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NOLA in September?



  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited November 2012

    Hope everyone is doing well and healing nicely. Thank you all for the words of encouragement. I know they say to wait 6-9 months for results, but I just don't think I'm going to get the results I was looking for. My husband is against another surgery (at least right now) and says no surgeries in 2013. He's not being mean about it, but just wanting "normal life" for awhile. The past 2 years have been a roller coaster ride with everything I've been through. I know I mentioned my hysterectomy was a disaster, but here is just a tid bit of info to go along with it. My surgeon rushed through the surgery as it was just another surgery to him and he put his thumb through my bladder (catheter for 2 weeks) and then he missed the fact that I was bleeding internally for 10 days before it was caught when my husband called 911 and another hospital and doctor caught it. I spent another week in the hospital and needed a blood transfusion. They attempted to drain the huge mass in my abdomen and was only about to retrieve 1/4 of it and had to wait for my body to absorb the rest. It was a very painful and scary experience and that is just a real short version of what occcured, but I was out of work for 3 months and this was just 2 years ago. I just feel so sad that body continues to work against me. I have had 3 blood transfusions in 2 years...ugh :( Dr. D was so nice to repair some of the damage the other doctor did I am so grateful!! I just feel that with everything I've been through, I should have a chance to look in the mirror and say "damn I look good", but that sounds vain and I should be happy with the fact that I am here and cancer free.

    Anyhow, thanks for letting me vent. All of you are so amazing and thank you for helping through this journey.

    Well wishes to all those coming up this week and those who are healing. I don't regret any decision I made and will scream from the roof top to anyone who will listen that these doctors and this facility is the best!!!

    Hugs to you all!!


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    OMG Chelle. You have been through so much. I have heard many times on this site that it takes months to look how you are really going to. In the meantime take care of yourself so you can heal. However long it takes. Get on with your life and re-assess later when you are feeling great. You WILL get there.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Chelle... have a little faith in the lipo and time. I remember at 6 weeks post op thinking there wasn't a difference, but there has been a big difference after lipo. It isn't one of those things you notice, but after a few months, you will realize clothes fit better and swelling is gone.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited November 2012

    Thank you Cherrie & Betsy!! I am trying to be kind to myself and remember everything I've been through, but I do admit that patience isn't one of my strong points Wink You all have been so amazing and I just felt that I should be up and bouncing around by now. I don't like taking pain meds, but at night right now it's a must. I am trying my best to get through my typical day which begins at 5:45 am (getting ready, driving to work in traffic, work and then the drive home) which puts me home by 6 or so. I used to go to the gym after work, but I just haven't made it that far yet. Laura stressed to me not to compare myself to others, but it's hard not to, but I am going to try.

    On a positive side though...I love my new smaller perky breasts!! I am only 4'11 or so and had huge D breasts that were saggy, so having them smaller and higher is nice.

    I am looking forward to the holidays though and celebrating with my family. I have so much to be thankful for.

    I say this from the bottom of my heart ladies, you guys are strong and amazing women and I admire each and every one of you!!



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    One day at a time. Your body is healing and that takes a lot of energy. Driving, work, etc. takes energy too. I feel for you Chelle. It is hard to do it all. You absolutely have much to be thankful for. It just is hard to see that on some days.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2012

    about going through the airport, I would suggest you don't show any little pocket things, wear a long shirt that covers everything up. I had my drain bulbs in an On-Q ball fanny pouch thing, it was showing, and they insisted on "searching" it, swabbing it. I didn't have a letter, but I'm not sure it would have worked anyway. I think the best thing to do is avoid all that. Just keep everything totally covered up with nothing showing. Of course, this was in 2009 so maybe things are different now.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2012

    I had letters after Stage 1 and 2, and it made no difference.  I had to touch my bulbs then have my hands swabbed with some explosive-detecting substance.  I was furious!  I swear, more women came back into the back room just to see what I had under my blouse out of curiosity, not safety.  I felt very violated and vulnerable.  I HATE TSA.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    I had to touch my own bulbs and they swabbed my hands, but that's it... But this summer when I wanted to avoid the full body scan machine at a different airport, I agreed to have a body search. I look at it as I'd rather that then more radiation... If they had asked to do a search in NOLA though after surgery, I would say no...matter of fact, I may have... can't remember.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2012

    I think I left NOLA three times with drains, and always wore clothing large enough to completely cover them.  I never had to show them, touch them, be patted down...nothing.  Last time, I was wearing a hoodie, and when I showed them the letter, they didn't even make me take that or my shoes off.   The single complaint I had with the TSA in NOLA was one time I was flying home alone after a surgery, and the guy scanning my carry-on said to me, "Oh no, your flight was yesterday".  My heart started pounding wildly, and of course I was afraid that I wasn't going to get to go home, then he started laughing at my reaction.  I reported him to management because it was NOT funny at all.  

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2012

    Here's my experience w/ airport security in NOLA just TODAY-- I had to go through the scanner, everyone did as those 2 "lanes" were the only ones open at that time.  Of course, they saw the drains, etc. and I had to have a pat down.  I wasn't given a letter but I gave them a verbal explanation of the whats and whys.  They still insisted-very aggravating.  I told her(the TSA) if she was going to touch my clothing that she would need to change her gloves as I wasn't going to let her touch me with gloves that had been all over everyone else.  She just looked at me and rolled her eyes--LOL!! It was no big deal but it still ruffled my feathers. 

    For you ladies coming up for your stage 2-It's a piece of cake compared to stage 1! What little lipo I had was very sore for the first 2-3 days and the plication has been very tolerable.  It gets sore at the incision line but I wouldn't call it painful. I haven't had to walk hutched over, just the normal way I always walk.  I have 2 hip drains and that's about it. Once or twice a day I may take 1 oxycodone 5mg.  This recovery, atleast up till now, is very doable.  I should be back towork & my three 12 hr. shifts within 2 weeks!  I will be thinking of you all and wishing you a safe and easy recovery!     Katiejane

  • Katski
    Katski Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2012

    PRMA called today.  It was encouraging.  Of course, nothing can be done until after how many months after radiation.  TE were not an issue to remove either. I do not why a PS here in Grand Rapids would not consider taking them out even if he was not the one to put them in.  Just unbelievable frustrating.  Perhaps it is GR, who does not have enough experience in reconstruction.

    I will be getting the third Chemo of six on Nov. 13th.  I had different side effects each time too.  Who knows this time?! 

    Thanks for all of the info.  Waiting on NOLA also but no calls as of yet.

    Everyone take care.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2012

    akrazykat -- NOLA surgeons wait at least 4 months after radiation. I finished rads in early March, had DIEP 4 1/2 months later. Some surgeons want to wait a year, but Dr. D answered me on Ask a Doctor site that the damage is already done, and it would just make you wait longer without breasts! I was glad to hear that after having a TE replaced, then removed due to repeated infection, then rads, and other TE had developed capsular contracture by surgery time.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2012

    Evening all! Met up with Jane 123 at the Center this afternoon and she is doing GREAT!! Feeling much better than Stage 1. Lovely lady ... tough as we all have to be!

    OTOH, Dr. D. has decided on a MUCH more extensive surgery  for me (a combined Stage 1 and 2) so plans have changed rapidly. Surgery tomorrow, but 3 nights in hospital, so I may meet more of you NOLA ladies! A little freaked at the extensive change, but totally confident in Dr. D. Maggie-2 PM or call me tonight if you can. Cherrie, will DEF be there when you arrive!! Pamela44, be in touch!

    OMG!! Tomorrow 1 PM on the table with a HUGE surgery with Dr. D. No place other than here, I can tell you that!!

    Know good vibes, prayers and healing thoughts are all coming from this Board! It is the only way I will get thru sane ... OK, saner ... LOL!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Maggie... what will he do??

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Maggie-1, WOW!  Sounds like a bit a lot, but know you will be in great hands.  I'll try to visit with you on Thursday morning (time permitting) as I am meeting with Dr. M at 9.  Big hugs and healing thoughts!  

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2012

    Hi Betsy!

    A baby hip flap to the natural right breast to give permanent symmetry (alternatives were small implant -- NOT -- or a series of fat injections with an iffy outcome), contouring of reconstructed breast, fat grafting both breasts, revision of "puppy ear" on donor site, mastoplexy BOTH breasts and of course, lipo all over to harvest the fat needed elsewhere. I looked like a Maori warrior after Dr. D. was done with the blue marker!! I think that covers it -- a Stage 1 and 2 at the same time. A LOT more than I had thought, for sure! Have good dopplers for the baby flap, so we are going for it. Just caught me by surprise and means a lot longer stay in hospital and in NOLA (not that I mind that too much!). All in all, probably no more than he had planned at your consult, but at least you know in advance!! :-) Quite the surprise!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Maggie 1 where will you be after your hospital stay? I get in Thurs. evening. Pre- op at 3 at Fairway and meeting teddybear for dinner in Covington. I also hope to meet Marty's husband during her surgery before pre-op.

    I am at Hope Lodge for Sat. And Sun. If you feel like a visitor call or text. Your recovery is most important.

    Wow you certainly must have been surprised. It is good that we trust our doctors so much. You will do great!!!!!


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Thinking of you Pamela. Hope to hear from you!!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2012

    Chelle- You have been through a lot. Hang in there! You are a trooper going back to work and with a commute!

    I hope I did not offend anyone about posting progress from Stage 1 and starting to introduce physical activity again. I know everyone has a different experience... I have had lots of different emotions through this and downs. Many of the great women here have helped me through it! Today was my first day back at work and I was planing on doing full days and realized that was a bit too much to start off for me. Ended up leaving early. I thought I was ready for it but quickly found out its going to take some time to readjust. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Well Maggie... he is giving me a baby flap, fat grafting, lipo, butt lift (again), and is expecting me to stay in hospital one night, maybe two... then post op and fly out three days after surgery. Now that they have changed your plans, who pays the change fee on the plane??

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Kerry, I can't remember anything you said that would bother anyone. I have had no surgery yet and nothing you said was offensive. I just pray for good healing.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    Hello!  I am back home.  Stage 2 went great!  It was nice to meet Celtic -and encouraging that you will be "fixed", Margaret!  

    My surgery was 5 hours long due, in total, to Dr. D's perfectionism. I am so thankful.  I can hardly wait to see my results in 3 - 6 months. He and everyone at the Center are the best.  So caring, professional, talented, I could go on...

    THANK YOU all for your prayers, positive thoughts, and insightful postings.  This is such an amazing group of people.  

    I stayed just one night at St. Charles Surgical Hospital and had my breast drains removed before heading to the hotel.  I have 3 drains but they should come out by the end of the week.  Drains do not really bother me, they are a bit inconvienent but I appreciate what their role is.       As you know, what does bother me is the IV insertion!  It was trying per usual but it finally went in and they used a smaller gauge needle so I am not having the usual post op site pain.  

    I am feeling really good overall.  I quit taking pain meds early on since I dislike the woozy feeling more than I dislike discomfort. Just taking the antibiotic, arnica, and colace.   

    We had no TSA troubles, I think I totally looked the part of "very sick person" so they moved me through quickly.  Nothing like surgical scrub pants hiding drains (think: REALLY PUFFY), a wheelchair, and no make up!  I had a letter just in case but I refused to go through the scan and told them that I could not lift up my arms and stand there - which is true, no pain meds = ouchy! So I shuffled through.  We had an enormously long line, though, so that may have had something to do with them getting me out of there.  They also grabbed us out of the line and moved us to the front, which was really nice.  

    We had a most enjoyable time in NOLA before surgery.  Stayed at Bienville House, love that place.  And had some scrumptious meals.  Best was at The Royal on Royal and St. Louis.  We were there for Halloween so that was interesting...    We stayed at Comfort Suites in Harvey post op and it was well decorated but could have been a bit cleaner.  

    Oh, also, I had my blood tests and UA done late due to insurance issues, but had results faxed to NOLA and it worked out as stuff was all within normal limits.

    Peace, Tamara

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie -- Will be in SCSH until at least Friday afternoon, they tell me! Then I am hoping that the Prince Conti can still accommodate us (in the Quarter) or we will have to put Katie to work. Please do stop by ... would love to meet you. Was great meeting Jane123 (Tamara) and now I hope to connect somehow to MartyJ and Pamela44!

    Betsy, you will be having virtually what I am, so I wouldn't think you will be let out of SCSH so early. I will stay as long and the insurance will let me ... love the wonderful caring nurses! As to flight costs, I booked Southwest and they have no change fee charged. Cost me an additional $46 for 2 tickets as the difference between the ones I had purchased. Wasn't about to fight that ... cleap enough.

    I too am staying at the Bienville House and they have been great. Met another woman in with friend heading for her consult today named Kelly. Told her of the Forum. I think the fact that she could actually speak with someone who had been there meant a great deal. She and friend headed off for dinner with teary eyes -- with relief, methinks.

    Waiting for caregiver to arrive. Her flight should be in shortly and they are bringing her to the hotel. Second shower done, hair in braided pigtails (more comfortable to lie on), bags packed and I would kill for a cup of coffee, even the brown water from in-room pots!! Then it is onward ... will post when I am sorta conscious again! Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers ... all help.

    Maggie-1 (celtic)

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Tamara (Jane123)- sounds so fabulous.  Glad you are doing so well.

    Maggie-1 (Celtic) - please let your caregiver know that we will be at the Bienville House tonight and tomorrow night.  We are happy to help her if she needs anything.  I will look for you on Thursday.  The worst part of a 1 pm surgery - the food and coffee free waiting!

    Cherrie & Angie (Teddybear71) - maybe you can lure Chuck out for dinner with y'all on Friday evening.  I am worried that he won't eat while he worries about me.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Maggie.. well... My surgery is Wednesday and I fly out Saturday... Super Bowl is Sunday and then the flight prices SOAR up.  So I hope my plan works out ok. I could stay 2 nights if I wan, but three would sort of interfere with my flight, unless they discharge me and take me straight to the airport... One differnce is that my flap is coming from the under arm and yours is coming from your butt... Mine may not be microsurgery... they are just flipping the fat around.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    Tuhinking of all the ladies up soon. 5 days out from the marathon over ten hr surgery..walked a mall with gettin pizza and a nap is in my very near future. Right arm has some type of nerve pinch going least i am hoping its just pinched. LE in left arm is already better!!! Makes me so happy to have rhis behind me...bleeding like a period and was juat told by my MO a month ago that i am in full menopause so not sure what the heck that is about..very unexpexted..will post again when up to it

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2012

    Tamara - so glad to see you made it to NOLA. I was going to call you this week. I am having a port put in within the next few days and will start chemo next week I believe. This is all so crazy. I want a cosmetic closure on the port to match my beautiful boobs!

    Question for group - the site where they put in the fat filler from the liposuction - what does it look like for most of you? At first it was bruised and now it is a red lump. Will call the center tomorrow but am a little worried.

    The lipo came from my trunk and I am worried it might be another metastasis.

    Peace & strength to all the NOLA girls,


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Maggie 1: I hope we can meet also. Coming in onThurs. Evening. Pre-op at Fairway at 3 and out to dinner with Teddybear and husband. We are site seeing over the weekend, but will make contact at some point. Where is Prince Conti?

    Marty: Chuck is more than welcome to go out with us. What time is your surgery?

    Maggie 2: walking the mall on day 5!! You are my hero. Seriously it helped me to hear this.

    Tamara: hope to see you at Hope Lodge on Sunday

    Laundry is done, packing tomorrow, leave for NOLA on Thursday!! I can't believe it is almost here. I have been through this before, but it IS going to happen this time.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Karen, I had 40cc fat injected in one breast 2 months ago. I didn't have bruising from injection, that I recall. My bruising was from lipo. I couldn't even tell exactly where injections were, just that the flaws were gone. Not lumpy or discolored at all now. I hope you share what the center thinks is going on. And, dang, port time. I was so happy to have Dr S take out my port so my scar to be done as nice as possible. It didn't look that much different, so my local breast surgeon must have done it right when she put it in.