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Arthritis vs. Bone Mets



  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Good morning,

    well the 25 mg didn't take it away completey but it did help.Perhaps after a few days of it and it gets in my system it will be better. It did give me some relief and I was able to put myown sock on.woohoo!! I will check out the arimidex thread..thanks !!

    hugs and prayers to all,


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    Oh Candie, I'm so glad you got some relief. But remember, you have to take it all the time so you don't get into so much pain that it won't help.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    yes, Barbe, I will remember that. I can even double the amount I take if I need to. I am trying it a lil at a time. Hopefully I wil get some answers at the new Dr on Tues. also!!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Jo. Yes, I feel better mentally already that there is a small relief.

    hugs and prayers

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    I've read this thread for a few days now.  Going through 11 pages was like reading a soap opera!  I had to come back and see what was happening to everyone.

    Candie, you mentioned that you had two bulging discs.  I can't remember (I'll use chemo brain or Armidex brain) if you said your spine was in the MRI scan.  I assume so since you said you had the two bulging discs.  What I wanted to say is my friend who has severe RA was in bed for two days with severe back pain.  Then it would move to her hip.  Then to her knee.  She could barely make it to the bathroom which was very close to her bed.  I kept telling her it was not her knee ..or hip.  It was her back.  That's where it started.  After two months of suffering she finally went to a PCP and he gave her some pain meds until she could see her Rheumy doctor who is at Duke (over two hours away).  First thing they did was x-ray her knee!  I told her it was NOT her knee...LOL.  Those nerves from your back run all kinds of ways.  Anyway, she finally had an was her back...herniated disc.  She is better, but still in pain.  This was pain that she had never felt even with her RA.  She fell in a hole and hurt her back a little more...then tripped over the dust ruffle in her bedroom..hurt the other side of her back.  She sees her Rheumy next month and I told her to tell him that the other side hurts..she needs to be x-rayed or MRIed again.  Afterall, I have my degree as a doctor..LOL

    Sometimes I think we are almost as "smart" as some doctors when it comes to pain.  We do our research and share with others.  You have gotten some great advice here.

    I recently had a bone scan and a CT scan on the same day...oh, and tumor markers which I've never had before and my parathyroid checked out because my calcium level was a bit high.  However, when I had the blood work again the calcium level was perfectly normal and had no parathyroid disease.  But, the CT scan said L1 was highly suspicious for mets disease and recommended a bone scan.  Well, that was coming next.  The bone scan said T12 was concerning for mets.  I saw the onc right after the scans...that's how she likes it.  So, she gave me some choices..wait for three months for another CT scan, change AIs, or biopsy.  She said it was unusual to have only one spot show up.  She said they had to use "that language"..mets.  I decided on waiting for three months for another CT scan.  After getting home and reading my report and chewing it and chewing it then swallowing it (that was hard), I finally digested the info.  I then decided to have the biopsy and my girls wanted me too also.  I could have an MRI, but to really get the definitive answer I felt the need for the biopsy.  So far I haven't chickened out.  It's this coming Tuesday the 20th.

    I've taken Arimidex for 3 1/2 years.  Had very little side effects from it.  I've been luck.  I had thumb to wrist pain which went away.  Plantars  fasciitis..went away.  My knees bothered me more than usual..that's subsided.  I am stiff.  So, I just wanted to let some of the women know that Arimidex is doable. 

    I have no idea what this biopsy entails..forgot to ask the onc.  How long it takes?  Geez...I'm an idiot. 

    I'm sorry for all the pain you gals are in.  I wish there were easy answsers.  And, Candie, I could sooooooooo feel your fear and anxiety.  I take Xanax..LOL  That does help.  And the prayers also help.

  • icandothis
    icandothis Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2009

    Shirley -

    You are one of the mainstays of this board - there are so many of us here who owe some portion of our sanity to you.

    Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I am sure those of many others.

    It stinks that you even have to go through this.

  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2009

    Shirley I'll be praying that your biopsy is B9..........please be sure to let us know what happens. As Sue said, you are a've helped so many of us in the past........let us help you now. Hugs coming your way! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shirley)))))))))))))))))))))))

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    Sue and Swimangel, thank you so much.  I think I'm still sane..LOL

    My onc is at Duke.  She called me Saturday (long story) asking if I decided on the biopsy did I want to see her on Friday.  So, I guess we'll make another trip on Friday.  However, two of my dds live in Charlotte and one is having a 40th b'day party.  We may just leave after seeing her and go to Charlotte.  Smile  It's only two hours away..about the same distance as coming back home.

    Of course I want prayers that this "whatever it is" (hate the "C" word) is B9.  Also, prayers for not being spastic would be appreciated..LOL 

    Again, thank you so much and I will let you know.  As far as I know we would change my AI from Arimidex to Aromasin.  What else I don't know.  BTW, I'm in no pain.

    Hugs to all of you..and to you who are in pain...{{{{{{{{{{{gentle hugs}}}}}}}}}

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Hi , well I go to see new ortho surgeon tomorrow. I went to pick up my films to bring with me. Hopefully he can give me anser right away. This is Dr #4

    Shirley, theydid MRI of lower spine that's how thaey found bulging discs.Good luck with your bone biopsy. I take xana You are in my prayers.

    Jo, glad your pain level has decreased.

    I will be in touch

    hugs and prayers

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    Candie, I'm so glad you're getting another opinion.  It's very hard and disheartening not to have answers.  It makes us crazy going from doctor to doctor trying to get answered.  If you have a pinched nerve it is sooooooooooo painful.

    I am not having any pain...the little pain I do have is from my degenerative disc..nothing new.  And, I won't be seeing my onc till a week from Friday.  I want to make sure she has the results before we take that trip.  The appointment office said they wouldn't have the biopsy report for seven days.  The doc's office said the appointment office doesn't always know how quickly the doc can get the results...I may not get the "biology" from the biopsy, but would know whether it's postive or negative for mets.  I think I'll wait a week and make sure.  She's only in the clinic Wednesday and Friday of next week.  Wednesdays are crazy...breast clinic day.  Many are there for chemo and the room is just absolutely filled.  Thus, Friday of next week it will be.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Shirley, I wish you good results. Pls keep us informed.

    I went to knew ortho surgeon today. I definetly(sp) need a hip replacement. He said all the scans they did do only show a smalll  amount of arthritis but the  way I walk and when he tried to move my leg and all that I describe indicate I need a hip replacement. The earliest he can do it is Dec.16 and if I wait til after the holidays it would be in Feb. That's how bad he is backed up. He is a hip  and knee surgeon specialist. He assured me no mets!!!! I asked him what is the possibility of going in there and finding cancer..he said unlikely!! So surgey it is!!

    will be in touch. hope all are well. hugs and prayers.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Jo. Yes, I know we will live with this fear forever. But I am thankful that I have you and all my bc sisters to help me through it. I could never get throught it without you!!

    Thanks,love,hugs and prayers. Stay in touch.

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    Candie, if you have to have a hip replacement it not so bad.   I believe I've mentioned that I am very happy I had mine replaced!  I spent the weekend hiking and scrambling.  I couldn't have done that before my hip replacement.  A physcial therapist told me there are one of the most sucessful surgeries there is - 95% of people are happy with the results,  I think it is because a ball and socket is a simple joint.

    My advice - I would ask your surgeon what approach he uses. If you can find a surgeon who uses the anterior approach - recovery is easier and you have few if any restrictions.  Also, I'll send you some websites that you may find useful.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Lisa. Yes, I do remember you telling me about your replacement. It will be wonderful not to have this pain and to do things normally again. Even some housework chores I can't do. Thanks for the websites, when I get them I will look into them. I am sooo happy it is not mets!!!

    hugs and prayers

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    Oh Candie! I'm so excited for you!!!!!! I've had aunts who had hip replacements in their 40's...I'm now 51 and don't have a replacement in view. I'm going to stamp my foot and get back to an ortho. They've been going off normal x-rays and what your doc said about it not showing up necessarily...well, you've given me hope! I've used my handicapped license plate already and it makes me feel old....

    Are you doing it in December or Feb? I'd go for Dec so you can rest over the holidays....

  • molly52
    molly52 Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2009

    Hello All,

    I just found this thread so I am late coming in on the discussion.  However, I have been on Arimidex for almost 4 yrs now and have had almost every pain anybody has mentioned.  I move like an old woman after sitting a short while, left hip/back pain, feet pain, knee pain ...... the list goes on.

    And I too have worried and worried about bone mets - it was very informative to hear from others about what to expect.  So thank you.  Pretty much everything I have learned about BC is from groups and forums, which is great because now I know more than I did when I was dx.

    Now to why I am plowing in.  I've read a few studies/newspaper articles and would like to share some points.

    Women who experience the most pain in the first 9 months (Tam & AIs) statistically have a longer time frame for reoccurrence than those that don't. 

    Estrogen (which AIs eradicate) has anti-inflamatory properties - thus Arthritis, etc will be affected by this.  I suppose, that any Arthritis damage done will be permanent.  It was suggested to try taking Advil or the like on a regular basis - and this has helped me.

    Younger women have greater side effects on AI's then older women.  When Arimidex was trialed, the average age of the women was 75.   They didn't report a lot of SEs.  However, in usage it is more like 56.  I guess a woman in her 50s will miss her estrogen more than one in their 70s.  And the worst hit are the young women in their 30s.

    These are my 3 "feel good"  pieces of information.  When I am feeling cr*p, I tell myself I am young and it is working then take an Advil.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    Yah, but I'm not taking Tam or any AI's!!!! This is my life.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Barb, yes, I am going for Dec. I am off the week between Christmas and New Years, as my company is closed so that would be a perfect time.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    lol Jo, on whole body replacements..i need one too

    Next week I had to go to see breast surgeon as I have been having pain in my bad boob as I call it.

    I also have been having pain in my toes..the underside as if there is a blister but there isn't any..anyone ever experience kidding, it is very annoying. lol..every day it is something new!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited October 2009

    JO, your body may be fighting something...mine's been doing that. Hope you win!

    Cross your fingers ladies that I can get in to see someone...

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2009

    Barbe, good luck  on finding a new Dr. It is horrible to live in such awful pain.

    Jo, yes, I guess I just have to get used to all these aches and pains.

    hugs and prayers...have a great day!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    My biopsy is over.  It went well and I WILL see the onc this Friday instead of next Friday.  The neuroradiologist who helped with the biopsy said the report would be done in two to three days.  So, while waiting to be taken in for the biopsy I called the appointment people.  They said she was booked, but would email her.  I told them I was there at Duke.  Would they leave me a message at my home phone.  They did and YAY I'm seeing her so I don't have to wait too long for answers.

    Candie, girl, after reading all the pain you've been in I am sooooooooooooo happy you are finally getting down to business.  Now, I know knees are different, but I must tell you another short story.  Another friend who is my age (63)..she doesn't like anyone to know her age..LOL....had both knees replaced at once.  She was a good candidate for it because she's very active.  Both knees were replaced...she did a few weeks of PT...the BEST THING is she's sooooo happy that she can walk her five miles when she wants.  She can walk through Costco's without pain.  She continues her Yoga and Pilates.  Candie, just think, once you recover from surgery you will be able to do so many things WITHOUT pain and constant fear of the worst.  Wink

    Barbe, good luck to you with your otho.

    JO, sorry about that stupid sore throat.  That can make you feel soooo yucky!  Hopefully it will be gone soon.

  • icandothis
    icandothis Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2009

    So glad the appointment could be moved up. I think that waiting to find stuff out is harder than having cancer.

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited October 2009

    My bone scan was yesterday.  I had a PET last week.  Am waiting for those results, but won't see onc until next Tuesday.  Geez  waiting is the worst part.  I have a DEXA on Friday.  I have followed this thread, but didn't post much  in it.  I have been having alot of back pain too now for three months.  Tylenol doesn't cut it anymore, I've moved on to Lortab.  Will just have to wait and see what's up.  Shirley, glad your biopsy went well.  I've really appreciated your posts.  They are so thorough.  

    Thanks for all you have posted, you have all been helping me along without knowing it ;)



    DX 4/11/2007, Rt. Mast. 4/27/07, 4 DD AC, 4 DD T, 1.7 cm., Stage 2, Grade 3, er+, pr+, her2-, 1/9 nodes, BRAC 1 & 2 negative.  Now on Arimidex since October 2007. No rads due to Lupus. 

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited October 2009

    Shirley, I'm thinking of you, please let us know,

    Gracie, good luck thinking of you too

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    Gracie, keeping my fingers crossed that everything is okay.  Hoping that it is ONLY arthritis. Wink  I have degenerative disc in my lower back.  It doesn't bother me until I walk or stand too long OR CLEAN TOO MUCH!  LOL  Thus, goes the cleaning.

    Yes, waiting is horrible.  I'm glad I can get the answer/s Friday and know what "we're" dealing with. 

    ICanDoThis, thanks.  Yep, we all know about the waiting game.  And I LOVE you're name.  ICanDoThis too!  Laughing

  • Sukiann
    Sukiann Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2009

    Thank you Molly.  I'm 45 and on arimidex (been on for 3 months) and I feel like I'm 105.  Glad to know it's because I'm young and it's working.  Now I'll shut up and take my 600 mg of ibuprofen the doc prescribed for me!

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2009

    Shirley, hope everything will be good for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    kmmd, how did I miss replying to your post.  Thank you for your thoughts.

    2tzus, attitude..ha!  I just have my head in the sand..yeppers, that's how I deal with it...LOL  No, it honestly will be good to know what's what and what next.  Actually, this was found by accident.  I was complaining to my onc about my LE arm and then she decided I should have a CT scan.  Then came the bone scan after my bloodwork.  The nice thing was both were done the same day and I saw her the same day after the tests were done.  Anyway, had I known I was going to get myself in all this trouble, I would NOT have griped about my arm!

    I wasn't going to mention any of this on the board.  Then I started reading this thread and felt so badly for those who are hurting...and poor, poor Candie.  Bless her heart.

    hrf, thank you so much. Wink

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited October 2009

    Jo, I know, I never thought I'd want to have arthritis.  I have my dexa scan tomorrow also.  It's almost nothing compared to other things we might have to go through.  I told the girl Tuesday that I almost want to know what the results are and then another part of me just wants to wait until next Tuesday when I see the onc.  Then another part just wants to never know.

     Thanks for your prayers and thoughts I really do appreciate them.

    Shirley, will be waiting to hear from you also.
