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natural girls



  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2010

    Patty, so sorry to hear about your Father in Law.  Just went through the same thing with an uncle.  Falls followed by bed rest is really hard on the elderly.  So very sorry.

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Crunchypoodlemama,  I do, for the most part cook fresh food.  When I went back to work, I was buying more packaged food and my sodium levels went way up.  So, now I'm back to actually cooking.  While I do eat meat, I also get my 5-7 servings of fresh fruit and veggies every day.  My PCP thought I might like to try Rogaine for my head and Latisse for my eyelashes.  I don't like the idea of Rogaine and as for the Latisse, well, anything that can change the color of your eyes, scares the jibbies out of me.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Vivre, you are so right: I think some people just need to feel vindicated that they chose the right route by judging anyone who follows a diffferent path. I will never understand this way of thinking.

    That hits the nail on the head for both camps. We all want our particualr value system validated. The key for us all is to feel secure in our choices so we don't need the validation process that ends up judgmental and hurtful.

    For all of you who recommended ANTI-CANCER by David Seervan-Schreiber, thank you!!!! I picked it up at Cotsco yesterday and could hardly put it down last night to go to sleep. I'm impressed with the research he uses to back up his assertions, so far. Tons of references. (I should expect such from a research scientist, though!) Anyway, I promise a thorough report when I finish the book.


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2010

    This is probably preaching to the choir for most of us, but I think it's an important relationship to realize, especially for those who are skeptical of alternatives...

    And this, from the same publication, talks about some of the manufacturing logistics of getting a new drug to market, which we all agree with researchers, can be frustratingly slow...

    Editing to add:  "their success," but in too many cases, "our lives!"

  • RunswithScissors
    RunswithScissors Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2010

    Thanks, Vivre, for the video link about the radiation overdoses. It was heartbreaking and infuriating.

    Today I read this story about "organic cheaters". Some top cosmetic companies that proclaim to be organic or all natural are being outed as liars. 

    I have several Jason and Avalon products in my house.Yell

    Here's a link to the spreadsheet that names the companies and the products:

    The Worst Fake "Organic" Cosmetic Brands Revealed: OCA Spreadsheet Summarizes "Organic Cheater Brand" Personal Care Product Hazard

    The OCA has prepared a spreadsheet summarizing "Organic Cheater brand" products and their Hazard Rankings according to the Environmental Working Group's "Skin Deep" Cosmetic Safety Database. The tabs at the top of the spreadsheet list various brands horizontally: click each tab to view that brand's product scores from the Skin Deep" database. By far the majority of fake organic products score in the "Moderate Hazard" category. Conversely, Dr. Bronner's Skin Deep product scores show that the vast majority of true NOP certified organic personal care score in the safest "Low Hazard" category. A couple of brands, Jason "Pure, Natural & Organic" and Nature's Gate "Organics", even had some of their fake organic products score in the unsafest "High Hazard" category.

  • Jennyi1
    Jennyi1 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2010

    Good afternoon Ladies,

    Patty-So sorry about your Father-in-law. 

    Welcome to all new comers.


  • Let-It-Be
    Let-It-Be Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2010

    Well, my Iscador arrived... but, I'm going to start it when I get back from a trip next week.  I'll let you know how it goes injecting myself in the tummy...yeeesh.

    Hey! I even tried the oil pulling that I read about here. Really gross but I did it at least twice. 

  • RunswithScissors
    RunswithScissors Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2010

    The description of oil pulling sounds like making mayonnaise in your mouth... Tongue out LOL.

    This is not a new article, but it's SO uplifting I wanted to share it here again.

    Dogs can  detect cancer with 90% accuracy:

    I love the fact that this organization shares so much information - even how to train your own dog to detect cancer. 


  • Unknown
    edited January 2010

    It has been awhile since I have been on and posted.  Patty, I am so sorry about the loss of your father-in-law, my prayers are with you and your family.

    Ladies, I have a question and really had no idea where on this site to post it so I figured I would start with the Natural Ladies.  

    Probably about 4-5 months ago I started to have this very weird "flushing"".  My ears would get very hot and go beet red, my face would feel red and prickly and sometimes my neck as well.   Now I have never had any allergies, am 8 years post-menopausal and still do experience hot flashes however this feels like an allergic reaction.  Weird thing is my sister started having the same thing happen about 8 or more months ago.

    I have been keeping a daily food diary and have been recording when these episodes happen. From what I can tell there does not seem to be any common cause.  My gut tells me that perhaps it is a result of chemo and radiation doing a number on my immune system.

    Any ideas?  I will be discussing with my naturopath at my next appointment but thought I'd ask for your wisdom.


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2010

    Purple-Are you taking iodine? It could be a detox symptom. One thing I noticed about detoxing is that symptoms come and go. If the impurities cannot get out efficiently enough, they tend to back up and cause reactions. I get lots of itching at times. Drink more water, and do the salt loading thing to get the stuff through your system. You might also try some milk thistle for liver support. As we dicussed earlier, NAC is great for detoxing too. You have lots of toxins in your body after chemo. It only makes sense that your body wants to get it out, and one way we do so is through the skin.

    Let It Be, I will be really intersted to hear what your experience is with the iscador. Keep us posted.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2010

    Vivre - I am not taking the iodine...really need to get on that asap.  It makes sense that it is my system trying to get rid of stuff.  Thanks for the feedback I am going to get onto this right away.

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited January 2010

    Morning Ladies!
    Haven't be online much as I am dealing with crazy work, ridiculous hot flashes and insomnia! yuck! Naturopath has put me on an adrenal support supplement, along with flax meal for hormone support.  Also, told me to get one of the vitamin E caps, poke a hole in it and use it inside the vagina (spread around the walls inside and then on the outside) to prevent atrophy and urinary track infections, she said women who have done this can't believe how well it works!

     Question for you all, last time I had my blood work done for the naturopath, my VitD3 was at 53, its now only 57 after months of 5,000 per day, should I be taking this with calcium, I don't think I am taking enough calcium, do I need that for absorbtion?? Oh and homocysteine level went from 11 down to 8 so that was good!



  • Unknown
    edited January 2010

    Hi Fairy...interesting about the Vit E, I am definitely going to give it a try.  Re the Vit D and Calcium, I am pretty sure it is the other way around, you need Vit D to absorb calcium.  Are you taking liquid Vit D3?  Wonder if a liquid absorbs better than a tab?

  • mollyann
    mollyann Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2010

    Fairy, it looks like you're not absorbing the D brand you're taking. Were you taking the Biotics brand which is emulsified? 

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited January 2010

    Hi! PurpleMe, I am not sure which way around it is, I am not taking liquid just the tiny little capsules. Interesting if liquid absorbs better than the caps.ummmmmm......

    mollyann, I don't think I am, to only get it up 4points in 6 months at 5,000 per day is weird! Nope, not taking biotics brand, is emulsified better??



    p.s. thanks to you both for responding, very much appreciate it! Kiss

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2010

    Lorraine ~  Vitamin D is needed for proper calcium absorption, but I'm not sure if the reverse is true -- at least I've never read that.  Besides, if you weren't getting enough calcium (which we do need to ward off osteoporosis, among other things), you'd most likely be having leg cramps.  But taking 5,000 IUs daily and not seeing a bigger bump, for sure you're not absorbing what you're taking.  What brand are you using?  Just curious...     Deanna

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited January 2010

    Deanna! I don't remember the brand, I will take a look when I get home! Thanks for the input!



  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    HI Lorraine...I saw my integrative doctor today and asked him whether I needed to be taking a calcium supplement. I eat tons of kale, broccoli, collard greens, etc... but not dairy. He said "no". You need adequate D to absorb the calcium and since I'm also on 5000 iu of D and eating plenty of calcium rich foods he said I should be fine. Like Deanna said...I don't think you need calcium to absorb D.  My D level dropped from 93(at the end of the summer) to 58 in 3 months. I'm thinking the sun at the beach helped boost it that high. About 3 months ago I stopped taking my weekend dose because I was afraid my level was getting too high. Needless to say, I am back to taking 5000 daily. I use Pure Encapulations Vitamin D. It boosted my levels pretty quickly. My 2:16 ratio was worse again despite taking 4 DIM/ day(0.22). He added another supplement with DIM and resveratol in it to see if we can get my level to come around. What DIM are you taking? Good the homocysteine level down to 6.8 from a high of 21 during chemo in '08. It's such a balancing act.


  • Nan
    Nan Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2010


    You also need Magnesium, about 320 mg for the D3 to be absorbed. So, it's Calcium, D3 and Magnesium. My friend's sister works at a pharmacy and the compounding pharmacist told her that, with the exception of the gel capsules, you can grind all the other vitamins/supplements in a clean coffee grinder and put them in a smoothie. Much easier than swallowing all those tabletsSmile

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2010

    Just came across an uplifting little video I wanted to share:

    I'm going to bookmark the Stanford Newsletter it's in, too.  Looks interesting.    Deanna

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2010

    Deanna, thanks for the link. Speaking of celebrities: I met with folks at the comedy club tonight to plan our comedy night at the prevention convention. The owner is friends with a well know celebrity, who is a cancer survivor. He was told that with stage 4, to pack it up, but he went to Germany for treatment and is doing fine, over 2 years later. The comedy club guy believes in what I am trying to do so much, he is going to see if he can get his friend to come and speak at our gathering! I will not name names yet, but this man was married to a very famous actress and is best friends with another very famous actress. I mean VERY famous. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they got wind of what we are trying to do, and started to help us get the message out about prevention.  I think the time is ripe for this all to really take off. I am so pumped! I am still trying to get the darn hotel to give me a final price so I get you all the details. I will nag them again tomorrow. I sure hope a lot of you all will be able to come.

    LiLi-I did not have very good absorption with the DIM. My compounding pharm recommended that  I try myomin instead, so I am doing that. I am getting my hormones tested soon to see if there is a difference this time.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Anne - Glad you liked Anti-Cancer book! that was my start and I still follow that advice. 

    Vivre, i get sick every time I hear another one of these reports about CAT scans or whatever machine radiating 13x more than anyone knew. Blech!!! Makes me sick!  Will read the "Theory of Cancer" link. 

    Let-It-Be - pls report back on the Iscador! wondering how that goes.... 

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2010

    Fairy,  I also had a disappointing D 3 re-check.  After 3 months of supplementing 2,000+, my D3 dropped from 32 to 22.  My doc said that some have better luck with the Thorne brand so I will switch and take 5,000 2 X day for one month and then 1 per day.  I also recently received my order from Mercola of D3  Sunshine Mist spray and will add some of that I think. 

    One of the articles you referenced made me realize that I need to up my magnesium for better absorption as well.

     My doc asked if I was drinking a lot of hot liquids (which I am not) as they can interfere with D3 as well.  I think I need to do some more research on what things interfere with D3.  I just assumed that if I supplemented that it would at least increase some.  I know many on this thread have said it can take a long time, but I never imagined that it would go down!

    Maybe I just need to go on a cruise!  Do you think my doc would write a script for that?

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2010


    Now that I have my hormone re-check results I wanted to tell you what I was told about progesterone.  I know you had a lot of good results that validate the supplements you take, but your progesterone was disappointing.  My Progesterone went from .4 to .7    BUT doc said since I didn't use the progesterone cream the morning of the blood draw at 9:30 am...AND since it gets out of your system....I am probably getting to 1.2 or better after each application.  Also, I should make sure when I do the blood draw that I have been on the progesterone for at least 7 days after the days off and use it the morning of the blood draw.  I forgot to ask why I take 5 days off.

    Did you use the progesterone that morning?  Was this during your two weeks on or two weeks off?  I only take 5 days off each month.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited January 2010

    My spiritual sisters

    My chemo #2 is today at 9:30

    Please send positive light. It really helps me.

    I am imagining the chemo chemicals as little pacman eating up any stray cancer cells

    So far I have had minimal side effects and am feeling surprisingly well. I think my detox plan went well also.

  • Yazmin
    Yazmin Member Posts: 218
    edited January 2010

    Merilee: Positive light being sent RIGHT NOW.

    When I went through the very tough TAC chemo, I told my excellent Head Nurse this: I am imagining the chemo agents as the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, attacking cancer cells from all angles.

    Although I am unhappy I had to go through chemo, I sometimes think: "....What if, after all, I was that 1 person out-of-quite-a-few for whom chemo actually kills cancer forever and provides a complete cure?"  Yep, I will never know, doctors will never know if that happened in my case, but here I am, 4 years later, continuously "rebuilding" myself with the right diet and supplements, and, according to my current oncology team at the CTCA-Philadelphia, "....actually doing better healthwise than most of the people who never faced down cancer...."Cool

    So hang on.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2010

    Nan..good info on the magnesium, must check to ensure I am taking 320 mg.  

    Fairy, I use a liquid Vit D3 from a Canadian company called AOR and take 10-15k units.  Will be asking my naturopath for a retest when I see her next to see how my levels are doing.

    Merilee - lots of white light being sent your way.  

    Vivre - the prevention convention is sounding so friggin' awesome.   

  • Unknown
    edited January 2010

    Just poking around on the web (ya I really should be working.LOL) and came across this website  (sorry for some reason I can't get these links to appear as clickable links).  

    The site has a link to both an article which was published in the Globe and Mail in 2007 (a national Canadian newspaper) along with the research article about Vit D and preventing cancer. 

    I am sure this other site has already been posted on this thread and thought it was worth posting it again. 

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2010

    Stopping to send you strength & postive energy right now, Merilee!  I'm sure you'll do great this time, too!

    PurpleMe ~ After you paste your link, hit the space bar once before moving to the next line.  That should make the link clickable.      Deanna

  • Suzanne3131
    Suzanne3131 Member Posts: 2,000
    edited January 2010

    PurpleMe ~ Too much niacin (B3) maybe?    Or maybe you are left with too much heat in your body after treatment...I have heard that powdered Vit C can help to clear excess heat.  Just a thought.