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Cold Caps Users Past and Present, to Save Hair



  • cmksocal
    cmksocal Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2011

    To all struggling with "bad hair days"

    It isn't just the new shampoo/conditioners, chemo changes everything so view hair care as a big experiment.  I did chemo last July - Sept and was not working so a ponytail in a scrungie worked for me.  On the very few occasions when I needed to look "professional", I used the blow dryer and curling iron on low to style my hair.  A little lightweight hairspray kept my bangs in place.  Psychologically, the 3 months PFC seemed to be the worse for me because I so wanted my hair to be like it used to be -- that was unrealistic.  My shoulder length hair had thinned a lot.  It was dry and it was grey. But whenever I read other threads on this site (my chemo and rad months threads) I was reminded that other women were talking about having peach fuzz.  

    I just noticed this week (4 months PFC)  some new growth on the front hairline!  I expect in another month my bangs will look almost "normal."  


  • sashasz3
    sashasz3 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    I am only getting ready for tx #3  I feel that I am still blessed to have any hair at the half way point---it is coming out fast---but still looks ok--even with --the gray---thinnness----none style---I will except this hair opposed to having no hair at all----it is quite an adjustment---I was I salon princess--now ----I am a colormark----home fake color cover queen!!   Wouldn't change this status for the other option--no hair at all--hang in ther all-----may we all have hair --when our tx's are months done!!!


  • Lucky60
    Lucky60 Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2011

    I agree w/ cmksocal and sashasz3. If you are new to this, you need to lower your expectations a little. You will have hair, but unless you are one of the really lucky ones, it will look a little different because of all the styling restrictions. But, you'll get used to it, and most people won't even notice it. You can throw a bright headband or a hat on if you're having an extra bad hair day, and don't let your hair keep you from getting out and enjoying the days you're feeling good!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited January 2011

    Hi all,

    I look back at my daughter's 5th birthday celebration at a Chocolate Party Boutique and my hair is in a scrunchie but some of my "sideburn" hair by my ears is missing!  I must have been quite a sight but I know in my heart that I would have had a much harder time going to that party if I did not have any hair...

  • keeppositive
    keeppositive Member Posts: 181
    edited January 2011

    Hi all,

    I guess it takes some getting used to, but any hair is better than none. I wore a hat today, a very sexy, fashionable one, so I got by. I love hats and have many, so that wont be a problem. I do try to wear earmuffs and let my hair be out in the cold air when I take my daily walks. I am feeling fine-day 9 from Chemo. Almost no hair shedding, actually less than normal, because I barely comb it. I have run my brush gently over it, without pulling on roots, just kind of fluff over it to get it to be a little controlled. It is very flat and the gray is coming in like gangbusters. As I said I am feeling fine, no side effects at all.

    I try to think of myself as a person who is beating this and not as a patient, having hair will help to reinforce this!!!

    To JAB123: I have a total of 6 chemos every 3 weeks with Herceptin, then 1 year of Herceptin alone every 3 weeks. Somewhere after chemo comes 7 weeks of radiation for 5 days a week. So far I have completed 1 chemo 9 days ago. It looks like a long haul from here, but it must get easier as you get closer to the end. 

    If you would like to talk, send me a private message and I will give you my phone #. My best to you.

    Keep Positive!!!


  • keeppositive
    keeppositive Member Posts: 181
    edited January 2011

    To everyone:

    My brother told me he saw a movie on TV this past week all about the drug Herceptin and  the Doctor who developed it. It told about the early patients who were all late stage and their sucesses. It is only recently that they have been using Herceptin for early stage cancers. The thought is if it works for late stage, it must surely work for early stage. Check the TV listings to see if it is repeated.  


  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone! 

    I'm Done!  WOOHOO!  2 days PFC....feeling icky but excited that the treatments are over.  This last one I had 3 friends fly in from all over the country and it was actually a joyous stress-free cap changing day.  Long and tiring but filled with love and laughs. 

    Will be calling Frank to let him know I have caps to send on their way.... going to wear them for the next week an hour or so every few days.

    Waiting for the shed that occurs for me about day 5 after tx... it really is amazing that I basically have all my hair.  It doesn't look great, the gray is horrible, it flakes, etc... but I HAVE HAIR!!!!  Next stop a warm shampoo -- think I have about 6-8 weeks for that!

    Nancy~ My sister and I watched that movie after my first treatment -- Harry Connick Jr. plays the doctor -- its a great movie. I rented it at Blockbuster, but believe it was a made for TV movie.

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370
    edited January 2011

    Yeah, yeah yeah!!!!!!!  I am so excited for you...enjoy that warm shampoo.  You really are an inspiration to all of us.  Thanks so much for sharing....


  • sashasz3
    sashasz3 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Lmflynn congrats!! on finishing!!!  Would love to see how your hair is doing post tx-----I am almost 1/2 way--thursday is my third tx---three to go after that with weekly herceptin----ect--rad--as well----would love to see how it really is post chemo--please kep us posted!

    Congrats again!!!!


  • cmksocal
    cmksocal Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2011

    Lmyflynn-congrats on finishing and it is time for another penguin graduation walk.


  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited January 2011

    Hip Hip Hooray Lmflynn!!!

    We knew you could do it.

    Big hugs and penguin high-fives sent your way...

  • keeppositive
    keeppositive Member Posts: 181
    edited January 2011

    To Lmflynn:

    Good for you!!! The warm shampoo will come, but your hair has stayed!!! Congrats on finishing the last of the Chemo.


  • Julia1969
    Julia1969 Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2011

    Yeah Luflynn!  You made it to the next stage.  Hang in there and your hair will, too.  Your last chemo "party" sound like my cap days.  Everyone had a great time and I felt supported even though I was the lump in the middle of a party.  Kept my focus away from what was happening to me and onto "feeling the love."

  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2011

    Thanks so much everyone!  Hairwash day is tomorrow so will take a picture and share ..still have anxiety over what will happen the next 21 days... but much less than previous weeks.

    Feeling icky icky today!  But know it will pass.....I am thankful it is a rainy cold day here so I can lay around and do nothing without feeling the guiltInnocent

  • jpmercy
    jpmercy Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2011


    congrats on being a graduated penguinista!!! so excited for you! hope you re feeling well! can you PM me when you have a chance and let me know how to post pictures??

  • nikki44
    nikki44 Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2011
    CONGRATS Lmflynn~ That is so exciting!!! Happy to hear this great ending!!!Cool
  • mje123
    mje123 Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2011


    Congrats!   So great to hear that you are done and a graduated Penguinista!  I am 3 weeks behind you and look forward to that day also.   Great job! 

  • jpmercy
    jpmercy Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2011
    58157_1472694050352_1023678069_31098398_4384435_n" mce_src="Noe_2010_38" mce_src="" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • jpmercy
    jpmercy Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2011

    wow i got the photos to work! thanks Lmflynn! the first is a picture of me and my son Luke the week before chemo started at the makng strides walk after party. the second is 8 weeks into weekly chemo....should not have hair by then but thank you PCCs!! and i will add a post PCC next week when i take a pic!!

  • Drim
    Drim Member Posts: 134
    edited January 2011

    Wow - so much action on this thread I can hardly keep up.

    Great article Katherine. Even the moderators posted it here for us.

    Jpmercy - you look great and your son is adorable

    Lmflynn!!! YAY - you did it!! Congrats. I know you're feeling yucky at the moment but you're at the home stretch.

    Nancy - I am so sorry to hear of your freezer issues. I can't believe the new freezer is already breaking down. But I'm so happy to hear that you are handling the chemo so well. Sounds like you are really doing great and that's really important.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! We're really putting PCC's on the map.  

  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2011

    Jpmercy~You look awesome!!  Also think it is amazing to see your son in your avatar and then in these pictures... he has grown!  Glad you were able to post them.

    Will try to take a picture today ~ struggling these few days to get moving.  But as always --- I have my hair....!  Day 67 for meLaughing.... 33 more days I'm giving myself to be able to feel my "new normal"

  • sashasz3
    sashasz3 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2011

    Love the pictures---Paints a great picture--and gives hope to me--and many others I am sure --THANK YOU!!! 

  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2011

    Ok -- going to try to upload some photos .... last Chemo Day, in the PCC  and then 4 days PFC..Day 63 - LAST Chemo Day!Day 63 - Last Chemo Day - Hair down!" Day 63 - Wearing the PCCDay 67 - 4 days PFC

    Hopefully they will work -- my forehead seems to be getting bigger.... and really didn't have the energy to do anything after my hairwash today... but the main thing is HAIR!!!!!

  • JAB123
    JAB123 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2011

    Your pictures and jpmercy's look great.  I haven't started chemo yet, but I am so hopeful now that I see how great your hair looks post treatments!

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for all the beautiful pictures.  Makes me cry.  You are all so beautiful.........

  • jpmercy
    jpmercy Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2011

    lymflynn! you look amazing!!! your hair is fantastic! so glad it worked out so well i think posting the pics gives hope to new people looking to try the caps! ill post a post chemo pic this weekenf after i wash i and can successfully wear it down!

  • sebm9
    sebm9 Member Posts: 488
    edited January 2011

    Y'all look so beautiful! Such smiles and happiness! If somebody could PM me instructions on how to post pix, I'll give it my best shot! 



  • Drim
    Drim Member Posts: 134
    edited January 2011

    lmflynn - you look great. Who would ever know what you just went through - NO ONE!! I am now 6 months PFC and my hair is as good or better than it was before. Supposedly I have a lot of hair growing underneath per my hairdresser who tried to show it to me yesterday but I don't see it.

    For the last few months I have definitely had less shedding than normal (as in I hardly find stray hairs around and there is less in the shower drain) but now I think it's starting to get closer to normal. It definitely must be true, at least for me, that the hairs I lost were the hairs that were closest to the end of their 'lives'. My sideburns are about 3" long so I guess that's how long all of my hair would have been. Instead the hair at the top of my head is 14" long! woo hoo! 

    I don't really know how to post pictures either but then I didn't do a good job taking pictures at various stages anyway.

  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement!  Know I still have a shedding or two to go.. but am so happy with the results so far!  I am so proud to be part of this group  -- really think of us as a family... Penguinista Sistas...

    Drim and Susan (and others) -- thanks for always letting us know what to expect in the future and that your hair does get back to "normal".  Susan, will send you the PM I sent to jpmercy on how to post. Would love to see pictures of the "Graduates"

    Hope everyone else is doing well.  mje123 think you just had your 3rd treatment... hope your SEs are in check.  Sharon -- think you are about 1/2 way through. 

    Just so thankful.......

  • littlepenguin60
    littlepenguin60 Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2011

    Hi everybody. Is anyone out there doing the FEC protocol? I'm supposed to have that a total of 6 times -- I've only had one because I caught a bad cold which turned into bronchitis and a sinus infection so I've missed being on schedule for a few weeks. Did anyone else have to get off schedule with your treatments? I will have another treatment this week thank goodness. My hair thinned A LOT after the first one so I'm wondering if it will thin even more each time -- if it does, I'm not sure if I should continue the cold caps. As it is now, I feel like I have to wear a wig or at least a cap to cover the top of my head. It's great to see the pictures of those of you who have had so much success. Congratulations!! You look wonderful!

    PS Hmm, just read some of the other blogs discussing hair; makes me very thankful for the hair that I do have and also made me realize that I should continue hanging in there with the PCCs. So, never mind :)