Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited September 2009

    Carole - I hardly think that staying in bed til after 8 is being a lazybones! I make that line somewhere around 11 or noon. Even before all this health nonsense, my friends were very clear that it was not OK to phone me before 10 am. Sadly, chemo ruined my sleep cycle so that I go to bed earlier and get up earlier. I can tell things are getting better because today I didn't get up til after 9. That and my next door neighbour didn't have his yappy dog out early this morning.

    Isabella - if there is any justice you have run out of things to go wrong at your house. I look at my appliances and wonder if it is the dryer or the dishwasher to go next. Fortunately there has been no husband in the house for a decade or more, so I will decide whatever I want and not be blamed for whatever happens. I know the feeling though as I am pretty sure he blamed me for the weather.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited September 2009

    Hi all

    Hoping you will all have a great Sunday.  We are due for rain which in general I won't mind too much.  I do better in the sun, but this late in the year I won't go into instant doldrums if it is not here. 

    Hugs and thinking of all of you.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2009

    So far we have not received a drop of rain even though the forecast was for up to 70 per cent chance of thunderstorms this whole holiday weekend.  We need rain, but I'm happy for the families who planned picnics and are able to enjoy themselves outdoors.

    Hope everyone is having a safe holiday.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2009

    We had our holiday w/end last week, reasonable weather, but didn't go out anywhere. Content to stay home and sew some curtains, rather than face the queues of nose to tail traffic, all trying to go out for the day, on the same day !! There just isn't room, nobody believes we are a small island !!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2009

    Cindy...I think all the check-ups are nerve-wracking!  I know some ladies who just seem to take it all in stride but I always become anxious before each check-up.  I thought it might stop with time but maybe it's just me.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as the check-up and September 16th arrives. 

    Mikita, I did the whitewater rafting many years ago when we were at the Royal Gorge on the Arkansas River.  It was a fantastic experience but I was a lot younger then.  I'm not sure that I'd try it now!  LOL

    Helen, you are indeed having a unique rads experience.  Oh my gosh, I'd probably have "the big one" if they "attached me to the rads table."  LOL 

    Well I'm still working through this back problem and can only sit for so long at a time and I think I've reached my limit.

    Everyone have a great holiday!  The only thing wrong with this holiday is that it signifies that summer is over in Illinois.  I don't mind the fall, but I sure hate what follows.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited September 2009

    Just dropping by to say hi and hope you all have a beauty of a day.  I'll be thinking about you.  It will be a basically quiet day here for me.  Dh works so I will be taking care of odds and ends. 

    See you all soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

    ps:  I shared this piece with the other gals on Rita's thread of Illinois women and probably should put it here because it's pretty standard for all of us to wonder " Why me" ?????? when it comes to BC and what did I do or not to cause it.....and as I mentioned there.....we easily lose our perspective for some reason with this disease.  All else we seem in a short time to take in stride and move on but the fear and questioning and what if''s just slam right back full force too often after this diagnosis.  Anyway....this is another cancer blog that I mainly lurk and read....they do lots of technical talk......and I get "lost" in a lot of it, but seems always a jewel like this pops up.  I asked the lady who wrote this if I could "use" it here and she was happy to "say yes" an hopefully help others.

    you didn't cause that breast cancer.

    There's a special section in the breast cancer bleachers and I think we
    all end up sitting there at some point for a little while.

    Let's see, there's a row for the women who had abortions, another one
    for the gals who started birth control at young ages and stayed on it
    into their 30's, a row for those foolish ones who didn't breast feed
    until their kids turned 7, or had mastitis and couldn't, or just didn't,
    and a row for the ones who partied late into the night and enjoyed their
    youth, a row for the ones who just didn't think positive enough, or have
    enough faith, or perhaps the "right" faith, or enjoyed way too much
    barbecued beef, or hot dogs, or wore underwire bras, or skimpy hot pink
    thongs instead of normal white granny underwear...

    Yup. There's a huge stadium of us sitting here looking at an empty
    field. We each pick a row to sit in and even change rows until the
    absurdity of it all finally hits us.

    I had a "chemo friend" in the infusion room when I was in treatment back
    in 2000. She was seriously the straightest gal I have ever met. She
    totally caught us off guard one day when she announced from her
    naugahyde barcalounger, "Well (expletive)! I just should have had that
    cocktail and slept with all those guys in college. Lotta good it did me
    being so well behaved." It totally cracked us up to hear her say that.
    Another gal responded saying, "Oh honey, didn't you know they call this
    the nun's disease?"

    I thought that pretty much put it all in perspective. ;-)

    Hugs, Marj

    Hugs again, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2009

    Jackie, thanks for sharing that. 

    Hugs back to you.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2009

    Jo, I have been prone to this type of back problems for years.  It's funny though, as I never had any of them during the chemo and immediately after.  It has been four years since my last bout with this.  I have not had all the tests this time since it's so similar to what I've always experienced.  At first I tried to solve the problem by stopping the golf, walking, and all physical activities to rest the back and was frequently alternating between ice and then heat.  It didn't get any worse, but it didn't get any better either.  

    Then I hunted down a "naturalistic chiropractor" who uses only manual manipulation techniques.  I have gone to him twice now.  First of all, he told me it was purely muscular.....that he could even feel the muscle spasms and that I was doing the wrong thing by resting my back.  I needed to work it more so I went back to golf and walking,.  I do MUCH better when I am moving but it "freezes up" on me when I go back to sitting and you can't stand all day long.....anyway an old gal like I can't do that!   LOL   I am better since I started going to him but still can't sit for very long periods of time because when I get up I can't straighten back up very easily.  I go again tomorrow so we shall see what he says then. (Like you, it's my first bout with this since my diagnosis and my thoughts have wandered also to "dark" areas.) 

     I have also ordered a Back to Life machine that helps to stretch the back and keep it limber.  We shall see if it works or not.  It was a little more expensive than I like but I have a 30 day trial period and can return it for a complete refund if it doesn't work.  I'll let you know how it does! This is no fun, is it?  It cramps my style!

    I'll be back later.  I hope all of you are doing well!  Hugs to all of you.  You are the greatest!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited September 2009

    I too have had a bad back - the oncologist seemed quite sad to report that my CAT scan showed a damaged spine  - which I knew already. My father at age 94 still has back problems too. After going to the back clinic,  Dad recommended a book which I found the most helpful thing ever. It is accessible for those of us who don't usually read medical books and provides specific exercises to address your own type of back problem. Here is a link to it - and I almost never suggest such things - this one really is good.

    and he is not selling anything - the theory is that you can be in charge of your own back care.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2009

    Hi, everyone.  I went to a new hairstylist and had my hair cut today.  My last cut was 9 wks ago, so I had quite a mop on my head.  The young lady did well, and I was pleased.  Less hair to dry now.

    Today was a week since my revision surgery, and I'm feeling good again.  I walked 2 mi. this morning and wasn't tired afterwards. 

    I'm wondering if the BMX didn't damage some nerves that affect my arms and hands.  Since the surgery, I've been experiencing some numbness and tingling akin to the symptoms for carpal tunnel. 

    The leaves are turning that tired green of late summer.  No regrets here for summer ending and hurricane season ending, too.  Our pleasant fall weather usually begins about the middle of Oct and can extend to Christmas.  Great golfing weather! 

    Hope you back sufferers have gotten some relief.

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2009

    Hello Chooks,

    I'm trying to keep up with reading, but too tired to post much (or think much, either).  I finished 9/36 rads today--25% done!  Am working on two grants--one is due Thursday and the other one was awarded to the University 6 weeks ago--just now getting training schedules put together.  Anyway, hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend--take care.  Helen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited September 2009

    Hi to all.  Busy day today cleaning for my lady in Salem.  Then back home to shower, feed the pups, get dressed and be in town for a meeting by 5:15.  Then back to the other side of town to feed feral cats....then met up with Dh to go and get a Taco Salad....then stop for gas and now home.  I'm done in....nearly 9 p.m.  and I have to read up on some things.  I'll talk to you all again soon.  Hope you had a wonderful day everyone.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2009

    Jo, send some of that cool weather south, please!  I love seeing pictures of the snow!  One Thanksgiving we were up in Decatur, IL, at my sil's house for the holiday, and we had gorgeous snow.  It was so nice looking out at the big fat flakes floating down.  This past winter we had snow here in south Louisiana that stayed on the ground 2 or 3 days.  My husband got up first one morning and said, "You've got to come and see this!"  The world outside was blanketed in white.  We took lots of pictures and e-mailed them to midwestern relatives in IL, IN, MI.  Soon it was gone, and everything was back to normal.

    Enjoy your trip.  Where are you going? 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited September 2009

    Carole - I enjoy the snow too and don't completely understand the many people here who think it is necessary to flee when winter gets here. As long as you have a warm coat, good boots and maybe a little snow blower, winter is wonderful. There is nothing like walking on a crisp sunny winter day with the snow crunching at your feet - or the day when a huge snowfall has landed and everyone is outside shovelling, chatting and enjoying the absolute quiet of no one going anywhere. It's the mud season afterwards that isn't so pretty.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited September 2009

    Count me in....I'm pretty much for snow as well.  We lived in southern California for many years and I do admit great enjoyment and am glad to have lived a mile from the ocean, but later on I did come to miss the highly definite seasons of my home state ---   southern Illinois and have now been back for almost 12 years.  While driving and snow removal can sometimes be troublesome, I have had many, many nice walks in the snow.  In fact, often it is warm enough to leave my coat un-buttoned ( I get too warm otherwise ) and enjoy the pristine whiteness and powdery drifts and the little tingle of cool air on the face.  One of the first things I did on my return home the first winter was lay down in it and make snow angels. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2009

    Hi IllinoisLady,

    Do you know anything about Cairo, IL?  We were through there 15+ years ago and it made me so sad to see such a nice little town dying out.  There were lovely old homes for sale for a pittance and the old downtown was largely deserted.  I've thought about it many times and hoped prosperity returned to the area.  Do you know?  If it weren't for children and now grandchildren we are always wondering if we could pack up and move someplace like that.  Or anywhere in Georgia... love Savannah and Madison and Perry.  But we are lucky enough to live in a little piece of paradise so better settle for sand angels instead of snow angels!


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2009

    I think snow is a four letter word !!.  Seriously, I have lived in Pittsburgh, with a driveway that needed a 4 wheel drive to go up and down, in Chicago as a  youngster and froze my legs, in Phoenix with NO SNOW, and now in Virginia, where we had 2 snow falls last year.   

    When I moved here I brought 2 snow shovels, just in case, but I am in an apartment and don't have to worry if and when it snows.   One is  in my car - just in case.   Bundling up, slipping, sliding, shivering in the cold and wind -- I do not miss it/them.   The only fun part of having lived in snow country was coming inside and sitting by the fireplace.  Even as a kid, I preferred the warm weather.     

    Hugs and good vibes for all and  No pains, no worries, no problems.   Nancy 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited September 2009

    Hi Pam:

    I  really don't know much about Cairo ( pronounced Kay-Ro ) as it is a southern border city and I just barely fall into the classification of "southern" Illinois.  I also thought of Egypt growing up of course so never pronounced the name correctly.  I think the future of many Illinois towns ( to some extent including Centralia ) waxed or waned depending on water or rail-road traffic or both which is probably why little towns  did not always fare well in transition when shipping by other means took place.  Many of these little towns are an ideal place to retire....if you have made your money elsewhere.  Of course, to do that you want certain things close at hand.  Areas 70 to 120 miles away where there is good shopping, medical centers, cultural outlets if your of that ilk, and a few good restaurants. I think many towns in Illinois ( over-all a somewhat poor state ) are easy to re-locate too as it's economical.  I would not want to really be anywhere else very much. 

    Georgia too I think ( of course, I always think..."Gone With The Wind".) would be a pretty place with lots of history. 

    I have never been to Florida, but there are probably areas I would love.  I know a lot of people here keep homes there ( Marco Island ) for the harder parts of the winters here. They are a bit older than I as I am no where near considering needing to do that....probably never would.  I'd tough it out here. 

    Gotta run.  Hope you all had a really wonderful day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2009

     Hi everyone...count me in as another with the bad back..we could fill a stadium

    I like to see snow once in a while...when I get that urge in winter, I drive a little ways

    and am up in the mountains with snow...I get over it come down to the shore again

    and of both worlds...

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2009

    I love the cold weather, and snow when its fresh, I don't like the heat at all.

    Its now my favorite time of year, well, almost. We call it Autumn, you call it Fall ! I just love the crisp days, clearing up the garden, having fires with all the fallen leaves, and stinking everyone out with the smell. In fact I am quite a ' fire bug', take any chance to have a burn ! I was absolutely in my element when we were allowed to burn fields of unwanted straw. I was always first out with the matches to set the fire ! I had the police down on 2 occasions because my smoke was drifting onto the roads. Unfortunatly there are laws coming it to prevent burning very soon, but I imagine I will be able to, now and then, have a very small Wink fire now and then, even if I have to do it under the cover of darkness !! 


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2009

    I'm with Nancy and Lisa on the snow/cold weather.  I would like so much to retire to a warm climate (however, since the grands are in the Midwest, I'll stay here). So, all of you snow angels, send me a post card--I'll be hiding under my electric blanket until warm weather returns!  Take care.  Helen 

    (Finished 10/36 today--radiologist says everything looks "good."  Ha...this is baking my breast--feel like.........a roasted CHOOK!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2009

    I'll join you warm-weather gals!  I like heat, not ice, cold, and snow.  I never did like it.  The other kids would go to ice skate on the pond and I would go and then turn around within a few minutes and head for home where I'd cuddle up in a chair with a good book.  It's no wonder I never learned to ice skate.  I'm looking forward to spending a couple weeks in FL this winter but I'm certainly not looking forward to winter.  BRRRRRRR..................

    Hang in there Helen.  Have they given you cream to put on after your rad treatments?

    Lisa, have you always had back problems or did you do something recently to aggravate it?

    Jo...glad the back is a little better.  Enjoy your short trip!  Sometimes those short trips are the most fun!

    Well, gotta run.  Catch you all later! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2009

    Rita..I always had some sort of back problems my whole adult life, but the one I have now is new...

    my hip was out of place a little and the physical therapist popped it back but it has been bad

    ever since..

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2009

    My sil and bil who live in Decatur, IL, bought a condo in Naples, FL, 4 or 5 years ago.  My sil is one of those women who are always cold.  She takes a sweater into a restaurant in the middle of summer.  She loves escaping the IL winter and spending Jan, Feb, Mar, and half of April in FL.  Most of their neighbors in FL are midwesterners. 

    Hoping to avoid that bad back syndrome.  I realize now that HRT was the reason I had no bone and joint aches in my mid-60's.  Since stopping the HRT a couple of months ago, I'm starting to experience some old-age achiness.  Yuck.  Why couldn't something as wonderful as HRT be good for us?

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2009

    HRT was the "fountain of youth" ....... unfortunately, it didn't deliver as promised

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2009

    Alert - from another board, JO took a fall on the concrete in her basement; hurt her hip and twisted her body.  Trip planned with DH is cancelled; she's in recliner with ice packs and may not post too soon. 

    JO - when you come back you will have lots to catch up on but missing you already.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2009

    Hugs and healing energy to you.   

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited September 2009

    Hi golden ladies.  Wanted to let you all know that JO took a fall in the basement on a cement floor and twisted her knee, as you know she already has back problems.  She is in her recliner with an ice pack on her knee and in pain.  She may not be able to get on the computer so lets all send prayers and positive vibes her way.  JO, know we care very much about you and are hoping your feeling better and back with us soon.  She also had to cancel the trip to the mountains.

    Carole, the same thing happen to me, I was fine as long as I was taking HRT but then with the stopping of them and the arimidex stopping all hormones I am feeling pretty old with all the aches and pains.

    Lisa hope your back gets better, I wonder if the therapist popped it a little too good.

    I love the fall and the spring to get out and do stuff, like camping and working in the flower beds

    Don't much like summer anymore without hormones unless I am in a pool of water

    Love the winter, cuddling up with a good book in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628
    edited September 2009

    Jo....healing and healthy thoughts and prayers to you.  Get better soon.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2009