natural girls
Patty, I am so glad that you both brought up these stories. I think it is so important that we are aware of what is going on. We too often take the news at face value, and do not realize that reporters are often fed stories with an agenda. It seems we need to do our own detective work in everything these days. It is so sad, but true. I wonder what in the heck they are teaching in journalism schools nowadays.
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I am truly believing that journalism is dead...killed by rampant capitalism...replaced by infotainment and agendevangelism. This is not a new item, but I recently saw it online, and I am so grateful for the day I threw my TV in the dumpster!
Fuel for the Monsanto fire...
edited to say: bleccchhhh! I just hate that I have become so cynical...
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I too have become a cynic Suzanne. I no longer have any faith in any print or television media and get most of my information from the internet, where advertising does not play such a vital role in censorship and propaganda. There is so much great info out there on youtube and other websites. I hope to use our new website to point people to these stories so that enough people can become aware about just how many carcinogens we are being needlessly exposed to because of those with the all the $$$$ blocking exposure and dissent. Monsanto is the worst of the worst. What they are doing to our seeds, treating them with toxic pesticides to keep the bugs off is criminal. Their genetically modified crops are causing animals who feed on them to die and be deformed and then passing on these dire health ramifications to all of us. It is just sickening (no pun intended). And the former CEO of Monsanto is obama's new FDA head, so this goes across all lines of the government. The only way we are going to win this battle is to keep trying to inform as many people as possible and then get them to boycott these products and vote out the aider and abetters. I am a strong believer in capitalism, but when companies run amok, they need to be taken to task. Monsanto and AstaZeneca are the two biggest evils IMHO. When I was going through my whole inner debate about going on arimidex, which my doctors kept pushing, I started researching everything about it. The two things that convinced me to toss those pills were
1. I started reading how Arimidex was used in those anobolic steroid cocktails popular with body builders. As a Health/PE major, I studied just how terrible the effects of these cocktails were. Look at Arnold, already had a heart attack from using that crap in his bodybuilding days. Taking arimidex scared the hell out of me for.
2. The straw that broke the camels back was the fact that Asta Zeneca , maker of arimidex, which is supposed to block estrogens, also makes all those estrogen producing pesticides that are killing us. They are making sure they get us coming and going.
Okay, off my soap box. AGAIN!
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Patty, Suzanne, thanks for the fantastic videos. Whewwwwww!
Monsanto is responsible for a wave of suicides among Indian farmers who lost everything thanks to Monsanto pesticides and other chemicals. And they are responsible for so much more...What a disgrace that they continue to be allowed to poison people in the US and outside the US....This is infuriating.
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The video gives the impression that we should stop taking fish oil because of PCP. The doctor recommends eating fish to get Omega 3. Fish both fresh water and ocean varieties are loaded with mercury.
Why don't these people just tell the truth. Our food and water supplies world wide are contaminated.
I will continue to take Omega 3 because the benefits in my opinion out weigh the risks. However I limit my intake of tuna to once a month or less.
The over the counter meds are a scary, too.
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Sea Otter
What kind of chemo is your friend doing?
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Gheesh, how I hate FOX and monsato! I posted that on my facebook page. So disgusting and I especially love how the manager of Fox told the reporters, 'the news is what I say it is'. I also wonder if the lawyer wrote what she wrote purposefully to give the reporters the whistle blower status they needed?
Speaking of GMO, I found some tofu that is non GMO. Does anybody know of any soymilk that is sold that is non GMO?
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Merilee - She told me but of course I have forgotten now. I do know it's Taxol and something else. I will find out. She would appreciate any help.
PS73 - I gave Deb your number, thanks, she may be calling, She starts chemo next week. Do you drink soymilk?
Suzanne - You threw your TV away? But how can you watch The View? lol just kidding.
I hate big pharm!!!!
Love to all, Patty
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Hi Patty, yes, I drink soy on occassion. I don't believe an unadulterated soy is bad but its hard to find. I would drink it more if I could find gmo free. I think we need to beware of foods and beverages that are highly estrogenic and not organic. The modifications made to these foods are made to make them grow bigger and quicker. The only way to do this is to mess with the plants growth hormones and this creates an estrogen imbalance. I think its in the fertilizer and then when the perfect plant is grown, the seeds are cloned. My opinion.
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Yah! "The news is what I say it is"!! What???? Here is the sequence of events that led to TV-in-the-dumpster incident...
So, it was December, 2004. I was still having a hard time getting out of bed in the mornings, since, somehow, in my worst nightmare, W had been re-elected. I read that Anderson Cooper (CNN) was coming to a local college to a speaking engagement entitled "What now?" and my husband and I couldn't wait to find out! Our TV viewing had dwindled to mostly news (and the Food Network!) Well, Mr. Cooper's presentation didn't really answer the question....and then came a lengthy Q&A session, where individuals (mostly college students) got to ask their questions. It became increasingly disturbing, as Mr. Cooper referred to his profession as "entertainment" and spoke about sponsors and the competition for viewership. One young man of color got up and stated that he had family in Africa and a great interest in the horrors that are taking place there, and he asked "why don't we see the war/genocide being covered on the news?" Mr. Cooper very matter-of-factly answered (and here's where my brain exploded) "Well, if there were bombs going off all over the place, we would be covering it...but all that starvation just (here it comes....) doesn't photograph well. Nobody wants to see that! We have to cover the stories that people will watch...because if we don't, people will change the channel. It's all about ratings and attracting and retaining sponsorship." My husband and I were not the only people to walk out just then. And I don't think I was the only one with tears in my eyes. And when we got home, my husband said "here, hold the door" and without any discussion, here he came with TV....down the stairs and into the dumpster. I have never been more proud of him! And we have never regretted it (well, except possibly during NBA playoffs!) My hands are shaking even as I type this....I was soooooo disappointed.
Oh please pardon my rant...I got all worked up. Sorry if I am being inappropriate :-(
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I cannot stand Anderson Cooper. He should go back to doing "the Mole" where he actually sounded smart. Talk about a pampered pooch who grew up in his Mama's mansion and has no idea about the real world. Then he calls honest Americans , "teabaggers", a sexual slur. Well I was one of the very first teabaggers. I have never been so proud in my life than when I stood in Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago with thousands of other Chicagoans, of every race, size, age and political pursuasion, to protest our out of control taxes. All the media was there, but there slanted "reporting" of the event was sickening. They lied that there where hundreds instead of thousands, and they only picked out a couple of wacky sign holders to show instead of those that were funny and truthful. We have no free media anymore. But I must admit, if I do watch TV news, I only watch Fox now. At least I can get a less biased account. Even Hillary Clinton said they were the only network that treated her fairly. But those of you gals who hate Fox, don't worry. I love you all anyway. LOL We are in this together after all.
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PBS "The News Hour" is the only station that reports hard news in depth with both or more sides able to present their information without being yelled over or told to shut up. It is a darn shame that it has been branded as having a liberal bias when it only reports straight news in an informative and clear manner. The reporting on Supreme Court decisions cannot be surpassed. Even those of you who watch FOX should also watch "The News Hour".
I think that is absolutely sexist when any newsreporter refers to Secretary Clinton as Hillary or refers to Former Governor Palin as Sarah. The would never refer to Former President Bush as George.
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Vivre - I'm so proud of you! I would have been standing right there with ya! I bet you are sick and tried of "Chicago style politics". Now it is in DC . I laughed out loud about "the Mole" what an idiot.
I guess we should not discuss politics BUT I will never call obama president. What obama stands for me is: One Big Ass Mistake America!!!!! Sorry just my opinion. I think this country is headed for bankruptcy and health care will take us down.
I love Bill O'Reilly He calls it like it is.
Love to all, Patty
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I don't much care for Anderson Cooper either, but what he said was all in the tone of irony. It's truly a sad indictment on us as human beings when we ignore the devastation of war and poverty and famine in favor of the sensationlism of which movie star is drugged out now or what have you. We prefer the sensational, the big headlines, the titallating commentary in this voyeuristic, hedonistic society we live in.
It IS all about the ratings, and attracting the big dollars that sponsors bring in.
Good for you and your husband, Suzanne! But I'm with you--I'd be missing basketball!!
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You make my point for me. You can't stand President Obama but still you use his last name. It just p*sses me off when the media refer to women politicians by their first names. The way that both Secretary Clinton and former Governor Palin have been treated by the press is just appalling.
Just to be completely "fair and balanced" I never felt President Bush was legitimately elected for his first term.
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Yah ~ Sorry! My intention was not to set off a big war of the "News Stations" or to initiate any big political point was merely that the news is definitely NOT's a business. And the days when you could tune in and expect to hear the important news of the day in an unbiased journalistic manner may have gone by the wayside.
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It pisses me off too when they call women politicians by their first name or "Mrs." Remember some one called Senator Boxer "Mrs." Boxer at a hearing? They still call Secretary Clinton Hillary or Mrs. Clinton.
I yell at the TV set, correcting them but they don't seem to hear me.
Also, the TV needs a C chip to block celebrity news.
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I deleted myself. Should not discuss politics, should not discuss politics. I have to keep telling myself that, lol.
I agree with the when the media says "Sarah" it pisses me off.
lol teacher about the C chip, I agree!!!!!!
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OMG! This is so funny. It is amazing how much we are on the same page, even though we come from opposite points of view. I despise celebrity news. I got so mad at my family during the whole Tiger Woods thingy. They went on and on about it and I just wanted to scream, Who gives a crap what these people do in their private lives! I asked them if anyone understood cap and trade and the impact it would make on the price of everything, and all I heard was crickets.
Notself, until you mentioned it, I never even thought of the fact that the women are Sarah or Hillary or Condi and the men get titles although I thought Boxer was out of line, because soldiers are taught to say yes Maam and yes sir, not necessarily Yes Senator or Yes General. She did not get that he was being respectful. She was disrepectful in cutting down a military man who was only acting the way he was taught. But you are so right. Women get less respect. We are girls, they are men.
Out of due respect, I will leave my obama rants for another forum. Being from Chicago, I could go on and on about he got to where he is. I am still so amazed a community organizer is the president.
Patty dear, you can pm me and I will tell you where you can join me and some likeminded bloggers. I do not want to stir up any more trouble around here than I already have. LOL
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I credit the entertainment news with the fact that people cannot talk about the important issues of the day without yelling at each other. This is why a get my news from the Internet newspapers or from "The News Hour" on PBS. The discussion about the deficit, health care, the war are all moderated with complete neutrality and the panel is made up of well informed and respected panelists, not a bunch of entertainment reporters who spout opinion rather than facts.
I respect you opinion that President Obama may not have the qualifications to be anything but a political star. I am very suspicious of all politicians and their motives.
Dear All,
Try listening to "The News Hour" for one week and post your opinions on this thread. I for one will be very interested in hearing them. This forum may not be the place to discuss politics, but it is a wonderful place to discuss good sources of information whether the information is about nutrition or governance.
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Sea Otter
What I did was looked up every possible side effect that my chemo regimen could possibley give me. Then I went about creating a chemo kit with all of the antidotes for each symptom in it.
This way I had handy any thing I needed without a trip to the store if I felt like crap. Maybe that is a place to start for your friend.
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Notself...I am a native Floridian and can vouch for the fact that George W. Bush was in fact duly elected...whether or not he got the national popular vote or not. At least in Florida, he was and should have had even more votes than he got here. Many, many voters in West Florida which always votes Red went home instead of standing in line to vote an hour before their polls closed because they are on Central Time and Florida had been called for Gore.
Anyway...the way it worked is the Florida Supreme Court tried to change election law to make Gore the winner. The U.S. Supreme Court voted something like 7 to 2 that the Florida Supreme Court does not have that power and that the current law as it pertained to recounts would have to stand until the Florida Legislature changed it as it had not been found to be unconstitutional. It just was not causing the outcome that the Florida Supreme Court desired.
Also, The inference that Jeb Bush could do ANYTHING about voting in Dade, Broward or any of the other traditionally Democrat counties is ludicrous. I have lived in only Blue counties as long as I have lived in Florida. I can assure you that no republican has any influence whatsoever on the duly elected Democrat Supervisors of Election in those counties. All the arguments were in Democrat controlled counties...not Republican ones. Gadsden in N. Fla. and Palm Beach 9 hours south of there both had issues with pre-punched butterfly ballots. One lady I know in Gadsden had to ask for three ballots until she got one not already pre-punched for Gore. Had she punched it for Buchanan like so many in Palm Beach would have invalidated her vote...and would have looked "funny" to the recounters as did those in Palm Beach. The reason Mayor Daly's Brother who ran Gore's campaign knew they were missing 6,000 votes in Palm Beach and thus pushed for the recount was because they knew how many prepunched they had. Chicago has used butterfly ballots for a long time. A Democrat campaign staffer was found in Palm Beach with a voting "punching" machine in his trunk. Only a couple of blurbs about any of this on radio or news and it went away.
But aside from all that. The duly elected Democrat Supervisors of Election run their own kingdoms. They do not let Republicans near anything important in their offices. The U. S. Supreme Court only upheld Florida Law. If people want to do it differently next time, the law will need to be changed. But, first we have done away with punch ballots. The most efficient voting counties use paper scan ballots which are very simple and keep a valid record for recounts. Why they tried electric computers for voting in south Fl last time during hurricane season I will never understand. First of all the computers kept breaking down and second it is harder to teach in a one day training session all the workers how to use them. It turned out that many of the delays for Bush's second term were because the workers didn't know how to turn them on! So for this last election, most of the computers had been ditched in favor of the scanned paper ones that the voter places into the scanning machine and then they fall into the box for safe keeping. It would still be possible for someone to tamper with the counter in the machine to make it count every two for one candidate as one or something like that...but not likely and there is the actual ballot available for recounts.
Florida became the punching bag, pun intended, because it was easy to make everyone believe that somehow Jeb had "stollen" the election for his brother. They should have been looking at the Chicago Daly's instead.
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I for one, will be very upset if this natural girls forum turns into a political forum. I have plenty of stress in my life - this is a refuge for me. Political feelings are so emotionally charged. (It is not that I don't have strong feelings- I was very active in the last political campaign and continue to let my feelings known to my representatives.). COuld you please start a separate thread for these comments, so those of us who want to avoid such discussions can do so?
I hope I am not out of line for my request.
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You are right beth. We need to go back on topic. I love all the gals here, and I do not want anyone getting upset with others who do not agee politically. If anyone wants to join my political forum, let me know and I will give you the site. We do not want our little safe haven here to become unhealthy.
Merilee-I was impressed by your game plan. How are you feeling?
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I am feeling very good actually. Not at all the Hell I was expecting. My 4th treatment is in one week, and then I will only have 2 more to go. Very doable.
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Beth! I concur, wasn't happy that all went off on a tangent!!
Ok, so I scheduled my MRI for next Friday, I was wondering due to the fact that I have quite a bit of scar tissue on left side and into the armpit area, plus the pinched nerve thing going on, will all this "light up" the MRI, or can they tell the difference between those things and something else??
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Sea Otter: Like Merilee, I got a "home kit" to take care of the various side effects. My onc's nurse was very helpful with going over possible side effects and suggesting over the counter meds I could do. I also went on the thread of for my particular chemo and the ladies there had a few more hints. So I had a basket in my bathroom with the medical stuff (anti-acids, that kind of thing). I also insisted on getting the anti-nausea prescriptions ahead of time so that they were there waiting for me and I did not have to go to the pharmacy to fill them when I was not feeling good. I purchased ahead of time things such as ginger ale, some bland foods, which had been suggested as things I might want to eat. For each chemo I had a tote bag of stuff to do: a book to read; italian ices to eat during the chemo; my own bottled water; and a change of shirt in case I needed it (which I never did, but it made me feel better to have it). Wishing your friend an easy time with her chemo.
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Merilee...I am so glad it isn't as bad as you expected and that it is in fact doable!!!!!:) And you have already made it past the half way point finding it tolerable! YAY! This is also good to know since I never know when I might need to do it too. Praying for you.
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That's great news, Merilee!
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Mandy-I don't know if you're aware of this product. It is a cap you wear during chemo to prevent you from losing your hair.
Vivre-The 'C' chip idea is great! The worst thing on tv has got to be TMZ! It makes me sad knowing this is what society thinks as important. Maybe I'm just getting old I am sorry to find out that the former CEO of Monsanto is the FDA head.
Notself-My son-in-law and I were just having that same conversation about the PBS News Hour.
Fairy-I think the MRI will also show inflammation as lit up. That's why I haven't done mine yet. I'm trying to psyche myself up for it.
I know it might not seem relevant to bring politics into the picture, but I believe it is. The FDA, USDA, our government, our food supply, the medical establishment, the media. It's all so overwhelming. I feel powerless. I know it's wrong, but I don't know what I can do to change it. I don't know who to contact to make my voice heard. I did sign petitions on the environmetal working group website. But other than that...