Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    Well, I did remember my camera today

    I did my grocery shopping with this en route

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009

    Hey JO, Your fireplace sounds wonderful.  You have to be one of the most talented women I've "met!"  When I read your posts, I feel like I'm in the same room talkin' to ya.  I tried the crisp and it was excellent--I'm going to go back to the market Thursday and get some more rhubarb--this time I'll make some to take to work to share.  I thought about how my dad used to just grab a stalk to eat raw when mom was baking a pie--he loved anything tart!  My tastebuds have been so confused after my T tx Friday, that I just grabbed a little stalk and ate it--was the first thing I really tasted for a couple of days!

    Motherof7 Good to hear from you.  Hope the weather is more cooperative soon.  Prayers for comfort and strength for Betty, and for you as you provide support for her.

    SoCalLisa Your photos are reminding me of sitting on my grandma's lap, looking at her Jackson-Perkins catalogs.  Thank you for sharing.

    Chooks,  I keep intending to make a list as I read through the posts, and make comments and just generally get involved in the discussions--HOWEVER,  my brain is just not engaging, so maybe some other time!  I do think about each of you and am so thankful to count you as my friends.  Take care.  Helen

  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited May 2009
    Alpal thanks for responding to my question to PamW.........and PamW, thanks for sharing your story with me. Both Dr. Lunin and Dr. Cohen sound wonderful - I'm happy you have them both helping you and that you're responding so very well! I have really enjoyed reading your posts here! Oh and SoCalLisa the photos of the roses are STUNNING! Take my breath away! Are they in your yard? My few daffodils and hyacinths have all died now - but my rhododendrum bush is nearly in full bloom - the bush must be about 40 years old - it's about 10 feet tall! I'll try to take a photo and post it here soon! Cool
  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Pam ...Good luck with your infusion.  I  know someone who has good experience with Zometa...for over 5 years now.

    Jo ..I clear out some shrubs etc and I'm done in ....but I like the JUST DO IT story...I have lots of experience with the over 80 group over the years...and that's pretty much it...they just keep on. My 100 + Mom speaks to me "from above" often and pretty much says that.

    Before I tuned in tonight   I forced myself to do some exercise to strengthen my knees are killing me today..and it's because I haven't been keeping up with my therapy exercises.  So now I'll just DO IT   before work, after work...whenever I can.   .

    Lisa...just love your roses...ours will be here in two weeks....just love spring. 

    Helen I know what you brain is a bit fuzzy ...but as long as I can find my way here, I'm okay.   Good night everyone.  Maire

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited May 2009


    Your photos are beautiful!!!! Are you a professional photographer? It sure looks like it to me. Hope you have as beautiful day as those pictures. I love roses.

  • fransavin
    fransavin Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2009

    CoolPer my granddaughters- even though I will be 63 next Nov- they think  I am a young grandma- best compliment you can get. I dance, play games especially video games,- take them to McDonalds for hours so they can play and spoil them rotten.  I was diagnose with DCIS-with widespread micro calcifications last Feb- had a mastectomy with no reconstruction- feel very comfortable with being lopsided- the granddaughters call me the 1 boob grandma. I also have Lupus for over 29 years and Crohns for 28 years and still keeping busy- working and enjoying life. Where I work- there are mostly the under 40 age group-but they don't treat me any different because of the age difference- in fact I know a lot many of their parents. Age is how you perceive it- some people at the age of 30- think they are old and some sure act like it.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited May 2009


    Thanks for your prayers for Betty, she really needs them right now.She is really having a tough time.

    I also hope the weather will be better when we go back. We will be going back tomorrow. I had to see the surgeon who operated on me yesterday, he said in December, I would need another mamogram, that sent shivers down my spine. i know it is still six months away, but i am already praying that the mamogram will be clear. I get the Herceptin today, and tomorrow, i think I will see the radiatin oncologist for the last time, since my last radiation treatment was in February. It seems like we've really not had any days off. We have to be back at work on Friday.


    I agree witheveryone else on this site, it seems like you are right in the room with us when you are on here. hope everything is going great for you.

    To All Of You Ladies!!!1

    You all are so very special, I feel like you all are a part of my family!!!!!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    fransavin - thanks for that encouraging post. 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2009

    Fransavin:  Thanks for the really uplifting post.  Now, I am going to stop complaining - actions speak louder than words!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    SoCalLisa  You are very artistic with a camera.  Gives me another thing to attempt to do well.;  Dh always has the camera --- I think it may be time for me to try my hand.  Often I think many of our pictures could have been a bit better -- but can't say too much since I have not learned how to photograph anything.

    Gramof3  I don't know if my brain has been engaged for a long time. I forever have to scroll up to and find the post I want to respond too....and of course, you can't always do that.  I think of making notes....but when I've done that something feels a little artificial then.  I seem to say things differently right after I have read the post.....hmmm.

    fransavin  Age really is only a number and I'm glad you are so much proof of that.  I think we women are lucky in this way.  I can still remember when there was only a radio to listen to and there were no Game Boys or whatever on your t.v.  No computers of course.  So I think when old age came....some of our family now passed on seemed perhaps 'older' because in so many ways life and living did not have the stimulating proponents we have now.  Technology has given us so much to 'keep' us learning and experiencing different faucets to life.  I too hope to stay as young as I really feel and while I don't mind sharing and telling my my age...I'm sure I'll never be old....there is just too much in this world to keep me young.  I do very much admire that you are so up-beat despite the Lupus and Crohns --- they are energy zappers and you carry on as though they were not even there....but I know that is part of "the secret".  We do stay young when we have these things and don't let them interfere too greatly in the life we choose to live.  Good for you. 

    Allison...I have known a couple people as well that had the AI's first.  It ( it's my head, refer to above paragraphs ) seemed so hard to understand that anyone would have chemo first before any operations etc.  Now is is just part of the information and knowledge. 

    Hope you all have a great day.  I'll be checking in later.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope your day is going well.

    The Roses, oh ladies aren't they just beautiful.  I love that color that comes out half way between Pink and Yellow, kind of a Peach color.  They were just wonderful to see.  Thank You SoCalGal.

    Gram of 3: People keep asking about dieting, I haven't had a taste for anything but tart stuff.  I am still loosing weight but only 1 lb this week.  I am eating, Fruit Juice Popsicles when I want something sweet, in them there is a lime popsicle and I just love it.  I also eat some potato chips in the afternoon and I am drinking a Limeade drink with them for my snack and it hits the spot.  I also have access to (and I don't know where else you can get them) Green Apple Twizzlers, so again, sugar craving and it's Green Apple Twizzlers.  Seems to work.  I also read somewhere, don't ask me where, that cancer cell also don't like acid.  Hehe, got 'em.  LOL

    Jo-5:  Horrible, Horrible Rhubarb in our Publix down here.  I wouldn't make dog food out of it.  Maybe I have to wait a while?  I don't know, also they only had three packages.  Sigh,  But I did like the sound of it being so tart and sticking it in sugar. Yum,.  Hmmm, I am just craving tart stuff.

     Allison, thank you for answering, your answer was much shorter then mine but you actually gave me some new info about Stage IV BC.  I do know that the Arimidex Pamphlet has all the "studies" info on it and it says that in comparison to Tomaxifin (sp) and only for women that are ER+ and PR+ it is better at preventing reoccurance of BC.  Ladies that is just from the Pamphlet info.  Not a social comment.

    Ok, of course I have to comment about my infusion.  LOL, It took them four tries to find a vein that would work.  Eeeekk, I hate needles.  :-O  Once they got it in, heck, not a bad infusion at all.  She said I might get a headache, lots do on the first infusion.  Three hours later, no head ache yet.  I can do this once a month!  And "yes" I have also been told their are people that are on Zometa for years and years.  Nice to know, anything that can help my poor bones can't be bad.  I, like Jo, don't go onto my knees anymore for much of anything or anyone.  LOL  Only because they would need a crane to get me up.  LOL

    OK, Laides, I am off to eat my lunch and clean for UNO, this new appointment has messed up my schedule.  

    Have a good one, and thanks for being here for me.



  • fransavin
    fransavin Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2009

    KissIt is me- just want to let you know on some days- not often but I do feel like 90. My mom had r.a and she enjoyed life- danced when she could not even bend her knees-drove like crazy with swollen hands. My dad who died of bladder cancer-a week before he died- we had a pizza party for his birthday- until the last 4 days of his life- he was active and got around- we did have caretakers for him because he was not allowed to drive. I guess it is in genes

    Time to get back to work and party on

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Hey, the sun has FINALLY  peaked through in Central Illinois and I'm feeling instantly younger.  Now if it could take off those extra pounds, I'd have it made.

    Wishing all of you a good afternoon and evening......


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009

    It's sunny here in Ontario too - making this tired person feel happier. I've been lurking here and posting on and off - really enjoying the banter and optimism. Thanks all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009 part of Illinois lost the sun a while back and wow --- who knows for sure. Under tornado watch till 10 O'clock.....but our little town basically seems ( * now making the sign of the cross * ) to get missed for that though the outskirts on west end of town had straight line winds one year.  I live on the far east end....I just hope the storm will be kind to anyone that is a part of it.  We have had rain a couple of times already. 

    Another thought --- now new....attitude is such an important thing.  It will keep us young and active.  I think I read somewhere that the reason we don't do many things is that our sub-conscious hears a no being said in some someone around us....and the sub-conscious believes it....and therefore we end up- believing it too.  So often when we are reluctant about something....or half way convinced when just thinking about it that we may not be able to do it....somewhere along the way....we heard something that our sub-conscious picked up and took to heart. 

    Well, I'm going to run along and find some dinner and do a million more things before I settle down for the night.  Stay well, dry and active and everything should work out. 



  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited May 2009

    Hi, all you gorgeous gals!!  Guess I'm lurking, too.  Just haven't had much to say.  Yeah, me! 

    Hope the weather clears for all you mid-west ladies, especially since it'll probably be heading for NYS!

    Pam - Good for you and your infusion!  I swore the last time anyone had to stick me, I was going to mark the spot with a Sharpie so we wouldn't have to "search and stab" again the next time  And, yes, we are special!  And, not just because we have bad boobs!! Or no boobs.  Or uni-boobs. 

    And rhubarb sprinlked with salt is quite yummy!


  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone and thanks for all the uplifting comments. JO you are right - we ARE a very special group! Laughing PamW1 I'm so happy you got through your infusion - and hope you don't have black and blues from all the pokes. My veins are hard to find now - didn't used to be that way, but a year of chemo will do that to the best of veins - and my other arm is off-limits due to my brush with early stage lyphedema.

     Today I felt very inspired after reading that a 48 year old was the "Oldest Biggest Loser" - I watched the show when it first started, and haven't seen it since then. The winner Helen looks FANTASTIC - and she just finished running a marathon too! There were clips showing how hard she had to workout and it totally inspired me. Once upon a time, I was very athletic - swam a mile 6 days a week, did my Jane Fonda workout tapes 3 days a week and ran after small children all day. Even at the age of 40, after my 3rd c-section, I got back in shape. I was never a runner - my knock knees and flat feet wouldn't cooperate - but swimming and aerobic tapes were my stress-busters. Fast foward to menopause at the age of 49...........and a new full-time job sitting at a desk, and in 9 months I gained 25 pounds. I actually quit that job - it didn't pay well anyway and I was horrified at how much weight I gained. Fast forward to my age now (54) and I'm another 25 pounds heavier - I would have to lose 50 pounds to be the weight I was when I was 40! Oh I don't really "look it" to most people because I'm tall (5'9") but it's very obvious to me.

    Today I had my bone scan - it was amazing to see my entire skeleton on a computer screen. Unfortunately it was also a "wake-up" call! Even my BONES look fat! They're spread out so much - pushed outward from the fat within! The technologist knows me from prior scans - she's an angel - she lost weight when she totally lost her sense of smell and taste, not fun at all poor I feel guilty about my vain complaints. And even though she said everything looked normal to her (which she's not supposed to say but she tells me anyway)........I left feeling depressed because of how my Skeleton was shouting at me from the computer screen "LOSE WEIGHT!"

    I joked with my 23 year old daughter - maybe I should just gain another 20 pounds, then I'll be eligible to be on the next season of "The Biggest Loser"...........and how nice to go to the ranch and have a personal trainer and chef and everyone cheering me on to lose weight! Gosh I KNOW I could easily get back to my normal weight then! It would actually be fun for me to be at a fat camp like that and not have to worry about working and taking care of my family.

    OK - enough cry-baby stuff. I really am not the self-pitying type - but there's such a thing called "muscle-memory" and my muscles, flaccid though they be now, remember the good - 'ol -days when they were taut and tough. I actually once did look exactly like my avatar swimming the butterfly.  Looking at Helen from the Biggest Loser reminds my muscles and me how deep inside is a buried athlete trying to find her way out again..........past the aches and pains of arthritis and the exhaustion of the past year of surgery and bc tx's.........and I am promising myself to lose at least 20 pounds before my abdominal surgery in July. I know Weight Watchers has always worked for me.......boring though the meetings can be ............I need the classroom-type atmosphere - the feeling that I did  my "homework" and get my little that is my goal, to rejoin my local WW meetings on Saturday morning.

    Thanks once again for listening to me............I hope I'm not too boring ...........but I always feel so much better after spilling my guts like this to you my sweet ladies!

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009
    Another reason grandkids are more fun than their parents:  I just called my gdaughters (5 and 8) and they turned on the speaker phone.  I could hardly understand them because they were shrieking and laughing so hard.  I figured they should have finished their baths and that neither of their parents was around because it usually is "quiet time" before they go to bed.  Anyway, after I yelled, "What are you doing??" the little one yelled back, "We're having an underwear war!"  I yelled again, "How do you do that??" and the older one yelled, "We're using our panties as sling shots and there goes Nemo, there goes Princess Aurora, there goes Minnie Mouse!"  Then SILENCE.  Unfortunately, my son walked in on them and was hit by Dora the Explorer!  Cease fire followed immediately.  I wish I were there to see them...just a little down day, today.  Major hot flashes and I had to relocate my entire office this afternoon--went bald and a co-worker dude said, "Gee, Helen, if you ever want to look mean and scare someone, just take off your wig." Grrrrrr. 
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    Hi all..I am getting more and more in the habit of sticking my camera in the trunk when I am

    in the car..."just in case" never know...thanks for the compliments..I am just an amateur

    though...I just am loving retirement and digital photograpy seemed like a good fit for me..

    I had very serious complications from BC treatment and was basically unable to leave

    home for over a year and a I took it up along with geneaology..

    JO..I have a Canon powershot S5IS, it has a great lens...12x  zoom

    I had all the lenses with my SLR regular camera, so decided I did NOT want

    to go that route again..this is simple..but I think there is a newer one out now..

    My grandkids are of course my favorite subjects, but they are not here often flowers and shorebirds are my new subjects..but with this cross

    country trip coming up next week, I will have a month driving to take lots.

    Jackie..I am a veteran too...I was a Navy Line Officer over forty five years ago now

    right after I graduated from college..

    seems like another lifetime...I had a wonderful four years...

    I took these many flowers are past prime now..I don't grow them but so enjoy 

    others' green thumbs..we put in a pool in our backyard instead of a garden..

    Rita..wonder if we will be passing each other on our trips..

    Swimangel, you will be back in swimming form before you know it!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    Swimangel....I loved reading/listening to you.  I could have said so many of those things myselfYell as I use to be 130.....go forever it seemed non-stop almost.  Now, it often feels like I'm doing next to nothing and wearing out so quickly.  I keep trying to figure out what and where the happy medium to all this is but it keeps hiding.   My downfall came just around 50.  I had been taking thyroid for some time and knew the prescription needed to be increased....and soon as I find time to go to the Dr.  I did not find time until I noticed a nice 8-to10 ib. wt. increase and even with my meds upped...I never lost that ten pounds and through the years....lots more showed up.  Un-invited of course.  I need to have 40 #'s gone.  I lost 40 during chemo...but a slight few have made their way back --- thanks Arimidex....I might not have done it without you.  So, I have the last 40 that I needed to lose anyway....and probably 4 or 5 more from the Arimidex.  I did Wt. Watchers ( home program ) before and did well.....and also tried South Beach ( home program ) and did just as well.  I actually liked the South Beach a little better as they seemed to be into more fresh foods etc.  I'm not real sure what I am going to do but I am going to have to get myself motivated soon......So, I was nearly 225 when I started chemo but after was 183.  Lost about 40 lbs....though it was not a good way to do it.  As a diet plan chemo stinks....I'm about 193 now so I have work to do. 

    Being tall....I can carry lots of weight too....and usually if I say what I weigh no one believes me ---as though any of us would "admit" to that kind of wt unless it were true.  Or I'll put it this I wished I could say I really was pulling their leg.  Oh how I wish. of these days soon.  The cleaning job I took on recently is stealing a couple off my frame so.....hard work does pay off now and then.  That's scary --- I'm not sure I really want to work that hard every day but I am liking the wt. loss.  SIGH !!!!!

    Ok, got to get ready for work tomorrow. 



    p.s.  I should say as well that South Beach is also a very heart healthy way to is a good style of eating....I'll probably go back ot it when I get ready.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies, I love all the caring people here, I love to see people my age fighting

    the same ways and knowing it is harder sometimes,  SoCalLisa, I love your roses

    Patoo, I hope to meet alot of your wonderful friends here. Take care, Debbie

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited May 2009

    Morning Ladies

    I think it's morning anyway, I have to be at the Dr.'s office at 7:45a.m. I get up and say my prayers and read my Bible, before I can start my day. Then everything seems to fall into place.


    I hope and pray everything went smooth for you when you visited your dad. Thanks for praying for me, and I really appreciate your prayers for Betty. I remember how it feels. I was told 2 days before my 32nd wedding anniversary that David had cancer, he died April 22, one week before my birthday. You really can't prepare yourself in that short of time. Junior died the same day David did April 22, and they also found out in February, is that odd or what? I believe I told you we were more like sisters than cousins, I told Betty it was odd, she said it really is.


    I will miss you all, I may be home for a couple of days in two weeks, I have a grandson who will be graduating from high school, sure don't want to miss that.

    Until next time I pray you all stay in good health and I will be praying for you all

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Good morning.

    Motherof7, you are right that things fall into place when you start your day in prayer and the Word.  I have a lovely poem above my bathroom sink to remind me as I'm brushing my teeth in the morning, that things just don't seem to go right because "I forgot to pray".  I am so sorry that you have had so many upsets and will pray that you continue to be strong.  Enjoy your trip and the graduation.

    Sisters - enjoy your day!

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Morning Ladies,

    Geezz, I am getting up so early just to take my Arimidex with breakfast.  

    Let's see, SoCalGal, thanks for more beautiful scenes.  I have planted out in my new planter and I love the color mix but don't have a camera. ;-(   

    I also hit 50 and my body decided that eveything I ate had to be turned into fat.  I use to be 130 also and am now 199 thanks to that 1lb I lost last week. haha.  At least I broke 200. 

    I am a morning prayer and meditator also.  I think it is my Catholic background that keeps me on track.  I didn't go to Catholic Schools but that getting up every Sunday for Church and Catecism (sp) classes started a routine.  The one time I had severe probs in my life I wasn't even going to church yet alone praying.  I am married to a Jewish man so I incorporate other ideas and ways of thinking.  I am very influenced by Eastern/Oriental thinking, although, like every thing else, not entirely.  I am with you all, when I get up if I don't spend at least 15 mins to 1/2 hour talking to my Higher Power (God) my day is shot.  Sometimes I have to stop in the middle and start over if I have forgotten.

    To those about to go on trips or in for surgery, those that won't be here to jot down their feeling for the day, I am with you in thought, enjoy yourselves and take care and let us know all about it when you get back.  

    I am off to buy outside chairs and tables for my Lanai and backyard.  I am getting a chaise for the backyard as I should be getting 15 mins to 1/2 hour of sun a day for the Vit D.  Because of Thyroid and Parathyroid problems my body doesn't absorb Vit D and Calcium correctly.  Hence the infusion aside from the bone mets.  So gee, what an excuse to "have to" sit in the sun and relax everyday.  LOL  Sometimes these problems can just be fun. (Not all the time though, ;-( .

    I also have to get rods for my curtains, all this just for the UNO group.  Hmm, wonder if they are all worth it all.? Lots of expended energy.  

    No adverse side effects from the Zometa yet, but there is a thing in there about jaw problems and tooth decay.  Lawdy my teeth have been bad from the day I was born.  Now I wonder, worry (my favorite thing to do) if I am going to end up with lock jaw.  Lets see if I google something else, anything else, I will be able to worry about that also.  TeeHee. I drive Robert crazy with the worrying.  LOL

    OK, Ladies, Have a great day.



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Swimangel...I hear ya on the weight loss program.  Are you doing Arimidex or any other AI?  I've always been able to keep my weight under control until I got on this Arimidex and now I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life.  I'm doing a yoga for breast cancer survivors class once a week and walking 3 miles a day when the weather permits.  I golf and bowl but the pounds don't seem to come off.  I need to faithfully follow the weight watcher's core diet.  A friend of mine orientated me to it a few years ago and it helped me.  Then I was diagnosed, went through chemo and rads and everything went POOSH!  Like you, I serioiusly need to get back in shape this summer.  Unfortunately I don't think there's any magical cure for it!  Hugs!  I understand where you are at with this one!

    Lisa, we may just be passing each other on our trips.  I don't know if I've asked you before or not, but are you going clear across country to the east coast?  Vegas is our most western stop before heading south and coming back through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.  I have been in San Diego though several years ago to a National Science Teacher's Convention.  We were there for only 3 days but we managed to get out and see some sights.  Then we rented a car one afternoon and drove up the coast.  What a beautiful location you have!  Travel safely on your trip and take lots of pictures!

    Jackie...I'm hoping that we have a break in the rain today so I can do a little work in the yard.  It's still too wet to mow but I need to do some weeding.

    Hugs to all of you.  I hope you all have a great day!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    Rita, we are only going as far east as Ohio...I am going to my 45th college reunion DH went to Dartmouth in NH so we usually go that distance..this is alot shorter...we come back through

    W. Canada and Glacier National Park.then straight down Interstate 15 to San Diego...we do pass 

    through Vegas on our way home, but we don't stop....last time we were there was for a Celion Dion

    concert.. hope you have a good trip too...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    JO..I could not lose a pound while I was on Arimidex even on a low fat diet...I finished up a couple of years ago now and I went on the same diet and lost 30 I started on beta blockers and I can't lose a pound...on the same diet again...who knew?

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Jo, Oh Jo,

    Back to the Rhubarb.  Robert has a customer that grows hydroponic veggies and he brought Robert the most wonderful bunch of veggies.  Lots of herbs, dill, fennel, something that is very peppery smelling, some lettuce lots of Tomatoes and Peppers and, and, and, Rhubarb.  I have four fresh stalks of red and about five of what I think is a white variety.  I will try it to see if it is tart.  I am all excited.  I don't have the time to make the pies for tomrrow night but Sunday, it's gonna be Rhubarb Pie or Crisp for dinner.  I will let you know how it goes.  TeeeHeeeee.

    SoCalGal?  What college in Ohio did you go to and when?

    More will be Rhubarb revealed.

    Hugs Pam

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    Hi from southern Illinois.  Just checking in today. 

    SoCalLisa -  Interesting that you were in the service as well.  Don't know if I mentioned...I was a Medical Corpsman.  I really enjoyed that.  Asked to be placed in the OB-GYN clinic.....thought it would be a happy place to work and for the most part it was.  Took my training at San Antonio, Texas --- Ft. Sam Houston.  Right next to Breckenridge Botanical Gardens.  Probably not like that now, but you could walk off the Ft. grounds right into the Gardens ( on the back side of each ) and so some friends and I used to spend a lot of time there when we had the time.  It was peaceful and very pretty.  I enjoyed San Antonio and would have loved staying there a long time.  That part of my life seems like it was so long ago now ---- long enough that I had no vision of what life would be like for me at the age of  63 and living back in the tiny little town where I was raised. I'm sure I felt then that I would always be full of energy and ready to take on almost any challenge and find most everything coming pretty easy to me.  Some things have changed so drastically.'s it going with the packing.  That is high on my list of things that are not fun to do. 

    See you all later to get back to work myself.  Or....I just might collapse in my recliner and dose myself into bedtime.....our storm woke me up a few times and I could be a bit more rested.  See you.



  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited May 2009

    Jackie - shortly after my bc surgery I was dx'd as having low thyroid function and now I'm taking Synthroid. I kept hoping this would increase my energy level - but I haven't noticed much difference at all. And yes Rita I've been on Arimidex since last July - but I really don't blame this drug for my weight. My weight problem started years ago when I first went into menopause. It's like my inner motor has slowed down - and I can't seem to start it up again. But exercise is really the key - and good for you Rita - keep doing the yoga and walking! If nothing else, it helps with the endorphins and feeling of well being. I've been very poopy all week since my Stage 2 surgery.......I blame it on the general anesthesia and pain meds. Seems to take much longer to get out of my system. Well I'm going in to watch more Stephen King Movies on "Chiller".......last night were Part 1 & 2 of The Stand  and tonight is Part 3. - I forgot how many stars were in that movie and how closely it followed his book! I was a huge Stephen King fan years ago - but then switched to Dean Koontz (in that genre). Hope everyone has a great night!