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natural girls



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    Deanna, thanks for posting the link to the LA Times article.  I have already emailed it to a number of people I know.

  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited October 2010

    Deanna- This is exactly why I am so infuriated with all the 'BC fundraisers'.

    "You see this message that the best prevention is early detection, but that's not prevention, that's finding a cancer that's already there."

    The industry is seeking new recruits. And, their making money from doing so. That along with oncologists who do nothing to prevent a recurrence with what we know holds merit i.e., diet, reducing environmental toxins, vit D3 etc.

     I do hope the tide is turning. Thanks for posting the article.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited October 2010

    makingway,It's funny about the chia seed having such high omaga-3 fatty acid properties.I think it was on Dr. Oz this past week he was talking about how much better it was for us rather than the fish oil pills. I am going to order some from the web site you gave us. Thanks.

    Deanna, I so agree there only finding what we already have. I never even gave it a thought. All these years I have walked with my fellow teachers thinking we were doing so much good. At least they are beginning to realise we need to start looking at prevention.

    Ok now a question, I looked at the vitamins I take and it says I am getting 1200 of vitamin d it doesn't day d3. Is there a difference? And if so do I need to bet D3 alone.


  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited October 2010

    Luna5 - Thanks for the tip. Building up Iodine slowly sounds like a good, safe approach. Do you know why so many consider pretty much any supplementation (over 1.1mg) "toxic". It just doesn't make sense but it's a little scary.

    Makingway - the chia oil is a great tip. Of course it makes me wonder whether those stupid Chia pets have any use !

    Karen - There is a difference between D3 and D2 since D3 is better absorbed. Maybe you could call the manufacturer or check their web site ?

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2010

    One of the conversations that stands out most in my mind from around the time of my dx was with my BS @ UCLA, who was trying to calm my frustration that my bc was already Stage II, in spite of annual mammos.  I so clearly remember her trying to explain that having mammos doesn't prevent you from getting bc, it  just ensures finding it early, which I've since learned isn't even the case for ILC and IBC. 

    It wasn't until I found the alternatives forum here, especially Natural Girls, that I realized there are specific bc prevention strategies that go beyond what many people think of as a healthy lifestyle, which I and so many bc survivors felt they were living pre-bc. 

    So since it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I just want to tell you all how grateful I am to everyone who participates in this thread.  Your research, experiences, and especially your unwavering belief that PREVENTION matters have been such a blessing to me on this journey!       Deanna

  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited October 2010

    D3 is the one to use. The one I've been using is by NOW brand. The bottle reads:Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) (from Lanolin) Hmmmm...isn't Lanolin derived from sheep? I'm gonna have to look into that.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2010

    Not the most literate piece, but here's another article questioning the prevention void in current awareness messages:

    "...wearing pink can help raise awareness and encourage women to receive breast cancer screening, but it does little to prevent the disease in the first place."

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited October 2010

    makingway, So I went to the web site, and it says D(cholecaliferl) so I'm thinking it's ok. Now do I take a second 1 in the evening to boast my D levels?

    dlb823, As you know I am really new to trying to fight this beast with alternative measures, but I have to say I agree with you a great big thank you to all of you. All my many questions, most which might seem silly, are answered so quickly and  you all have been such a great help for me.


  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited October 2010

    MTG, I too am mystified by the proclamation by many sources that iodine in excess 1100 MICROgrams is toxic and the rda is only 150 mcg.  I've read that the 150 mcg is the minimum amount of iodine needed to prevent goiter.  I've been on an iodine learning curve for 2.5 years now.  To date, I haven't seen where this mysterious 1100 mcg upper limit comes from.  And you know what else is missing?  A list of what the symptoms would be should you experience this toxicity! 

    What convinced me to finally say 'oh bruther' to the information coming from the USDA re iodine dosing was the well-documented FACT that a typical Japanese daily consumption of iodine is 13 MILLIgrams.  I've been reading the iodine yahoo group for a couple of years now.  A daily supplement of 50 mg is very common amongst subscribers there.  Just be sure you've read the information about the companion supplements.  I missed that part somehow in my first 5 months of supplementing.  You need 2,000 mg minimum of vitamin C, unrefined salt, magensium 400 mg/day, selenium 200 mcg per day.   ...look it up, I might've forgotten one.  

    As for the iodine loading test, it's really not necessary to prior to supplementing.  It's safe to assume that you're iodine deficient.  If you start feeling really crummy from detox symptoms, take a half teaspoon of salt dissolved in water, and that will help escort the toxins through your systems.  I personally have been supplementing with 100 mg/day for over a year, but I have really lousy absorption rates and toxic levels of bromide.  When you finally do get around to an iodine loading test, get a bromide test also.  Bromide competes for the same receptors as iodine, so a toxic level of bromide will interfere with your ability to absorb the iodine.  hope this helps.  Iodine is a big topic that will take a long time to learn.  

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited August 2013

    makingway...I also read that dogs should NOT have xylitol just as they should not have chocolate, raisins and grapes.

    The book, "Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye" warns not to give your dog xylitol for his teeth with the above warning that it is as bad for him as chocolate, raisins and grapes.

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited October 2010

    I agree with Deanna....."Your research, experiences, and especially your unwavering belief that PREVENTION matters have been such a blessing to me on this journey! "

    Thank you everyone here.  I wouldn't know what I know and couldn't have made it through without YOU!

  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited October 2010

    Vitamin D Prevents Cancer: Is It True?  Here's the link to the video on youtube:

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited October 2010

    In researching for a pinkoctober blog I ran across this:

    In 1811, woman has mastectomy with NO anesthesia! At least she lived another 29 years. Make sure you go to the link for her personal account of the ordeal:

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2010

    Vivre, that is quite a horrifying account of a surgery. In those days before anesthesia was commonly used, many patients went into shock during the surgery and some even died from the surgery itself, and not the diseases that they had. But what is more surprising is that ether was already in use in the late 1800s and this woman was not even offered a light dose of ether.  However full leg amputations were also commonly done without anesthesia....yes, we have come a ahead at least in trying to prevent pain in the patient.

  • dp4peace
    dp4peace Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2010

    Wonderful to find this thread! I am thrilled to share some exciting news....ALTERNATIVE, NATURAL, HOLISTIC treatment of DCIS worked and will continue to work for me!!! I have been extremely vigilent for 8 months -- guided by a friend who is an "orthomolecular nutritionaist" and energy healer. She rescued me from the incredible FEAR and OVERWHELM I initially experienced following my diagnosis of intermediate level DCIS (2mm) on January 19th, 2010.  The thought of 7 weeks of radiation was my motivation to do whatever my friend told me to do (with diet/supplements/detox/positive mental attitude). Another friend wanted to learn what I was doing and started a facebook group called "Donna's Choice: Global Healing From The Inside Out." Please do a search for it and join the group if you want to learn about my journey to PERFECT HEALTH. I have posted a lot of my journey and research on this site. I had my follow-up mammogram and ulttrasound last week after 8 months and they were both CLEAR. I had a thermogram and MRI in March that were both CLEAR as well -- and this was after biopsy on jan 12th without clear margin. My friend assured me that this would be the case because she knew what a good and vigilent patient of health and healing I was. I did EVERYTHING she told me to do. Eliminated coffee in a day after 25 years! Did a total detox and put only the purest, organic health-promoting foods in my body. I was already extremely healthy and fit, so the changes weren't hard. It is my hope that other woman can be inspired to take the time to heal DCIS naturally. It is possible. There are no studies being done on people like us because there is no money in it. EDUCATION and DEDICATION TO YOUR TOTAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING are the keys. The FEAR from the doctors and statistics and recurrance can be paralizing -- I know. I was there. I want to help anyone who is looking for support to take time. I still went to oncologists and wasn't totally defiant. I just took more time than they wanted. I knew intuitively the treatment options and urgency they were pushing were WRONG for me. It became clearer and clearer as I continued to educate myself on creating an alkaline environment in my body. This seemed elementary once I learned it. My husband was in FEAR mode initially too, but then as he read and studied and learned to change his diet, he became convinced I was taking the right path.  I want to shout what I know to the world! I am so grateful that I will pay it forward for the rest of my life. Please contact me through my facebook group if you have any questions or would like more info. I am going to write a book about my experience. I truly want to help woman faced with this confusing diagnosis and the aggressive treatments being offered as the only way. I feel so much for all of you and your loved ones going through this.Sending LOVE, LIGHT and HEALING to all. - Donna Pinto

  • lucy88
    lucy88 Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2010

    Hi Donna,

    PM me please regarding your FB page.


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2010

    Thanks for your post, Donna.  I'm also going to check out your FB page.  Can you elaborate on why the need to eliminate coffee?  While it didn't appeal to me much during tx, I've since gone back to enjoying a cup or two a day of a very mild instant decaf, and actually thought it was good for inflammation.  Now you have me questioning that, and wondering why it's the first change you noted in your post.

    I don't remember (sorry, chemo brain) if we've discussed the benefit of drinking high ph water much here, but there is another thread about it that I've followed a bit, trying to decide if it's truly beneficial or mostly hype.  Well, I just read an excellent analysis (with research cites) and wanted to share it for anyone who might be interested: 

  • SuperMom101
    SuperMom101 Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010

    Interesting article from Breast Cancer Action ("the think before you pink group") about the "Call to Reject Avastin."

    Who has the most to gain by keeping this drug on the market?

    Wonder what others think?

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited October 2010
    For  coffee substitiuon. My holistic DR. had me try a instant form of coffee..Ganoderma Extract and is a gourmet black coffee without the harm of caffenine found in regular coffee. This is a mushroom extract and not only gives me energy but detoxes me at the same time. The best tasting one is by OrGano Gold. Look up Ganoderma Coffee and you will find good info on this alternative.
  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010

    What would you use for ringing of the ears?

    Does anyone have this after chemo?

  • SuperMom101
    SuperMom101 Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010

    "Despite the pink ribbon push, cancer deaths have dropped only slightly," according to this LA Times article. 

    Yet one more reason to focus on breast cancer prevention and nutrition research that is not food or beverage industry sponsored.

    Best health always,

  • mathteacher
    mathteacher Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2010

    The only reason published death rates have "dropped" is that they are catching 2mm tumors so it starts the cancer survival clock two years earlier.

    And they are treating DCIS as cancer.

    I would like to audit the books to see if actual invasive breast cancer survival has improved at all when you consider all-cause mortality (overall survival). An audit might show women are surviving LESS long from overtreatment complications.

    As Ann Fonfa says, " I wasn't a born cynic"

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2010

    mathteacher and all  ~  This article that someone else had posted on another thread may give us another piece of the puzzle, and actually sounds more encouraging to me than the slight drop in deaths:


  • jenn1975
    jenn1975 Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2010

    I have been researching chlorella and spirulina and I am going to start taking them this weekend but Iwas wondering if anyone else has any experience with them???


  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited August 2013

    Hi ladies!  I've been feeling GOOD all week!  I haven't had this many good days in a row since, well, I'd have to count in years and even then I'm not sure how long it's been since I had 4 good days in a row.  All this squeaky clean living is finally paying dividends for me.  

    Even better, or at least just as good, I've had some creative brain cells appear on the scene.  I designed a t-shirt that says "Rethink the Pink, Pay Attention to Prevention".  It evolved from springtime's brilliant idea last year when she declared "sink the pink!" in response to all this pinkness in october.   As much as I groan when I see pink, I also have to step back and say hey, there's a lot of good to be found here.  Let's ride the wave and see if we can work it toward a benefit for all.  

    I'd love it if my natural girl friends would visit my brand spankin' new cafepress store.  I referenced some stats in my blurb that I have in my notes.  I don't have any reference to where I found  the info, and I hope it's accurate.  The tshirt design I hope will look good on nearly every color of shirt they offer.  Here's the link:

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Jenn, I take a scoop of Green Vibrance daily. It has spirella, wheat grass, barley grass, etc. After taking it for 3 days, I had more energy that I had had in months. Try it.

  • mollyann
    mollyann Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2010

    Hi Althea,

    I had no idea you could make your own T shirts up like this and we could create our own slogans. Good for you for finding a source and creating a design!

    My only concern about the design is that it may be too hard to see and understand on a T shirt. Could you come up with a simpler slogan? A positive, take action slogan? A simpler graphic?

  • asschercut
    asschercut Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2010

    Hi Jenn1975! Yes I take microalgae religiously....AND LOVE IT!!!

    This is a good video on Hawaiian spirulina...and a bloomin good product!

    It is critical in researching a good source of there are some dodgy ones out there.

    I'll continue my blather on the thread you started out there on Chlorella....x


  • SuperMom101
    SuperMom101 Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010


    Thank you for always linking to such terrific articles.  I couldn't remember if it was someone from here that first linked to the LA Times article and (of course) it was.

     Best health always,

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited October 2010

    Thanks for some feedback mollyann.  Yes, it is a bit complex for a tshirt.  I'm longwinded even on fabric.  lol