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natural girls



  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    Welcome MTG! I would be interested to see the research on apple cider vinegar. Did you use it topically to reduce skin irritation? I think it is great that you are meeting with one doctor who is anti-treatment and one medical oncologist who is no doubt pro-treatment. This way you can get both takes on your situation and then make a decision that you feel is right for you.

    Best of luck! Keep taking notes and sharing. You will learn a lot from these wonderful ladies. Let us know how things go with your docs.

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2009

    Deni63 - Thanks for the welcome. My greatest fear re: Tamox is trading one evil - BC or some other mets for another - major gynecological issues ranging from hysterectomy, oopherectomy and cancer. AARGH!!!

    Re: Apple Cider Vinegar during Radiation - I applied it Topically, 90% refrigerator cold water (2 1/4 cups)  to 10% Apple Cider Vinegar (1/4 cup), soaked a wash cloth in it, laid the wash cloth across my chest and gently rested my hand on it for a bit of pressure. I could actually feel the heat go into the washcloth and the sting/ tightness in my breast eased up immediately. My BS was so impressed he's talking about doing a study and my rad onc has already said she'll recommend it to patients.

    As far as I can tell, my use for radiation was basically original BUT (1) Apple Cider Vinegar is an old folk remedy for sunburns and burns (I used it myself in my 20's when I overdid the beach) and (2) Is conmonly used in labs to protect skin in cases of ACCIDENTAL RADIATION EXPOSURE !!!! Seemed like a no brainer to me. Here's the research:

    1) For Burns Caused By Heat or Sun - as a folk/ natural cure

    (a) Multiple Anecdotal Examples; see bottom of this posting

    (b) Natural cures for burns: Apple Cider Vinegar or Vinegar  - "Though both are equally effective, apple cider vinegar works a little better than plain vinegar, but they are both just fine. Applying ACV or vinegar to the burn will take away the pain almost instantly. Give it a few minutes if it's a deep and serious burn. They are also equally effective for sunburns. Applying it on the sunburn will take away the sting almost instantly and prevent the skin from peeling as well."

    2) Radioactiive  Decontamination

    In instances of contamination by Radioactive Material, for skin decontamination, sprinkle or pour vinegar on the affected area, an area. Radiation Safety Program, Univesity of Wisconsin

    For use on Uunbroken skin to remove  P-32 contamination


    + there are many additional similar references.

    3) Radiation related to cancer - `

    (a) for itching (highly diluted) and

    Re:Radiation Tips and Experiences - Saturday, February 21, 2009 12:39 PM

    "Saw my radiation oncologist this week & told her I was itching a little. She said to use 1% Hydrocortisone Cream in addition to the Biafine cream. She also told me to do vinegar soaks up to 4 times day, because vinegar is amazing! The paperwork she gave me says 1TBL white vinegar to a pint of water. Soak a clean washcloth in the solution & apply for 15 minutes at a time. My itching isn't real bad yet, so haven't tried it but wanted to pass this info on."


    (b) for douching re: HDR for Gynecological Cancer

    If using High Dose Radiation for Gynecological cancer,

    " For some women, douching with vinegar and water will be recommended to help clean out any dead tissue. Your doctor will tell you if this is right for you. You can buy a douche kit at your local pharmacy"

    Anecdotal Evidence Re: Vinegar Use For Burns Caused By Heat or Sun - as a folk/ natural cure)

    01/05/2007: Jessica from Raleigh, nc writes: "I burned my hand from the steam on my tea pot (I never knew how hot that can be!). I sat there with ice, and it still hurt. So I went on here and saw the ACV remedy for burns. I first tried it with gauze soaked in the ACV which was fine, but I wanted to type, so I put on some a white cotton glove (the kind you sleep in with moisturizer) and soaked it with the ACV. It took about an hour for the burning to go away. I took a nap and when I woke up not only had the pain dissapeared but there is nary a red spot on my hand! PS. That tea I was making was for a cold, so while I had the ACV out, I poured some into my water bottle & drank that, and have been sipping it all night. It is about six hours later and I am finally feeling a bit better."

    10/28/2006: Larry from Saunderstown, RI writes: "Regular vinegar on a sunburn takes the pain out of a sunburn. Growing up in southern Rhode Island sunburns could be pretty severe. I was in a bar one day with a sunburned friend (He said you can't get burned because it was windy out) when the lady bartender suggested putting vinegar on it. Other than smelling like a french fry ( Rhode Islanders put vinegar on their fries) he felt a lot better some quick!"

    06/27/2006: Chet from Mishawaka IN writes: "I was cutting some metal with a torch and forgot i had just cut it and laid it to the side and was cutting another piece when i put my hand down on the one i just got done, cutting the skin instantly... discolored to a sickly grey color from the burn - had a bottle of apple cider vinegar and water i had been drinking. i grabbed it and poured it on the burn. shortly after, most of the pain went away but amazingly it never blistered. worked for me."

    03/17/2006: Alicia from Spanaway, WA writes: "ever since i was little i've always used apple cider vinegar to take the sting out of a bad sunburn. It smells really bad, but it took the sting away almost immediately, and as a child, that was a very important thing. It also kept my skin from peeling.."

    Tim from Camphill, PA writes: "After burning my thumb badly on the oven, I soaked it in organic apple cider vinegar for a few minutes and the severe pain stopped immediately! Within an hour I completely forgot I had even burned myself -- I couldn't feel a thing. And no scar!"

    Stacey from Seattle, Washington writes: "My best friend's mom swears ASV works on burns. When I recently burned my thumb on the oven I immediately poured some in a small cup and soaked my thumb in it for awhile and sure enough! burn pain, no scarring!"

    Linda from Little Rock, MS writes: "If you burn yourself, put ACV on the burn. The burn will stop burning quickly and will not blister as bad, if at all."

    Verna from Bellingham, WA writes: "I have been using Apple cider vinegar for a long time. Once I accidentally put my hand on a burner that had just been turned off. My hand had a rings on it from the burner. I quickly laid my hand in a plate of raw vinegar. No burn scars or pain."

    Chris from Santa Rosa, CA writes: "ACV really works ! I couldn't believe it. After ten min. the burn went completely away!"

    01/21/2009: Angela from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada writes: "1. Vinegar: for sun burns. Saturate a cloth with white vinegar and apply it often. Relieves the sting, heat, and itch (apply when you feel the symptoms return). Amazingly, the smell goes quickly, so no need to worry about the idea of walking around smelling of french fries!

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited November 2009

    good info!!! 

    don't forget the hair, it adjusts the pH of your hair and makes it nice and shiny.  ..for those of you with hair Tongue out

    also, my cousins wife has a shot of apple cider vinegar daily and has been doing it for years.  she says she does it because she doesn't eat veggies.  what are the thoughts on this??

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2009

    Hi, girls - I tried to post here last night (to welcome Lottie and say hi to all the rest of you girls) but I'm on a 5-post-per-day limit now (although Melissa may have removed it for me).

    I've become friends with a woman on the west coast who is fighting ovarian cancer. She and I exchanged our lists of what we're doing to help our bodies fight cancer. She spent three weeks at the Hippocrates Institute and bases her plan on what they teach there.

    I thought it might be interesting to share the Hippocrates approach here... now, please note that I am NOT advocating all of this, NOT claiming it cures cancer, and I have NOT researched most of these specific recommendations. (For example... NO FRUIT??? I can't imagine life without mangoes and blueberries. No carrots, no beets, ACV??) But, I thought I'd share it in case anyone is interested in looking into any of these recommendations more.

    Daily foundation:
    Two 2-oz. shots of wheatgrass
    Two 12-24 oz. glasses of green juice (50% of which must be sunflower sprouts and pea sprouts; the rest can be cucumber/celery/?)
    Two green salads (50% of which must be sprouts -- the above plus more common ones: alfafa, broccoli, fenugreek, etc.)
    Assiduous food combining - even after six years, it took my 3 weeks at Hippocrates and many hours with the chef to fully understand correct food combining for raw foodists.
    No drinking water with meals.
    Garlic pressed onto salads
    Prepared raw food "gourmet" as condiments to the salad/meal.
    Veggies galore. Add as much as you want. Be creative. This is what'll keep you interested!
    There's more that can be eaten, for sure, but I wanted to give you the basics

    Now, for the things to avoid:
    No fruit. None at all.
    No tomatoes. Use red bell peppers instead.
    No carrots, no beets -- too high in sugar
    No vinegar, not even apple cider vinegar
    No sugars, including agave (which isn't really raw, duh) but you can use stevia

    We can discuss the details of the food. The important thing to remember, other than that this is a healing-from-disease diet, is that cancer will not be cured by diet alone. Nope. Not even this one. So, here are the other things. Again, briefly.

    Exercise - this is crucial and I'd almost say it's as important as diet. Walking AND weight-bearing. I've pulled out the hand weights and am on a strict 3# this week, 5# next, 7# the next, then 10# routine. Exercise releases the body's natural antioxidants, enzymes, and oxygen so that it will be ultra-healthy and healing. I have also started qi gong. This is not only also very healing but it gets the lymph system working. That is crucial. I'm also picking up a rebounder from craigslist which is very important also for the lymph.

    Lymphatic drainage - the lymph needs to be moving and getting rid of the toxins. Dry skin brushing daily -- I do this how I was taught at HHI and I don't need a brush or anything. Also, there's a way to manually drain your lymph nodes. Rebounding. And, a simple qi gong exercise that consists of simply swinging your arms forward and back loosely up to shoulder height - like a metronome - 100 times daily.

    Killing the cancer cells* - far infrared sauna. This was a crucial therapy at HHI. In my consultations with Brian since, he's adament that I do whatever it takes to get in one at least 20 minutes 3 times/week. I found a spa that will give me unlimited access for $57 a month. Home Depot also has one for $999. It's a wicked crazy good deal.

    Sunshine - Have to be in the sun every single day for as long as possible. No sunscreen.

    Outdoor air -- avoid indoor air as much as possible. Cross-ventilate. Dead cells and yucky stuff is inside. Breathe deeply, walk around the backyard if necessary.

    Gratitude - keep a gratitude journal. Be truly grateful for everything possible. If necessary, start small such as being grateful for having two legs that work! Amazing things happen from this.

    Support - loving, unconditional support that will be there and listen no matter what. This can be in person, online, phone, books, etc.

    Uplifting & Healing Environment - stop reading newspapers, watching the news, watching crime shows, reading disturbing books, etc. Listen to ambient, meditative or classical music. Also, any music that makes you happy. Watch comedies. Read comedies. Laugh as much as possible. Turn every day events into reasons to giggle. Limit time with pessimistic people. Be around or watch babies and children (should be easy for you!). Cultivate a spiritual life.

    Meditate/pray - trust

    Give - Be there for others. Whether that's praying for them, doing for them, talking to them, always look for an opportunity to give, give, give.

    *Other stuff -- all of this is important, too, to fight the cancer cells and nourish the healthy cells:

    Ginger, Pau d-arco tea, Goldenseal extract, oil of oregano, liquid potassium, digestive & systemic enzymes, blue/green algae, B12, cell food, other supplements

    Eliminate all body, skin, hair products with chemical, especially PABAs, petroleum products, ethylene, and others that I can give you a list of. This includes your hand soap. No anti-bacterial soaps or gels. Avoid cell phone usage as much as possible. All-cotton clothes, especially underwear.

    Oh, the MOST important -- immediately get Dr. Lorraine Day's Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and her other one. In case you don't know, she was healed of breast cancer that had metastisized to her lymph and chest muscles WITHOUT surgery, chemo, or radiation. An M.D., ER-room supervisor and med school professor. Amazing story. She has a 10-step program for others to do the same. I'm combining HHI, hers, and a few elements of Gerson (but not much).

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited November 2009

    Julia ~  Thanks so much for sharing the basics of the Hippocrates Institute's regimen.  Kris Carr  also went there and experienced impressive results.  I suppose the no fruit thing is to remove every trace of sugar, which seems incredibly drastic, but who knows?  Maybe that's key for some individuals/cancers.  One big question I have is, what do you do when you live with someone who is excessively negative?????

    MTG ~ Welcome, and wow -- that apple cider thing really does seem like a no brainer!  And I'm probably in the anti-Tamox camp re. it replacing one risk for others, as well as being overtreatment for certain women, especially those willing to do the hard work of replacing its benefits with healthier options.

    My question for the day... Someone (maybe Deni? on another thread?) recently mentioned bacon, so of course, I've been hungry for it since reading that!  Has anyone found a substitute that actually tastes good and is safe to eat?     Deanna 


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited November 2009

    Welcome MTG, and thanks for the info on the apple cider vinegar. I try to drink some in a little water whenever I can remember. It also makes great salad dressing. And what great info about rads. Sure wish I had known that when I needed it. It is amazing how so many of grannies remedies are still the best. Medicine has gotten so far away from common sense and been taken over by pharmacology. But when we show promise with these rememdies, as you did with the cider vinegar, our doctors have to notice. That is why I am sure that tamox and all the estrogen blocking drugs will not be around for much longer. There is too much evidence now that alternatives work better and have no side effects. It is just a matter of time until the money behind these drugs will not matter because there will be so many of us who took the other route to prove there is another way.

    Deni-I know what you mean about living with negativity. I finally accepted the fact that I could not change the people around me, but  I could change my reaction to them. I just shake my head and walk away now. I refuse to let those negative thoughts and all the axieties of others become internalized. Hormone balance and the right supplements help too. Magnesium is great for that. Long walks are too. Whenever they get to me, I head out for a walk with mother nature. You can't be upset when out in this beautiful natural world. I take very deep breaths, and feel the warm sun (even when it is cold out, the sun feels great). It gets the serotonin levels up, which are so healthy.

    Oh and I am a big believer of far infared sauna. In fact I started to market them because I think they are so great for one's health. Let me know if anyone is looking for one.

    Crunchy, you need to stay away from those other threads where people will get you banned. Listen to the voice of experience-ME! Now I just let the naysayers have their say and do not bother to argue with them. It is not worth it.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2009

    Deanna, I just got Kris Carr's book and didn't realize that she had gone there... very interesting!

    As for bacon, I have never tried this myself but this recipe for was on a raw vegan forum... raw fake bacon? sounds a little weird but I may try it because I crave bacon now and then too! It uses a dehydrator which I have, but not sure it's worth all the expense of a dehydrator just to Frankenstein some healthy pretend bacon!

    Eggplant "Bacon"

    1 large eggplant peeled and thinly sliced lengthwise. I use the 2mm slicer I sent for to fit my 11 cup cuisinart food processor.
    Marinate in a mixture of:
    3 Tablespoons olive oil
    1 teaspoon black pepper
    2 Tablespoons maple syrip
    3 Tablespoons Ume Plum vinegar
    2 Tablespoons Apple cider vinegar
    2 Tablespoons cider
    1 Tablespoon liquid smoke
    for 2 or more hours. I use a large rectangular glass cake pan and "stir" it occasionally. The last time I marinated it for 6 hours. Spread them out on the teflex and dehydrate for 8 hours and then turn the "bacon" and dry another 8 hours. The smoke is not in the original.  

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2009

    Julia - The "bacon" recipe sounds great. I'm thinking that it may work in a low temperature oven as well; I've dried tomatoes and mushrooms in the oven before. Since I dont have a dehydrator, I think I may give it a try !

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2009

    I don't know how anyone can drink the apple cider stuff. I tried it once and thought I was going to bring it back up all day long Yell. Any suggestions on how to get it down and keep it down???

    Also I still need your magnesium and calcium ideas, please. Thanks momofboys for yours! Do you take calcium?

    My green tea question: can't we just take the supplement instead of drinking all day long?

    vivre, I am interested in a infrared sauna. I have been looking at the portable ones.


  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    Deanna, it wasn't me who mentioned bacon, but the recipe Crunchy posted sounds great. I am going to try it too. I actually have tried making eggplant bacon using a dehydrator and it was pretty good, but Crunchy's recipe sounds like there is a chance it may have a bacony sort of flavor.

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited November 2009

    check out this study on pomegranates/pom seed oil as aromatase inhibitors...  very interesting!! 

  • Unknown
    edited November 2009

    Patty although I generally don't have a problem drinking the apple cider vinegar, sometimes I mix it with a bit of water and a little honey.

    One of the apple cider products I have tried is the Bragg's and I recently saw that they have just come out with an apple cider drink which contains honey.  So far I have not found it in my neck of the woods in Canada but chances are it is available in the US. 

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited November 2009

    Hi ladies, and welcome to crunchy and mtg.  I wish I had known about the vinegar remedy while going through rads also.  I posted a thread a long time ago with a link to some great information about apple cider vinegar.  I didn't get far with it though.  Just the smell turns my stomach and it doesnt' feel like it wants to stay down if I can get it down.  Joanofardmore said she got it down by using a shot glass and one big gulp.  That was a long time ago, and I still have an unopened bottle of organic apple cider vinegar in my pantry. 

    I'm reading the China Study these days.  As Campbell recounts the early days of heart disease research and how the notion of reducing animal products from the diet was met with skepticism and ridicule, I smile one minute and shake my head in wonder the next.  When I browse other areas of this site, I sometimes see references to our natural girls thread with derisive comments about how we believe healthy diets will cure cancer.  Well, that's an oversimplification, of course, but it's abundantly clear, here and elsewhere, that people think cancer is too evil of a disease to be deterred by diet.  I'd bet a wholegrain doughnut that these same people don't doubt for a minute that bacon will clog the arteries!  Why resist the concept that diet can improve our outcomes when it comes to cancer when they figured out decades ago that it helps heart health?  

    Anyway, I'm finding the China Study to be a slogger.  How on earth anom devours all those studies and understands them is truly a gift I don't possess.  

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2009

    Re: the ACV... y'all may have mentioned this, but be sure it's not only organic but organic "with the mother" (it'll say that on the label and you'll see a weird cloudy floaty thing inside it). That's the most potent kind, but it also tastes the best. I actually prefer drinking water with a T or two of ACV in it.

    I called the Hippocrates Institute that my friend went to, and it's $5,000 and up for the three-week program... yowza! I could buy my own infrared sauna and a whoooole lotta organic food and supplements for that.

  • RunswithScissors
    RunswithScissors Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    Does an infrared sauna feel the same as one with conventional heat sources?  (I'm wondering because I tried an infrared heating pad once, and it never really "felt" warm.  It was weird.  

    Also, quick question about vitamins - I'm taking a new multi - and my urine is bright yellow. I've read a few theories about the reason for that and was trying to figure out the truth:

    1. Its a coloring that is used in the product.

    2. It means  your body is not absorbing all the vits and you are literally flushing your money.


  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2009

    althea wrote:  I sometimes see references to our natural girls thread with derisive comments about how we believe healthy diets will cure cancer.  Well, that's an oversimplification, of course, but it's abundantly clear, here and elsewhere, that people think cancer is too evil of a disease to be deterred by diet. 

    I hope you ladies realize that you're actually leading the way and eventually the pack will follow. Many people seem to forget that "modern medicine" has its roots in herbal and other "natural remedies". I am not but most definitions "crunchy" (although I'm primarily vegetarian - simply because I like it; for those near NYC, try Pure Food and Wine, raw and amazing !) but came to this thread simply because IT MAKES SENSE. It's actually a lot tougher to research  the various supplements and studies and pros/cons than to simply take a piece of paper from a doctor and get a prescription filled. And frankly, I've already discovered that there's sooo much information out there that the docs can't keep up; for the most part, mine have been very receptive to learning about new options.

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2009

    Pill, my pee is the color of a school bus!!!!

    PurpleMe, thanks for the suggestion about the apple cider Yell!!! I can't walk by it at the grocery without heaving!!!!!!

    Ladies again what mag and calcium do you take????

    PS73, great article! Thanks


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited November 2009

    Althea-They may be knocking us on other threads, but I find it interesting that they are reading our thread. Could it be they have doubts about what they are doing? I have no doubts. That is why I do not read any of the other threads. I do not care how many times people try to tell me that I should just give arimidex a try. I think the stuff is poison. It does not matter to me what others think. And you are right MTG. It is way to hard for doctors to keep up. Heck I think it is a full time job for me! I will never understand why they will tell people with heart disease or diabetes that diet matters, but not cancer. Diet is the number one best medicine. We all know that food feeds are cells and lack of good food starves our cells. Cells that are not nourished are susceptible to DNA damage which becomes cancer. That is why it is so important to build up the cells after chemo. Since good cells have been compromised, they need to be nourished to survive. That is why those stats anom found that chemo only gives about 2 years to a person's life are not better. Too many people do not build there systems up again. They go right back to the junk food. IMHO, if you do everything the same as you did before, when you got cancer, you are very likely to get cancer again. Obviously, it was not working so you need to change things. I know some people get really ticked at this comment. They think it is all blame the victim crap, but I think it is smart to figure out where your body was compromised and then make changes. When I finally realized that I felt empowered and stopped worrying about recurrance. Doctors can be so disheartening, with their "We don't know why you got cancer" bs, and never calling us cured. Well, I know why I got cancer, and I do not care what any doctor says, I know I am cured.

    As far as the far infared sauna's go, they raise your core tempurature, causing you to sweat out lots of toxins. Also, cancer cells die in high temperatures. Plus it feels great and helps with weight loss. You can burn 300 calories an hour sitting in a sauna. Ours are easy to set up, they just latch together, and the heaters are plugged in. They also cost pennies an hour to run, and heat up in 5 minutes. There are lots of cheap versions, but the one I market is the only one that is medically rated, and some insurance companies will even reimburse for it if you get a doctor to prescribe it. If anyone wants the link, PM me.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    Patty - I don't take separate calcium or magnesium. They are part of other formulas that I take. For example, my multi (which is MultiThera 1 from my ND) contains:

    Calcium citrate-malate and calcium ascorbate 2000 mg

    Vitamin C as calcium ascorbate and magnesium-potassium ascorbate complex 4800 mg

    And another  supplement I take from my gyno called MedCaps DPO contains some

    Calcium d-glucarate 200 mcg

    Hope this helps!

    MTG - funny you should mention Pure Food and Wine. My husband and I are going there for Thanksgiving Dinner. My kids are with your dad for the holiday and we will have a pre-Thanksgiving with them this coming weekend. I have been dying to try Pure Food and Wine. I have heard such great things about it. I also have a couple of cookbooks that Sarma the owner wrote. They are amazing.

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited November 2009

    Oh I gotta try that. 

    I forgot to thank you guys for the positive comments re my biopsy. ..i think, i don't really remember esp if it's not on my daily index card of things to not forget Surprised oh and i just found the emoticons so get ready... haha

    patty - glad you liked th article.  - if you are taking a b complex, one of them has a bright yellowish orange color to it.  turmeric also is orange.

    its so interesting that the sauna sweats out the diseases. i actually like getting fevers bc it means my body is fighting something, i had a kick ass immune system once.  it really makes sense to me.  for years, i have had night sweats.  I would be near someone who was sick and that night, sweat like somebody who sweats a lot.  never getting the illness.  before dx i would wake up in pools of sweat and i did read somewhere that its a sign of a major sickness - besides the hormonal aspect.  on a crazy alt girl ufo conspirator reach (whatever the snake dancer called us)- someone mentioned bacteria as the cause of cancer - would be really interesting bc you get a fever when bacteria is present in your system and maybe none of us are hormonally challenged just immunocompromised.  - stretch i know, just in a silly ufo girl mood right now.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    Viv - I am with you. I don't venture out into other forums either. I have once or twice and didn't like what I saw. There is so much hostility. I am interested in the approach that I am taking and thankful that I have the ladies here who are on the same page. There is no reason for anyone to get nasty and out of line. We are all in this together and should really pull together to support one another. I feel that we have that with the ladies who are truly interested in the alternative threads. It is a warm, supportive place to be. You guys are awesome.

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2009

    I know I'm new here and have already been giving more than my 2 cents, but please dont let the hostility of a few people keep you locked into just one thread (unless you want it that way). I encountered major hostility when I joined the Tamoxifen thread - was actually told my questions were "too scary" and to go to another thread but it was really just one overly vocal individual who sort of used the thread for her own pulpit. Bottom line - I stuck it out, things got heated but those who had previously been afraid to venture there joined in and the thread is back to being a welcoming thread for all. I can't change the world but I can have an impact on my teeny tiny corner of it !

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    It's not that I am "scared" to go to other threads. I just don't think I am that interested. I am not involved in any of the treatments and while I respect anyone's decision to make their own treatment choices, I prefer to focus my energies on the therapies in which I am involved. There is so much to learn in this realm as it is. So many different aspects to the way of life I have chosen. I find it difficult to keep up!

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2009

    Oops, I may not have written clearly enough - my questions re: the negative side effects of Tamoxifen were considered by some to be  "too scary" to ask about on the Tamoxifen thread. Didn't mean to suggest that any one here was "too scared".

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited November 2009

    I saw someone post  some protocol from the Hippocrates institute (sp?) now I can' t find it. Any one know where that was posted?

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    Merilee - it was posted by Crunchy on page 118 of this thread...

  • AllieM22
    AllieM22 Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    Hmm, I don't know about Dr. Day. I just went to her website b/c I was interested in reading more and saw some odd things--1) she has a link about Swine Flu being a hoax and when you click on it, it's text about someone who is clearly paranoid (it's so bad it's actually funny). I didn't want to cut and paste here but take a look yourself.

    2) In the section where she responds to critics she says: "When I wrote the book, I did not know the following: 1) that AIDS is a man-made virus (I now have the government documentation confirming that this is true), 2) that AIDS is, indeed, curable! (See my video "Diseases Don't Just Happen"), and 3) that AZT, one of the most dangerous drugs on the market, will destroy even more the already suppressed immune system of an AIDS patient."  I hadn't read that AIDS was man-made--maybe it's true but not likely.

    So I will read more but she sounds a little odd. Just my research thus far! :)

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited November 2009

    Deni, I can see where you are coming from.  It made me sick to read some of the discussions and I was appauled at how some women were treated.  Ive put my two cents in on lots of the other threads and hope that I helped at least one person through my experiences.  There is also chance for arguments but Im so not here for that.  Im reserving my energy for positivity, helping others, researching choices, and information sharing.

    In alternative medicine, the most controversial (besides the obvious traditional medicine) would be diet, this is going to be the varying denominator.  How many diets have been posted here?  Loads.  How many fights?  Zilch.  I must say that its rather impressive.  

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    That's exactly it, PS. We come here for support and to learn from one another. It is just so counterproductive when things get nasty - and so not good for our well-being. This is one of the very few threads that don't go off in that direction. Thanks ladies!

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited November 2009

    The following was taken from David Servan-Shrieber's (author of Anticancer) Facebook page regarding the 2009 Nobel Prize:

    The 2009 Nobel Prize for Medicine and how our lifestyle can protect our genes Share  Monday, November 2, 2009 at 9:00am

    The 2009 Nobel Prize for Medicine honored the discovery of an enzyme that protects genes from aging. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Dr. Carol Greider Dr. Jack Szostak discovered that chromosomes have features called telomeres at one tip. These telomeres gradually shrink as time goes by, and when they are finally consumed this results in the death of cells. However, simple lifestyle changes can activate our telomeres!

    Reduction in the size of a person's telomeres is among the most accurate indicators of his or her physiological age. It also indicates a risk of premature death by cancer or heart disease.

    However, when they discovered telomeres, these researchers also discovered an enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase allows our cells to reconstruct part of these shrinking telomeres, so that their size reduces less rapidly. Several studies have shown that the more active this telomerase enzyme -- particularly within cells of the immune system -- the better the body is protected from the processes of aging that are associated with heart disease and several types of cancer.

    A variety of ways to influence the activity of this remarkable enzyme, so as to help prevent and treat diseases linked to aging, are actively under study by the pharmaceutical industry. But it so happens that a few years ago Dr Blackburn participated in a study, published in The Lancet Oncology [1], which opens up a completely different possibility. She and Dr Dean Ornish, a specialist in Preventive Medicine who is also at the University of California, San Francisco, studied the impact of life-style change on the activity of telomerase in immune cells.

    For three months Ornish followed up men who were carriers of slow-growing prostate cancer. In a three-day intensive seminar, these men were taught the importance of taking their health into their own hands. They learned to eat differently -- to avoid saturated fats, refined sugars and white flour, and to prefer an almost entirely vegetarian diet that was very rich in vegetables, legumes, fruits and starches based on whole-wheat flour. They learned to take moderate exercise, such as walking, for at least half an hour six times a week, and to manage their stress with relaxation methods such as yoga, breathing exercises or meditation, at least six days a week. They also received daily dietary supplements based on soy protein, fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium.

    After three months, these men who learned to take charge of their own health, saw a 30 percent increase in the activity of telomerase -- the enzyme which increases the life-span of chromosomes and cells.

    This means that the choices that we make every day -- when we sit down to eat, when we walk to work, when we use breathing techniques to help manage our stress -- are actually acting on mechanisms deep within our cells that nourish and protect life.

    So remember: every day, it's up to us to come to the aid of our telomerase.


    1. Ornish, D., et al., Increased telomerase activity and comprehensive lifestyle changes: a pilot study. The Lancet Oncology, 2008: p. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70234-1.