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One step implant procedure with Alloderm - Anyone?



  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited January 2010

    AnnL WOW IS RIGHT!!! I'm am sooo happy that you are doing so well. Please remember to take it easy and give yourself some time to heal. Keep us posted!

    Shoshi, I'm sorry you are feeling pain. Tell the doctors and they should be able to make you comfortable. I was given Percocet for pain when I went home.  Laying back was uncomfortable for me...sitting up a little with pillows might help you feel better. Be careful walking.

    Fortunate1, How are you feeling? ...Healing?

    Ally & Liz, Good to hear you continue to do well.

    I pray for all of pain, quick healing.  (((HUGS)))

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited January 2010

    Oh Shoshi, I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. I hope it gets better for you soon. Wrap up warmly, take your pain meds and nap. We're all so different, but I think naps help us all.

    Ann, we have another wonder woman in you. I hope that today is just as good. Take it easy.

    Thank you all for your healing thoughts. I am still doing fine, I was a little worse yesterday than the day of surgery, I think the operating room drugs are more effective somehow. So far this morning I'm itchy from the bandages and having a little trouble keeping everything in place. In trying to hike the bandages back up I got a little peek and am impressed.  I have a nice little nipple and no more dog ears. He even worked on a tiny little dog ear that I had dismissed as a 'who cares' bump. I'm feeling very hopeful. Upcreek, I was under a general anesthesia, no nausea, just a sore throat. Meg, yes I think the hollow spot is called a step-off or divot. It made my new breast quite different from it's natural neighbor at the top. It was where the tumor was, which made me notice it even more.

    Speaking of weight, I am up the entire 9 pounds that I lost so proudly. Since I haven't been eating much I'm assuming it is fluid and bandages, yikes.  My abdomen is very puffy and very tender. I am going to head off to the bathroom for a sponge bath, I don't get these itchy bandages off until Friday. 

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2010

    Wow, AnnL....great to hear from you so soon and VERY happy to hear you are doing so well! Take those pain meds, at least for the short term. It will help you get back to normal more quickly. Will your horses be experiencing the "artic blast"? I hope you are in a warmer area!

    Shoshi, sweetie, hope you are getting the best pain meds available...and that they are working! Definately praying for you and a smooth recovery. We are definately all different, I think it depends on how much breast tissue needed to be removed, your surgeons skill, circulation, etc. Hang in there!

    Fortunate1, wonderful! I'm so happy you have completed the last surgical step! Sounds like your surgeon did a great job. Isn't it nice to have something there again?I assume the tenderness and fluid is from the liposuction?

    Ally, sounds like you are doing great. My pins and needles have subsided again. I've been very faithful with massage and even tried Meg9's trick of laying on the mattress. No popping noises, but I feel better. I'm back to questioning the need for a "pain management" doctor. Patience is a virtue.

    TNlady, when's your surgery? Glad our back and forth conversations are helpful.

    TNgolfer, I found some more information about post implant strength and it seems to not be an issue...especially for augmentation patients. I think it just takes time and some focused effort with exercise and weight lifting, etc.

    It's supposed to be below zero for the next two nights. My sister and I put another layer of plastic over the veggies. The crockpot has been on for multiple days. Who knew they would do that? Everything except the red leaf lettuce is still alive, but growing very slowly. This was probably the worst winter possible for this kind of experiment (folly). It's definately easier to shop at Whole Foods!

    Liz000 and UpCreek, glad to hear you are both progressing well. Wondering about TracyAnne...I hope her rash healed without any more complications.

    Best to everyone!

  • TNLady
    TNLady Member Posts: 219
    edited January 2010

    AnnL-It's great to hear you are doing so well.  Make sure you don't overdue it!  I have been known to overdue it some days, because I was not feeling the pain, and would pay for it later.

     Shoshi-hang in there, prayers to you for a speedy recovery.

  • AnnL
    AnnL Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010

    Thanks all.  I'm home now from the hospital, where it is easier to relax and take naps.  I think the main thing now is to take the advice of everyone here (their advice has sure worked so far!) and take it easy, and just be patient about the healing process.  I have people to take care of the horses, so I really don't have to do any work.  It is supposed to be really cold (for here) tonight and tomorrow, but the horses can be double blanketed and stay in their stalls.

    Still not really feeling any pain, just some soreness.  I will stay on top of the pain though, as advised.  I wonder if my good recovery has something to do with the arnica I started taking about four days before surgery?

    I have appointment with PS on Friday am.  Right now I am still in the same "binder" that they put on after surgery.  One drain is only about 5 - 10 cc every 8 hours, the other maybe twice as much.

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2010

    Hi Shoshi:  I am saying prayers.  Hang in there.

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited January 2010

    So glad you're home and doing well, Ann. Sometimes I think that napping is the universal cure-all.

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited January 2010

    Shoshi, You are in my prayers daily.  I tend to agree with Fortunate1.  When things aren't great sleep through them as much as you can.  I hope you feel better soon.

    AnnL, just wanted to add my WOW to the others.  Your surgery sounds like what I'm going to have - MX on one side and small implant for symmetry on the other. Correct?  I hope I come out of it as well as you did.  Do take it easy, though.

    Fortunate1, I'm so glad you like your new nipple.  With the revisions done, all you need now is a tattoo.  Right?  And thank you for the heads up on liposuction.  My PS is already eyeing my belly as a possible donor site in case of step off.  I don't think the threat of pain would keep me from having it but it is nice to know what to expect.

    Speaking of pain, a number of you have mentioned the "On Q" pump.  Are there any out there who did this without "On Q"?  I have a fairly high pain threshold. I have a very low threshold for  things like IV needles etc.  I had 2 babies without epidurals because it was just too oogy for me to deal with.  I know that my drains are going to be the bane of my existence but there is no avoiding them.  Is there any avoiding "On Q"?  Less tubes are better in my view.

    Well thats about all I can manage right now.  Horrible nasty flu.  I'm going to take my own advice and try to sleep through as much of it as possible.

     Hope the rest of you are doing well.

    Okiegal and Carole,  Thanks for the kind words.

  • AnnL
    AnnL Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010

    New Bride,

    Not quite the same ... I had a RT side mastectomy with an immediate silicon implant.  The left breast was actually reduced a bit for symmetry.  I made it clear to my plastic surgeon that I felt no need to be as large as before.  I actually told him to go as small as he felt ok with.  I was never that big.  All part of why I think it has been so easy for me.

    Also, I had the On Q for the first 24 hours, and used it freely.  I did as advised and stayed on top of the pain.  You are going to have  to have an IV in any case.  I had them put mine in the crook of my elbow.  I've had them in the back of my hand, which seems more painful to me.  This morning they wanted to see how I did off the On-Q, so they unhooked it about 8 am and gave me Vicoden.  I did fine, so they released me at noon.  So I was on the On-Q from post-surgery yesterday until this morning, and I liked having it.  I ended up using it about once an hour, except when I was able to fall asleep last night.  I did not wait until I was in pain, but did it when I began to feel just sore. 


    I am thinking of you and hoping you feel better very soon.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited January 2010

    hi shoshi...glad it's over for you....i felt alot of pain in the hospital get's better. i think there is better stuff than the soma for pain while you'r in the hospital. i had the pain pump and then they added some morphine to my iv.....hang in there, and take it easy.

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2010

    NewBride, I'm thinking that you and AnnL may be talking about a different On-Q product than I had. AnnL's sounds like it was self administered by IV?

    My PS placed an On-Q pain pump during surgery. Mine looked like a bulb with very thin tubes that were inserted through tiny incisions, one into each breast. The bulb hung around my neck inside a bag and delivered an ongoing local pain medication. I couldn't see or feel it because it was under bandages. No, "ick" factor.  A few days later, at my first PS appointment, the bulb had deflated and the tubes were pulled out (I didn't feel it.)

    Good pain relief at the very beginning can go a long way to preventing other pain issues. I would query your PS as to what he likes to use and see what options you have. However, I imagine you'll have an IV for other things like anitbiotics and fluids.

    Flu here too.

  • AnnL
    AnnL Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010

    okiegal and NewBride,  okiegal is correct, and I apologize for confusing things.  Yes, I had a pain medication that was self administered through my IV.  Nothing placed in or near the breasts, other than two drains on the mastectomy side.

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2010

    I didn't have an on-q but I did have a pain pump.  I had no pain at the incisions--only muscular pain from the implant insertion.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited January 2010

    i had a pain pump too, nothing at the was IV....upcreek...same here, my pain has all been in the  pec sorry u have the and feel better....fortunate1..glad you're feeling well, and so far happy with the results...and the bonus dogear revision.....annL ...i'm sure you're glad to be home, it's easier to rest...i couldn't sleep at all in the hospital, i also only spent one night.

  • Kimber
    Kimber Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2010

    Hi ladies,

    I am having skin sparing PBM with immed  recon on the 19th.  Any advice or comments are appreciated.  I have no idea what to expect as I have not met with nurses yet.

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited January 2010

    AnnL, Thanks for the clarification.  Now, can you tell me about arnica? 

    Thank all of you for the speedy replies concerning pain meds.  I see PS on the 11th and BS on the 14th.  I will be sure to ask about options including location for IV placement.

    Kimber, This thread is solid gold from end to end.  I would'nt be  nearly as prepared for my upcoming surgery without the help of all of these wonderful women.   In particular there are some great suggestions by Meg9 on about page 28 of this thread.  Ally1423 also has helpful ideas.  Okiegal is helpful with ideas for mastectomy bras etc.  That's just for starters.  Good luck on the 19th.  I'll be right behind you on the 20th.

    Shoshi,  Sleep well and feel better in the morning.

  • Liz000
    Liz000 Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    Shoshi, I'll surely pray for you.  Hope you'll feel better soon. Look at the bright side: you are through! You'll feel better everyday from now on!

    Ann, you are amazing! I thought I recovered well but I had no way to type in the hospital. Now just take it easy. Soon you'll be able to take care of your horses again. 

    Fortunate,  nice to know you like your new nipple. You need liposuction for a new nipple? Sorry I know nothing about nipple reconstruction. I hope your abdomen is doing better.

    New Bride, I didn't have any kind of pump after my right MX. I had one injection of morphine several hours after the surgery then was on Percocet for a week. My pain was never a big problem but I vomitted a lot because of pain medication.

    Ally,  I started tamoxifen 4 days ago after I stared at the bottle for more than half a month. So far I don't feel anything different...fingers crossed. Yes I took it mainly for the protection of my other breast. (So there is good side of having bilaterial MX beside peace of mind.) I'm 100% ER positive so I'm an obvious candidate for tamoxifen. The chemical structure of it looks like a carcinogen, plus all the known SEs I just don't feel like taking it everyday for 5 years. It took me quite some courage to swallow the first pill.  

    Still bitterly cold here. Everybody stay warm...


  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited January 2010


    I did the tam for 5 years, a few hot flashes some increased appetite, but really that was it. I felt a little blue but after a while it was clear that it was more the post cancer blues from everything finally hitting me and not from the tam.


    I hope you are feeling a little better today. Day three was the day I felt noticeably better,I was still on pain meds,but I was able to get up and do stuff for a little while, I mostly napped. To get comfy at home, I used one of those husband pillows and put soft down pillows inside it by my back and both sides, it was like a little cocoon that kept me in place.

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited January 2010

    Ann L, Welcome Home! You fall under the super woman category along with I am OK! So happy you are doing so well. It's great you have help with your horses. I wish I was closer I would love to help you out.

    New Bride, I'm with you when it comes to needles! Unfortunately, we can't avoid the IV.  I did not have the type of pain pump Okiegal had. I did have a self controlled pain pump.  This was attached to the same IV as the other medications given me. The handle looked like one used on the game show "jeopardy."  There is a little button on the top that you press down when you feel pain. It is connected to a machine that monitors the dose. The machine allows a certain amount of medication over a period of time. You can press the button as much as you want, but it will limit your use. No fear of over dose. I tried to use it sparingly. I found it made me nauseous. Thankfully, I did not get sick. Although, I never vomit.  I did ask for something for the nausea and it help for awhile and then I felt nauseous again.  I did not sleep or eat at the hospital. Remember to drink while in the hospital. When the nurse came to check the output of urine (during the night) it was very low. She said if I didn't start drinking I wouldn't go home! I assumed the IV was providing me with fluid and because I felt nausea I was not drinking. What did I was my first time in the hospital!  

    I had difficulty lifting myself up from a reclined position. I used 3 pillows against my headboard and I had one pillow under each arm. I slept with these pillows for a long time. Like little cocoon!

    I hope you and Okiegal fell better.

    Fortunate1, I hope you're healing OK.

    Shoshi, Thinking of you and praying you're feeling no pain.

    Welcome Kimber, Feel free to ask any questions.

    It is still freezing...expecting a little snow this evening. Wishing everyone well!

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2010

    It's sunny and cold today, but, thankfully, my "cold" is better.

    The nurses showed me how to sit up in the hospital. It was difficult to sit up from a reclining position, so they showed my how to roll over onto my side and then lean forward. I needed help with this and getting up from a reclining position for about the first three days. In bed, I also made a "cocoon" with a few pillows behind me and some smaller ones on either side....sort of like an arm chair. It was easier to get up that way. One of my (very sweet) nurses assistants in the hospital encouraged me to keep my SNB side propped up to prevent lymphadema. 

    From what you all are saying, it's the pain meds that are nauseating. I only had my one vomiting problem after  I was given an IV pain med....should have asked for an anti-nausea med. quicker. That was the first evening. The next morning, I ate breakfast and my family brought some soup from Whole Foods. Then I packed up and checked out!

    Hi Kimber, there is plenty here to read...some of it's even helpful! 

    Best to all!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Shoshi, hope you are feeling better. You have so many healing wishes going your way. Let us know how you are when you are able.

    NewBride, I think there's just no way around IV's. They're a given, and give me the creeps too. You can get a little numbing shot to make it a bit easier on you when they put it in. Hand or forearm is what I remember. After surgery I had no pain pump, but was given morphine twice (via the IV) which just wiped the pain away with no nausea or sleepiness. 

    Kimber, what can we do for you? Although this group has had quite varied experiences with surgery and recovery, I think the one-step gives you a very good chance at quick and easy.

    I am feeling fine today. I am going to find something to wear on my bundled up torso and venture out. I am itchy and am having trouble keeping the bandages in place. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. What little I've seen is promising. Like Okiegal said, it's nice to see something there. Liz, The PS made a flap nipple for me, and trimmed off some dog ears (little excess skin points at the end of an incision). The lipo was to transfer fat into a scooped out hollow at the top of my breast. I understand they don't always work - fingers crossed.

    Even though the estrogen suppressants are a bit scary, I understand from my onc that they are the best thing in his bag of tricks for early stage women like us. It's Femara for post menopausal me, and I stared at that pill for quite some time before I took it. I wonder what they'll come up with next? 

    Hi Okiegal, isn't the internet grand? I can give you a nice big hug and not catch your cold! 

  • I_am_OK
    I_am_OK Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2010

    Hello all new and old friends!

    Looks  that it is pretty busy here.

    AnnL, great news you are feeling well. I felt the same way after my surgery and found this procedure much easier than I expected. I was on Vicodine for the first 6 days, then I started driving and was on Tylenol for the next 6 days. Then my drain was out and I stopped taking any pain medicine.  Be patient, don' overdo, and you'll be back to normal very soon.

    Shoshi, I am thinking of you and hoping you're feeling better every day.

    Fortunate1, I am glad you are done with revisions and now have a nipple. I hope you'll be happy with outcome. Am I next for nipple reconstruction? Very difficult to decide to do or not to do when you know that this is elective surgery.

    NewBride, I had surgery that you are going to have - MX on one side and small implant for symmetry on the other.  I didn't have any pain pump at all, Vicodin worked very well for me, no nousea or vomiting. NewBride, I had my baby without epidural too (though for another reason), so believe me, don't be nurvious about IV. As Fortunate1 said, I got a little numbing shot and it worked.

    Kimber welcome. I joined this thread on page 14 and soon after that I got a lot of suggestions, so you can check it out. Also, I read this thread from beginning and found a lot of information I needed.

    okigal, I am glad you are better today. I have sore throat, but no fever so far. I am afraid it is only beginning. I'll see.

    Hope everyone is doing well, I wish you all the best!

  • AnnL
    AnnL Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010

    Just checking in for an update on my surgery two days ago.  I am home, just taking it easy.  I am taking Soma about 2/day and pain killer about every 6- 8 hours.  I believe that avoiding pain is important to avoiding stress, and therefore good for healing.  I am watching daytime tv, browsing on computer, talking on phone, taking naps.  I can do everything I need to do to take care of myself.  I told my family not to come because I am not enough of an invalid to need care, and not perky enough to be any fun.  That was a good decision because now I can just nap and plod around the house at will.  I have great people helping me with the horses, but I did just walk to the barn to check on them.  I have appointment with PS tomorrow am, and will report.  I have two drains, one is at about 15 cc per day, the other more like 60.  So far, it is still far easier than I thought, and I am so relieved to have it over with.  I looked at a card they gave me about my implant -- it is a Mentor round moderate profile plus silicon, 225 cc, so it's very moderately sized!  Fine with me!

    If it's ok with everyone, I am going to report like this because before my surgery, I read this discussion at length, but found it difficult to follow the various surgeries and get a feel for what it was like day by day afterwards.

    Soshi, how are you doing now?

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited January 2010

    AnnL, Better than OK, it's great. You are doing the journal I meant to do and never did. It will be invaluable to the next women down the line from us.  

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2010

    I agree with fortunate1, personal experiences are what make this site so valuable. Keep the updates coming!

  • AnnL
    AnnL Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010

    Here is an update for day three after surgery.  I went to PS this morning, and he removed one of two drains.  He also removed the compression bandage that I came home from the hospital with, and put on a stretchy tube top.  My left breast (my real one) looks great, just some stitches where he did the symmetry surgery, and I have good use of my left arm.  My right  breast (the implant side) is swollen and does not look like it will eventually.  The implant is high, and he gave me a compression band to wear 8 hrs/day.  He said I can shower, and cut off the tube top, and wear one of the sports bras I got.  He said to loosen the bra straps so it is not pulling up on my breasts.  I have not taken a pain pill since last night, and my last soma was early this morning.  I will go back next Thursday, and the other drain will come out then.  Very pleased so far, knock on wood.  I am not supposed to raise my right arm above my shoulder, or do any lifting.

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited January 2010

    AnnL,  Thank you for the concise update.  It's wonderful that you are doing so well.  If you would not mind, I would love some information about the arnica you took before your surgery.  I'm looking online but finding conflicting information.  A first hand account would be most helpful to me.  Thanks. 

    Shoshi,  Are you home yet?  How are you doing?

    That's all for now.  Best to all.  I'll check back later.

  • AnnL
    AnnL Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010

    New Bride,

    The arnica comes in tiny little tablets, and you put 4 under your tongue.  I started about 4 days before surgery, and did this about 3x per day.  You let them dissolve.  They are called "arnica montana 30c".  I think arnica is considered a homeopathic remedy, but I found very legitimate websites that recommended using it.  There are also arnica gels, which I might try when I am not sqeamish about touching the scars and breasts.  I'm sure you can find arnica at any pharmacy and certainly a health food store.  It is very commonly used to help with bruising.

    New Bride, I am adding to this post to add that I did some additional research that indicated that arnica has no effect.  In any event, I know a lot of people that use it.  However, I run with lots of horse people, and we tend to have a very liberal attitude about natural/alternative remedies.  I cannot say that the arnica was a factor, but I did use it, and I am recovering well, knock on wood.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327
    edited January 2010

    Ann, it's great that you continue to do well.  You'll be feeding those horses in no time!  Shoshi, hope you're feeling much better today.  Give us a report when you feel up to it.

    Hi to everyone else.  Very exciting day at my house.  I caught up on ironing!Wink  Too cold to walk.  Not just the temp. but the cold north wind. 

    Everyone stay warm and comfy. 

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited January 2010

    hello ladies....glad everyone is doing well. AnnL so glad you are feeling so well...fortunate1 glad your nip revision went smoothly, and also the added benefit of lipo from the ab is great, hope it doesn't hurt too much. shoshi i hope you are feeling better...carole i still probably can't iron at this point...i guess i'll have that to look forward had a little snow again today. i have some cosmetic questions to ask you ladies, i am about 6wks post op, are the foobs going to change much, or is this pretty much what they will look like?