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Arthritis vs. Bone Mets



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    bottkota, I am so sorry to hear you are still waiting for answers.  But it does take a couple of days to at least get back if there are cancer cells.  I need to call my onc to find out if mine has changed from hormone postitive and the HER2 status.  I've taken my second Aromasin pill and I'm still walking around...LOL

    My heart is breaking for you.  I'm praying this will be B9.  I'm glad they didn't have to biopsy another "part" of your body.  Was the biopsy very painful?  I hope not.  BTW, tears are good...let them flow.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    Sig, praying that your bone scan comes out B9.  When I had my CT scan WITH contrast and showed that "spot," the suggestion was to have a bone scan.  That had already been ordered.  So, hopefully the bone scan will tell you all you need.  And, since it was still suspicious I went for the biopsy as you know.

    {{{{{{{{{{{Hugs to you too}}}}}}}}}}}


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2009

    Bottkota, praying for you also.  Keep the faith.

    Shirley, I have so enjoyed your lively conversations and opinions over the years even though you and I haven't "talked" much.  I care very much about you and so very sorry about your mets and will pray for you everyday.  I know you are a fighter and will kick cancer butt.  Great big giant squishy hugs.  Sherry

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2009

    Sherry, that is so sweet of you.  Prayer is ALWAYS welcome and so are hugs.  Wink

    I'm laughing about the "lively conversations and opinions." Laughing  I've gotten in a bit of trouble for some of them.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009
    Shirley in trouble? - NO way - not you! (wink wink!) Getting into trouble is so much fun! I remember the good ol days - during the campaign! lol lol lol HOW FUN WAS THAT! lol Hugs to you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

     LauraGTOWell behaved women rarely make history!

    I want to make HISTORY!  LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    Shirley - You and I will both make history! lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

    LauraGTO wrote: 

    Shirley - You and I will both make history! lol

    Oh, goodie!  We can make history together.  Can you imagine the fun we could have! 

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited November 2009

    ok, so I await my hip replacement which will be Dec 16. I read a post from someone on another thread with same symptons and it is mets for her. You see, they say I dont have enough arthritis on the scans and xrays but by my symptoms I must need a hip replacement. I guess we will know for sure the day of the surgery. I just don't get it. The pain is so bad some dayes. I can't take those anitimflammatory every day cause they make me sleepy and give me massive diarhea(sp) on some days.

    I hope all are well.

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    Shirley, I haven't been around much.  So sorry to hear this.  Sending well wishes and hugs.

  • americanpinay
    americanpinay Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Candie, good luck on your hip replacement. In the meantime, I hope you find some relief from the pain. Take care.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited November 2009

    Thanks is everyone doing today???

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

    Candie, I know you are so anxious.  I don't blame you.  You have had the "run-around." 

    The only way to know, at this time, if it's "more" than arthritis is a biopsy.  I can't remember..did you have one?  But, I'm betting the hip replacement will do the trick.  I know..I's all so hard to figure out.  Who do we believe?  Hey, I think the pathologist made a mistake when they did my biopsy!  LOL  Since my onc was so surprised may the pathologist did!  Wouldn't that be a surprise AND BLESSING!

    I am hoping and praying that the surgery does the trick!  Living with so much pain is the absolute pits.  Wish I could do something to help you or take away your fears and frustration.  I'll be praying for ya!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

    Hey, Blue!  Thanks.  At this point all I can say is what it is.  We'll see in Jan. what the CT scan tells us.  Like I told Candie...the pathologist made a mistake.  My head is still in the sand!  LOL

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited November 2009

    Shirley, I like your thinking. and it could be too! I am just so sick of being in pain and the antiinflamatories do a number on me...I guess I should just stop complaining and take it day to day. Can be alot worse..can't it??? No, shirley, I did not have a biposy, noone thinks there is a reason to...I should just bank on that statment, shouldn't I???

    Have a great day

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

    Candie, do not stop complaining.  You have every right.  And we're the gals who do not mind.  We don't get tired of complaints.  We need SOMEWHERE to go.  Our friends and family sometimes just don't understand although we know they love us (I think..LOL).

    Chronic pain is horrible!  And, here you are trying to work and deal with the pain.  I say KUDDOS to you!  You ARE stronger than you give yourself credit for.  If I had to deal with your pain, I'd probably lie right in the middle fo the floor, kicking and screaming, I'M NOT GOING TO GO TO WORK ANYMORE!  I am the BIGGEST wimp!

    SO, don't stop complaining.  I may be joining you.


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited November 2009

    Thanks Shirley for understanding. And this is my SOMEWHERE where you all understand. Love ya!!

  • bottkota
    bottkota Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2009

    hello all!  just got the word this afternoon from the biopsy last week.  Unfortunately my cancer is back and it is in my bones.  We will be meeting with my oncologist on Wednesday to talk treatment and ask questions about this study group he wants me to participate in and also to find out about my liver abnormalities and if there is something on my lungs that they are concerned about.  Who knows.......all I know is that the cancer is back, the biopsy showed that.  as for anything else, I have no idea!  This totally SUCKS!!!!!  anyone have any advice for me?  the clinical trial they want to put me on is for these 3 drugs together.  Abraxane, gemzar and Avastin.  Day 1 all three drugs, day 8 2 of the 3 drugs (i think i get a break from the avastin) and then week 3 rest.  this would be the cycle indefinately, or until the chemo stops working or the doctor's or I feel that the SE's are too great.  What do you all think?  What are some good drugs for bone metastis?  any advice????  please????

  • Chelee
    Chelee Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2009

    bottkota,  I'm sure sorry to hear about your recurrence.  I just recently went through the same thing. What a fricking nightmare!  My tumor markers had been creeping up slowly over a years time while my onc ignored it.  I finally got mad and made her run scans.  PET/CT shows recurrence to rt axilla, rt femur, ilium, sacrum, and possible liver & chest wall...but not sure about that either...might be seroma?  The PET portion shows slight activity in liver...but the CT doesn't show we don't know about liver. 

    I asked my onc aren't we going to biopsy to make sure like your onc did?  She says no...there is no point...she said once the horse is out of the barn it doesn't matter.  (It DOES TO ME!!!)  Why did your onc biopsy?  Didn't the PET/CT show enough activity or what? I only curious because it seems like my onc just blows me off all the time.  She said there was no sense in biospies since my tumor markers were going up and the PET/CT confirmed enlarged node in axilla, and bone mets to fermur. sacrum, ilium.  All these onc's do thing differenly.  Actually I would of liked my surgeon to go in and remove the node in my axilla...but they say its not worth it.  I'm suppose to start on Navelbine/Herceptin/Zometa. 

    My heart goes out to you...I know what your going through and it SUCKS BIG TIME!  I'm officically stage IV now.  :(  I have an early morning appt tomorrow...see my onc and then a Orthopedic about the bone met on femur...they are talking about surgery first.  (But I can't WAIT any longer...I am HER2 positive,..I have to go after my cancer now.)  This is all so stressful.  I just got back to trusting my body after 3 yrs and 9 this.  Let me know what made them decide on bisopy?  I wish they would of done that for me.  Hang in there!


  • americanpinay
    americanpinay Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Bottkota...sorry to hear about your recurrence...don't know the answer to your question about TX for bone mets but I'm sure others will come along soon...hang in there...

    Chelee...when a small focus showed up on my PET/CT, I asked the onc what the next step would be should the MRI show it as well and he said that we'll biopsy...I also read somewhere that biopsy is done to determine whether recurrence has the same characteristics as the primary...wish you the best...

    Take care everyone.

  • bottkota
    bottkota Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2009

    Chelee, that is also why my oncologist did the biopsy was to see if the cancer was the same as the first time around.  I was triple neg first time.  not sure what this time showed, guess I will ask that tomorrow.  My PET showed "subtle" activity in the liver, not enough to make me "glow" like my sternum and lymph nodes did.  This is very scary stuff and it totally sucks.  I would be asking more questions as to why no biopsy.  My doctor was adiment that they be able to get a biopsy so that they could find out if it is the same.  am thankful that they were able to get some tissue and bone shavings.  i would keep going after your doctor about biopsy, can you switch oncologists?  i would love to go and get a second opinion but i really don't want to as I just want to get started on treatments before this thing spreads to other parts of my body and then I am doomed.  i HATE cancer!!!  hate it, hate it hate it!!!!!  did i mention i hate cancer???  LOL.  trying to stay positive, being stupid kind of helps!!!  take care

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited November 2009

    bottkota, so sorry to hear that

    Chelee, don't know the answer about the biopsy, would a second opinion from someone else help? 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

    bottkota, darn!  I am so sorry you are going through this all over again.  I know you were getting to feel "safe"...4 1/2 years out (if I remember correctly).  I am going to PM you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited November 2009

    Chelee, I too read that one should have a biopsy to determine it the status, pathology or whatever, has changed.  I need to call my onc's office to find out that answer.  When I was told they found cancer cells, the pathology wasn't in yet.  So, do INDEED insist on a biopsy.  I believe on read this piece of info right here on BCO.  In fact, I decided against an MRI after the bone scan and CT scan showed suspicion.  The only definitive answer as far as the cancer TO ME was a biopsy.  Also, the pathology of it. 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited November 2009

    Just came back from my PCP appt. He's ordering a bone scan and brain MRI as well as a breast ultra sound because I have an enlarged lymph node and a lump on my chest wall. Says if I move from the Tridural 300 it'll have to be to a narcotic so we're going to wait.

  • americanpinay
    americanpinay Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Barbe...sorry to hear about the enlarged lymph node and lump...wish you the best...I also have papillary cancer...supposedly, it's rare but typically have better prognosis...hang in there...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited November 2009

    Wow, that makes THREE of us on this whole site with papillary carcinoma! Thanks for the good wishes....

    I do notice that you had rads and chemo tho. I had nothing but the surgery.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited November 2009

    Barbe, sorry to hear this. But you are a good fighter and such a positive force. Prayerful wishes for all to be ok.

  • americanpinay
    americanpinay Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Barbe, I think that somewhere on this site, it says that papillary carcinoma makes up one to two percent of all BCs? Yes, I had the whole shebang. Chemo, rads (because I only had lumpectomy), and now Tamoxifen. Basically, I just followed everything my onc recommended. I understand there is a possibility of over-treatment but I wanted to do everything I can to beat this disease. Are you doing hormonal therapy?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited November 2009

    I'm doing nothing! That's why I'm so concerned. I saw an onc 7 1/2 months after surgery because I demanded to! She said the "window had passed" for chemo. Duh. My surgeon said to "save the big guns until next time! Duh.

    Thanks for all the good wishes.....

    Candie, my doc says I have bad bursitis. I'm getting yet another x-ray as well as the scans to rule out just bursitis.