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Mucinous Carcinoma of the breast



  • Melly212
    Melly212 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2016

    Thank you for your both for the answer, I'm sorry if i ask too many question . Because I take Aromasin and Zoladex , is it necessary to take supplement (Calcium and Vit D3) to prevent osteoporosis ? My MO recomended denosumab for bone density, is it necessary? She said denosumab also to prevent reccurence for MC , is it true?. Sorry for being annoying . Thank you so much , really appreciated it !!

  • Melly212
    Melly212 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2016

    Thank you for your both for the answer, I'm sorry if i ask too many question . Because I take Aromasin and Zoladex , is it necessary to take supplement (Calcium and Vit D3) to prevent osteoporosis ? My MO recomended denosumab for bone density, is it necessary? She said denosumab also to prevent reccurence for MC , is it true?. Sorry for being annoying . Thank you so much , really appreciated it !!

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527
    edited March 2016

    Never too many questions. Calcium and vitamin D are really important when you are on drugs that can decrease bone density. Has your doctor checked your Vitamin D level? Here is a link to a recent study on denosumab(Prolia): . I just started on Prolia last week due to osteopenia that has gotten worse since I started taking Arimidex. The literature with the medicine recommends 1,000 mg calcium per day. I am a good milk drinker so I use supplements just on the days I don't have milk with my meals.

  • xyzeng
    xyzeng Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2016

    Hello everyone. I was diagnosed last month and have been reading these boards obsessively since. I live in Singapore and have been fortunate to find excellent doctors I can trust. The second breast surgeon I consulted calmed me down with her cool confidence, after being frightened by the first one. The first oncologist I consulted actually told me mucinous tumours weren't rare, and that was one of the many reasons I decided to go with the second oncologist I saw. I have great faith in my oncologist but his less conventional neoadjuvant regimen does mean I am having a hard time finding information on what to expect online.

    This is a great thread that I will be following closely, despite not having a "better" mucinous diagnosis. Special thanks to voraciousreader for the research updates.

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527
    edited April 2016

    So sorry that you've joined a club you didn't want to be in. Do know that you will find good support and information from others in this group. It sounds like you have done a good job finding good doctors. That is a big part of managing as you go along this path.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016

    xyz....glad you found us! You are correct! There isn't much research on our type of breast cancer. That said, there is one study with respect to neoadjuvant therapy. While those didn't do as well as others with respect to having a complete response, those with mucinous BC that had neoadjuvant therapy STILL did well! I think your doctor wants to see how well the tumor responds to both chemo and the AI for two reasons. One, see if it gets smaller and two, perhaps you can have more choices when it comes to surgery. You don't mention if there was node involvement. While your tumor is considered large, there have been studies of patients who have had tumors as large as 21 cms!

    I wish you well!

  • Kksupport
    Kksupport Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016

    I have the same type of breast cancer. I had I had biopsy which actually removed the lump it was very small 4mm. I then had surgery to take samples from surrounding area and took one lymph node and tested it. Luckily every thing else was negative. I then went through 5 days of radiation 2 times a day They did it through a balloon inserted in your breast. They did not remove my breast and you hardly notice the scar. So far doing good.

  • xyzeng
    xyzeng Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2016

    Thanks, Golden.

    Hi vr, yes he wants to shrink it as much as he can in the shortest time (6 months estimated). Nodes yes, including supraclavicular, which is what staged me as 3c and I find very worrying. Hopefully neoadjuvant can clear them. I understand that node involvement may negate some or all of the advantages of being mucinous, in any case.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016

    kk....glad you are doing well!!!

    Xyz....hopefully the chemo and radiation will do the trick! We are here for you!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2016

    VR! I'm so happy you will be grandma this year!

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016

    cider....thank you! Grandson is here! I'm having a blast! 😘

  • mernie
    mernie Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016

    I just had a biopsy and was told that it is colloid and grade 1. I am not sure what all of this means, but I have enjoyed reading this thread. On Monday I had a lumpectomy and a SNB, which they took more nodes than originally planned. Does anyone know why they would take more? Thanks for any input.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016

    sometimes the dye, which identifies the primary node, seeps into several nodes so they remove those several nodes.

  • mernie
    mernie Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016

    Thank you. I didn't know it worked that way.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016

    that was a great question! I was lucky that my surgeon explained it to me!

  • mernie
    mernie Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016

    My surgeon has been very good at answering all my questions, I just didn't know I had a question. I was a little disturbed when I woke up and realized I had a drain. He did not initially think I would need one. Thank you so much for your reply, it really helps to know someone is out there.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,460
    edited April 2016

    Welcome Mernie!

  • agapornis
    agapornis Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2016

    Congratulations Voraciousreader!

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016


  • mernie
    mernie Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016

    I got my path report back and I have Mucinous and usual type infiltrating ductal mammary carcinoma. It is a grade 1, but the report says I have extensive involvement of lymphatics within the breast tissue. I find this all very confusing and do not really understand what everything means. I had 5 out of 12 nodes positive under arm. I was surprised with it being grade 1. I am now scared that this lazy cancer has managed to mosey into bones or other organs. Waiting is the hardest. I have appt with oncologist today and am sceduled for masectomy next week.

    Thank you for answering my previous questions.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2016

    mern..I hope you get your questions answered by your MO and have your protocol spelled out. You might ask that your case be presented to a tumor board so they can evaluate your protocol. It looks like you have mixed mucinous BC which is a combo of mucinous and traditional BC.

    While it seems they might have gone beyond taking the sentinel nodes, remember that the nodes are there to protect the cancer from spreading.

    Also, what you are fearing, is shared by all of us when we are newly diagnosed regardless of grade! Hang in there until you have all the info you need to make an informed treatment decision. And remember, for most, BC is very treatable especially for those of us with Grade 1 tumors. I know you would have liked to not have node involvement. But, that said, you will have many good choices ahead that will hopefully make sure that you will not revisit this disease in the future....

  • nurse88
    nurse88 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2016

    First surgery Stage 1 , Lumpectomy with dye to light up lumph nodes, 0 involvement of nodes, have been on hormone receptor,  I have been on it 8 months. And now it is back in the same breast just on the other side. Biopsy this time undetermined, will have sugery in 2 weeks. MRI done this week, the first time I had radiation 10 treatments two a day thru a new hard plastic way called a Savi, Doctor   removed 10 nodes the first time and they were normal, no chemo.  Doctor seem surprasied it came back so soon. I am new here first day.

  • nurse88
    nurse88 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2016

    Recurring after just 8 months. Will have surgery soon, Doctor said he want know anything until he gets in the Breast, path report could not give a definite description, but stated it look like Mucinous again. I have been on my hormone receptor since 10/15.

  • Mandksmum
    Mandksmum Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2016

    Hello everyone I hope you are all as well as can be. Having a bit of a wobble, my best friend whom I met on surgery day and have been so close to for nearly 3 years has just had her 3 year mammo and they have found a little shite 1cm big that they are sure is cancer, biopsy and scan to confirm Wednesday. I always thought that we had made it through and done 'our bit' and that would be that! Scared for her and now absolutely dreading my 3 year mammo even though it's not until August as I've delayed it due to vacation in July. I keep trying to remind myself we had different cancers etc but I'm not sure I can push the dread to the back of my mind until August but then on the other hand I don't want to know if mammo isn't clear anyway! Help my mind is a mess!

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited May 2016

    mand....the few words that I have for you is Where there is life, there is hope.....keep focusing on LIVING! Since I was diagnosed, I've suffered losses, but also enjoyed life. Life brings us opportunities to be resilient. I take every opportunity to be resilient. What choice is there otherwise? To worry? To break? Every day that I wake up, I tell myself, Okay! I'm vertical! It's a good day. And if something bad happens during the day? There is, G-d willing, tomorrow!

    Please be kind to yourself and treat yourself and your friend gently!

  • tricianneAust
    tricianneAust Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2016

    Hi Mandksmum, sorry to hear you are having a "wobble" but its good to share it with those of us who "have been there & done that". I realise scripture doesn't help everyone but just in case it helps I use this one Matt 6:34"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. This has certainly been my experience as it is so easy for me to get worked up about what may happen. I have had bowel cancer (also mucinous, 15 yrs ago) mucinous breast cancer 5 yrs ago but I am still going strong. My doctor is now checking out whether I have endometrial cancer, I do have some indicators and both my doctor & I like to be cautious & check things out as early intervention worked well for the other two cancers. It will be the middle of June or later before I can have the D&C & biopsy but meanwhile I am deliberately putting the wobbles aside & enjoying feeling well enough. Meanwhile Hi to all my MC sisters & continuing prayers when I get the email updates. Blessings & prayers Tricianne

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited May 2016

    tric!!!! Please keep us posted! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  • tricianneAust
    tricianneAust Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2016

    Thanks VR for your kind thoughts & prayers. I am genuinely not worried, it may turn out its not a cause for concern, but if it needs treatment it will be early intervention I am confident. Better to be sure than sorry.

  • xyzeng
    xyzeng Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2016

    Hi Tricianne - I hope you get good news!

    I'm still in the midst of chemo. After 8 weeks of chemo and femara the shrinkage appeared to have stalled so I had an ultrasound which showed that the tumour and lymph nodes have responded. It was a relief. The shrinkage was only about 20% but I knew it would be challenging given the mucinous nature of the tumour. Hoping for further improvement in the weeks to come.

    Despite having a "favourable" mucinous tumour I'm still worried about the lymph node involvement. Yesterday I discussed with my MO the possibility of sending the tumour tissue to Foundation One for testing, as well as trying some additional adjuvant treatment besides femara. Lots of possibilities but we'll have to see how things go.

  • nurse88
    nurse88 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2016

    This type of Cancer has it's own way of when it wants to come back. I had surgery Lumpectomy in 8/15 10 radiations TX. Follow every thing my Doctor said switch deorderant to Toms, took my hormone receptor. First DX with Colloid Mucous stage 1 10 nodes all clear, even had clear margins now on 3D it's back. Going back in surgery tomorrow another lumpectomy very small area but they have to do this, I have worried my self sick, I have read so much about the stuff I guess I will leave that out. 2 weeks ago I had severe pain in my left side Doc said I passed a kidney stone never had one. He told me if it comes back then that's when we go for the big surgery.