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NOLA in September?



  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2011

    and just wondering...i live on the fourth floor of converted industrial stairs which are nice and wide, but no lift except old freight, but that would not work cos have to go over balconies to get to our apt.

    am i going to be able to come home after NOLA???? 

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2011

    Rosemary - I do think that it times like these (major surgery or more specifically major surgery out of town, etc) that can make a relationship stronger or not. I hope that this gets worked out so you don't have to worry about it any longer. Don't make any decisions you may regret now - there is still time for him to come through. Maybe in a way you don't expect?

    I didn't really have a problem with stairs when I got home. I have a tri-level house and could make it from floor to floor with no problem. No four flights all in a row may be exhausting (the littlest things made me tired for a few days) but you can do it. Just take a rest or two. 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2011

    and Spring, i think you should make it law on this thread that IF we have partners, they are all going to be with us and be wonderfully supportive when we go to NOLA...have found myself thinking in these past days how better to go thru this alone, ie with daughter or friends, than not having supportive partner is a huge deal, and IF you are in a relationship the losing/gaining of breasts not only impacts hugely on us and our identities but on those with whom we are intimately involved. ok, getting off soapbox  

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited July 2011

    hey Rosemary, I didn't have any issues with stairs after my surgery.  Sure you gotta take it slow and I would't want to go up and down them all day long but it was doable.  In fact when I was in NOLA for my post-op I practiced by walking up and down the stairs there and walking around their 3rd floor to make sure I could do it in preparation for going home. 

    celtic_antique - I remember those first couple of weeks were hard, it probably took them 2 weeks to get on the line with me to start the discussion and that was after I called and called and called.  I should point out that my surgery was preventative and it's my understanding that they reply faster if you have an active cancer diagnosis.  It's also my understanding that you need to speak with Liz before proceeding and she can be hard to get on the phone.  The good news is that the reason she is so hard to get on the phone is that she spends A LOT of time talking to prospective patients and once you get on her radar things move pretty quick.  I had a consult scheduled 3 week from my call (it could have been sooner, but I needed to make travel plans) and my surgery was scheduled less than 4 weeks from my consult.  I wouldn't worry about being a nice, respectful nag :-)

    Seems like good news all around on the boards today - congrats Debbie on your ongoing recovery!  Great news about no chemo Laura!  Let's keep that good news coming...wishing Betsy the best of luck today...


  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2011

    Welcome celticantique!  My cancer was active, so the process went faster for me.  It was about a week or less after I sent in medical info that I talked to Vicki to go over insurance and finances.  Once that was settled (maybe 2 days) it was about 2 more days that I talked to Liz.  When I talked to her I set up the surgery date, which was less that 3 weeks later.  I did not have a consult until day before surgery, right before pre-op appt.  Once I did talk to Liz, I got paperwork in the mail: preop testing to send in, presurgery instrucitons, appt itinerary.  My situation was a little different than yours.  I haven't set up stage 2 yet (going through chemo now), but I will be prepared to call and call, even email if needed, periodically until it's set up!  Don't be afraid of bothering them, unless you are calling twice a day about the same thing.  :)

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2011

    My situation was similar to Cider's - I was an active cancer case and they get them in quicker. It was about 7 days after I initially contacted NOLA and sent my insurance info, my med info, and my pictures that Liz got back to me saying I was a candidate and giving me a date for surgery. My surgery was 3 weeks later. I did not have time to go down for a consult before. I met the surgeon for the first time at my pre-op appt the day before my surgery. I had seen a plastic surgeon in CO twice before this as I was seriously considering having my surgery here. So I was well educated in DIEP prior to committing to NOLA. 

    I think three weeks to hear back initially seems a bit long. I don't think a reminder call is out of the questions. I almost NEVER get anyone when I call the first time - I get a voice mail and they call back. I have found more sucess with email. I just scheduled my Stage 2 via email and it was cake.

    Good luck! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2011

    Ok, oh my. So much going on in this thread!!!

    First of all, I got a call (missed the call, out in noisy diner with my family) but then TEXTS from Betsy's NOLA friend. I will copy below! She's all done and goooood!

    "Just talked to the doctor, the only issue was they could not remove her port,. She will need to have it done by her doc at home. .... Betsy wanted her blog friends to know all is well and keep y'all updated!. Enough tissue harvested from her backside so no cuts on her abdomen. Less drains, Yeah!"

    I have something going on here right now at home so will come back later to talk to the rest of you, just wanted to post the Betsy news!

    Thinking of you too, DJFroo.... Hope all is well. 

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2011

    I looked for Betsy today when I was out walking the halls, but I think she was sleeping and the nurses did not want to disturb her, (neither did I) I am not trying to make this all sound easy, actually it was much more extensive than I planned on, I have always had a high pain tolerance.  and I have found that the faster you can get out of bed the faster you recover.  The first time I got out yesterday I thought I was going to pass out, but I sat on the chair for about 15 min, then got back in bed, an hour or so later I started walking, I really wanted the folley out!.  I have been trying to walk some laps every couple of hours, I want to see more of NOLA when they send me to the motel tomorrow!

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2011
    great news about betsy Smile and djfrro, you have an remarkable attitude!
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies... I was in surgery til about 3 I think.. Came to room at 6 or so... So Debby...not sleeping, just not here yet... And I lucked closest to icee machine.

    So... I had hip flaps only... So that's good... And they said they will lipo the belly at stage 2 ..... I don't have a lot below belly button anyway... I am more of a love handle, muffin top gal.

    The one bad thing is my port didn't come out and they didn't want to damage my heart they left it in and I'll have the deal with it at home...ugh

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2011

    Yikes about the port Betsy. Gald you are okay ! Two women posting immediately after surgery! Betsy and DJFroo are amazing!

    DJ, you are right about getitng up and moving. It seems impossible at first, but the more you do, the better your body feels. It's like it kicks it into remembering, oh yeah, I move, I heal, I do this.

    Rosemary is CRACKING ME UP!!! I am to make a "law on this thread" to ensure partners or husbands or whoever commit to coming for the surgery!! :) If only it was so simple. Hang in there Rosemary. None of my business, but I tend to agree with you - when you get on the other side of this, look back and determine, is this they guy for you? Maybe it is an indication of the way things are going to be, and you need to decide if that is okay for you or not. No judgements. Just knowing!

    NORDY - many good thoughts  and prayers for your neice. (how the HECK do you have a neice who is 31? Aren't you like 31 or younger??) I hope she is NOT facing this! Let us know what happens. Good she is getting it checked out!

    Celtic, call again. You are not a pain. Just call and or email. And do it persistently. You will get through. People at the front desks will take a message, nobody minds. Don't despair. I waited 2+ weeks and had given up hope (I had active cancer) when one day, Liz called me and *everything* changed in my life and turned around. I cancelled my local surgery (not good options for me) and found out NOLA was even in network for me.  You are ON THE RIGHT TRACK. This is the hard part, getting through, getting all set up, dealing with insurance. IT IS WORTH IT!!! 

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited July 2011

    Wow Betsy , you sound so normal!!! And another same day post!! How are you feeling?? congrats on your graduation

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2011

    Yep! Betsy is on the other side! :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2011

    Yup... Other side of surgery... Feeling fine so far...just tired and scratchy throat.

    Celtic... Liz is good at emailing.. Try emailing her.

  • SAMayoFL
    SAMayoFL Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2011

    Betsy, I think I must be doing the presurgery emotional roller coaster thing because when I heard from your friend I sat down and cried like a baby.  Good grief.  I cried for well over an hour.  The ugly cry too!  I guess we have to let it out sometime.  I am so relieved to hear you are doing good!!  I will be anxious to hear what your hometown doctor says about your port. 

    Enjoy the icee machine!


  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2011

    Congrats Betsy! Nice to hear you are doing so well and how great that they only had to use the hips - I have heard that is an easier recovery than abdomen! Have someone get you an Icee and just slowly sip away- it is great for that scratchy throat. 

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2011

    WOW. I am so in awe of Betsy and djffro posting on the day of surgery!

    djffro - I hope that the foley comes out soon! It's so nice to read your positive posts!

    Betsy - Great news that they were able to do just hip flaps. I'm sure that the healing is easier then being cut on both sides. Glad that you're feeling good. I hope that you have a restful night.

    Nordy-I second what Spring said. In your avatar you look to be 30! Fingers and toes crossed that your niece gets good news.

    Celtic - I like you had already had a lumpectomy and I experienced what I thought were long delays when I first contacted NOLA. After leaving several messages, I sent Liz an e-mail and after that everything went quickly. Looking back, I think that within 2 weeks I had an appointment for my consult but at the time it felt like forever! I think that LIz's e-mail address is on the website. PM me if you have trouble finding it.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited July 2011

    Sounds like it was a good day for all! The posts from our recent post ops do sound remarkably coherent. I remember posting ... well, attempting to post my first night. I spent THREE hours trying and trying and somehow kept erasing what I'd written. Must have been hitting that pain pump a little harder than you, Betsy. And along those lines, getting out of bed the first time, walking around --- it may be hard at the time, but you will probably soon not even be able to recall the details. If that is any consolation! It all fades to quite a blur. I'm still saying to my, did I really have grilled cheese and tomato soup that first night...what in heck did I say to the kids when I talked to them...what on earth did I do all day that first week????

    I agree about the stairs. It seems like they'd be hard; but they were really OK. And about your partner, Rosemary -- I would not think this is a good time to make major life decisions. Which is not to say not to be hurt, disappointed and pissed.. But maybe not the time to end a relationship that previously seemed to have potential. If you can consider giving the guy some slack --( which I would not feel very inclined to do) --- I would imagine myself in his shoes, really try to imagine it, and consider whether there is any chance that he is so terrified by your surgery, so overwhelmed by the very complicated feelings it raises in him, so confused by his helplessness, and generally feeling too incompetent to do the job, that he is trying to avoid dealing with it all? Not a good enough excuse, I agree, but possibly explains his bad behavior, and perhaps something that can be talked about. For many of us, our relationships go back 10,20,30,40 YEARS! It's a lot harder to bail on someone when you have been thru thick and thin with them, seen them through the good times and bad, raised a family together, etc. I'm sure many of our husbands felt like bolting -- and probably some have -- but there's a lot more psychic glue, or at least indebtedness, that comes into play. And certainly the sexual issues are easier in an "old" relationship, than a "new" one.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2011

    I actually haven't hit the pain pump yet... But apparently it does every hour on it's own

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2011

    Betsy, you are an animal!  Everytime I was coherent I was punching that pain pump.  I would not let go of it either!  Dr S even had me keep the pain pump longer than usual, longer than the nurses usually like.  I blame it on being a (former) redhead!  I also think I was in recovery just as long as I was in surgery.  I could not eat the day of surgery.  Hubby learned how to properly feed me ice chips, which surprised me.  I'm told the first time I got out of bed I passed out getting back into bed.  I remember getting out of bed, sitting in the chair, saying I needed to get back into bed, and I thought I remember getting back into bed.  A couple days later my husband told me nooo.  Just as I was getting back into bed I passed out, nurse Jamie was still holding me and got into bed with me, still holding me, then another nurse had to get Jamie safely out of bed while keeping me safely in bed!   Oh, how the nurses take care of us!  So good you only needed hip flaps.  Our docs are amazing!

    DJ and Betsy, I think it's wonderful you are able to post your day of surgery!  I was just sooo out of it for the first two days, really.  Betsy, I'm so curious about them not being able to remove your port.  Now I'm considering just getting mine out asap when chemo is done and then if I don't like the scar to see if Dr S can revise it (perfection, you know!).   My port really bothers me anyway; I don't know if I could stand having it in for another 3ish months.

    I can't remember if I started walking later on day 2 (day after surgery) or on day 3, but I was able to walk upright right away and I did practice on the little flight of stairs.  I felt cautious at first and held on to the nurse but quickly realized it was a piece of cake! 

    Laura, when is your Stage 2?  Now that I'm half way through chemo, it's about time to schedule Stage 2.  I won't call until later next week, after I get through the next few dog days.  I'm excited to have it on the calendar!

    Susan, release the tears!  It's so relieving to let them out when they need to come out.  It's very natural.  You will do so well on your surgery coming up. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2011

    30-31....hahahahahha! But I will take it... even if it is not true! Thank you for the well wishes for my niece. If it helps explain anything, my sister is 10 years older than I and had babies young, where I had my babies... not so young! So, her grandkids are my kids' ages! Spring and Toomuch - thank you, thank  you for the well wishes for my niece... will know more after her testing next week.

    Betsy - you and DJFroo are rocking the recovery! Good job! Use the pain pump as needed. Every time I woke up, I would start talking and my hubby would say, "Push your button." LOL.. You have to know my husband... I think he was playing catch up on his shows!

    Rosemary - I have to agree with whoever said to re-evaluate your relationship down the road a ways. I think several things... first - sometimes men have difficulty understanding the gravity of all of this. My husband went on 2 trips during my treatment that weren't necessary and I am to this day still p*ssed as h*ll about it. And he knows it, because it comes up every so often. His thought was that someone else was there taking care of me (and my baby girl, mind you), so why shouldn't he go? In his mind, I was "fine" because I was doing fairly well during treatment. And look, here we were married already for 4 years! I can only imagine how difficult it would be for someone that is not married to understand the nature of all that you are going through. And I also think it would be hard with children in the picture... but I am the type that my kids would come first... LOL! Sorry! Maybe that is because I came from a home where my abusive step-dad was my mom's first priority and to this day, I can't understand how she could subject her kids to that just so that she could have "someone" in her life. Anyway, this is not supposed to be a therapy session for me, (but Eve, now Gary can figure out what is wrong with me! Wink) but sometimes our backgrounds put a different spin on things? And I am not saying I agree with him... just... putting a different perspective out there. It will all be okay. (((hugs)))

    Spring - I think I am going to do my stage 2B the week before the reunion if I can swing both the $$ and a caretaker! I know my hubby is going to want to go if I go for a long period of time so I am going to have to figure it all out. Guess I had better call tomorrow and get the ball rolling. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited July 2011

    Susan - It is okay to cry and will make you feel so much better to release all that emotion!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2011

    Susan... I know you nervous but it is true what others have said that once you are at the hospital for pre op stuff it is easier... AND I still have not used the pain pump... I really don't have any pain... Just feel achey.

    Paula... Now that I still have my port, I wish I had just had it out in June... In the meantime, I need to get it flushed... And I need to ask dr d when it can be done... Ugh

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2011
    Cider - I'm scheduled for my Stage 2 on Monday October 17th. Pre-op in the morning - sugery in the afternoon.
  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited July 2011

    Thanks all for the words of encouragement. I am on pins and needles this morning. Heard from Liz yesterday via e-mail that she was "checking with the Doctors to see if they will accept your case. I will be back to you tomorrow. I have to check with Anesthesia also." Unfortunately, in my beat up frame of mind, I read this negatively and have been fervently praying that they will. I have no idea what I will do if they do not. I am inspired by the testimony you all post and hoping that I, too, can post a happy note before the end of the day! Heal well, ladies!

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2011

    Celtic, try not to put a negative spin on Liz's words. She is merely letting you know where she is on the process.  I mean, the docs really are the ones who accept the cases!  Liz just has to pin them down to review the cases, inbetween the docs seeing patients and the surgeries.  They work such long hours.  And then Liz has to navigate the schedule to see when your surgery can fit in, as well as schedule an anesthesiologist.  And for some reason I'm thinking the docs aren't usually on site on Fridays.  Hopefully you will hear back from Liz today!  When I finally spoke to her it was about 6:30pm (both our time), so she works hard just like everyone there.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited July 2011

    I know how hard they all work ... and how much in demand they are! And, there are folks who should cut to the head of the line (active cancer diagnosis) WAY before me! If I know they will eventually get to me, I can be patient. It is the not knowing that wears one out --- from the beginning with the cancer diagnosis thru path reports and all till now. I sort of have a mental image of Liz as the ultimate multi-tasking "octopus" with all arms going 100 mph as she literally balances, schedules, communicates and reassures so many who need the doctors' care! I am trying to be hopeful, really I am, but have had so many disappointments recently that it is coloring all of my thinking. I do so apprciate your words of reassurance!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited July 2011
    Celtic_antique - I second what Cider said. Liz said those EXACT same words to me and I felt EXACTLY as you do (or as I imagine you do). I was on pins and needles. Don't be upset if you don't hear from her today though. She told me that on a Monday and I heard from her at about 5pm Mountain time on that Friday (right before a holiday weekend). I did not hear right away.  I haven't heard of them turning anyone away though - she is probably just trying to find you the best date possible!
  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2011

    I'm at TJ maxx buying muumuus. I've also hit the kmart and target. Let's just say-if you see me after surgery, I'll be the one who looks ridiculous!!! Apparently they don't sell "cute" muumuus.

    Liz is trying to move my surgery up one day from July 27th to the 26th to accomodate a newly diagnosed woman. I found out that the 'suspicious' lymph node in my neck is benign!!! Thank you God! My inlaws have all 3 of my kids and I just dropped the dog at the kennel. Now we're on our way to the Bahamas for the last 2 nights before NOLA to celebrate the good news!!! We live a short 2 hour boat ride away. I'm excited, scared, and my head is a big jumble of crazy. Wish me luck.


  • BrandyB
    BrandyB Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2011

    Excuse me the receipt says that they are called "Dusters" not mumuus. I stand corrected.