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  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2009

    Hi cw89134,

    You and I have the same story except my hysterectomy was in 1986.  On and off premarin for 10 years, only took it cause I thought it would prevent all the things it turned out causing!  My bc was diagnosed in February 09, lumpectomy March 09, oncotype dx 25, 28/8 radiation txs, Arimidex started one month ago.  No chemo.  Did you consider it?  

     So far So good re: Arimidex.  Some aches and pains but I had them before and some sleeplessness but have had that since Dx'd.  Guess I am just nervous-er.  

     Other than having breast cancer, I have no complaints.  :) 

  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2009


    Yes, your story is very similar to mine except that I had the accelerated radiation (twice a day for five days). That worked out very well. No real side effects at all.

    Regarding chemo, both my breast surgeon and my onc recommended no chemo for me. They both said that the 15% risk of recurrence with Tamoxifen (as shown on the Oncotype report) is reduced by half (to 7 1/2 %) with an AI. Chemo would bring the risk down to 6%. So, chemo would buy me about 1 1/2 %. I have a neurologically based disability (since birth). Both doctors felt the risk of permanent neurological damage from chemo would outweigh the 1 1/2% benefit that chemo would theoretically buy me.

    In addition, I think age plays a factor in their decision making on chemo. I'm 62 (63 next month). I honestly feel that if I were 10-15 years younger, with an Oncotype score of 24, the decision might have been different.

    I'm doing well on Arimidex. I have the hot flashes, some night sweats and achy joints (more so than before Arimidex). I'm just very grateful that there is a pill that I can take that has been proven to be effective against a recurrence of ER+ bc. Our triple negative sisters don't have that option. When I read some of the posts by some of the TN women who are undergoing chemo, I literally cry. They have nothing else.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2009

    Hi Carole,

     Good to compare notes with someone in like circumstances.  I, too, am 62, going on 63.  I hate this cancer thing but when I compare my own situation with the mothers with young children, women worrying about fertility-pregnancy, and even women who are still working and trudging off to work after radiation or chemotherapy, I realize I have nothing to complain about!  Bless them all and us too.


  • PackerFan
    PackerFan Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2009

    Hi Everyone,

       I started radiation on June 8th and have just 8 more treatments until I'm done.  Last week I started burning and blistering a little.  I started Arimadex on that same date.  I don't know now if my aching joints, weak legs and arms and all over soreness are from rads or Arimadex.  I started glucosamine with chondritin last week thanks to your suggestions here, and I'm hopeful that soon I will get some relief.  My oncologist suggested I try Effexor for the hot flashes and night sweats.  Anyone know if this anti-depressant would help with this?

    DENTHOMAS Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009


    I've been taking the generic Effexor for hot flashes since Feb and it has really helped.  I take just one 25 mg tablet in the evening about 9:00.  I think it helps me sleep too.  I only get hot flashes in the evening after 7:00.  After I take my pill I am fine.  I see my oncologist in Sept.  I hope she will let me keep taking it.  It seems to help. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2009

    Soooooooooo, are we having fun yet? 

    It's so nice to have all of you posting your experiences and suggestions.  The support is appreciated.

  • algw
    algw Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2009

    hey otter!!

    I remember you from last year on the TC thread! I am doing well - hope the same for you - and I am just returning to this whole discussion board thing as I have recently switched to arimidex after taking tamoxifen and now have pretty significant joint pain...ouch!


  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited July 2009

    Does anyone not experience significant side effects from Arimidex?  Thank you

    DENTHOMAS Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009

    I don't have any bad side effects other than some hot flashes in the evening. The Effexor helps me sleep. I had carpal tunnel surgery in both hands years ago. They aren't any worse.  I think exercise helps also.

  • thegoodfight
    thegoodfight Member Posts: 124
    edited July 2009

    I have only been on Arimidex for three months and so far so good, nothing major in se's.   I have increased my exercise by adding pilates and I do personal training twice a week.  This is in addition to my 3 to 4 mile walks a few times a week and two tennis games and two tennis training sessions each week.  I am thinking that is helping, but what is discouraging is that with all this, I am gaining weight and I am already about 40 pounds too heavy.   I haven't really been dieting, but I thought all the physical stuff would send me in the right direction.  Next week is doctor week................physical with internist, breast surgeon recheck and onco recheck.  I have had my bloodwork and when I get the results next week I will let you know if there have been any noticible changes since on the Arimidex.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2009

    Only on 4 months and no significant se's yet.  I thought that was changing earlier this week when I was falling asleep mid-day and having body pains but I had something else going on and I believe that was the cause.  Since that's been treated the fatigue and pains have subsided.  But, that could be because of other meds I'm on.  It's hard to tell what physical issues are coming from. meds, aging, other medical concerns...

    How long have you been on it and are you having bad se's?

  • kpopperwell
    kpopperwell Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2009

    I have been on Arimidex since May 15, 2008.  I have the usual se's - joint pain, insomnia.  I also have rheumatoid arthritis so it is hard to tell where the joint pain comes from.  Do know it is worse since starting Arimidex.  Each year I have to have a visual field eye test.  Up till now it has been ok.  This year I have not been able to pass the test.  Can't seem to push the button when I see the light.  They have me seeing a retinal specialist and a glaucoma specialist.  They can't find anything wrong.  Next test is to take photos of the circulation in my eyes.  Then maybe an MRI.  Don't think they will find anything but I feel there is a connection in taking the Arimidex.  Anyone had any problems with your eyes?

    Karin in CA

  • gmt4830
    gmt4830 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    I've been on Arimidex for 10 months now.  I'm 69 and didn't think I'd be getting hot flashes again.  But I am and they are worse than they ever were.  I was on hormone replacement (estrogen) for years and was told this probably contributed to my cancer.  Even worse than the hot flashes is the sweating - it just pours off me.  And they come quite often.  The only saving grace is that I live in Florida and when I'm outside, it's hard to tell whether I'm having a hot flash or I'm just hot!  I still have pains in my hips and legs but they seen to have subsided.  I do exercise a lot - treadmill and biking every day - and this seems to help a lot.  I take the Arimidex in the evening.  This seems to be better for me because I do my treadmill in the morning.


  • Unknown
    edited July 2009
    Hi NancyLA...I've been on Arimidex for 4 months now and I had some SEs in the beginning however, everything except for the hot flashes seem to have subsided. My hot flashes are not that awful and I suspect if I gave up drinking my morning coffee they would calm down a great deal.  Cool
  • cali4
    cali4 Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2009

    After taking Arimidex for 3 months, the joint pain started increasing within the past couple of weeks and I developed Trigger Finger.  Saw my oncologist yesterday and she has changed me from Arimidex to Aromisin to see if there is any decrease in the side effects.  She said the Trigger Finger was definately due to the Arimidex.  I'm hoping things will get better with Aromasin, we'll see....

  • webwriter
    webwriter Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2009

    Joining the Arimidex club tomorrow morning. Just wanted to say Hey and introduce myself. Going back to read....

  • meadows4
    meadows4 Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2009

    Yes, I did have a problem with my eyes while on Arimidex.  I had a posterior vitreous detachment, which is common in older people, but more common in women.  It is a relatively harmless occurrence but it does leave floaters in your eye.

    I researched the eye and estrogen and found 3 studies which concluded that this greater occurrence in PVD in older women could be caused by lack of estrogen as they grow older.

    The PVD, plus unbearable chapped lips that never healed,  made me decide to stop taking arimidex.

     No doctor nor the pharmaceutical company will admit that the AI's can contribute to eye problems, but I am convinced of it.

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2009

    I'm off the Arimidex and starting Femara tomorrow.  Too many side effects and a poor quality of life really made me go back and rethink my medication.  I felt like I was a100 years old.  My oncologist thinks I will do better on Femara.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'll keep you up to date. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2009

    Wblibrary, how long were you on Arimidex and how long after you started did the significant se's start?

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited July 2009

    Hi everyone!  My bottle of Armidex has been sitting on my counter for two weeks now.  I am afraid to try it.  Had horrible depression through chemo and do not want to go there again.  Thanks for all the love and support on this list, it is awesome.

  • goldenabbey
    goldenabbey Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    I am new to Arimedex too.  I am worried about the side effects.  Feel like a baby for caring when it could be stopping me from getting cancer again.  But I still haven't found the courage to take it yet!

    BYHISGRACE Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2009

    I have been on Arimidex for almost five years now.  I still have an occassional hot flash but that can be tolerated!  I have always taken my dosage at breakfast as I am less likely to forget.  I find that exercise (Aquatic for me) is the best thing for all aches and pains.  A 72 I have many things I can blame them on. God is good and has been with me thru all of this cancer treatment.  I now live in a Retirement community and find that I can be an encouragement to friends who are now going thru cancer treatments.

  • kerry32
    kerry32 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2009

    GoldenAbbey - I had the same feeling about being nervous to take the first arimidex pill.  I can tell you that I have been taking it for over a year and I'm not suffering from many side effects at all.  I take my pill in the morning as I think it does help with the sleeping and I also take magnesium once a day as I read here that it helps with joint/muscle aches.  I have had periods where I wake up stiff but it has gone away.  Exercise, good diet and lots of water seem to keep me on track.  When I deviate from that routine such as holidays or vacation I do notice more muscle/joint stiffness....but nothing at all that is debilitating.  Good Luck

    DENTHOMAS Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2009

    I'm not having any problems, I've been on Arimidex since Feb 09.  I take it in the morning & also exercise.  I have some hot flashes in the evening but they are tolerable. I'll be 72 in Aug.

  • sobx
    sobx Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2009

    I have been on Arimidex since January 09. Not long but I have tried the other drugs too. I took Femara and the SE's were worse than Arimidex. So back on arimidex and the joint pain. I get up and walk every morning. It is rough during the night when I wake and go to the bathroom. Good thing the sink is there for me to lean on! Once this heat is gone maybe I can get into a exercise schedule.I take it in the morning too. I go back to the ONC in August and will ask more questions and see if  there is anything  I can take to ease the pain.  With my work schedule I  don't have time for a gym.  I'll get my bike  out soon and ride it. Does anyone sleep straight through the night? I'm up several times but at least I go back to sleep. Have a blessed day. Back on 2nd shift tonight. Joy

  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

    I've been on Arimidex for 4 months now and I did have some SEs in the first three months - nausea, pain in my wrists both of which went away.  The only SEs I have now are the hot flashes - which Ihad prior to BC and also some light headedness every now and then - nothing major.  I have always been a light sleeper so the waking up throughout the night is not new for me.  Some nights I do sleep right through other nights not so much.  I'm 54 year young and have bee post menopausal now for 7 years.

  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2009

    It's amazing - how all my bone achiness have disappeared since my abdominal surgery. No doubt the pain meds helped - but I'm completely off prescription pain meds - just taking Advil. Possibly the Advil is helping more than just my abdominal surgery pain..........but perhaps it is truly  mental. When you have greater pain to deal with than bone and joint aches - they seem to disappear! I'm going to keep reminding myself about this when I'm completely when I go back to complaining about my bone/joint aches, I'll remember to take some Advil and to count my blessings that this is the ONLY pain I have to deal with!

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2009

    Just took my first pill today! Yikes!!  I'm on lupron shots (had my first one just over a week ago) and finally got my mail order rx of arimidex yesterday.  Took one this morning so it wouldn't interfer with sleep.  We'll see what happens. Glad to find this thread!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,355
    edited July 2009

    Once I've recovered from my scheduled surgery (7/24 bilat. with one-step recon.), my dr. will prescribe Arimidex.  I read all the pages of this discussion forum to get some insight into the side effects of the drug.  It's good to read several posts from people who haven't suffered severe SE's.

    Once I get some experience with Arimidex, I'll report back in. 

  • sockmonkeylover
    sockmonkeylover Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009

    At 46 years old, after having a complete hysterectomy last october, my dr. put me on Arimidex.  I took it for 7 weeks and had to go off of it.  I could no longer take the joint pain and extreme fatigue.  I'm young and energetic and my quality of life was sinking fast!  I'm back on Tamoxifin and after 4 weeks, now feel the veil lifting and feel back like myself again.  I'm pretty sure I was starting to get trigger finger also.  My friend on Arimidex started to loose her hair and she is now off of it also.  Those with no SE's are lucky!  I have 2 brand new, unopened bottles of Arimidex. 

    Love to my bc sistas out there!