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natural girls



  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited July 2010

    Think of all the things that people used to eat or drink that they no longer do.

    My grandparents fed my parents:

    Apple Cider Vinegar in many things....sometimes just soaked cucumbers in it and also made something I've never tasted...aspic sp?

    Coffee percolated in a stainless steel pot.

    Iodized salt on everything and pepper.

    Home grown vegetables fresh from the garden.

    They used to grow their own chickens which produced organic eggs and chicken.

    Many milked their own cows.

    My Mom still complains about having to down a tablespoon of cod liver oil every day and only getting fruit for dessert.

    They used iodine on cuts.  (some used mecuruchrome (sp?) although I'm guessing that wasn't good along with the electric blanket fad....glad we got rid of those)

    And now we read and read and read about how to recreate this at expensive organic stores:)

    As a child, my family fished in our own pond, picked our own blueberries, blackberries and pecans in N. FL.  None of these were fertilized...they were just there.  Then the goats ate all the leaves off the blackberries and that was the end of those:(

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited July 2010

    Luna, I think we had the same grandparents! How I wished I had listened to grandma and kept downing that cod liver oil! I remember complaining because she made me drink milk from the neighbor's cow. I wanted the stuff from the grocery store! I bet she is up there just waiting to tell me "Told you so!". As for the urine vs the saliva test, I do not know what to say. Doctors are as confused as we are. My first doc did the blood test, then I found a hormone doc. She said the blood test was unreliable but could not decide which of the other two to do. She said they both have a little different results. But I did the urinalysis with her. Now I did a saliva test from a hormone doc I met at the health freedom expo. She is the one who says you must do it in the first day 3 days of the new moon. She also gave me a long list of foods not to eat, including chocolate (mon dieu!), broccoli(no I3C), and any caffeine. She said all kinds of foods sku the results. Fairy, I bet it was something you ate. You know how certain foods give you cravings. That is the estrogen at work. It is like taking a vit d supplement and then getting your d level tested, you know it will be high.

    As for tests, I think they are a useful tool, but I do not use them as my guidance. There are too many variables to any kind of testing. I go by how I feel. As we here become more intune with our bodies, I think we have a pretty good idea what works and what doesnt. That is why  I refuse to argue with any naysayers. I do not care if they do not believe what I have to say. I do not care if they do not try what I am doing. It is their choice just as it is mine. I just go by how I feel. I know iodine has changed my breast tissue and given me energy that I thought I had lost. I do not care if others do not believe it works. It works for me. And it killed my poison ivy, and cured my plantars wart so I am looking for a company I can buy stock it that makes iodine!

    Fairy, another confusing thing is you cannot compare results of urine tests vs blood, vs saliva. The numbers have different meanings. If you compare numbers, make sure they are the same type of test.

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited July 2010

    Hi Vivre!

    Thanks for your input as usual!!! Have to say my mum has been downing cod liver oil since she was in her teens, every day like clockwork......she is 80 and has more energy than people half her age, she babysits my niece and nephew 2-3 times a week both under 8 years old, I don't know how she does it, she drinks wine, smokes, and loves life, but I think the cod liver oil keeps everything lubed LOL!! The naturopath just emailed to say she is beyond confused, as I have no symptoms of too much estradiol etc etc, so she is farming out my results to others to see what they think, the naturopath is one of Suzanne Somers people so I have confidence that she knows what she is doing, I will keep you all posted!!



  • anondenet
    anondenet Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2010

    Yikes, I got an inaccurate saliva test once. It said I had 20 times more testosterone than was possible.

    Read Uzzi Reiss' book, He goes by symptoms, not tests.


  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited July 2010
    aaaaahhh, my lady anon........thank you! Kiss
  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2010

    This is COMPLETELY random, but Vivre, something you said (about not taking estrogenic foods before having hormones tested) just made me realize something. I bet one reason so many of us crave chocolate around "that time of the month" is that our bodies are coming off a progesterone phase and are starting to need estrogen again. Hmmmmmm.........

  • whitedove
    whitedove Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2010

    Greetings Natural Girls: I am looking for people's experience with Tamox alternatives.Anyone here with BMX dx who opted against Tamox? What are the other choices? Not to overtake the thread, here is a link to my thread about this. NO Tamox for BMX with DCIS - Anyone decide not to take it?

  • SuperMom101
    SuperMom101 Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2010

    Dear WhiteDove,

     Excellent question.  Only took tamox for maybe 3 months (and that was over 9 years ago).  For a variety of reasons I stopped taking it and my oncologist said that since I was premenopausal (diagnosed at age 37)  that "statistically" it wouldn't make much of a difference since the studies were conducted on post menopausal woman.  For what it's worth my mom took it (post menopausal)  for five years and her cancer came back. 

    Since my treatment over 9 years ago, I follow Jane Plant's book the No-dairy breast cancer prevention book.  So, no dairy products ever because my tumor was hormone receptive.  I also only eat meat that hasn't been administered growth hormones.  

     p.s. My mom (and sister) had the gene test and it came back negative.  It only convinced me even more that it's what we eat.  My mom still consumes dairy and all types of meat.  My sister is a vegetarian but ate lots and lots of cheese, etc.

    "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." - Hippocrates

     Best health always,


  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited July 2010

     I am so thrilled to know, the Dr t i am goin to (treats holistically), took the book Brownstein' book on Iodine and is ordering the supplement Iodide and has produced a questionairre from the book and has it as  part of his intro for patients. Like me!!! Thanks Vivre!!!So glad I ordered the book when you suggested from your compound pharmacist as it is finally being used and seen as vital and very true!!!  I am so in need of this supplement and  know this could be the piece to the puzzle of my endocrine imbalance!!!


  • somanywomen
    somanywomen Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2010

     Hope the below article isn't too long, but recently I have come across several articles of interest about the health benefits of plums and peaches....

    Peaches and Plums Have Anti-Breast Cancer Components
    Friday June 4, 2010
    Next time you reach for a ripe peach or a juicy plum, consider how powerfully healthy these fruits are.  Not just pretty and low in calories, peaches and plums are loaded with antioxidants, dietary fiber, and vitamins.  But it was their phenolic compounds that caught the attention of scientists at Texas AgriLife Research.  In their lab studies, when the phenols from peaches and plums got together with breast cancer cells, the malignant cells were killed.  Researchers were happy with those results, but even more pleased about the response from healthy cells.  "These extracts killed the cancer cells but not the normal cells,"  said Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, who worked on the study.
    Extracts were taken from the "Rich Lady" peach and the "Black Splendor" plum, chosen because of their particularly high phenolic content.  Chlorogenic and neochlorogenic phenols from these peaches and plums were found to kill breast cancer cells, without harming healthy cells nearby.  Even when scientists tested these fruit phenols on the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells, the cancer died and the healthy cells were unaffected.  That's a dream come true for breast cancer patients that may require chemotherapy - a systemic treatment that affects every cell in the body.
    More research is needed before cancer patients will be treated with phenols from these super fruits.  But the plant breeders and researchers at Texas AgriLife are very interested in continuing this line of exploration.   They hope that someday, they can grow peaches and plums that have very high content of cancer-killing compounds.

    The work documenting the health benefits of stone fruit has been supported by the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center at Texas A&M University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the California Tree Fruit Agreement.

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    edited July 2010

    White Dove, I passed on Tamoxifen because of family history of blood clots and uterine cancer. I began taking grape seed extract (which the Mayo Clinic is now testing to determine the best dosage). Grape seed extract seems to act as a natural AI. We should know the findings of the Mayo trial early next year.

    I'm 8 years out and have been taking grape seed extract about 7 1/2 of those years. I do have hot flashes, but none of the other SEs that women experience with Big Pharma AIs.

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2010

    Maya, what dosage of grape seed extract do you take? I'd be interested in looking into taking it myself. I too passed on the Tamoxifen after being on it for 2 1/2 months.... Testing showed that my D-dimer test came back way high which meant I had many little blood clots flowing through my blood. Scared me to death !


  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2010

    Well crap ladies. I bit the bullet and had a mammo today. I have micro-calcifications that I need to have biopsied. It's always something huh? Anybody have any advice? I have had some removed before but now with my history it is very scary.

    Peace and Blessings to all, Patty

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited July 2010

    The biopsy is no fun but worth the piece of mind.  Just make sure you are really in a comfortable position before they start the procedure.  I had a muscle spasm in  my back and couldn't move to relieve it. 

    I have been told that radiation increases microcalcifications.  Here is a good link.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2010

    Ugh, Patty, I'm in the same boat... do you know when you'll have your biopsy? I haven't set mine up yet; am waiting to see what the radiologist's report says!

  • anondenet
    anondenet Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2010

    Hi Patty,

    Let us know what you do.


  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    edited July 2010

    I take 50mg of grape seed extract every day. That dosage may be adjusted after the Mayo Clinic study results.

    Good luck ladies on your biopsies. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited July 2010

    Patty & Julia...Just letting you know I'm thinking of you right now.  You both continue to be in my prayers.

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited July 2010

    Maya2...please keep us advised of the Mayo study.  I have been taking 375 mg of Dr. Masqueliers Tru OPCs grape seed extract per day.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited July 2010

    I found a great supplement by Jarrow called Resveratrol Synergy. It has 100mg vitamin c, 20mg resveratrol, 50mg grape seed extract, 100mg grape skin extract, 200 mg green tea extract and 100mg querticin. Just started taking it but like the idea of condensing the number of supplements I take.

  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited August 2010

    THANK YOU, Luna!!

    Barbara, that sounds great! So it doesn't have any iffy inactive ingredients?

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited August 2010

    Does anyone know what amount of Grape Seed Extract the Mayo Clinic study is using?  I've been using I3C, but recently added Grape Seed Extract to my regimen.  I can really tell that it's doing something because my morning achiness and stiffness immediately got noticeably worse.  I'm happy with I3C, but wish I knew for sure which one was the better estrogen modulator.  I doubt if I need them both since I'm post-meno, but I can't decide if I should stick with the I3C that seems to be working, or if it makes more sense to go with the supplement that Mayo feels is promising enough to study.  Has anyone else wondered the same thing?   

    Another thing I don't think I've asked here yet (although with chemobrain I never know for sure) and which Barbara's post about the Jarrow product reminded me, is about green tea and caffeine. I was using Paradise Green Tea Extract, but ran out, and got a headache, which made me realize that I probably wasn't as caffeine-free as I'd thought I was.  So I emailed Paradise Herbs to ask them how much caffeine is in their Green Tea Extract and never got an answer.  I went to Whole Foods and checked several labels.  Only one (forget the brand, but in a green box & expensive) mentioned caffeine -- that green tea extract by nature had to have it, and that if you didn't want it, this was not the product for you.  They didn't specify any amount, but their comment made it sound significant.  So now I'm questioning the net benefit of a green tea supplement if we're getting a whopping dose of caffeine with it.   Has anyone else thought about or explored this question?     Deanna

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    Crunch, one of the bottom three ingredients is stearic acid, which some say is not good. Deanna, that is a great question about caffeine. I will see if I can get an answer. 

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited August 2010

    Hi Deanna,

    I believe Mayo Clinic is testing 100 to 200 mgs of Grape Seed Extract. I bought the supplement to try and found only 100mg caps bottle so used that daily and by day 3 or 4, I began to have severe pains in my hips so I cut back to 2x per week and the pains went away. I know it comes in 50 mg so I will get that as soon as I have used up my bottle of 100mg caps. I noticed that Maya2 from France uses 50mg and she is NED for 8 years now.


    PS Actually, now that I remember, I was using it twice per day which meant 200mgs daily...way too much for me.

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 807
    edited August 2010

    Deanna - the naturopathic doctor that I see recommends Green Tea with caffeine.  She told me that the decafinating process removes most of the benefit of the tea, which in her opinion is more beneficial than caffeine is detrimental.  She wants me to completely drop coffee and substitute green tea in the morning.   If I remember correctly it is the coffee that is bad not necessarily the caffeine.  As I live in the Pacific Northwest, that is tough to do - we love our coffee.  However, I have grown to like the green tea.

    My naturopatic doc works at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, so is kind of a cancer specialist.

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited August 2010
    For me, as i drink Green tea or even chamomille at night with raw honey, I have hot flashes! Now with coffee, I am ok. Aprilgirl.. curious to why the Dr recommend you drop coffee in the AM? What does the caffenine do?
  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited August 2010
    For me, as i drink Green tea or even chamomille at night with raw honey, I have hot flashes! Now with coffee, I am ok. Aprilgirl.. curious to why the Dr recommend you drop coffee in the AM? What does the caffenine do?
  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 807
    edited August 2010

    Donna - honestly I can't remember the entire reason she was against coffee.  She said I could have one cup a day in the morning.  Now, I drank a LOT of coffee.  She recommended that I replace my afternoon coffee with green tea and if I could to cut the coffee out all together.  I think it was the high acidic nature of coffee.  It was not the caffeine she had issue with, but the coffee.  She did not recommend any decaf. green tea as it pulled out the beneficial aspects of it as green tea is naturally caffinated.  She thought all herbal tea was fine, which I drink in the evenings too - no hot flashes from that but I get hot flashes from wine, which we need to minimize anyway :(

    She even likes the green tea that is sold at Costco - Kirkland Matcha Blend green tea.  It is not organic, but she likes Japanese green tea (she said china uses too many toxins).    I have grown to like the green tea.

    *edited to omit redundant sentences - see I really DO miss my coffee ;)

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited August 2010
    Interesting april.. as a natural Dr had me do the same before my BC diagnosis.!  I then tried the green tea and also a White tea that was very smooth. It was hard though and am back on a minimum of 2 cups a coffee in AM. Now this is goin to sound weird.. when drinking organic coffee decaf or regualr.. i get very angry and very edgy ... so i am back on my regular coffee!!!I do green tea and have some in my speciifc supplemetnation i have from my natural Dr.  I try to balance it and limit coffee as i think overall it is better on my system!!!
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    I found out that Resveratrol Synergy has 16mg caffeine.