natural girls
Hi ladies,
I learned of a 'tapping world summit' from one of my subscriber lists. I"ve listened to 5 audios so far, and I"m not sure what I think of tapping yet. I hardly know what it is, and I just want to share a link for anyone who might want to learn about it.
Day 3 of 8 starts today, and day 1 will repeat at the end because their servers crashed from all the traffic. The audios can be purchased of course, so the free information is limited time only. You literally tap on specific places and it's supposed to work on the same principle as accunpuncture, only no needles and you can do it for free by yourself. Just thought I'd share. You need to share your email address to get links each day's talks, and I'm at least learning about what tapping is. I'll be giving it a try, and definitely too soon to give any opinions on whether it's helpful or not.
Fairy, that really sucks about your difficulty getting your hormone scrip. Could you write a strongly worded letter of objection and sign a waiver so the doctor can have documentation for her cya purposes?
I'm almost finished with Breakthrough. I SO want to get hormone balancing now. There's a provider in the Houston area who does phone consultations for $99, but the kicker is the long list of bloodwork she wants in hand, which adds up to several hundred dollars. I think the site is
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Patty-I'm glad you're scan is done and you're doing ok. I thought it funny that you tried to read the technicians behavior. LOL I do the same thing. I bet they get drilled on how to remain emotionless while doing the scanning. I knew during my ultrasound that it was bad because the technician took so much time, and kept marking the black areas and measuring their distance. I hope Ivorymom's results are good. I dread going for anymore scans. In fact, I was never going to go again. I was supposed to get an MRI in December, and didn't. My oncologist wants me to get 2 MRI's. One is the original MRI order and the other is for 2 areas that have been causing me pain. I asked the onco if they can do it one scan. He told me no because they use different machines. I think I will get the one done that shows my area of concern. I'm curious to know if metal shows up on MRI's. I'd like to find out where all these clips are at that they left in my body.0
Quick question.. being on 5,000 iu's of Vitamin D has really helped me overall. Was there some sort of issue on Vit D here and toxcity?
Saw my BS and OBGYN last week as my BRCA Gene 1 is now considered a mutation and treating as such. Want my ovaries out of course but will not recommend any hormone replacement. The connection of breast to ovarain cancer does concern me, but having no balance is not something i am sure i can live with. I actually was able to obtain a RX for 10mcg of Vagifem for three months as the atropy (sp) down there was so hard for my husband and I. JUST that bit is improving me. What is it about no hormone therapy ... no wonder why suzanne somer is my hero!!!
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althea-you might tell your oncologist you want to have your hormones checked. Then from there take it to the other doctor. I think the site you posted is one of the 'expensive' ones. The best resource is to find a compounding pharmacy in your area and ask the pharmacist for names of doctors who prescribe bioidentical hormones. I did this and was surprised. The Pharmacist handed me a xerox copy with all the names on it. Apparently this happens quite frequently The tapping sounds like accupressure. I'm going to check it out. Thanks!0
Patty ~ I laughed too about trying to read the tech's reaction! It sounds like yours, like mine, aced Poker Face 101! Glad it went okay!
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Patty - too funny, I harass the techs when I go. Sometimes they break down and tell me but when they don't, I definitely fret. Hoping its all clear for you!
Im sorry to hear about Meg, that really stinks. Esp after the one year mark, which is emotional enough I would imagine.
I was wondering about the woman doing the injections of the iscador. How are you faring? Have you had any SEs?
..I go to my first infrared sauna today - soo excited!
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Althea, the spit tests are much cheaper than the blood tests. If you cannot find any compounding pharms near you, try chiros. They tend to be more informed about hormone balance.
Fairy, you should not have to have a script for BHRT. My compounding pharm sells it OTC. But I am sure you will find a doctor in your area. There seem to be a lot of progressive doctors in CA. Just keep hunting.
Praying like mad for ivory, and all the rest of you still watching and waiting. . .
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hi everyone, sorry I have been away for so long. I haven't been as focused on cancer as I was the first year. I did have my 2 year check up a few weeks ago...mammo clear and breast MRI showed no evidence of cancer. I am still on the natural route...still see the oncologist every 6 months (who asks me to take Tamoxifen at the visits).
I tried to catch up...some 70 pages behind...after reading 3 I jumped to the last page...good to see some familiar names and some unfamiliar ones as well...
well wishes!!!
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Amber ~ So happy you are NED! I always wondered about the mysterious Amberyba who started this wonderful thread! Continued good health to you!
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thanks Suzanne!
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Amber - congrats on being cancer free!!!
-THANKS for starting this thread!
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Amber, thank you for making this resource available. It has been a Godsend for me! These women have gotten me through all this. They have been there for me as no one else has. They understand better than anyone else can. I pray every day for them and people they know and many on the Exchange thread as well. THE reason I pray now every day is for and because of these women. So, I guess that means that your starting this thread got me back to praying! Convoluted reasoning, maybe, but I'm sticking with it. So, thank you Amber! Will add you to the list for bringing us all together.
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Hi All, My friend Marlana passed this morning. Her family was praying that if she could not be healed that she be spared more suffering. So, 2 weeks ago she was told 6-12 months, Yesterday, she was told 2 weeks, and she passed over night. Very sad, but she is no longer scared and crying.
Live every day to the fullest!!! I know you do. Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers.
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Spring, that is so shocking. I'm so sorry. Deanna
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So sorry to hear about your friend Spring.
Amber, great to hear from you at last. You must be very proud that we were finally able to start a thread that has not been destroyed by the trolls. Thanks for your perseverence. Come by more often.
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Spring, I am so, so sorry about Marlana. Anything else I want to say involves cuss words about this stupid disease so I will just stop with how sorry I am. I'm glad she had you for a friend. I'm sorry for you and your sadness also.
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Spring, I am so sorry for your friend. This is terrible. And Frightening.
Amberyba: welcome back and thanks for this thread: we are learning every day from it.
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terrible news spring. very very sorry to hear it.
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Spring - how sad. I will be praying for Marlana's family and for you. ((((((((hugs))))))))
Love to all
0 - sorry to hear this and it is very tough to digest as this just shows how we need to keep on fighting and be proactive to what our needs are to fight this horrid disease!!!!!!Praying for all family and you.
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Spring -
I am so sorry for your loss. I got so choked up reading your post - 23 years ago this month they told my mom (Stage IV breast cancer) - that she had a year to live and she lasted two weeks. This disease s**cks and it seems like not a whole lot of progress has been made in the last 23 years.
You're in my prayers!
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Beth, HONESTLY!!! I am just sick about cancer "progress".
We have to keep fighting. It is discouraging, but we can't give up!!!!
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Hi Everyone! What could possibly be wrong with adopting a healthy lifestyle of eating well, exercising, a positive attitude and taking antioxidants? I have undergone the conventional therapies to the extent I felt they were reasonable but I will not do everything under the sun at the expense of my daily quality of life. I had lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy, accelerated partial breast radiation (tomorrow is my last day - hooray!) which I had to fight for because the first radiation oncologist would not even consider it, and will try a short course of Arimidex to evaluate whether the side effects for 5 years are worth the small (5%) reduction in risk.
None of us asked to be members of the breast cancer club, but I refuse to let it define me. I have taken the approach of doing extensive research, asking lots of questions, challenging the protocols ("because that's the way we always treat it" doesn't cut the mustard for me), and making the best informed decisions for me. My mantra is one and done - no more cancer for me! Being my own best advocate has given me some sense of control over this equal opportunity disease.
There will always be naysayers but let's just tune them out.
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To all my wonderful "breast friends" my scan came back ALL CLEAR !!!!!!! Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers .
Helena - love your post!! No more cancer for me!!!!!!!!
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That is such great news! I think I heard your sigh of relief all the way down here in Florida!
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WOOHOOOO!!! congrats0
Yahooooo, Patty!! We were rooting for you. Group hug!
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Great news, Patty!!! Whew.... Deanna
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Spring I am so sorry about your friend Marlana. My thoughts and prayers are with all of her friends and her family.
Patty - Great news!!!
Helena - I agree, just tune out the naysayers. Was the accelerated radiation therapy the one where they do two radiation treatments each day for one or two weeks? I had hoped that when I had my rads I would be able to do the accelerated rad treatment however, it seems that I didn't qualify because I had lymph node involvement.
So ladies...April 29/09 was my last rad treatment and the old eyebrows are barely visible. Anyone else experience this? This seems to be the one area that is just not coming back... sigh
Head hair has come back - same as before - curly. Loved it when my doctor said "well at least one benefit according to some women is their hair came back curly". Really? Honey I've had curly hair since I was a wee, tiny baby. How about long, straight or wonderfully wavy auburn hair?? LOL