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NOLA in September?



  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    back home in my own bed and man does it feel great.  Me and my uniboob are gonna sleep til we just can't sleep no more.  SIL brought over a fabulous dinner and it is not even 8 but I am going to bed!


  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    sleep tight, mags./

    Take Care!

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited November 2012

    HI Jane123 - I had the same experience as Besa.  I developed an allergy to Neosporin after using it for over a month after Stage 1, and had rashes develop around all the incision sites.  I got a prescription for a super potency steroid cream (betamethasone diproprionate) from a friend who is a dermatologist and it began clearing up quickly, and eliminated all the itching within about half an hour.  Two PCPs had misdiagnosed it as a yeast rash.  Good luck with the oral steriods.  I was really freaked out by my rash but it got better, and in the grand scheme, it was minor.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2012

    I'd like to see that list of risk factors for lymphedema that you mentioned, Springtime.  Was it on this thread?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2012

    LAStar, I believe it was Nordy who said her LE Therapist had developed this. I never saw the list, just remember Nordy talking about it here and listing a few things that rang true for me. I had never heard of a "risk factor" type list for LE.

    I'll PM Nordy or FB her and see if she can dig it up. 

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    wishing all the best for Cherrie and glostagirl this week.--MartyJ hope you are doing great too.

    I am resting comfortably at home.  No pain meds for 3 days now.  I know the emotional toll is coming so reserving my right to cry whenver I need to!  Right flap looks and feels amazing.  such a pretty boobie!!  Just called to schedule hyperbaric wound care for left side.  Dr M had to pull it so tight after removing the failed flap that she is worried about it opening up and destroying what she calls valuable real estate under neath--the blood vessels.  She is an amazing doc with such care and compassion for her patients. I really thought she was going to cry over the failed flap too.  She pulled me back from the edge when it first happened.  Almost lost it for sure.  but onward to next year and a new chance in March!  Big Girl panties Big Girl Panties!!


  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2012

    Maggie, you have a fantastic attitude & you will have a gorgeous rack to match very soon! I'm glad you are letting the tears flow but looking ahead. Amazing that you are off pain meds! Big girl panties indeed. ((( hugs )))

  • Katski
    Katski Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2012

    This might be OT but I have been reading here.  I have contacted PRMA in San Antonio.  My question is how do you afford it?  I see some ladies go back for stage two, revisions and some other things that may occur.  If you can give me any heads-up, I would appreciate it.  I figure, it will be next Fall for me to do the breast reconstruction part.  Thanks in advance  Kat.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Kat... Revisions are covered by insurance. You are entitled to symmetry and reasonably good contour. Some doctors may choose to call some of it cosmetic, so it may depend on your doctor.  I had my stage Ia, Ib and 2 all in 2011, so after I met my out of pocket maximum, the rest was covered 100%. I am going back in January for a stage 2b, so I am starting my out of pocket over again, but I have left the rest of teh year for another revision if need be. I am also going to petition for IN network coverage.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Good Morning to all!  Well, finally made it through stage I.  First surgery on Friday, then a hematoma caused a second surgery on Sunday.  Plus 2 units of blood.  Feeling so much better.  Have stood by the bed and walked to the door and back.  Next walk is at noon.  I didn't get to connect to Cherrie yet, but am sure I will tomorrow or Wednesday.  My DH just went down to visit with her husband.  Hoping the guys can go to dinner together instead of staring at us all the time.   One of the intake nurses learned that her husband and mine had a similar early career path and friends in common.  They all went out to dinner last night.  Fairway is a lovely small hospital and am being well taken care of.  Have a great day!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2012


    Again, I'm so sorry that you lost your flap/breast.  That's great news that Dr. Massey is suggesting HBOT-hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

    I did not lose a flap, but my surgeon Dr. Kline (Charleston) ordered HBOT for me because I had so much underlying tissue damage from radiation and prior implant failure disasters from other institutions.  He spent several hours at the beginning of my bilat SGAP surgery repairing chest wall and other tissue damage before he could move on to the actual SGAP surgery. 

    HBOT is also used for flap compromise as in your case.  The HBOT therapy cost for me for 20 sessions was $35,000.  My insurance paid 100%. 

    If you like to know more about HBOT-hyperbaric oxygen therapy, here are two links to easy to read, very informative medical articles, first link is from American Cancer Society.  Dr. M may have already given you literature.

    Good Luck with HBOT and hang in there!  It's quite a time commitment.  I had 20 sessions at 90 minutes every day over a period of a month at a hospital 45 minutes away.  Lots of patients need a xanax (me!) being closed in that glass tube, but there is a TV above it that you can watch.  I started treatment immediately following my Stage 1 SGAP, so it was a little uncomfortable (laying on butt), but I was still on narcotic pain meds anyway. 

    I couldn't drive for six weeks post surgery, so I had friends, family, and the American Cancer Society Roads to Recovery volunteer drivers take me to treatments at hospital 45 minutes away.  Our local ACS affiliate just called to say they are having an awards dinner for volunteer drivers and asked me to write a short paragraph about the RTR program and how it benefited me.  It's worth checking into if you are not able to drive.  You don't have to be going for just chemo or rads treatment to use it - just like Hope Lodge.  HBOT is a treatment for some cancer patients.

    I am having Stage 2 next month, and may be having 10 more sessions of HBOT afterward to optimize healing.  The regional hospital where Dr. Kline does surgery has an HBOT center.  So tempting to just stay in beautiful, snow-free Charleston and have the treatments there.  :)

    Warm wishes and March will be here before you know it!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2012


    So sorry to hear you had a bump in the road of your surgery, but thankful you didn't lose a flap.

    My initital surgery last year (BMX, ALND, immed implant recon) ended up like yours - a second surgery to open breast incision and remove massive hematoma 5 days post op.  Had blood transfusions, too, on day 2 post op.

    It definitely drained my energy and put me a few steps back in recovery, but keep up the walking -- you are on your way.  Once the hematoma bruising goes away you will have beautiful breasts!  Many hugs from all!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    thank you pinkheart..I will def ck out the links.


  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    Thank you for responding Ghostagirl, Besa, and Running.  Running, I may ask the Dr. about your Rx suggestion as the oral steroids (just 3 days worth and today is the last day) have not cleared up the rash the OC cream does nothing.  Everything else is going very well, my bruising is already fading a lot and my incisions seem to be healing.  I wish I knew what I could do differently to make the rash stop!  I never used neosporin but I did use hibiclens post operatively and that was probably a no-no with my sensitive skin.   

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited November 2012

    Jane...Hibiclens could certainly be the culprit. happy to hear all is well with you. Im at Hope Lodge, had dinner with Cherrie and her DH last night, we thought something might be up eith you because my pre op with Dr. M was cancelled because she was in surgery. Cherrie will be very relieved to hear you're ok!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2012

    Jane--are you using betadine?  That can be irritating.

  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012

    Marty so sorry to hear that you had a few problems, but glad you are doing better. I plan on stopping in to see Cherrie and would love to meet you too if you are feeling up to it. I love Fairway and most of the nurses there.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Teddy would love to meet you. My room is almost across from Cherrie. Our husbands spent time together. I thunk she just arrived from recovery.

    Glosta- my period with Dr M on Thursday as she had a difficult procedure. I' rather she keep on doing her thing in the or than running to see me. My DH would be happy to catch up with your caregiver while you are sleeping. I am in 209.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2012

    Maggie2- I was sorry to hear about your flap but glad to learn you have another option. You have a great outlook on things. Way to go on being off the pain meds as well... You go girl!!

    Marty- Glad to hear Stage 1 is now behind for you, hoping things get better for you as time passes along. Sounds like you are making progress with walking. Keep it up!

    Hope all went well for Cherrie today.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    Jeskachi,  I just googled Betadine allergy because I am thinking that the places I am having the rash are different from where I used Hibiclens.  It seems likely that Betadine was used as a scrub after I was under and now I am reacting....and then checked this site and saw your post!  We only used Betadine for a week for my drain sites but did stop that Saturday since we pulled the drains.  I do think it is Betadine.  Laura phoned earlier today to check in and said it may take a week to begin to heal!  Ugh.       So, any tips to help make the week more bearable?  I am now taking Benadryl every 6 hours, took my last prednisone dose earlier today.  Hystersister site recommended apple cider vinegar applied with cotton balls, hmmmm  I do not want to do anything to make this worse.   Thanks!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2012

    I have sensitive skin and reacted a bit to the betadine. I wouldn't use anything special on it that could irritate the incisions. Maybe give your skin a chance to heal itself by not stressing it with a shower and soap every day? Maybe every other day instead. I've never been on an every day schedule, actually. My skin would get too dry. You could try switching to a sensitive skin soap, Dove Sensitive is what I use. Less is best, at least until the incisions are healed. I hope it heals up soon!

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited November 2012

    Hello NOLA girls! Long time no see me! Ha. Life is just too busy.

    Girls who are coming up around Nov. 14, please look for my cousin.. She is having surgery at The Center Wed. Nov 14 @ 7 am with Dr. D. She is a petite, very pretty girl with long dark brown hair. Her name is Lilly Petty. If you see her, tell her I told you to look her up.

    Thanks and best of luck to all of you. You are in the right place.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Hello, this is Cherrie's DH posting on her behalf. Her surgery was yesterday, and both Dr. LaGarde and Dr. Massey were very pleased with the result. It was a long day, with surgery lasting about 9 hours. Adding another 2.5 hrs. in recovery meant that I did not get to rejoin her until about 7:00 pm!

    Cherrie ended up with regular DIEP as opposed to a stacked, and she is pleased with that decision. Four drains instead of six, no transfusion, and the same size as she was pre-op. Most of this morning has been spent sleeping, but her spirits are good and the plan is to at least get up and about a little bit later on.

    Marty's husband Chuck has helped me pass the time with engaging conversation, and Cherrie is looking forward to meeting Marty sometime today.

    Hello and thank you to the ladies we have had the pleasure to meet, including Angie, Maggie, and Doreen. Your (and so many others!) stories, support, and courage have been an invaluable resource for my wife and I.

    As she is better able to focus (lol), I'm sure she will be personally posting soon!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited November 2012

    Thank you for letting us know that Cherrie is doing well!! I am glad they were able to just do the DIEP, she has less drains and still has the size she wanted!! YAY!!

    Sending gentle hugs!!

    Marty & Glostagirl, hope you both are doing well!!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    I am doing well. The drugs have me loopy, but I am staying on top of this. Stood Up

    And got into a chair last night. Everything is going well right now. I am glad to finally be on this side.


  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012

    Yay! Sitting in the chair is a big deal! I passed out on my way back to bed after the first time I sat in the chair. I didn't believe my husband when he told me because I didn't remember it! :p

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2012

    Paula, take it easy!

    Maggie, nice to hear you sounding so hopeful. :)

    Cherrie! Hang in there! :) Thanks Cherrie's hubby!

    Marty, you sound good too! Hope you can meet up with Teddy...

    Busy time right now!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Afternoon!  Still a loopy, but feeling stronger.  Chuck did some laundry and took me for a walk.  At the pace we were strolling a 15 min walk would have taken only 5 if I was healed.  Told him it was a practice run for the walks we will take in another 20 years.  Homewood has been great.  Their concierge has been helping another center patient (without a caregiver) and is going to try to put us together.  

    My drain output today has been very low from all 4.  The right breast leaked more around the drain during the night than through.  Asked Dr. M's assistant about it, but we're not really concerned.  Today was first day back on Lovenox since Saturday - it was fun learning to give myself that shot.

    Am soooo glad I brought big safety pins so I could shift around the drains and make it a bit easier to dress. 

    My thanks to all on this list that give so generously of their experience.  Your knowledge and discoveries will definately make my recovery smoother!


  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2012

    Jane123 = you must be miserable. Are you still painting with the Iodine? Could ne that too. The prednisone should knock it out! When you call ed toady I was just getting hooked up for my first chemo tx. I will call you as soon as I am not so tired. Back for 2nd tx next week. 

    Chelle - I was opearted on in May and just now feel like things are settling in. Keep the faith, you will get there. I found exercising has help with range of motion, strength and bloating. Now if I could just kick this other cancer I'll be good!

    Peace & Stength to all of you, no matter what your need is,


  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited November 2012

    Wow, this is a busy time, sounds like fun in the Nola "sorority houses." I was such a baby both times that I missed meeting some of the women that were there, which I do regret. Sending healing hugs to all!