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NOLA in September?



  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    dejaboo - so sorry about your dog. Mine died about 2 years ago (from cancer) and we got one about 2 months before she died. I think it perked her up a little but next time I would not do it that way at all. I needed more time to mourn.  The new puppy is adorable. What kind is it?

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    dejaboo - so sorry about your dog. Mine died about 2 years ago (from cancer) and we got one about 2 months before she died. I think it perked her up a little but next time I would not do it that way at all. I needed more time to mourn.  The new puppy is adorable. What kind is it?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    The drains that are exiting the groin (I *hated* that spot!) are draining the tummy area. Mine got infected, red, sore, a little white discharge and they allowed me to pull it a bit early. I as in the mid 20's. I had no issues. I felt SO MUCH better once that was out. Then you can move about more freely. 

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    Ah, thanks Spring.  Mine is very sore, and pretty red.  I have a friend who is a doctor, and she said on Saturday that we will "keep an eye on it".  I think I will have her take a look again tomorrow to see if she thinks it still doesn't look good.  There was a bit of white stuff around it and she and I both thought it was from the ABD pad.  Tomorrow I will ask her to put her glasses on when we look, and if it doesn't look good, I will call NOLA and maybe go see my buddy surgeon here to see what he thinks.  I don't want to take it out prematurely, but if it is infected, that would be bad.  I am not running a temp or anything.

    cider8, I came across an article in the paper that made me think of you.  Do you read "The People's Pharmacy" column?  Someone wrote in to say that they were dealing with body odor and had tried all kinds of things and the only thing they found that worked was milk of magnesia.  She said she uses a small spray bottle to apply it under each arm before bed and after showering, allowing it to dry before dressing.  Might be worth a try.  I remember having a horrible problem when I went through my chemo and for a few months afterwards.  

    Also, cider8, how did you find the info for the rental house you stayed in?  Would it be possible for you to send me a pm with the link, or with info?  I hope you and your family are safe from any storms tonight and the next few days.  I am so sad to see the destruction in Joplin.  We had several tornadoes near us a few weeks ago. (I am in Raleigh, NC) 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited May 2011

    If it is 50 ccs for a SGAP that has changed...When I had mine 1.5 years ago it was 20ccs for that also...Which 1 drain never got to.  I had a drain for 9+ Weeks! And pulled it at 50 ccs.

    Interesting about the milk of Magnesia.

    Kathryn-Trixie is a Goldendoodle.

    Sounds like alot of us had great furkids

    Rogam -Good Luck with your appts today.  You will make it through tomorrow & the days after!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2011

    I think at some point the presence of the drain itself causes more drainage. I had one hip drain that never got below 40, I pulled it at 6-7 weeks and it dried up immediately.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Jeskachi, same way with my one hip drain at stage 1. It just never got below 40-45, after 6 weeks Laura said to just pull it. I never had any issues with it after that either.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    Amy, hmm. If you have any white stuff, I would call and report it to NOLA. They may ask you to remove the drain. What a shame that would be ha ha ha hah aha.

    Here's what I remember their goals are: Tummy area, 2 days at 20cc or below, Backside area, 2 days in a row at 30cc or below. However, there are always exceptions! I once has below 10 for 2 days but they wanted me to keep them in because it was so "soon" !!! That made me crazy. I pulled them! (I hate drains).

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    I just had my friend look at it and she does not think it is infected. She is not seeing any white stuff, but she says the area is definitely red and inflammed.  I am down to 22 cc yesterday and 27cc on Sunday.  I am going to see what tonights # is and then call NOLA tomorrow I think.  I hate that it is so sore, other than that it wouldn't be a big deal, I am not going anywhere anyway.  Just lounging in comfy clothes and taking short walks.  Surgery was 2 weeks ago today.  Now I am afraid of the pain when we pull it - it is already sore down there.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    Got the full pathology report back - no cancer!  I'm very happy and relieved - but of course that makes me wish I had kept them (there's never a right answer to this stuff!)

    Also, I was wondering if anyone can give me an idea about what recuperation from my stage 2 is going to be like.  Like everyone I'm going to have the fat sucked out and tucked back in some better spots, but I'm also having a tummy tuck. I don't know if they are stitching muscles or not (I didn't carry my children) but they are grabbing some of that tumm fat and pulling it out :) I guess it's sort of a modified DIEP - but then again not.  I'm not even sure how long to anticipate taking off from work this time.  Any thoughts?

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Just got back from local surgeon . Drain pulled! Yay, no more attachments. Double checked with Celeste this AM that my magic #s were to get below 50cc for 3 days. Perhaps " hip" drains associated with DIEP have different rules than "hip" associated with SGAP. I know posterior hip (SGAP) is more prone to seroma formation so maybe they want to see less drainage.

    I was given 2 different compression garments to wear once the drains were gone. One is the white velcro panel abdominal binder. The other, which Celeste says women prefer because it does not ride up, is black, crotchless, knee to just below breasts. I'm sitting here wondering how to squoosh into this thing. It looks half as big as me...

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Well not sure about the "tummy tuck" part compared to my stage 2. But I know with my stage 2 I had no problems and bounced right back. Surgery Thursday. Saturday I stoppped the pain pills, Sunday we were all over the French Quarter doing all the tourist stuff and walking a couple miles a day!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Kathryn, Didn't see your post while I was posting...That is excellent news, couldn't be better!! Yes, yes, you did the right thing. Dodged that bullet and now you'll never have to face the terror again.

    Well, I am thoroughly ensconced in this compression garment. Picture my husband, reading glasses perched on his nose, down on his knees muttering about why they need to make the damn hooks and eyes so small, tugging with all of his might to stuff me into this thing. Ah, who would have imagined 37 years ago that it would come to this...When I think of what I've been through with him...

    My question now is, am I going to need him to get me in and out of this for however long (a week?) we wear these? Please tell me there is some TRICK!!!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    The trick to the compression is....well I don't have one, I was trying to think of something clever :) Definitely wait until you're completely dried off after showering. I took my 75 year old Grandma on my trip for stage 2.  We had the EXACT same experience :) I think it was about a week before I could get it on myself, not without wrestling, swearing and sweating though !!!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    ROGAM! Thinking of you today. Wish we could have met. I know you'll do great.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2011

    Jerusha - you gave me  a good laugh picturing your husband trying to figure out the garment. And congrats on no drains! You're free!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited May 2011

    cider8, why did they remove 21 nodes for you...and all came back negative?? am at a loss to understand or maybe i missed something? Rosemary

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    I know you didn't ask me but I'll tell my experience. I was diagnosed, it was an agressive type, so they started chemo right away after removing the lump and not getting clear margins. Then a few months later when they did my MX they took out some nodes to test them. I was told the nodes are so intertwined with nerves and everything they just have to scoop them out basically. They can't tell how many they are taking out until after the pathology comes back. I had no positive ones and had 22 removed!

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2011

    Jerusha-here is how they tolde me to get in the "Dom."  Hook the first 2 or so on the bottom and pull it on. Then hook the next one up on each side and zip it up to there. Next hook on each side, zip up some more. Repeat:) This really made it easier for me.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Thanks so much Amym...I have considered giving up showering (and pooping) for the week I need to wear this so that I do not need to get it on and off...but if I get industrious, I will try your method! Maybe it will stretch out -- or I will shrink...isn't that the idea?

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    The swelling will go down, patience ;) I had to have the center send me a smaller size because the swelling went down so much. You can go to the bathroom with it on, it's so strange the 1st time but it works!! lol

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011

    Rosemay, Dragonfly is right.  For me, I had sentinal node biopsy on both sides.  My non-cancer side showed nothing, as expected; the non cancer side did have some suspect areas and turned out to be risky abnormal growth.  As for the cancer side, well the sentinal node came back positive (along with a negative secondary sentinal node), so the protocol is to gather up the axillary nodes.  In my case, that was 19.  So, yeah, 21 nodes. I'm sick about about, but trying to work past it.  I know some ladies don't have that many nodes in their axillary cluster, but I did.  My all my nodes were expected to be clear and there was much more disease in my breast than anticipated.  I got another test result back from Dr Solier today and he said most of it looks good.  Bah!  So that must mean something is bad!!  I can't tell what it means; I'm meeting with my med onc tomorrow.  It doesn't help Dr Sullivan told me that in the future, he's hoping not as many nodes will have to come out  for patients like me (only scant cancer cells in my sential node)----why couldn't I have been the one to have less out!  Oh, well.  Something I really have to work through.  

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Having that large amount of nodes taken out makes me sick too, because I do have under arm swelling and mild lymphedema now. I know I could of had that reaction from only taking 2 out but still I hate that it came to that. 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011



  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2011

    Jerusha, I read the NOLA thread but usually don't post because I am a Charleston gal.  I have to tell you though that your description on the compression thing cracked me up.  I can soooo picture my husband having to corset me up.  I hope your week of not showering or pooping passes quickly!


  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited May 2011

    ok, thanks for the explanation everyone re node removal...i think i get it now..rosemary

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011
    Ug.  I'm trying to paste my comments but it's posting with a line between each sentence!
  • rogam
    rogam Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2011

    Made it to NOLA! feelin great--prayed up and ready to roll.

    Okay what didn't someone warn me of the scan with the contrast dye?!!!! Yikes I felt like I was was going to thow up for about 8 minutes afterwards. Dr D was great again but did not have on any fancy shoes. I mentioned the comments fro

    The board and he laughed. I mentioned all of the positive chat fro

    The board and he said yeah you all post your screen names like a secret club-lol.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    Well we are a club!  None of us wanted to join, but there are a heck of a bunch of great members! haha  I love Dr D, he has a really funny sense of humor and sure kept my husband and I laughing!

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011

    Rogam glad you made it safe and sound....that contrast stuff was crazy..did it make you feel like you were on fire?  I had to touch my ears as I was certain flames were coming out of my head!! lol  Best of luck tomorrow...I will be keeping you in my thoughts...tell Dr D dawn from 2 wks ago says hi are in great hands and the staff will take very good care of you....