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  • nswilley
    nswilley Posts: 1
    edited 2009 09

    I have been taking arimidex now for over 2 years.  The biggest draw back for me is the joint pain.  Every joint in my body hurts.  Some days I have trouble getting out of bed.  I don't have trouble sleeping, just the opposite, I want to sleep all the time for some reason.  I am tired alot but I still work 5 days a week.  My bones are thinning as yours will on this drug.  But it helps us stay alive and hopefully not get cancer again.  Good luck.

  • haykat57
    haykat57 Posts: 14
    edited 2009 10

    Hollyann, I've been taking glucosamine/chondroitin supplements since I was on the Tamoxifen, but started doubling up at the recommendation of the nutritionist I am working with.  I hate to think how I would be feeling without it.  I also take Omega 3 supplements to minimize inflammation so I won't have to take as much Ibuprofen.

    Susan, yes, you got it right about how Tamoxifen and Arimidex work.

    Reen, the info I have seen on preventing lymphedema recommend against hot tub usage.  I don't know if keeping your arm elevated and out of the water would help or if the overall increase in body temperature is the problem.

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Posts: 66
    edited 2009 10

    I just have to vent a little tonight - sorry up front!  I'm in pain on this Arimidex!  I could barely walk through the grocery store today for an hour.  I can't sit for any length of time because when I get up I am so stiff I can't move!  Does anyone know what is in this drug that causes the horrible joint pain?  I've only been on this pill for 4 months and I just want to cry.  I survived a mastectomy - no problem - I survived chemo - ok - little problems - but there was a light at the end of the tunnel with that.  With this Arimidex - I feel like my world is crumbling around me.  The light is going out! I have twin grandchildren due any day and I want to be able to help out.  I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it.  Also - anyone suggest a good anti-depressant to help with the side effects?????? 

  • nelia48
    nelia48 Posts: 42
    edited 2009 10

    I'm so at a loss to give any advice about the joint pain, etc.  Before cancer, I had such bad arthritis in my fingers, hips, knees and feet.  I was already having a hard time getting around.  So, I'm not sure now if all my aches and pains are from the arthritis or the Arimidex.  When I went through chemo, there were steroids in the mix, and all my arthritis symptoms went away for those months.  It was the ONLY good thing about Chemo!

    I do feel the "down" side of the Arimidex.  I'm tired ALL the time.  Not sure if that is from the pill or the fact that I just can't sleep at night.  Most of the sleeping aids can't be taken when you are on Arimidex.  But my pcp did give me a prescription for xanax.  She said it would help with the "racing thoughts" and help me fall asleep.  Well. . . . I laid there for hours with racing thoughts about when the racing thoughts would stop!!!!!  Didn't work at all for me.  So. . . . I just lay there and stare at the wall and watch the shadows of my dog's legs staight up in the air and listen to him snoring peacefully next to me. 

  • Jan244
    Jan244 Posts: 9
    edited 2009 10

    wblibrary - I was already dealing with depression and didn't realize how "bad" I was.  My DD contacted my PCP and he had the two of us come to see him that evening.  (I had already signed an agreement that he could discuss my medical issues with both my DD and my DSIL.)  At any rate, he referred me to a Psycopharmacologist (sp?) who talked me me and my DD at length, asked twenty million questions, etc.  She gave me the name of a Therapist to contact and she started me on Prozac. I was already taking Wellbutrin and she had me continue that as well.  All I can tell you is adding Prozac made a huge difference for me.  It was as though the black cloud that had surrounded me was lifted.  I keep saying "thank God for Prozac" because if I had received the diagnosis that my BC cells from 23+ years ago had decided to visit my bones before Prozac, I might well have killed myself.  With Prozac and what it has done for me, I'm taking on this recurrence, as well as the Arimidex SE, and I'm doing the best I can to earn myself another 23 years (or as close to it as is possible).  Please be good to yourself and let your PCP know how bad you feel.  Ask for his help or ask him to recommend someone who will help you.

  • sds3252
    sds3252 Posts: 4
    edited 2009 10

    I have taken arimidex for 3 months now.  No real problems.  I started hormone replacement therapy.  I was estrogen breast tumor positive so I cannot have estrogen.  I have testestrone implants and it gives me energy and makes me feel so much younger.  I highly recommend it.  Look on the web under hormone replacement therapy in your area.  You will be given blood work to check your levels that include thyroid levels before the implants.  I started this idea when my chemo Dr. said he does not check hormone levels.  I am 57 and all women our age need this.

     The only other option for us is the depression meds for hot flashes.  I do not want to be on them and I do not have hot flashes like before.  It give me balance, helps my mood and lots of energy.

  • sds3252
    sds3252 Posts: 4
    edited 2009 10

    Get some hormone replacement therapy and take 1200 mg of calcium daily. 


  • sds3252
    sds3252 Posts: 4
    edited 2009 10

    I have not had problems with arimidex but the Doctor said it would show up in a week or two if I was going to have symptoms. 

  • sds3252
    sds3252 Posts: 4
    edited 2009 10

    Really, no sleep aids  while on arimidex?  I have never heard this before now.  I take benadryl and it works good on the nights I have a problem.

  • haykat57
    haykat57 Posts: 14
    edited 2009 11

    sds3252 - aren't there se from the testerone like facial hair and deeper voice, etc.?

    try taking your calcium at bedtime and see if that doesn't help you sleep better. It works great for me.

    DENTHOMAS Posts: 27
    edited 2009 11

    I take Tylenol PM and sleep very well.  I've been on Aimidex for about 4 months now and I'm noticing some aches & pains that I didn;t have before.  I do miss my estrogen though.

  • tarlo
    tarlo Posts: 3
    edited 2009 11

    Hi! just looked and see that I have been on Arimidex  for 23 months

    I say I had to look because thankfully I have had no serious side effects

    granted I cant fall asleep as fast as I did before but I also take 1/2 Tylenol

    I live in FL and the nights are hot, even with AC and a ceiling fan it seems to help.

      No aches or pains but I am 62 so I take it  as it comes- it could be worse Tarlo
    Dx 5/7/2007, DCIS, 4cm, Stage IIIb, Grade 3, 3/5 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • unique
    unique Posts: 209
    edited 2009 12

    On my 3rd sample package, so I'd say a month and a half on Arimidex.

    I'm in a cantakerous mood and tired all the time. I go to sleep at 11pm and wake up a 5am so by afternoon I take a dip. No aches or pains except if I drive longer than 15 mins. my hands go numb on the steering wheel.

  • tarlo
    tarlo Posts: 3
    edited 2009 12

    Just a question how many of us are in a drug trial for Arimidex ?

  • tarlo
    tarlo Posts: 3
    edited 2009 12

    Hi-unique I can fly off the handle at the drop a hat too. I thought that -that was just my nature or,because of other medications.  I do covet my sleep time and I live up to my Name if something wakes me up.seriously do you believe it's caused by Arimidex---Tarlo

  • Unknown
    edited 2009 12

    Well...I've been on Arimidex for 3 months now...really thought I might get away without any SEs but am experiencing....fatigue (could it just be post rads, arimidex or both), the blues (this is sooo not me) and on/off again hand and wrist aches - mostly in the right hand.  Today my right hand is very achy - mostly the top of the hand which I find weird - and a bit in the wrist.  Very annoying since I do a lot of computer work.

  • OG56
    OG56 Posts: 377
    edited 2009 12

    I have never read anything about sleep aid's and Arimidex being incompatable. I take real sleeping pills now and though I have tried all the over the counter and Ambien which didn't work at all for me. The fatigue has lessened now that I actually sleep 6-8 hours every night and I even make it to the gym almost everyday. I have been on the Arimidex for 1 year now and I have just gotten to the point that when my bones hurt or I am stiff I say to myself "good it is working"

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Posts: 66
    edited 2009 12

    I take 1200 mg of calcium every morning already - so calcium isn't the answer to the joint pain.  I was on Prozac for many years and I stopped it completely just a few months ago.  I wanted to get off of meds while I was on the Arimidex so if I had any side effects I would know exactly what was causing them.  It's definitely the Arimidex.  I'm taking Aleve & Excedrin more often now for the joint pain & morning headaches.  I'm also having to take Maxalt for migraines.  I see my oncologist on the 25th - we will be discussing the pros and cons of continuting Arimidex.  I've decided I do not want to feel this way for the next 5 years.  I'll keep you posted.  Thanks for all the advice - this board is a godsend in many ways.  It's wonderful to know all these problems are not just happening to me - others are going through it too. 

  • my3girls
    my3girls Posts: 1,291
    edited 2009 14

    Purple Me...I can relate to the wrist and hand aches...especially the top of my hands! I know it's a weird symptom, but I had it while on Arimidex. I just started Aromasin yesterday........I am praying that those s/e's are more easily tolerated for me.

    I can tell you this...while off the Arimidex for 4 weeks...I had so much more energy those last 2+ weeks!  I still have some aches and pains...but I would bet that is from the chemo damage.

    Luck to all on these meds...and praying they help us keep "the beast" away!



  • my3girls
    my3girls Posts: 1,291
    edited 2009 14

    About your post Susan:

    Jun 9, 2009 08:30 am mikkara wrote:

    I asked my onc about the difference between Tamoxifen and Aridimex.  I see some posts where women believe Tamoxifen is only for menopausal women.  I don't think that's true.  If the tumor was estrogen/hormonal fueled, and you are menopausal, then you are prescribed Aridimex.  Aridimex STOPS the production of hormones in your body, thus, hopefully, preventing a recurrence.  Tamoxifen is a HORMONE BLOCKER, meaning, your body still produces hormones, but the receptors in your body block the hormones from fueling another tumor.

    If I am wrong, I'd like to know.  Susan


    Tamoxifen is perscribed for those woman that are pre-menopausal, not post menopausal. At least that is the norm. Arimidex and Aromasin are prescribed for Post menopausal women.  I was on tamoxifin for one year.  Then, I had to get a hysterectomy, and after that was done, my OC switched me to the Arimidex.  So...I think you have the correct info, except for when it's taken. If I can't tolerate this Aromasin....she may switch me back to the Tamoxifin.

    Even after my hysterectomy, and they took my ovaries...we still produce estrogen. Our FAT produces estrogen as well as our adrenal glands.  So there are different meds to combat the different stages we are in when it comes to our estrogen levels.

    Does that help at all?


  • Liz63
    Liz63 Posts: 1
    edited 2009 14

    Hello everyone,

    I've been taking Arimidex 16 months so far. Had a bone density scan before starting, showed me in good shape, another scan at the 1 year mark, still in good shape. I am almost 64 years old, work parttime, am able to take care of my toddler grandchildren for a full day every once in awhile, I am very grateful to have this much of a normal life. I do not have a normal energy level and find I have to plan my activities. Am not able to handle a 40 hour/week job- my life becomes work and sleep. Have had two normal mammograms since my dx, lumptectomy and radiation almost two years ago. When I wake up in the morning I can count on aching somewhere, never know where- sometimes the bones in my feet, or a hip, or knees. Gets better as I walk around.I fall asleep okay but have trouble staying asleep. Am always more tired than I want to be. Have started to have stomach issues the past couple of weeks, but this is just after I tried Activia yogurt, so I'm not sure it has anything to do with Arimidex.

    I do get weepy and tired of this at times, but I try to keep in mind that what I am doing here is trying to stay alive to see my little grandchildren grow up. So far I'm not ready to quit and I do have parts of my life that I enjoy a lot. 

  • my3girls
    my3girls Posts: 1,291
    edited 2009 14

    Hi Liz...

    16 mos...and it sound as though you are doing pretty well. Very active, esp. keeping up with active grandchildren! I like your outlook and spirit!


  • unique
    unique Posts: 209
    edited 2009 15

    Tarlo ~

    I think it is the Arimidex because the waking up at 5am and the grumpiness are new. Altho maybe it isn't. I don't wake up all night, just always wake up early at 5am, can roll over but the sleep isn't as good. So I am really tired by 2pm every day, felt like I was going to sleep at the wheel, thankfully arrived home quickly though. About the crankiness, that could be other things I suppose, but if it gets any worse I'll have to revisit my anti-depressant dose. I mean, my kid was late yet again to go somewhere and so I just got in the car and drove off. I did come back after a couple minutes, but I was just so angry!!! I was sorry then, not that I did something, because this waiting until I'm ready to leave and then getting his stuff together is just real annoying. But that he is anxious already and I did it.

  • guinness
    guinness Posts: 1
    edited 2009 15

    Hi I am writing for my mom who has just finished her 6 months of Chemo in Japan.  She is now being prescribed Arimidex and is concerned with the side effects.  I have read most of the side effects and what patients are going through while on Arimidex but I couldn't find some symptoms that has been addressed to us as a possible effec of this pill.

    1.  Weight gain?

    2.  Nausea - is this similar to nausea while on chemo?

     3.  Depression?

    She will begin her pills on june 15  for 5 years.

    What are some of the things that may help prevent Osteoporosis?

    Thank you so much and I wish all of you the best!



    I would like to recommend a movie for those who are interested:  Living Proof

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Posts: 66
    edited 2009 15

    Guinness - yes - there are side effects with Arimidex - but everyone is different in their intensity.  I had the weight gain - some do not.  I've had no nausea (4 1/2 months on drug right now).  I had gone off my depression pills once I started Arimidex, but now I am thinking about starting them up again if I am to stay on the drug.  The first 3 months everyone seems to agree are fine and then it's like the damn spills over and you start with the side effects.  The one side effect I complain about is the joint pain.  I am 55 and I feel 70 most days.  I ache all over by the end of the night.  I've had to curtail a lot of my activities in dealing with it.  Some people say the joint pain will subside with time.  I may give it till 6 months and then I may seek another drug.  Seems like everyone gets the concentration problem.  I keep a to do list because if I don't when I wake up - I will have forgotten what I had planned to do for the day.  I am irritable also.  Also, Arimidex can cause hair loss - so it has slowed my progress on growing back a full head of hair.  There are many websites with a full list of Arimidex's side effects - I would check them out and keep an eye on your mom.  Make a note of anything that is affecting her and let her onocologist know during your regular checkups.  Wishing you and your mom well!  Good luck

  • Unknown
    edited 2009 15

    Hey Lisa..certainly glad to know I'm not the only one that experience the pain on the top of the hands.  Also interesting to note that your energy came back after you went off the Arimidex.  I was wondering if my fatigue (which I did not have during chemo or rads by the way) was post treatment fatigue or the Arimidex...l'm now leaning towards perhaps the Arimidex. Something else to talk to my onc about at my upcoming appt.

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited 2009 15

    Hi Guinness - your mom is very lucky to have you for support.  Understand everyone reacts differently to these meds.

    I've been on arimidex for 3 months and can report no significant se's - yet.  Weight gain - yes, some, but I think it's more because my eating and exercise have not been where they should be and I'm now taking a better stance with those.  No nausea.  No depression.  Fatigue seems to have subsided as a daily issue; now only occasionally.  Some hand and wrist pain but I'm on the computer all day.  I found wearing a wrist brace has helped that tremendously to the point that I only need it occasionally.  Osteoporosis is in my family so I take glucosamine/chondroitin,  calcium (1500mg), vitamin d (800 mg) and a multi-vitamin each day.

  • Vavoom10
    Vavoom10 Posts: 5
    edited 2009 15

    Hello everyone:

    I have been on Arimadex for less than a month.  I noticed an increase in hot flashes right away.  I am 53 and was going through menopause when diagnosed.  At night is when they bother me the most because you are trying to sleep.  The hot flashes can be pretty intense.  I have only had to change my jamas once so far, but I do get pretty sweaty.  I have to flip my pillow over couple times a night.  During the day don't notice them so much because I'm keeping busy.  But, I will say when I have them during the day, I can take a paper towel and wipe my head and it will be wet. 

    I take my Arimadex in the morning.  I have noticed that sometimes it is really hard to fall asleep.  I never had trouble falling asleep before, I had trouble staying asleep once I got there!  Sometimes I use a sleep aid like Tylenol PM or even benedryl.  I try to stay away from using them too much as I worry about all the stuff put into my body already.

    As far as any body aches, I'd get them before this new constant companion entered my life (BC and everything that goes with it).  But, they are intensified by this drug and last longer.  Although, since I have been feeling well enough I've been on a cleaning spree in my home, it badly needed it as it was neglected due to my treatments, and laides, we all know men don't clean like women do, at least not the men in my life (husband, 2 sons).  A lick and a promise is what my home got when I was down!  But bless their hearts for helping out any way they could.

    I'd get body aches from this before, mostly the next day with sore muscles and such but would usually go away after day 2.  As I said before, now they are much more intensified and last longer....I've not had a free day of aches since I started the Arimadex and it's been 3 weeks.  When I have to go down stairs or climb stairs or get in and out of the car or up from a chair, I move slowly because of the aches. 

    No carpal tunnel or tingling fingers so far......knock on wood.  I am definitely going to get myself some glucosamine and chondrotin and see if that helps.  I will also be getting some calcuim and vitamin D suppliments for bone health.

    What I hate the most is the hot flashes, sometimes it seems almost like torture, especially at night.  It's just so unfair all the things we have to deal with having breast cancer....the fear, confusion and uncertainty with diagnosis, the chemo and/or radiation and side effects, more meds and the side effects, the mastectomies and the aftermath, the reconstruction and/or revisions because it isn't right, the hormone therapy, more side effects! Oy Vey! 

    You have yourself a good cry, dry your eyes and push on.  Tomorrows a new day.  You're alive, you have people you love and who love you.  The world is really a beautiful place and a wonder.  The sky is so blue and the clouds so beautiful and fluffy white floating along lazily in the sky.  you hear the birds singing, see nature going about its business, and know you'd rather not be anyplace else but here.  You give thanks to God or Budda or the good and great spirits or whomever you believe in.....or don't.   I am alive and I am loved.

    Best wishes to all on this journey we didn't choose to make.

    I will check back now and then and let you all know if I get any new side effects.....hopefully not.


  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited 2009 15

    Hi Carolyn,

    I like the way you moan and then tie it all in with the good.  That's a great attitude. 

    Just a comment that the glucosamine does take 3-4 weeks to kick in to feel any difference; plus it doesn't work for everyone so give it time.

  • Vavoom10
    Vavoom10 Posts: 5
    edited 2009 15

    Hello everyone, me again:

    2tzuz, I feel your pain and frustration.  I have days like that too, but luckily for me they have not been so many that they seem to not end.  I think it just gets to you sometimes carrying around this load.  I did read that one of the side effects of Arimadex can be depression.  Maybe that is what you are experiencing since it does not seem to subside for you.  Other people have said they switched to the other meds as it created too many problems for them.  I think one of them was Aromasin, if I'm spelling it correctly?  And the other is Tamoxifen.  Might be worth talking to your oncologist about.  Oh, and the restless leg thing, that reminded me, last night I experienced a little of that, just for a short period, but you know what?  I also experience that when I take benedryl, not always, but it has happened, and that was before the arimadex.  funny.

    Thanks Patoo, I do try to be positive about this whole situation.
