Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited August 2009

    Motherof7 - you certainly have my prayers.  While I was at the rehab center, I started a journal.  The first thing every day was to count my blessings.  It is so easy to slip into negativity and pessimism instead of gratitude and optimism.  Yes, I count my blessings ... that today is a beautiful summer day, that I have the Lord in my life, that even when things look their darkest, I can pray and receive comfort, that I know He has a plan for me and lessons that will help me grow spiritually and that He loves me when I don't even love myself.

    So here are a bunch of hugs and prayers coming your way.

  • NanaA
    NanaA Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2009

    Finished rad #7 yesterday.  Then I saw the pulmonary doc about the nodule the ct found on my lung.  One of his questions to me was about my sleep habits.  Was I tired all the time and did I take naps.  I said before or after chemo and radiation.  Does he not know what those do to our bodies and that fatigue is a major part of both those treatments.  He is having a CT with contrast done, if that does not show anything definite, he is going to  wait 3 months and do another one and see if it has changed.  He does not seem to be very worried about it.  He said a biopsy would be only truly definite answer and that it is too small to do a biopsy on.  It sounds like if it doesn't change any in 3 months we stop worrying about it.  I have CT on 12th and should have results within 5 days of that.He is going to do a pulmonary breathing test on me in Sept when I go back for next appt.  

    I am thanking God for all my blessings and wish all of you a very good day.  Annette 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2009

    I just spoke with one of my best friends yesterday. She informed me that her mother was diagnosed with BC. Had a lumpectomey a couple of months ago, but I guess they didn't get it all, so they did a mastectomy. Not doing rads or chemo.....but get this.....she is 87 years old! What a shame to have lived that long, and to possibly go out with cancer. I can only pray to live that long! I will be 51 in a few weeks. Gosh, that would mean I have at least another 35 yrs.

    I think, how blessed she is to have even lived that long and I assume they are not doing the other treatments because of her age. I was just wondering how old, the oldest person here is?

    Blessings to all


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited August 2009

    Annette, so far so good with the nodule in your lung.  Hope it amounts to nothing.

    Lori, enjoy your next 35 yrs!  My mom will be 87 in Dec.  I would hate for her to have to deal with BC.  She has osteoarthritis and spinal stinosis and that's enough.

    I put on my New Balance shoes and took a short walk today.  Three-quarters of a mile.  At 8 am it was 80 degrees and humid outside.  Forgot to acitivate the timer on my pedometer so I don't know the time, but I walked slow.  My bilat with recon was the 7/24 and this was my first walk outside.  My normal walk before diagnosis was 3 mi. 

    My husband is getting me out of the house today.  We'll drive over to Biloxi, MS, about an hour and a half, to one of the casinos.  We'll have lunch and play a little video poker. 

    This is Wed., and my golfing friends will be playing Ladies Day golf.  Hopefully, in 2 or 3 months, I'll be swinging a golf club again.

    Everyone enjoy your Wed.

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2009

    Hey Carole,

    You sound upbeat today...I'm measuring my walks in 1/2 blocks right now, but aim to increase slowly (especially on cooler mornings).  Considering your bilat was just the 24th, you are doing great, and I bet you'll be swinging those clubs soon.  Rita is a good role model for that! 

    Hope you have a wonderfulo day.  Helen

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2009

    To All Of You Wonderful Ladies

    Thanks for all your prayers, I got some wonderful news today. They say there is a small cyst in my right breast with some fluid, but they say there is no mass, and it probably is from the surgery and the radiation I had. Thank Jesus  for the miracles He does.

    Now, please pray with me that my left leg will be o.k. They found something supicious when they did the total bone scan, I had run into my loveseat and bumped it pretty hard, and it had a big bruise on it, maybe, I pray that was what they saw. Also, the port they put in last Thrusday is red, I went to the cancer center today, they told me to keep a check on my temp, and if it reaches 100.4 to call them, last check was 99.9.

    Enough about me. How are all of you doing? I pray you all are doing great, and I pray Jesus puts such special blessings on you all.


    Thanks for all your prayers. I am even quilty of not praising and thanking Jesus as much as I should. You should have saw me today when they gave me the good news, I just had to raise my hands and thank Him for his wonderful mercy.


    Thanks so much for your prayers, I am praying for a speedy recovery for you.Let's all trust and believe in Jesus, He can help us when no one else can.God Bless.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2009


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2009

    Hi everyone.  I'm a little on brain overload from bco today so just chiming in to let you all know that I'm thinking of you all and praying for you.  And, yes, I have thanked the Lord, today and everyday, for all my blessings for they are many. 

    Have a wonderful evening.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2009

    Hi Carole,

    Got your PM and happy to share with you.  The suspense of waiting for results is the worst part of this whole process!  I am the kind who reads the last page of the novel if I can't read the book straight through so you see, I am not any good at this waiting game.  And it never ends!  You get one result and there is something else hanging over your head.

    Your walk sounds like mine.  I imagine the heat and humidity in LA is about the same as N. Florida.  I walk two miles, ride my bike two miles every AM.  So far I credit it with being able to take Arimidex without too much trouble.  Hope it holds out.  

    Hope y'all came back winners from lunch!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited August 2009

    Oh dear - I am beginning to feel a bit like a slug with so many active people here.  It's 19C here - just translated that to 66F and going up a couple of degrees. And there some of you are out walking in hot hot weather. I am running out of excuses! Maybe a walk with my grandson this afternoon would be the thing.

    I am Day 3 from my second last Taxotere (hooray!) and was able to play bridge (badly) yesterday.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2009

    I hate to think what the average age was last night aboard the USS Midway

    for a dinner to honor the husband is one...

    but at almost 67, I brought it

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited August 2009

    Leslie, you sure know how to make a person living in south Louisiana VERY envious!  What I wouldn't give to step outside into 66 degrees!  My husband and I spent the summer in Canada in 2007.  We loved the weather and the people were all so hospitable. 

    I took another short walk outside this morning.  A little longer than yesterday, 8/10 of a mile.  Today I may shore up my courage to drive for the first time.  There's a shopping center with a Target and a JCPenney about 3 mi. from my house. 

    The trip to Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi yesterday was fun.  My husband and I aren't big gamblers but we entertained ourselves a couple of hours playing video poker.  Then we had a delicious late lunch before driving back home.  It was my first excursion since my surgery on 7/24. 

    I really enjoy this discussion forum.  Hope you all have a good Thursday.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2009

    I just had to tell you all about my wonderful news. The Dr. told me that what they saw in my leg was where he replaced the ball in my hip, there is something that goes down from it, he told me what it's called, but I forgot, anyway, thank Jesus that is what they saw. Praise God! Praise God! I just can't thank Him enough.

    I pray each and everyone of you get such wonderful news as I just got. I will pray for each one of you.

    God Bless You All!!!!!!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2009

    carole, that casino is where my bro, sis and i went 2 yrs ago (before my BC).   We had the lunch buffet.   Dad was one of the original crew on the newly commissioned battleship Alabama when WWII broke out.   Although he did not become a career Navy man, he had his ashes buried at sea.   Since he has no grave site, we took flowers to the ship and threw them into the water as a private memorial.   

    The casino had such beautiful floral arrangements, I had to take pictures.   When my son was married, 3 weeks after my dx, we duplicated the arrangements in a smaller size.   And I took one to Arlington National Cemetery to my husband's crypt.   Again, ashes and flowers.

    As far as age, Jo beat me - I am 63, dx at age 62.  But my Mom is 96 and I will fly up to see her tomorrow since I have enough hair to not look like a cancer patient.   She does not know I have battled BC and we are not going to tell her.    She is a 47 year survivor of radical bi lat mastectomies, no chemo, no rads.

    I too try to walk each evening.   It is slow, but steady and I take a water bottle with me to keep hydrated.    Once the Tai Chi class is back in session, I will do that once a week.   They stop for the summer -- and it is free at the recreation center.   

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited August 2009

    LeftyAKAnancy, it's a small world, isn't it?  I love strolling through that gorgeous lobby of the Beau Rivage and looking at the flower displays.  They must cost a fortune.  I enjoy window shopping but can't imagine buying anything in any of the boutiques.  I noticed one yesterday that featured glitzy handbags in all colors and styles.  In contrast, the men's fashions are almost stodgy.

    I'm 66 yrs. old and didn't feel my age until this BC thing took me completely unawares.  I'm hoping that whatever treatment lies ahead doesn't turn me into a 90 yr. old.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2009

    carole, they say each of us is connected by no more than 7 degrees:  someone knows someone who went to the same school, lived in the same town, etc.   We are doubly connected by BC and Beau Rivage.   

    Of course we could NEVER afford those arrangements, but the florist worked to get the colors and size suitable for the wedding tables.   Some days I feel like I am 190 years old.  Today is one of the achy, creaky days and it is raining to add to the insult.    

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2009

    Carole,  My diagnosis was very similar to yours and I, too was worried about the grade 3.  I went with the CMF chemo, which is much easier than some of the other types.  I did 6 CMF infusions, 3 weeks apart and did not lose my hair.  Like you, I dreaded the thought of the chemo.  It was my greatest fear, but I still had that nagging worry about the grade 3.  I found CMF chemo to be very doable.  SoCalLisa also did the CMF.   If it comes down to the need for chemo, you might ask about the CMF.  Also there is a thread under Help Me Make it Through Treatments for CMF questions that you might want to check out.  Hugs to you as I know and understand the fear and indecision about the chemo decision.  You will make the right choice for you!

    Jo, my back is better but it still bothers me if I still too long or do alot of twisting.  Yesterday was the first day that I golfed and my game was really off as I was pampering my back....expecting that pain to shoot through.  Today I'm just getting things done around the home front and will try a few holes again tomorrow.  I really think I just overdid the golf and the ol' body just rebelled!  LOL

    Hugs to all you gals!


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2009

    Good Afternoon Chooks,

    Mother of 7,  Wonderful!  I'm sending up a thanksgiving tonight at church for your good news.

    Carole,  The casino adventure sounds like a good time...those "get away" moments are so needed!   And interesting that Nancy shares the connection.

    Lisa  Your pictures reminded me of my dad--especially the planes on deck. .  He was a WWII vet--8th Army (before the Air Force was organized separately), 339th FG--his plane was a P51 Mustang,

    JO  My age tends to run from about 12 (riding the "Teacups" at Branson) through the real 62 to about 102 ( trying to remember something or getting out of bed in the morning). 

    Annette  Hoping for a CLEAR scan on the 12th...  are you fatigued??? Sometimes they just don't get it...

    Lassie  One more taxotere, right?  Are you having neuropathy?  I hope mine clears up soon--my feet and toes feel like pin cushions.

    Patoo  I understand the BCO overload...just post when you feel like it.  I always enjoy what you have to say. 

    kmccraw  Hope you're doing o.k.  I know you had a real time of it for a while.  Hugs.

    Nancy  Your mom is a trooper!  It's bad enough to be dx today, but I can't imagine how scarey it was back then...and how limited the options were.  She's an inspiration.

    Question:  Is anyone aware of any clinical trials addressing metastisis?  I've gotten 3 opinions from dentists concerning the Zometa trial and it looks like I won't be participating in it.  Just wondered if anyone knew of others? 

    Hope all of you have a good evening...take care.  Helen

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2009

    I guess we all remember the photograph that this statue represents

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2009

    Gram of 3, this plane was on the hangar deck of the Midway

    but I don't know what kind of plane it was..

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2009

    I'm 189   oops, no I mean will be 64 very soon in September.  Most of the time ( during a lot of the cancer txs I felt quite old ) I don't think I'm feeling more that 50 or so.  Just hope I can get some organizational skills back....I'm so bad at it lately.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2009

    I miss the part of mind that deals with organizational skills, too, Jackie!  When you reclaim that part of your brain, send me your secret!  LOL

    Jo, glad to hear that the doctor's appt. went well and that all the tests so far are just fine!  To tell you the truth, I think our doctors tell us that "everyone is different and everyone reacts differently to the AIs and other cancer meds and treatments" because they really don't know all the different reactions that might occur and they want to downsize the symptoms.  This is still a relatively new area of cancer treatment so I guess that's why we need to be involved in reading the studies and research ourselves. 

    Well...gotta run.  I have errands to do and some ironing that needs to be tackled.....yes, I'm one of those anal ladies that still can't handle the wrinkled look!  LOL

    Everyone have a good day!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319
    edited August 2009

    I iron, too!  My laundry room has a long rack for hanging clothes.  When the rack gets crowded, it's time to iron.  It's actually more touch-up pressing than serious ironing.  I set up the ironing board in my bedroom, turn on the tv, and go to work.  I really don't mind doing it.

  • noni1
    noni1 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2009

    Hello Everyone,

    How is everyone feeling?  I am tired today.  I had my grandson (6 yrs) and my daughter here for 7 nights,  we went to Disney for 4 days and had lots of fun.  I still had to take a nap.  I am 6 months post radiation and I still have days when I have to take a nap.  They left today to go back to Connecticut.

    Back to work on Monday.  It keeps me going.  I work twelve hour shifts,  get up at 4:30, get home at 8 at night, go right to bed and get up and do it again.   We are only required to do 3 shifts a week.  But, lately we have been so busy in the Emergency Room I have been picking up an extra shift.

    RitaJ----I lost my mind too!!!!!  Have not found it yet.  I think we are all permanetly changed in one way or another.  I iron too.  Must be the age thing.  LOL.  

    God Bless you all, have a great weekend,


  • CarlaB
    CarlaB Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2009

    I am 66. My bc trial started in 2002.

    My understanding of this type forum is soooo limited, I would appreciate any help or advise.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2009

    Now you all know I can't stay away.  I've been lurking but just needed to get and stay away from threads that sap the last ounce of my strength.  Whew, those were getting to be some wild rides I was on.  Next time warn me, willya, to stay on the 'humor' thread.  If I want action I can try and scramble letters to find new 9-letter words.  Safer there!

    JO, Motherof7 - happy to hear your news.  JO, that he doesn't want to see you for a year is a good indicator. 

    Oh, Ritajean and anyone else who uses that 4-letter word, iron, there's a counselling thread here for you called  'housework support...' might cure you.  Laughing

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2009

    No Cindy, it's not age.  I'm 60 and still only iron when absolutely necessary.  Maybe that's because I'm gaining on the Arimidex so I stretch out the wrinkles as soon as I put anything on?

    Welcome CarlaB.  We are sorry to have to meet you here but it's a great place when you are on this journey.  These threads are to offer a shoulder to cry on, a forum to rant, threads to ask questions.  Many of us don't have people who "really" understand our emotions and so we come here and it's incredible how we can experience a peace even if we never meet.  I urge you to ask any and all questions here or on the other threads.  Someone will always be able to lift you up and you can sign off at the end of the day feeling much better than when you signed on.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2009

    I iron too....always thought in part it was the military training that stuck....but guess it wasn't.  I get my clothes fairly wrinkled just wearing them....can't imagine how bad it might be if I didn't iron them.  I'm not great at ironing.....just feel like I look better in my clothes. 

    Jo thanks for sharing....I really was going on that weaning idea where Arimidex comes in.  When you mentioned your Dr. feeling since you have strong and or unusual reactions to so many things he was not at all surprised that you have **struggled** so much with the pill, I got to thinking that most of the rest of us would probably do fine....though if I remember about it by then ( no guarantee of that for sure ) I still might think of coming off slow anyway. 

    I do know that my original Oncologist was not at all sure what would be going on in 5 years.  He felt it was quite possible that by then it would be easy to " leave " someone on the pill, or felt they may even have something else by then.  Don't know how I feel about that....I'm not a good pill taker though with blood pressure and thyroid I have learned quite some time back to  " dose up " everyday but I'd love not to have to do it. 

    Well, best get back to work.  I'm doing some last minute cleaning as my step-son will be here overnight.....and I won't have th8ings like I really want them. but there are a few things I can make a bit nicer.  Maire...glad you had a good time in N. California.  Nice to me home too.   Carla...add my welcome and are amazing.  Patoo...glad you are back as well.  See you all later.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited August 2009

    Hi All.  Jo I am 62 and definitely feel 92! 

    My home PT really put me through my paces yesterday.  While I hate this expression- no pain, no gain, its true.

    Did I mention I now have a "dropped foot" - the right, of course, where the diabetic ulcer is.  I saw my doctor Wednesday - he thought it was from the diabetic neuropathy - he thinks everything is from that!  Anyway, I have to get an electric muscle stimulator to fix it.  I'm still counting my blessings, however.

    I know the Lord doesn't give us anything we can't handle, but honestly, some days He comes real close to the edge.

    BTW, my sister has 3 brand new irons in the house and no ironing board.