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NOLA in September?

Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
edited July 2021 in Breast Reconstruction

"NOLA IN SEPTEMBER?" - Started in June 2009.

A place to connect with other women having DIEP, GAP, and stacked type surgeries; in NOLA and other places.

Original post in June 2009: I will be having my surgery with Dr. DellaCroce at The Center for Restorative Breast Surgery in New Orleans, Louisiana (aka, NOLA) on September 3rd in the new St. Charles Surgical Hospital.
Last time I went, another lady from these boards (Joan R) and I discovered we'd be there the same week. It was lovely to "know" sombody else there at the same time.
Just wondering if I can connect with anybody else who will be there the same time?
If there is a September Reconstruction thread, please point me to it!


There is also a Facebook group for NOLA/Charleston. Send a private message to Bdavis to be added to that.

Previous surgery listings:

More information


** Want to be added to this list? Send a private message to Springtime. **
(click on "Member List" in the left navigator)

Want to be added to the Facebook group for NOLA/Charleston? Send a private message to Bdavis (click on "Member List" in the left navigator)

----- 2015 -----

Jan 21 - Lilly2015 - Stage 1, Dr. S., NOLA.

Jan 29 - hhayes91 - Stage 1 "body lift", Dr. D. NOLA. Also: bmx with Dr. Stolier prior to the recon.

Feb 4 - Neta69 - Stage 1 DIEP, Dr. D., NOLA.

Apr 6 - Mags20487 - Stage 2D, Dr. M, Charleston.

Apr 8 - BestGigiGirl61 - Stage 1, Dr. W., NOLA.

Apr 14 - ttay - Tattoos with Vinnie, NOLA.

Apr 15 - MerrillGirl - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA

May 31 - Springtime - Tattoo's redone (they faded!) with Vinnie in MD.

June 10 - Hhayes91 - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA. (Remove necrosis in both breasts, rotate flaps, and breast lift/reduction, butt lift, hernia repair with a collagen matrix. Lipo in multiple areas & micro fat injections into breasts (hoping for some fullness/projection).

End June/Early July - Migrantt - Body Lift, NOLA.

July 7 - Mistyb - Tattoos with Vinnie, NOLA.


Mar 9 - SurfaGrl - Tattoos with Vinnie, and consult with Dr. D. (or Dr. S?), NOLA

Oct 6 - Tmgilbert1071: DIEPwith Dr. M Whitten Wise, NOLA.

NOTE: Listing to previous surgeries is in the Note above this list.


** Want to be added to this list? Please send a private message to Springtime. **
(click on "Member List" in the left navigator)

Want to be added to the Facebook group for NOLA/Charleston? Send a private message to Bdavis (click on "Member List" in the left navigator)




  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited June 2009
    Hi!  I plan on being in NOLA in September....scheduled around Sept 9th w/Dr. Massey.(and Sullivan or one of his ptrs) I am doing the stacked diep for both. I have a failed implant due to rads.  I am waiting for insurance approval before I know the date for sure. How about you? Which week are you looking at? Which procedure?  Its nice to know we can all hold each others hands through this..Wink
  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited June 2009

    Me!  My stage 2 is rescheduled to 9/11!  Would love to meet up!  I was blessed to meet 3 other NOLA ladies form the boards when I was there in March for my stage 1.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Oh my gosh this is great! I really didn't know if anybody would respond!

    Hi Warrior and Trishia!

    I don't have my date yet!! I should try and get the 8th or 10th. I will work on that! I am just wating for Celeste to call; I've been in touch with Celeste and Liz via email.

    OK so what I'm having done... In Dec of last year I had my bilateral Mx done there in Nola. I was going to get Stacked DIEP, but when Dr. D saw how little fat I had (first time in my life I thought I had "little belly fat") he decided the best thing to do was to put in implants with AlloDerm (as a like "placeholder") b/c it was likely I would have to do RADs. Rads woudl shrik the fat up more he thought. I did end up needing RADs. So he was right.Also felt this would keep the "most options open" for later.

    Anyway, Finished rads end of Feb, so Dr. D says 6 months, which is Sept! I will try to have both Stage I and II this year, want to get it done and also for insurance purposes, best to just do it all this year! I have Cigna insurance which last year was "in network".

    I may have the DIEP and GAP, both (!) (where they use both belly and butt fat) just so I dont have impalnts at all and am all natural tissue. Or I can do stacked DIEP on the RADs side, and keep the implant on the other (prophylactic) side. 

    Anyway! Glad to meet you ladies!!! I will let you know as soon as I have a date! 


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Hi Trisha and Warrior.

    I have my dates. <<gulp>> Now all of a sudden it seems so real.  Surprised

    My Phase I will be Sept 3, so I will still be in New Orleans when you two are there! They have scheduled me for a stacked DIEP/Lumbar (which is both belly and butt). yikes.

    I will be flying home on Sept 11th or 12th. My Phase II is scheduled for Dec 4. 

    My insurance is still in Network, but not sure what hospital yet... I was hoping for the new clinic, but we'll see.

    That's my update!


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited June 2009

    Hi Girls!! This is sounds like we may all be there in the first couple weeks of Sept...I am still waiting on insurance long did it take for your insurance company to respond?? I keep checking email everyday...arrggh  Have either of you decided which hotel you will be staying?? I am scheduled for the Gap/Diep Stacked. I also had rads but failed implant..but getting rid of other implant for symmetry. Which Drs at NOLA are performing ur surguries??

    Lots of questions...sorry..but I am excited to have some of my warriors in the area....Cool

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited June 2009

    Excellent!  I can't wait to meet you ladies.  Dr. Sullivan is my PS.  I'm having Stage 2. 

    I think I'm going to stay at the Hope Lodge this go around.  I can't help you with the insurance as mine is being a pain in the arse right now.  But the initial approval took about a month.  

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited June 2009

    Hi Spring... why are you not just keeping the implants? I am just wondering...:)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Hi Laura,  Just recently feeling the effects of the RADs (very tight, sore) and decided to bite the bullet and  just do the surgeries this year as we already have a high out of pocket insurance costs from RADs. This way, we pay that "out of pocket max" one year vs. spread over many! ahhhck! Also, these implants with alloderm were intended as "placeholders" to get me through rads, keep the skin from shrinking.

    Let me know if that helps? Or PM me!!! :) 

    Warri, My doctor will be Dr. DellaCroce. I had him last Dec.

    Hotel: I am thinking we'll stay at the Hotel Monteleone in the heart of the French Quarter for the night or two prior to surgery, and then at the Hilton Homewood Suites again for the few days after surgery. They have free food for breakfast and free "light supper" Monday - Thurs. The Center's rate is pretty good in Sept. So that's what I'm thinking. We stayed there before (we had my inlaws with us, so we needed 2BR!) and it was flawless. Nice to have a kitchen/fridge/stove in your room too when feeling "all post surgical" !!

    I think we all still have plenty of time about the insurance approval stuff. I know the doctors are in network for my insurance (CIGNA), but not sure what's going to happen about the surgical center/hospital bit. I know last time when I went to OMEGA, they had me sign papers that they were going to bill the entire cost but just hold me accountable for what my insurance would pay "out of network" or something. Anyway, it worked out in the end!!!

    Warri, are you having the surgery where they put DIEP on both sides and then attach the Lumbar or GAP (butt fat) to each DIEP? This is what I am having. Celeste called it "Stacked DIEP/Lumbar".... who knew!!

    OH, Celeste also scheduled my Stage 2 for Dec 4 at the same time to make sure I got both surgeries in this year. It will be good to just get this all done and behind me.... 

    Spring / Beverly

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Hi Ladies...

    Well, I got my surgical packet today from New Orleans, and it says in there that I am having my surgery at the St. Charles Clinic.....  I hope that is true!!! I really wanted to check out the new digs. 

    Have either of you received word yet of where your surgery will be?? Did you get your surgical packets yet? Just checking in!!!!


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited July 2009

    I got mine yesterday!  Sept 11th at Fairway Medical center.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Hi Trishia,

    Well!!! Wow, so it must be true then, I'll be at the clinic! Woot! I was just wondering if it was a "form letter" of some sort...

    Trishia, were you at Fairway for your Stage I??

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited July 2009

    No...I was at St. Charles and it was wonderful!  THE most amazing and positive experience I have ever had.  Ever.  I so wish I could go back.  You will love it there!

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited July 2009

    Hmmmmmmmmmm.....I did not get my pack yet, but I am working through Dr. Massey as my main doctor through New Orleans.  I think we are waiting for insurance to come thru first. But..I have a date set of Sept 9th for surgery..Stage 1. Once I am confirmed (trust me..I check my email constantly lol) I will let you ladies know!!  Trishia- where are u staying at before and after surg?  What is the Fairway?/ Didnt know they have more tha one facilitiy.....

    Beverly...sounds like all is ago for you, too! Woo hoo congrats....Is the drs in network or out for u?

  • LeeMcC
    LeeMcC Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2009

    How about Drs. Allen or Massey in Charleston? Does anyone have any experience with this office?


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Lee, I don't know them, but I am sure others out there will. I believe I heard that Dr. Allen was moving to New Orleans? He is (I've heard) one of the pioneers of the DIEP and even trained the two main guys at the NOLA clinic (Center for Restorative Breast Surgery). Maybe start a new topic under reconstruction?? I've seen that work sometimes. Hey, you are in Charlotte! I am in Raleigh! Howdy, Neighbor!!! :)  Would you consider going to New Orleans? I knew a lady from Charlotte who went to NOLA when I was there in Dec for bilateral mastectomy, and there were direct flights!!!!

    Trishia, you were at St Charles the first time but can't go back for Stage 2? Fill me in on that. Did your insurance change? (Makes me wonder if I will be somewhere else in Dec for Stage 2!!) I have another friend doing the GAP there in Aug sometime, and I will try to find out what hospital she's going to be at. It might be Fairway... They have been hunting trying to find a place in network for her...

    Warrior, the Surgeons are in network, and I wonder now if the St. Charles Clinic is too, I have CIGNA. I am sure at some point I will find out...

    Let's keep in touch! 

    Spring / Beverly

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited July 2009
    Although I am awaiting insurance approval, my surgery has been moved up to Sept 4th and due to being a complicated case, I need to stay in town til the 15th...So I will be gone from my kids Sept 2-15 Frown but in the long run it will be worth it.  So..I will definately be crossing over your schedules! lol
  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited July 2009

    Hi Springtime,

    So, too little belly fat is a problem?  Dang, can't you just eat a whole bunch of cookies and ice cream?  And what's this about a new clinic?  I had my surgery at Omega hospital.  Even though I was scared to pieces to have surgery, the medical experience was the best ever.  I've never even heard of Fairway, but I also had my first surgery before Katrina.

    I stayed at Hotel Montelione and also the Homewood Suites.  Montelione was very accommodating and comfortable.  I was there for my stage 2, which is just an overnight stay at the hospital.  My friend and I were allowed to check out, store our luggage in their storeroom, and then check back in afterwards, saving one night of hotel fees.  People at the homewood weren't nearly as friendly, and their free food was barely edible imo.  But, I was fresh out of chemo at the time, and anything buffet style was cause for paranoia for me.  Homewood is just up the street from Mother's, however, and their etouffe is divine.  

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    Hi ladies,

    I got my surgery date as well!  I'll miss most of you tho.....I have sept 22.  Yes, Springtime the whole...OMG factor!  I am also going august 3rd for consult/ visit...don't have to... but it will help me and get me thru the last bit of this! Spring, I guess we have the prior rads and waiting for the 6 month magical date in common as I finished rads feb 5th...That is great to know someone else w/ their MD(Dr. D) is a-ok w/ forging ahead....not waiting longer.  I'd love to complete stages before the end of the yr too....But also I had to work w/ FMLA dates and use the end of one yr and renew in oct....when I was diagnosed, which was BTW on my birthday!  I hope to be home relaxing, recovering and my bday gift for 45 will be my new breasts w/ the bonus of decreased butt/or maybe abd...Liz seemed to think GAP on the phone....they'll have plenty of difficult for me to reduce tissue... ! 

    Of course NOT having to have the mammo/MRI in oct....the pink month- will be an awesome much as I love pink...the whole overwhelming marketing....literally everything 'for the cure' kinda borders on becoming annoying.  My BC sister and i have this ongoing joke...I bought her cupcake liners for the cure last year...of course in nov or dec when they marked them 75% off....and the best was the wine called "hope' it was also for the cure....I think that was before the study that confirmed there was no safe amount of alcohol.  She also gave me a pink light up rubber duckie for the cure.......I think she wins for most obnoxious!

    I'm hoping(no pun intended) to go to Hope lodge in sept but in Aug I got a package flight hotel(w/ AA for  about 200!...) and I think am staying at intercontinental...but we're doing tourist stuff sat and sun...appts monday 8/3 then fly home(which is literally 5 minutes from D/FW).

    So I want to hear, everybody's prep, stories, etc...let's stay in touch.  My packet should be on the way...I spoke to Celeste Thurs.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited July 2009

    The NOLA doctors use various hospitals, dependent upon your insurance coverage.  Fairway is across the lake (Pontchartrain) and I heard that Dr. Sullivan likes using it rather than Ochsner because he lives nearby.  Ochsner Baptist is also utilized--it's about 10-15 minutes from the Center.   St. Charles is their own new hospital attached to the Center.  Having it there is so convenient, for us and for them.  I had my pre-op appointment at the hospital (with the anesthesiologist and billing) and then walked over to the clinic for the markings with Dr. D. 

    I posted photos taken during the grand opening of the beautiful new hospital on the FORCE board:

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited July 2009

    HI, Lee,

    Greetings from a former Carolina gal. I used Dr. Massey in Charleston. It was a very good experience. Feel free to PM me for details, tips, etc.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Hi All,

    I will be in New Orleans: Arriving Tuesday 9/1 and leaving  Friday 9/11. Jennifer, I will be there when you do your consult. Actually, I will be having THE big surgery on the 3rd, but will be there the days prior. We should plan to meet up!  We can exchange phone numbers as we get closer...

    Warrior, we will be in the hospital at the same time!!! (I will be at St Charles Hospital/Clinic). Do you know yet which hospital you will be using? Perhaps not if you are still awaiting insurance approval stuff. My surgury is just the day before yours. I think we are having the same "complicated" procedure (Stacked DIEP/lumbar? both belly and butt?)  I hope I did not fly home too soon. :O   Hopefully we will meet up... :)

    Sandy, thanks for posting those pics of the new hospital at St Charles! Makes me slightly less apprehensive about the big surgery. <<gulp>> I know I need to do this, and I will feel great once it is over. I have no doubt I am with the best doctors and practice. I know it will be a great results and worth it. I just get so anxious leading up to it.... I have to relax!!!!! Yoga this week!!! LOL....

    Althea, YES, too little BELLY FAT!!! If you saw my belly fat, well it is there, just too high up!! I hope it all gets liposuctioned out at some point. And cant' JUST to GAP as my butt would be "too flat". I guess I have too little butt fat in the right places too! I think my fat is just not where it is supposed to be!!! Stooopid fat!!! :):):):):)  I was at Omega in Dec, and it was the best experience I've ever had in a hospital!!! 

    Althea, was the Montelione as spacious in your room area as the Homewood? I liked having the suite. where husband could watch TV in another room, kitchen ,etc. ... Just wondering what Montelione was like by comparison. 

    Jennifer, I stayed at Hope lodge a few nights prior to my surgery in Dec. It was okay, sort of like a regular  hotel room. Very neat and clean as a pin. But the neighborhood had nothing around to walk to, so it was like you really needed a car, but we didn't have one. We did find a greasy spoon to walk to. Also, you can't have food in your room. I just thought that might be hard after surgery - always going down to the kitchen area to eat. But it is a very economical option!!! Nothing like free.... 

    Spring. / Beverly

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited July 2009

    Hi Beverly!

    Lol...we WILL be going through the same surgery within 24 hours of each other! Which two drs are you using??? I requested Massey and DellaCroce. They asked I stay from Sept 2-15th...long time. Are you doing both?? I have plenty in MY belly lol but not enough for two so off to the butt we go! Then the belly to "fill them in". I am comprimised because I have had a breast reduction 5 yrs ago...arggh (ironic, eh?) and after that surgery I had a Staph. I also have been radiated, too. I also have a repaired umbilical hernia.  I am the fun case  Did you make reservations for your room already?? What state are u coming from?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Hi Warrior,

    You won't believe this, but 12 years ago I had breast reduction! And the rads. But I don't have the umbilical hernia. LOL!!! You win!! I am worried now I am not staying long enough. OH well!I will be glad to be home, and will save some good pain killer for the day of the flight home... (!!!)

    Yes, I am doing BOTH belly and butt (Celeste called it a "Stacked DIEP/Lumbar" (lumbar meaning butt) . I hope you are also at the St. Charles Surgical Hospital... We can ask to be next door neighbors and moan and groan in harmony.... :)  Let me know when you find out what hospital you are at... We can at least consult by cell phone and compare progress. I can tell you what you're in for that day, as I'll be a day ahead! LOL!!!

    Dr. DellaCroce is my primary and I am not sure who will be the other surgeon. I will ask next time I call or talk to them down there.

    We did make room reservations already. Pre surgery, we'll be at the Montelione which is right in the French Quarter and our own Althea, above, highly recommends. After surgery, we'll be at the Homewood Suites. I was there last time and liked having the suite and space. 


  • BippityBoppityBoob
    BippityBoppityBoob Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2009


    I have worked with Dr. Massey before. She is wonderful. I could not be happier with her work as well as her follow up care. She truly loves each and everyone of her patients and it shows. Once you meet her you will fall in love with her. She is amazing. Dr. Massey operates out of Charleston SC as well as New Orleans. While in Charleston she operates with Dr. Craigie and Dr. Kline (both wonderful) and while in New Orleans she operates with Dr. Sullivan and DellaCroce (wonderful as well). Good luck with your decision. I would start by contacting Dr. Massey's office to determine which location would work best for your situation. You can find their number on her website (also very informative) at I wish you the best of luck and hope that you find all of the information that you are seeking.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    Hi Girls!


    I am consulting AUG 3rd and won't go back until SEPT 20th.  I had to break up my summer somehow! and just need my FMLA/surgery time off to begin mid/late sept....please no hurricanes.....I must find out who is the patron saint of bad weather/ hurricanes...LOL.

    Thanks also for the info about hope lodge....I heard someone else mention that about no food in the rooms.....hmmm.  We shall see!  I think I read someone else who did the same as you...stayed before surg then moved after....Good info too re: needing a car.  Ya know driving isn't out of the question from where I am... yet the 1.5 hr flight is so much more appealing esp when they're being so awesome about transportation to and fro wherever.  I know all will happen sooner than I think so planning is good. September seemed an eternity away last march and april.  I will keep an open mind re: the stay- but yes, free is a great selling point!

    Well, gosh I will no doubt be keeping up w/ you guys and I continue feeling more confident, esp since we all had the radiation offense.  Looking for my packet any day now.  Hope to have all in my hands when I visit my local BS next week to f/u on a wound problem-seroma/swelling-now improved  from several wks ago next monday.  I think she'll have no problems ordering all the preop stuff Celeste said would need to be done in the 2 wks before.


    jennifer, aka plainjane

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited July 2009

    The reason for the no-eating rule in the Hope Lodge bedrooms is essentially cleanliness. There is no maid service. That keeps their admin costs down. You have to clean your room before you leave. I'm sure ants and roaches would be an issue if people were allowed to eat in their rooms...

    I used the Hope Lodge in Charleston. The NOLA one is probably similar. There is a huge common kitchen area, and you get your own cupboard and shelf in a large fridge. There is a common dining area.

    I didn't even WANT to eat in my room. Getting up to walk to the kitchen for a meal or snack was good exercise for me. I did miss my late afternoon wine and snack, but I survived!


  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

    Hey, I used to be a Hope Lodge volunteer!  Nice to see them mentioned here.

    As Anne says, there is usually a large, communal kitchen with multiple refrigerators to match the size of the facility.  No one cooks for you.  Most people staying there bring family members who do their cooking.

    The Hope Lodge I volunteered at had no "paid" employees; all of us were volunteers.  We did help clean up in the kitchen, changed the beds, lent an ear, that sort of thing.  Oh, yes, vaccuuming, too. 

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited July 2009

    jennifer, if you end up driving, remember that parking in and near the quarter is very expensive.  If you want to do some shopping, there's validated parking associated with the riverwalk.  I travelled by ground for my 1st surgery, and the extra $20+ for parking was unexpected.  We stayed there one night, and it was nice to wander in the quarter prior to surgery, but afterwards, we stayed in Kenner at a place with a two bedroom suite and a waffle iron downstairs in the morning that made really good waffles.  Plus, when you travel home, they'll tell you to walk around every 90 minutes to avoid blot clots forming in your legs. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2009

    I have a question for anyone who DID stay at the Hope Lodge in New Orleans. I understand you are responsible for your own food, which is fine, but if you stay there and have not rented a car, how do you get access to a grocery store? Does the hope lodge have a shuttle service or do you just call a cab to get you places? How about if you want to go into the French Quarter for the afternoon? Cab or shuttle? We are headed there next month and as it stands are staying at the Hope Lodge both before and after surgery (need to cut costs as I have to fly my MIL up to help my SIL w/my kids). Thanks!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

    I know that the Hope Lodge where I was had a shuttle service only to and from treatments.  Other than that, you were on your own.  NOLA may be different.