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  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Thought this conference looked fantastic:

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited January 2011

    Just thought I would let my natural b.c. sisters know how my meeting went with the oncologist today. It was my very first meeting with an oncologist ever. It was good because she was able to pull up all my previous records and I learned more about the cancer I now have. I like her, because she listened, and seemed to tune in to where I'm coming from.

    She seem to appreciate my point of view in regard to holistic medicine. She actually suggested I get another opinion from a bc holistic surgeon. Hmmm...just might do that. She thought I could get away with a lumpectomy if I choose a mammosite. I'm willing to check more into it. She said tamoxifen would prevent cancers in my body. ok...what about uterine cancers? She didn't seem to understand my autoimmune problem, although admitted it was a concern. She saw that I was not easily persuaded, and had strong reasons to the choices I've made. 

    She also wants to check me for BRAC due to Jewish ancestory. I didn't realize Jewish people are more apt to have a gene for BRAC (did I mis-spell it?) turns out I have a few different cancers? It is IDC with a few extra features of mucinious and it's more than one type of cancer. From what I understood it is mixed. From what little I read this type of cancer rarely met- or gets into the nodes. So why remove the breast? I feel better. I' might even wait until Spring break to have a lumpectomy. Plus..its HER negative...everything seems to be in my favor :)

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited January 2011

    Fantastic news Barry.  It's so good to get an oncologist who listens to you and takes you seriously.  Maybe things will take a turn for the better.

  • Jainey
    Jainey Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2011

    Hey Vivre! I spent an hour on that website '' ... ohhhhhh, I want to go soooooo bad ... I dont know if I can fly, having my first appointment with my Physiotherapist today and will find out more about my seroma etc. I cant believe the magnitude of the cast for that Seminar/Retreat ... those are the piers and coworkers of my ND Oncologist! I am going to email him and see what he thinks ....

    Barry, I just PMd you .... like Sheila, I wish you all the best!

    Sheila, I have been following your posts and you are an absolutely wonderful lady! Great attitude and so very supportive for all ... thanks for your inspiration!

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Here is the latest on the Health and Freedom Expos too:

    I would love to meet up with as many of you as possible in Chicago. Start planning!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited January 2011

    Barry so glad things are looking up for you.  It makes such a difference to have doctors who listen to you.

  • jessamine
    jessamine Member Posts: 123
    edited January 2011

    Barry- yes, ashkenazi jews are very prone to the BRCA-2 mutation- but not shepardic jews. So whether you need testing depends where yr people were from. Lucky us, with our very own special mutation! Sigh...

    What tamoxifen prevents is the cancer cells that already have spread to various parts of the body from growing. It's true that there is a small increase in uterine cancers, but they are in different categories, as you already have the BC. Not saying you should take it- it sounds like you have a small tumor, etc- but it's not an accurate analogy, to compare the existing cells (which by the time you can feel the lump or see it on a test have already spread) to something that could maybe happen down the road.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011


    Great news indeed! it is so hard to know what to do especially when there are other health concerns tossed into the mix. I had mixed features too...the 'regular' cancer with 'lobular features' so I decided on tami regardless of whatever else they were presenting me with because there is, according to my research, a 50% chance that lobular cancer will show up in the other breast if nothing is done. I did not like those odds...much prefered the 92% 'no cancer' numbers dialed into the computer, you know?

    Great you have an Oncologist who supports your decision to get a second opinion and to pursue natural options. Good luck with it!

  • impositive
    impositive Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2011

    Barry, so good to see that your appointment went well! 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011

    Hey girls... I really need some help here...

    I take many supplements... like we all do.

    My problem... I get so nauseated... it is terrible. I have an over all  feeling of unhealthy when I take them. I will post what I do to take them.. and when... and maybe one of you will have a better idea for me.

    I take pill form of it all

    I take my multi at bedtime, after my snack... as this one is the worst for nausea. Taking it before sleep is ok. if I take more than this one at bed time... I am still ill all night. So I just take that one.

    I take.... D3/mag calcium...all the b's..glucosumine/chondrioton( CANNOT SPELL TONIGHT ).....turmeric...C...Selenium/ fish oil./ after I eat my good sized breakfast. somedays I will break this load up and take half at breakfast and then the other half at lunch.

    Any advice for me... I am sooooooo ill right now as I type... YUCK!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2011

    Estepp, sorry you're having that problem.  You know, synthetic vitamins used to make me queasy, but natural ones don't seem to do that.  Like you, there are some (like Curcumin) that I absolutely have to be sure I have food in my stomach to take.  But my suggestion would be to maybe try some different brands. And I'm not shy about returning a product if I'm not happy with it.  They're too expensive to suffer through a bottle that upsets your stomach.    Deanna

  • asschercut
    asschercut Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2011

    In a recent interview, almost 20 year Breast Cancer survivor Olivia newton John used homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga and meditation in conjunction with her chemotherapy.

    She also takes digestive enzymes with each meal and a tonic called Illumination, to help boost her immune system. In many of her interviews she stated that she was stunned that her doctors knew nothing about nutrition, and she wasn't going to just leave her life in their hands.

    Olivia Newton-John is in the process of opening up a cancer centre here in Melbourne Australia.

    I was watching an old interview of hers...and she was sitting with a group of men (way back when) on the Larry King show....and one dufus asks her if she felt like half a woman after her mastectomy.

    She said that her breast didn't define her as a whole person in the first place...that she had had immediate reconstruction, and that she never felt like half a woman afterwards.

    I think she was stunned at his cold remark but held it together with grace, as she has always done throughout her life.

    One thing that she has often said that resonates with me was that she never thought she was in remission...and she disliked the word (as do I). She said the cancer was removed and that was the end of that.


  • Suzanne3131
    Suzanne3131 Member Posts: 2,000
    edited January 2011

    estepp ~ I take my vitamins during a meal, after I have eaten a few bites.  That has solved my problem of repeating/queasiness...maybe it would help you too.

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Estepp-People who have trouble taking supplements often have digestive issues. You might want to consider taking some digestive enzymes and probiotics, and laying off any supplements for a bit, then add them one at a time to see what could be the culprit. Also, have you ever done a liver or colon cleanse? Getting the pathways free is important. I went to hear a nutritionist speak, and he said the first line of defense against disease is not the immune syst, it is the digestive system. If the digestive system is not working, because enzymes are missing, our cells do not absorb the nutrients. The immune system is the back up, to mop up the free radicals. I had never considered this before. That is why it is so important that we get our digestion working properly-and we all know how they are compromised by cancer treatments, antibiotics, etc.

    Victoria-Thanks for the info about OLJ. She is indeed another courageous hero, expounding on the value of alternatives, and living proof that they work. It is exciting to hear that she is behind that new hospital. It will really be interesting to see what is offered there.

    Barry-It is great that you seem to have found a doc who will listen. We all need to doctor shop until we find one who does.

  • RachelKa
    RachelKa Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2011

    Hi Amber,

     Yeah, it is nice to have a place where you can talk about something that just may help other than the drugs and surgeries which I'm glad are options, but just arent enough for so many of us.  This is evidenced by the masses dying of this horrible disease. 

    I was treated for Triple Neg Breast Cancer  - nothing for me now that chemo and rads are done and high risk for recurrence. So I am doing all I can on my own (Except giving up the red wine :) )I'm seeing an herbologist who has me on Rieishi mushroom caps - for many people good for fighting recurrence as well as for fatigue and anxiety and depression) I drink tons of green tea and do melatonin with 5HTP and suntheanine.

     I want to  welcome you all to  check out my website; there's lots on alternative healing and traditonal healing as well as other stuff you may find interesting/entertaining.



  • RachelKa
    RachelKa Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2011

    Good site; thanks for starting it Amber. It IS nice to have a place where you  can talk about what else is out there beyond pharmaceuticals and  surgery. I'm glad for chemo, rads and surgery, but it's just not enough for so many of us. This is evidenced by the masses dying of this illness.

     I was treated for Triple Neg Breast Cancer - nothing for me after chemo and rads and high risk for recurrence. I'm seeing an herbologist who has me on Reishi mushroom capsules to fight recurrence and good for fatigue and anxieity. I also do melatonin with 5HTP and suntheonine and drink tons of green tea.

    Wanted to invite you all to check out my site which has lots on both complimentary and traditional cancer care. There's other content you may find informative, entertaining - some even kinda funny.

    Best in health!


  • Jainey
    Jainey Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2011

    Hi Vivre ... nicely said .... I like your knowledge! Yes, one thing that I have been doing for five months now is the Coffee Enema ... I have notice a huge difference in my BMs among other things and ... the way I feel. My ND Oncologist commented that no more than two per week (which would be the maximum) ... do you have any comments on them??? Just curious

    Rachel, Nice to see you on the forum ... I am going to check out your website ... I have a friend who is TN ... and I am always doing research for her.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    Estepp: I also get nauseated if I take a multi on an empty stomach. I take mine at breakfast after I have food in my belly. I also take tumeric at night because it is a sleep aid...if you take it in a glass of milk, it is actually quite sweet tasting and helps promote good sleep, according to my accupuncurist. I take my coQ10, vit D, Vit C, omega oil and calcium/magnesium and half my tamoxifen after breakfast and my shower as well....I am using SISU brand for all as there is no soy in it (and I am feeling somewhat paranoid about soy these days so better safe than sorry). I take my other tamoxifen after supper.

    Hope this helps.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited January 2011

    estepp, so sorry you're having nausea.  It was my daily companion for 2 years post chemo.  If any of your supplements are tablets, they tend to be harder for our systems to dissolve than capsules.  I've also been noticing an ingredient in supplements that Dr Mercola warns against -- magnesium stearate.  He says that it's bad because it can create a biofilm in the digestive tract that prevents or reduces the absorption rate of our supplements.  I haven't really delved into it to further decide if I agree with him on this one or not, but I think it makes sense because the ingredient is used in manufacturing to keep the supplements from sticking to the equipment. 

    I wholeheartedly second what vivre said.  I was seriously sick intestinally after surgery.  At my second surgery, my surgeon took extra precautions and peeked into my stomach.  Even though I had stopped food and drink at midnight the night before, much of it was still there hours later.   He told me to see an enterologist, which I never did.  Food moves through at the proper rate these days and it makes a huge difference in how I feel.  

    jainey, every time I hear how someone feels so much better because of enemas, I wonder if I should rearrange my 'next thing to try' list.  It doesn't seem to take long for me to put it back at the bottom of list.  Just can't get over the ewwww factor.  

  • Jainey
    Jainey Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2011
    Althea .. I know how you feel ... took me a few months and tons of research to get up the gumption to go ahead with it. I do like my organic morning coffee hot in a mug ... thank you! lol That being said ... I am so glad that I have taken the adventure and gone forward ... my BMs and intestinal system have never been so good:-) Please PM if you need more info or just want to talk .... I guess the deciding factor for me was that I knew it would help with bile flow and remove dead cells and other waste products (from meds , surgery etc) that could be plugged up in the liver ... a great motivator! The liver does filter the blood and is a storage house for vitamins etc ... it needs not to overburdened etc ... Let me know how it goes .... CoolI like the sunglasses, cause I love sunny days!
  • mollyann
    mollyann Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2011

    Althea and Jainey, I've done the coffee enemas for years.  My grandfather was a doctor who recommended them (from the Merck Medical Manual) and so I had the eeew factor too. But after meeting a bc pt who had gotten herself into remission with several techniques, she convinced me to try them. She suggesting using empty Fleet enema bottles for the coffee, not the whole contraption my grandfather used.

    I had to make the coffee weak to start or I got jittery. Very nice for the skin too. It must be the liver detox thing. As a side note, one of the main cancer docs that gets great results (he's in Suzanne Somers' book) won't accept you into his program unless you are willing to do the coffee enema protocol. Apparently, his treatment kills so many nasty cells that the liver gets overloaded so it needs stimulation to cleanse.

    I think the Gerson Clinic uses this too.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2011

    Mollyann and others.... How often do you do a coffee enema?  And it sounds like you have to use regular (not decaf) coffee?  How about temperature?  Do you cool it or use it warm?  Is there an informational website you would recommend?

    "The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears" Native American proverb
    Diagnosis: 2/1/2008, 1cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 1/16 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2011

    Mollyann, I think the doctor that uses them is Dr. Nick Gonzales. In fact, I went to a seminar by a nutritionist here who works with him. The seminar was called 'Beating Cancer with Nutrition" and the nutritionist explained the Kelly/Gonzales protocol. Dr. Kelly lived for 40 years after he was told he had a few months with pancreatic cancer. He started to use digestive enzymes, enemas, etc, and got well, and then he started to help others. Dr. Gonzales was a pessimist who went to study with him, and they became partners. Dr. Gonzales now practices in NYC.

    At this seminar, a stage 4 cancer patient of the nutritionist came and explained the enemas, and brought his "tools". It was eewww. But he said he has already lived a year longer than they told him he would, and he looked and said he felt fantastic. I have not had the courage to try these enemas, but I like Althea's advice about the fleet bottles instead of the long tubes.

    Oh, and the nutritionist did explain that the coffee needs to be very very week. It does not take much, or it will be absorbed and cause a caffeine attack. I am sure that anyone who wants to get more details can read Dr. Kelly's book. I do not remember the name of it, but it has been out a long time.

    Dr. Kelly had a very sad life. He was so vilified for what he was doing, that he never got over it. He wanted to go back to dentistry, but people wanted to learn more about his cancer cure, that they kept showing up on his doorstep.

    If anyone would like the name and number of this nutritionist in Chicago, I have it.

  • meandmymom2
    meandmymom2 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2011

    Hello Natural Girls. I am actually looking for a natural cure for my mother, who has breast cancer.  I'm not a big supporter of unnatural drugs.  However, she is currently on Tamoxifan I'm hoping someone can "lend some knowledge". I have been told of several things such as "silver". The most recent was cell salt.  Also, they told me about, which is Dr. Schulze. Has anyone heard of him and his treatment plan? Or does anyone know of a natural treatment plan "THAT WORKS!"

    Thank you to anyone who can offer a little help. I'm doing this for my mom because she is still freaked out about the whole thing, she was diagnosed in October. So please, please, please help if you know anything or someone who knows. Best Wishes to all of you!

  • MariannaLaFrance
    MariannaLaFrance Member Posts: 166
    edited January 2011

    meandmymom2- I suggest that you get your mother to visit with a naturopath physician or a nutritionist that can help you with a supplement / complementary medicine program to use in conjunction with Tamoxifen. This board is a great source of information to research, but ultimately, you'd benefit from having someone to help you through the treatment with your mother, using natural alternative complements to her treatment. You are a great daughter to help her out this way, especially if she is a freaked out.

  • meandmymom2
    meandmymom2 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2011

    Thank you for your quick response MariannaHB.  I will definitely do that.  Sometimes you just don't know what to really trust online. 

  • impositive
    impositive Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2011

    dlb823,  I do coffee enemas also. At first I did them frequently, and by that I mean maybe 3 times a week.  (They're very time comsuming.)  Now I only do them occasionally, as I feel necessary such as when I start to feel "full" or fatigued.  They really seem to help.  I feel great after.  There is a website that helped me a great deal. I ordered my "equipment" from them and if I remember correctly they sent me a down loadable video (after I purchased) to show me how to do them.  There is loads of information here.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited January 2011

    m&mm2, there was a woman posting in this forum years ago who was following Dr Schultze's program.  Her username was genesis if you want to look up her posts.  The one called natural healing is where you'll find most of her comments.  It's a long thread that was a bit rocky in the beginning, but eventually she got me curious enough to find and listen to all the youtubes I could find with Dr Schultze.  I read nearly every newsletter he had on his site.  I've used his products for two different cleanses and I have a jar of his superfood in my pantry.  HIs products are expensive, but I have confidence in the quality and I'd probably buy more things there if I had more money.  By the time I finally placed my first order, genesis stopped posting and we never heard another word.  Her dx was stage IV, so I don't know if she left the planet, or maybe her computer did, or what. The incurables program sounds very intense.  

    What does your mom seem interested in doing?  I know I'm worlds apart from my mom in how I handle my health.  Things you'll need to consider are specifics regarding her dx.  What stage, what grade, what type of bc.  Your location and access to financial resources are big factors also.  Alternatives are mostly or entirely out of pocket expenses.  Ultimately, it's up to your mom.  Treatment choices are very personal.  

  • AMP47
    AMP47 Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2011

    Great information.  I will look up the good doctors products.  Also, love your ID picture.  Reminds me of my kitty called Bella peeking out from a pillow on my couch.  AMP

  • asschercut
    asschercut Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I was just thinking. So many women on this forum are always talking about post-menopausal symptoms and therapies, and I was wondering where my menopausal future stood?

    I was chatting with some older family members about menopause.  My mother is 58yrs old, and her period stopped about four years ago...but she did not have menopausal symptoms. No fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, depression...nothing. She is however a tad moody, but has been that way all her life.  My father-in-laws second wife also had no menopausal symptoms...but my mother-in-law suffered most symptoms. I still have a regular period... I get it (quite mild) every 28 days. I've never had cramping or a migraine with it... in fact, when I do get my period it's a silent visitor. My mum says she was the same with her periods. I'm still quite young and don't think I'll be menopausal for over twenty years. (Fingers crossed)  But my sister and I were hoping that perhaps we might also be as lucky as mother in the future and not have to go through those dreadful menopausal symptoms.

    Have any of you ladies had little or no symptoms?
