiddled with, and be worn this summer, never mind I shall get them ready for next year....I hope ! There was a good afternoons entertainment on my radio, and I was too lazy to smarten up , and go out, so I was up there from just after midday 'til nearly 7pm. I often think if I got paid for all the hours I put in sewing I would be well off !  A couple of my dogs crept upstairs with me, and were all curled up in the middle of my ironing pile fast asleep all afternoon.

    DD called by for a chat, and I never heard her, she rang me this evening complaining I am like the 'scarlet pimpernel' and that she can never got to me when she needs to..... I just switch off the phone, lock the farmyard gate, and the house doors, I even switch off the doorbell, when I hole up in my sewing room, I hate being disturbed, I think she was quite mad at me!!!!  She knows just where to climb over the fence into the garden, and where my spare key is, so I don't know what's eating her !!!  The rain is still pouring down, so I am sure she knows me well enough to know I would be sewing and to let herself in.....I won't leave any doors unlocked when I am in alone....too many breakins and funny goings on these days. 

    • Tomorrow I am going into town, I haven't been for over a week, not being too well. I need some more bits and bats for my upcoming hospital stays. I think I have enough nightwear, but just topping up to be sure. I want enough NOT to have to ask DD to do my washing....she can turn things pink at the drop of a hat...I would like to be able to use everything again. When it was my Aunts funeral she had her DH looking a terrible mess, turned out she had put his suit in the washing machine.!!!!!!!
    • Isabella.
  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2010

    Marybe- congratulations!  The pups and I are doing a happy dance for you!