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NOLA in September?



  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Posts: 311
    edited July 2009

    Thank you ,Springtime! Yep,thats me on the RIGHT! LOL!!!

    I did delayed bilateral stacked DIEP in Aug. 2007..I am 53 YO and DR S and D put me back in a bikini...(of course I hold up my end of the collaboration by working out when I can)

    Best wishes to all the Reconstructioneers!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Marcia, holy COW!!! I still can't believe this! maybe a 2 piece is in my future.... :)  that would be so nice...  I work out all the time, but have all this belly fat. Not to worry it sounds like, LOL....

    I got an email back from Celeste about my supplements and vitamins - (( I take a lot. )) 

    Basically, they are wanting me to continue my medicines (Tamox and NatureThroid) and I can take a multi, Calcium, and Vitamin C. That's it! Nothing else, starting 2 weeks prior to surgery. 


  • sunandsandgirl
    sunandsandgirl Posts: 23
    edited July 2009


    My oncologist and Dr. D. told me to stay on the tamoxifen before and after my surgery.  I would recommend doing what you feel the most comfortable with.  I think there are 2 schools of thought in the medical community. 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited July 2009 are we supposed to be taking multis 2x per day....sorry I'm asking online when I can ask in person in like 5 days...I started taking a multi twice daily because I thought I was supposed to....Spring you are so getting a bikini...

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Posts: 240
    edited July 2009

    Beverly- I haven't heard back from Dr.Marga yet but sounds like PlainJane is right on the money. I have to agree w/ whatever your doctor says. Hundreds of woman before you have been on it so you will be fine! I will keep you posted when I get an answer from her. Again, one person's opinion...who knows who is right and who is not! arrgghh

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Right. I agree.

    Jennifer, from your lips to God's ear! I would love to be able to wear a bikini!!! LOL. Will report back!!! Marcia has me hopeful.

    We are supposed to take 2 multi's a day. With Iron. I am NOT doing the iron. IT WILL CONSTIPATE ME, and I don't need this PLUS the pain pills. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Pack your Miralax!! (spelling?)

    Is this TMI???????   LOL. 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    Ok, then I'm taking 2 but I bought centrum silver...I'm not over 50 but they had less iron. Not TMI.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Getting closer.... yesterday I FAXed a "medicat treatment form" (for STD from work) to NOLA. <<Gulp>>.

    Warrior, Celeste said I would have 8 weeks out of work, with the stacked DIEP/Lumbar. Just FYI. I think this is 2 weeks longer than "normal". LOL.

    Jennifer, are you doubling your multi now? I guess I could start doing that... such a horse pill though!!


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Posts: 209
    edited July 2009

    Hi Guys,  I am taking the multi and vit c twice daily.  That is how I understood the instructions.  I am NOT taking a separate IRON pill.  I agree with you BLOCKED UP if you take the iron and then add the pain meds!  UGH!  Has anyone called NOLA to see if their medical records actually arrived?  I think I will do that to be safe. 

    Also I have received some insurance letters about procedures that NOLA has ordered, such as Computed Tomographic Angiography for the pelvis and abdomen.  Does anyone know if this is the same as the CT scans that I have to check for metastices?  Also the pelvic ct has been denied by my carrier?  Anyone else having these issues?

     Does anyone know how ST Charles Surgical bills.  Is there a possibility of a balance billing situation since this hospital is NOT IN NETWORK for me?  I am confused about the issue.  Thanks guys.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009


    I have also been getting insurance letters, and I emailed Celeste, asking, do I need to do anything about these? (As I assume NOLA is dealing with it). She said she forwarded my Q on to "insurance". I am going to wait another week or so and then call to make sure we're all set. I mean, it is like only a month away now!!! Yikes... 

    I don't know how St Charles bills. I know when I went to OMEGA last December, they agreed to take whatever my insurance would pay for "out of network". I have CIGNA and the NOLA doctors are in network, but apparently the new hospital is not.

    I swear, this insurance stuff is really a pain!!


    PS. Mel, am with you on the NO IRON. Laws. I feel like I finally got my bowels under control after months of chemo, etc. I cannot go back to ripped up butt!!! TMI!!!!

  • karmi2az
    karmi2az Posts: 2
    edited July 2009

    Hi Springtime,

    I am posted in Aug reconstruction but I found my date is now Sept 8th at Mayo in Phoenix.  I will be having the DIEP surgery, bilateral. 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Posts: 209
    edited July 2009

    Spring -  I am still battling the butt thing!  The chemo was a real problem for me....YIKES!  I so sympahtize with ya.  When did you work out the details at OMEGA, before or after your procedures?  I am thinking before has got to be better and less stressful. 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Hey girls,

    I'm almost packed.  Leave at 825 tommorrow am.

    Spring-I take a multi 2 times per day and a vit C chewable once daily...the multi's have 8 mg of Iron per tab.

    Melanie, welcome back! How was it?  I called UTSW  and found they did forward my  records to NOLA last week.

    Also, according to others who posted there is no 'balance' billing.  I was under the impression that the amount given by Lanita included all..but I need clarifcation.  I think things will start to move faster after Monday-re:ins, fees, out of netwok amounts.

    Hoping the rain will blow over and I can get there tommorrow!


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Posts: 209
    edited August 2009

    Hey Jen!  travel safe and give me all the nitty gritty when you get back! Best of luck!  Cant wait to hear all about it!

  • danny5280
    danny5280 Posts: 6
    edited August 2009


     I just found your posts & am so happy to connect with others having surgery at the same time.  I'm having bilateral delayed posterior hip flaps in NOLA with Dr. Sullivan on Sept. 4th.  Due to the type of insurance I have, my surgery is scheduled at the Southern Surgical Hospital.

    I'm BRCA2+ and had my mast. & hyst. back in Oct of '02 with reconst.  Since then I have had my implants changed out twice due to a rupture and contractures.  I was just about to have them done for the 3rd time and realized it was never going to end.  I was fortunate enough  to get a last minute consult when I was in New Orleans in March with one of my daughters.  (She has cerebral palsy and is on a special needs cheerleading team.)  I am now counting the days to have this surgery and truly be on my way to being done with the implants and problems!

     I appreciate all of your tips - I'll be coming in from Littleton, CO - a suburb of Denver.  I hope to get the chance to meet you while we are all there.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Melanie, my "butt of woes" sister. I swear it took me months and months to get over it!! Hang in there. OH!! TIP!!! A good probiotic really really helped me. (PM me if you want to know the one I use).

    About the insurance -  the day I went to OMEGA for a consult wiht the oncology surgeon (the mastectomy part) they brought me into an office at the hospital and all the "finances" were discussed then. I guess I just thought that since the Doctors were in network, the hospital would be too (so didn't do stuff ahead). But not to worry, it all worked out - I think I mentioned above they agreed to take whatever the "out of network" was by my insurance. Free for us. (We had reached our out of pocket max at that point - the year of the diagnosis. Tons of freakin bills!!! blech).

    Denette, WELCOME!!! You will be in NOLA at the same time as Warrior and me!!! I have surgery Sept 3, and you and Warrior Sept 4! We are both staying at the Hilton Homewood after surgery. Where will you stay? We'll swap cell phone #'s as the time gets closer so we can compare notes!!! :)  

    Jennifer Jane, Have a fun wkend in NOLA!! And REPORT BACK!! We are all waiting to hear how your consult goes!! What Melanie said!

    Karm, Welcome to you !! We are all NOLA ladies here, but glad to have you with us!  DIEP Mayo in Pheonix. Sept 8, got it, I'll post you and Danette's info above. 

    I am a month and 2 days away now, and I can feel the anxiety building a little. I am remaining calm. I looked online at SPANX and have no idea what type or size to get... I thought they may even be helpful after the Doctor binders come off in 2 weeks. Don't know though...


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Everyone here is really NICE.  I'm more relaxed after getting away and looking forward to tommorrow- the reason I really came!  Have been walking and doing and seeing and eating good food but mostly enjoying change of scenery and the much needed break!  Also reflecting on this whole issue! Check the what to pack site for more.....It's all good................ 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Jennifer, waiting to hear about your consult!

    I emailed Katie at the center, and she said I could order the "Back Max" and have it delivered to the center "Attn: Katie". I am going to order today and have it sent there. 

    My surgery is only 1 month from today!!!! aaaaahhhhhhckkkk!!!!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009

    Spring,sounds GREAT!  Wow 1 month away!  Excellent!  Whether you use backmax now or later you'll like it!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009


    Does anybody have a clue on this one? Where does one buy HIBICLENS soap?? (It says in our packets to wash with this or Dial) the morning prior to surgery....

    I ordered that "BackMax" thing and had it shipped to the center, attn: Katie. I don't think I'll need it while in hospital, those beds are fab they way they adjust. I'll need it at hotel. I had a hard time "propping up" last time, I kept laying flat. Hopefully mr. Back MAX  will help...!!!!!!

  • bbmom
    bbmom Posts: 19
    edited August 2009


    You should be able to find hibiclens at Wal Mart or any drug store. It's a liquid like physoderm (if you know what that is) and can probably be found near where the bandaid and things like that are. I never bought it. My sister-in-law had told me it really dried out her skin. I always used Dial soap and never had a problem.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Posts: 361
    edited August 2009 surgery is changed again due to my insurance companies over the top requirements!  Same day, but I am now at the Southern Surgical Hosptial in Slidell.  And I have to be a 11 am instead of first thing in the morning.  UGH!  And it doesn'tlook like they have private rooms.  DOUBLE UGH! 

     Oh well, I am just grateful that I am getting to have Dr. Sullivan finish his fantastic work!

    Hibiclens...I bought mine at Rite Aid! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009

    Check on the Hibiclens. Thanks BBMom....

    Trisha, I updated your "stuff" in the opening above. I have a friend who has her Stage 1 GAP also at Southern Surgical in Slidell, with Dr. S. Her date is 8/14. I will report back what she says. She told me they to "bariatric" surgery there, and she thinks it's small, like 22 beds or something. (Small is good if you ask me!!!)

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009


    You are so funny, I just read your schedule updates! LOL ! 

    I'm sticking w/ Dial antibacterial soap.  I think I've used it for years esp working in a hospital, I'm a bit fanatic.  But there are many good smelling Dial antibacterial bars that don't dry you out.

    Ok, goodnight all! 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Posts: 604
    edited August 2009

    Soccermom, Spring, et al.,

    I can beat your bikini, Soccer mom! I set the pole even higher. I went topless on a beach in the Dominican Republic this past January. Thank you NOLA!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2009

    Beverly - You can add me on for stage 2 on Dec. 3 - w/Dr. S... that is if I can figure the whole hyst/bso thing out in between or if they get a surgeon to agree to do them at St. Charles - otherwise I might be into next year (which I really don't want!).

  • Trishia
    Trishia Posts: 361
    edited August 2009

    Okay...all is finalized!  I got a killer deal on flights and called Stephanie at The Hotel Monteleone directly and got an even better rate than the Center has contracted right now!  Hotels are really feeling the crunch, so they usually have and ask!

    My sister is coming with me.  We are flying in on Wednesday, Sept 9th and will stay at the Hope Lodge Wed & Thursday.  My surgery is Friday.  Released Saturday and staying at the Hotel Monteleone Saturday-Monday and flying home Tuesday Sept 15th. 

    So it looks like I will overlap with several of you girls!  I hope it works out that we can meet up.  I will probably have to come to you since you will be healing from your surgeries and I will be before mine.  C

    Can't wait!

  • anniese
    anniese Posts: 69
    edited August 2009

    Hi guys - I'm not a September (I'm an August, the 18th -right before Nordy) but I have my Stage II scheduled for December 8th.  Can I join your Stage II December list?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Posts: 1,106
    edited August 2009
    I am here to boohoo... LOL. I had gotten a letter from my insurance saying that Dr. Sullivan was in-network - but when I called to talk to the Center, they said, indeed he is NOT in-network. I spoke with the company that does our pre-auth and she said that I told her that he was in-network! The last time I spoke to them was in April - before I ever even contacted the Center, so I am not sure where they got that from. Anyway, now I am back to square one - they need a new letter stating pre-authorization due to medical necessity and back to the original out of pocket expense. Also, the lady from the company that does pre-auth said that I need to get the amount that I will owe NOLA in writing. Anyone have any experience/input on this? My husband is going to be so sad... he thought he was getting off cheap... Oh well - what can you do - I am still going there!
  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009


    I would say unbelieveable but...sheesh! Did you save that letter? I don't get the you having to get an amount you will owe.  Ridiculous.  I'm glad you're still going.

    Anniese you are a couple days before my stage 2.  I think I have to be there on the 8th. 

    I know it's a ways away but I continue to be amazed at how time has flown.  This year has sort of been a blur w/ rads, starting anti hormone therapy, f/u and deciding to do all this mastect/recon then all the planning/appts, etc, etc.  I REALLY hope/pray to be done after stage 2 and end the year back at work.  Actually need to start thinking about life after all this because it WILL be over, and probably before 2010...woo hoo!