Abbreviations for newbies - updated
Oh, thank you!!!!! That one has really had me baffled! Thank you.
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I never saw this when I was a newbie, how cool!!!!!!
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Debbie, There is no "silly" on BC.o. Have you noticed that anytime someone posts a comment/reply/answer that the thread moves to the top of the "active" forum page or to the top if you have that thread as a favorite? That is the same as using "bump". It is only to move a topic to the top so it is easy to find. This thread is valuable to so many that at least every few days someone will come and just reply "bump" which puts it back on page one. Otherwise it would cycle off the front and be difficult to find.
Please don't be afraid to ask any and every question on any thread. The sisters here are all wonderful and someone will help.
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patoo, I thank you so much. I feel like its my graduation day finally i should be able to understand everything.
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You're welcome but I can't take the credit. There was an earlier thread from another sister that needed updating.
You've been on this journey for 4 years so you already know that we never understand "everything". One of my earlier signatures read "The more I learn the less I know" because we always come across something else regarding this monster called bc. Keep browsing these threads because I believe they are a great source of informatin for us.
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Might want to add CHF = Congestive Heart Failure - a common side effect from Herceptin and Adriamycin.
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Thanks CM - it's added.
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So what is NOLA?
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Nevermind, I feel silly.
New Orleans, LA
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Lynn, don't feel silly, I wondered the same thing when I first started posting. NOLA is used for the doctors in New Orleans who do the micrografting reconstruction surgeries.
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This is great Patoo. Thank you.
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bumping up again
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Hi Patoo,
This is not a medical term but I would've loved it if you added to your list.
SOH=Sense Of Humor
God Bless you
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Ask and you shall receive! - (done)
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Thanks patoo. Lot of women on this board can relate to it.
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Bump - Thanks patoo!
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This is great, patoo. Thanks - it's so helpful! But this one's got me lost - NAC?
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Momushka - that's not one I've seen. Where did you come across it?
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Also need to add SOB = short of breath THX
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Boy, the boards are active tonight. Went back to find the NAC reference, and I can't.....will keep looking. Thought it was on a thread about drains - is that possible?
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Here it is - under Breast Reconstruction - Taking Care of my NAC....
Yeah - I'm not crazy!
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I am only guessing here.. but could NAC = Nipple Aereola Complex?
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Hi Patoo, this is great info! wish I'd have seen it much much earlier!!
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Thanks for providing the "dictionary" for this new language. Big Help!!