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One step implant procedure with Alloderm - Anyone?



  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    shoshi....glad you're doing well....getting around, playing in the snow, shoveling....that's amazing..also sounds like the antibiotics are working well....i hope your level of pain will improve. some of us just get hit harder with pain....and you know i'm one of them, but it really does get was so nice for me to complain on this site everyday, when i had very bad pain....everyone here was so supportive and truly helped me get through that bad time. i didn't get a card, but on my operative report it had the size implants...i've been reading that most of the ladies on implant size are somewhere between 370cc to 450cc or so. strangely enough mine are 304cc, and they turned out larger than my natural breasts. i think alot depends on your actual chest/ribcage area. it did say in the operative report that after the bs removed the breast tissue, it was weighed and that was one thing that helped determine the size of the implant....meg....shoveling today, no pain....that's great. i look forward to's great too...okie, maybe i'll try that hanes bra...i've tried quite a few...i don't know what's up with me and's just not working out yet....meg...sometimes my body is warm and my foobs are cold, and sometimes my body is cold and my foobs are warm.....strange stuff, also i have a call into the social worker at the ps....i know she will get back to me with the info. last week she emailed me and asked if a prospective one step patient could call me, i was happy to speak to her.....

  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2010


    What type of weather should I pack for in NOLA 2 weeks from now?

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    NewBride, company coming always increases my house keeping careful not to overdo it! As for Ranch salad dressing, I like to make it using the powder, mayo and buttermilk. It's easy, keeps forever and is better and lower in calories and fat.

    I haven't noticed temperature differences with my breasts. I have felt perfectly normal outside, so far. I'll have to pay more attention.

    Shoshi, so happy to hear from you. And such a nice long post. Don't worry about complaining....we are all experts! And maybe we have a few answers to help? It's difficult to know how far to push it during the healing phase, but you'll figure it out and it's good to try to be a little active. It improves circulation, which improves healing. Wish it wasn't a crime to mail drugs, we probably all have leftovers!

    Ally, here's a link for the bra. Hanes and Bestform market the same bra. Do a little research, you'll probably find a store that carries them in your area. I prefer to try before I buy. I don't know how exact the sizing is. I bought a larger band size than I normally would.

    Carole, hope you are doing well after your procedure.

    Have a good day's vacuuming, dusting and laundry for me. I'll try to work in something a little more fun!

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2010

    Hi Shoshi:  You can complain to us anytime.  We all feel for you and hope that your recovery is short!  I have a government job--not physically demanding but was fatigued after 8 hours. 

    My DH's bd today.  Going out to a Valentines dinner/dance with friends tonight.  Would sooner just stay home but I'm sure will do us good.  A play tomorrow night and ?skating on Sunday.  (would go skiing but as you all know we DON'T have enough snow).

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    Hello Everyone,

    Shoshi, Good to hear from must be feeling better if you're playing in the snow! Don't worry about complaining...who here hasn't! It's one of our specialties! LOL

    Okiegal, I noticed my cold breast when I changed clothing after shoveling snow. I was dressed in layers and when I came inside I was a little sweaty. When I went to shower I noticed my breast felt very cold to the touch...the rest of me was warm! I did not have any feelings of cold or hot until I touched them. I wonder if they stay hot when in the summer sun!  Are you still expierencing the pins and needles?

    Ally, I did not receive an ID card for my implants at first. Then I heard here that many received a card and I called my PS. The card was in my file...they forgot to give it to me. The card is your warranty...the implants you received have a serial number and the number and other information is on the card...we all should have one. I was told to keep the card in a safe place. You should call PS and ask for yours.

    Upcreek, Happy bd to your DH.  Have a good time this weekend...sounds like fun! Is that you and your family in the new picture?

    Carole, I hope your feeling OK...Fortunate1, I hope you made your trip and your dad is well.

    My muscles feel tight today after shoveling snow yesterday, but not painful. I did feel a little pinch every now and then, but it went away. Today is house cleaning day!  DH and I are going out to eat at a new restaurant for Valentines Day and my sister is coming for a visit. I hope you all have a good weekend!  Happy Valentines Day!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,324
    edited February 2010

    Upcreek, sounds like a great weekend.  Dancing.  Skating.  Lots of good exericise.  Have fun and Happy Birthday to your DH!

    BigApple, we had lovely snow flurries this morning with a little accumulation on shrubs and areas of the lawn that weren't puddles.  Just now the sun was peeping out and the white has melted away.  It's about 40 degrees.  In two weeks, it could still be 40 degrees or it could be in the 60's or 70's.  I'm voting for the latter.  I'm ready for our golf courses to dry out and become playable.  Our club has been laying off employees because the revenue is so low.  No one renting golf carts or having lunch or drinks after rounds of golf. 

    When the time for your packing grows nearer, I'll give you a weather forecast.  DH and I are like farmers always keeping an eye on the weather forecast! 

    Thanks for the inquiries about my skin cancer surgery.  The site where the cancer was removed is very sore, but not painful.  I can't lie on my right side but it's no big deal.  Oddly, since my bc surgery I sleep a lot on my back with a small pillow under my knees.  Before, I never slept on my back.  I'll go back to have stitches removed on the 23rd. 

    Okiegal, I thought about you this morning when I was watching the food channel as a woman cooked meals in her slow cooker.  One sounded really good.  Lamb and lentil stew.  I think I'll look it up and print it out.  It called for lamb stew meat and I never see that in our supermarkets.  Mostly lamb chops and leg of lamb, very pricey.  Lamb isn't popular in the south.  My mother has never tasted it.

    I'm trying to clear up my desk and get this messy office straightened up.  It was always my office until I retired from writing and DH moved in and occupies a part of it.  His desk is a scene of clutter. 

    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    hi everyone.....i had an update from shoshi....she is back in the hospital with an infection in her picc IV line.....that's all she said......

  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2010

    Aww Shoshi get well soon.

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2010

    Meg9:  wild blueberries are very tasty.  When we were kids we had to go and pick as a family at least twice a summer to fill the freezer for the winter.  We all know that if we didn't pick we wouldn't get blueberry pie.  That is a family pic and when I figure out how to insert a normal size one I will.  I've tried to insert pics into the post but I don't think it allows it.

    Shoshi:  Thinking and praying for you.  You had a question about cards.  I received one post-op for the implant and the alloderm.  I don't notice any difference in temperature or feel other than maybe a bit more insulation?

    Okiegal:  Tx for the bra info.  Ally told me a brand at Kohl's also which I will check out when I go to Duluth.

    Carole:  Hope you are healing up well. 

    Fortunate1:  How is your dad?

    Thanks for all the bd wishes for my husband.  We had lots of fun at the dinner/dance (it's nice to be able to do that again) and the play last night provoked some thought.

    BigApple:  Have fun in NO.  Hope you have time to get out a bit.

    Hi to everyone else.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,324
    edited February 2010

    We ate wild blueberries in Maine.  One summer when we were there, the restaurants were short of staff because some of the locals who worked at the restaurants had taken off to harvest blueberries.

    My "wound" is healing nicely and doesn't bother me at all.  I've always been a good healer.  That's why I was so surprised and disappointed when I was slow to heal after the BMX.  I concluded that my BS must have been aggressive in removing tissue.  It's a delicate balance between removing too much and not removing enough, I guess.  All's well that ends well.  Feel free to use that quotation.  Wink

    I had a most enjoyable Valentine's weekend.  Hope everybody else did, too.

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    Ally, thanks for keeping us posted about Shoshi. She is definately in the 1% category of difficulties with immediate reconstruction. Most of us are so much more fortunate. Infections are the worst. Also, I received cards for my implants in the mail. The nurses forgot to give them to me before I left. They say you are supposed to carry them around with you, but mine are in a file. They have your serial numbers. I suppose one of the purposes is for recalls or counterfeits, etc.? Don't really know, but it adds a sense of security.

    Ah, my cooking prowess seems to have been missing last week. After cooking "five alarm" chili on Monday, I baked a chocolate, from scratch, three layer cake for a family, multi birthday celebration. After forgetting to add vanilla and letting the cakes cool (for too long?) I couldn't get them out of the pan. Now I have two gallon bags of cake crumbles. Cake balls anyone? Maybe another day. Fortunately, I had enough time to try again with a 9X13 cake in a pan. It turned out just fine. Now it's back on WW!

    Have a good day all!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,324
    edited February 2010

    Boy, did I fall off the WW wagon this weekend.  And was it ever fun!  My sister was in town visiting my mom.  We had a king cake with cream cheese filling on Sat. and pizza for supper that night.  Pizza is a big treat for Dh and me because it's on our no-no food list.  It was delicious.  Extra cheese and extra sauce.  Sun. morning we met a couple in town from St. Louis for breakfast and I had a breakfast selection with poached eggs and holandaise sauce.  I spent the afternoon at my mother's house visiting with family while Dh watched the 500 at home.  I had bought ANOTHER king cake, this one with a different filling.  This morning I stepped ever so cautiously on the scale and was amazed that I hadn't gained any weight.  Obviously the scale is defective! 

    I had every intention of walking this morning but will wait until it warms up during the day.  The NE wind makes it feel very cold.  At least the sun is out and we're supposed to have sunny days every day this week.  I'm signed up for ladies golf on Wed. and will, I hope, play Fri., too.  Today I'll catch up on laundry and do some other chores.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    hello i'm off from work today...presidents day.....what is it about bmx that has increased my appetite....even i cooked this weekend...can i blame increased appetite and weight gain on bmx...meg i received a call back from the ps office, and apparantly the ps, himself does all the tatooing.......maybe since it is a doc doing the procedure it would be covered by insurance....i don't know, but's cold out and there is snow on the ground but i have to force myself to do some walking soon as i hear anything from shoshi, i'll update....

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

    Hello to everyone.  It looks like we all had a food filled weekend.  Good for you, upcreek, including exercise with romance.  I wish I could get my DH to dance.  He does go with me for my walk almost every day so I guess I can't complain.   We also collect wild blueberries when we go backpacking in the high Sierras. 

    I'm nearly 1 month post-op and I feel like I may be ready to resume working.  I am a stagehand by trade and my job is physically demanding but I feel pretty good.  I freelance so I can pick and choose the shows I want to work.  I may pick up a couple of small things and see how it goes.  Of course, chemo may change everything.  I find out what I may be facing at appts. w/ BS and OC at the end of this week.  Wish me luck and keep me in  your prayers, please.

    Oh, I can now do the flex-a-boob thing.  Are there any tassels left?

    Thinking of Shoshi and praying she's all better soon.

  • Tinkerbell99
    Tinkerbell99 Member Posts: 193
    edited February 2010

    as of this momemt i am going home today & will be on oral antibiotics..i am NOT out of the woods yet, but lets just hope & pray..i can also start back to work p/t on Monday!!! i have no real restrictions, do what my body tells me to do...& i c him in 2 wks :-)

    now starting tomorrow i am gonna get really dressed & c how easily i can manage that & c if i should be w/ a bra or not...its just 1 side there is such a diff. not sure if other ppl c it...maybe i can upload a pix of me in a top (Closer up) & post it & c if u girls can c.

    hope all is well & thank u for ur prayers

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    Ally, Thanks for trying. Your PS does the tattooing himself?  I have called other PSs in the area...I would have to make an appointment with the PS before I could see whoever does the tattoos. I would also have to pay a consultation fee for both the PS and the person who does the tattoos...I don't even know if I would like the work of the tattoos artist!  If I had the tattoos done at my PS office I think it would be covered by my insurance. The secretary was checking into it before I cancelled my appointment.

    I have gained 9 lbs since bmx. I think being sedentary for so long and enjoying all the treats visitors brought had a lot to do with it. It took me a long time to get into exercising like I did before bmx. At first I was afraid of hurting myself and then I didn't have the time...I'm back to walking, but with no results.

    Healing thoughts to Shoshi.

    NewBride, I have a tassel for you! Good luck at your appointments. You remain in my prayers.

    Okiegal, I think you're the new Julia Childs!

    Carole. Glad you're healing well. I started WW again right after the New Year...I walk 3 miles 5 days a week and have lost NOTHING! Of course the chocolate moose cake I had for desert on Valentines Day didn't help!

    Upcreek, You have me wanting blueberry pie!

    It's a winter wonderland outside again...30 degrees and snowing. Another opportunity for exercise...shoveling!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,324
    edited February 2010

    Happy Mardi Gras to everyone!  Banks closed, no mail delivery.  The world shuts down here in south LA on Mardi Gras day.  School is out all this week.  Lots of folks go on ski trips.  TV coverage of major parades all day on all the local channels, starting at 9 am this morning.  It's been sunny all day but cold with a high of about 50.

    Shoshi, I'm glad you're making progress. 

    NewBride, what an interesting occupation.  I've never known a stage hand before.  Hope you wait until you're fully recovered to start working again. 

    Ally, what did you cook?  We share recipes on this thread. 

    Dh and I walked this morning, my first time out since my minor skin surgery.  It felt good to be outside. 

    Fortunate, we miss you.  Hope you're having loads of fun.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    hello....happy mardi gras...carole...i pm'd you......meg....i pm'd you....carole i made chili and chicken cutlets with crispy panko bread crumbs... i've been home the last few weekends, just taking it easy....catching up on rest that i should have done right after bmx. now that i have some good books this coming weekend will be restful and enjoyable. shoshi...good news you're off IV, and going home....carole...glad you are bride...i can join the flex-a -boob club too....seems to do it on it's own....more snow today....i'd like to send it to upcreek....

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2010

    Ha ha--you are so funny Ally.  No snow to report since December so send away!

    Happy Mardi Gras Carole.  Hope you get to participate in the festivities.  Glad you are healing well and don't have any more problems for the next 20 years.  Feel free to share your king cake recipe.  I have no idea what that would even look like.

    Shoshi:  Glad you are getting better.  Sorry you have had to go through all this.

    Meg9:  Blueberry pie is my favourite.  Just fruit and very little sugar.  All those anti-oxidants!

    NewBride:  What does a stage hand do exactly? 

    Okiegal:  I made a triple choc cake for my husband's bd.  It is a good recipe.

  • Stonebrook108
    Stonebrook108 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010


    You and I go to the same PS and he did my tattooing. It was covered by my insurance. I'm very happy with the way they came out.

    Glad your feeling better.


  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Hello everyone, I'm back. Dad did go into the hospital overnight, was hydrated, tested, pronounced OK and sent home. With everything looking stable, I took off on my little trip only 6 hours late. I had a sleepy train trip, lots of fun with my dear friend, great food..... in short, a nice getaway. Some highlights....... homemade mozzarella with tomatoes and basil on great bread plus my friend's own wine putting us in the mood for "Sita Sings the Blues" (a truly strange animated internet movie "that's all"), an evening of PechaKucha, and a morning of Yin yoga (my very first class and I didn't disgrace myself!).

    Lots of house and garden sort of work going on here too, a whole long list that I worked on today in gorgeous weather. I felt virtuous and oh so very competent. Tomorrow I get ready for teaching again, a new project for my newbies. You all sound wonderfully normal. Worried about you though, Shoshi, may you come home soon.

    Have a great Mardi Gras, mmmmwah! Should we be wearing our tassels for this?

  • jckgoerge
    jckgoerge Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2010

    Breast enlargement is really a common problem, instead of first step there should be many other ways to increase your size, it could be exercise or natural way, i just gone through a site they have some natural process to boost your size, i advise you to visit the link, i am sure you will like it .

    you will find all information related to the issue under discussion

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    Hello Everyone,

    Carole, Happy Mardi Gras! Does this mean 40 more days of king cake!?

    Ally...UpCreek, I found I had less energy for a long time.  I think a lot had to do with being emotionally exhausted. If you really want the foobs to dance try pushing down on something...I think I can make my tassel do a whirly! Tongue out

    Shoshi, You sound like you're feeling much better! It takes time for both breasts to soften and settle. The first few months the size and shape are constantly changing. In the beginning my breast were stiff and did not move...when I laid on my back my breast were still facing they fall to the sides like my natural breast did! When I wore a bra my breast did not move and fit into the bra..they do now and I look even. Finding the right bra will help take away the flat look. I wear Warners 2003, it is very comfortable and looks good. If you want to look larger, Warners- Add A Size. Buy the size you are and this bra will make you look a size larger and also take away the flat look. The uplifting bras hurt.  

    Fortunate1, Welcome back! Sounds like you had a nice break! Glad to hear you dad is better!

    NewBride, Good luck return to work.

    Okiegal, Have you been looking into tattoos? I'm going to take my time on this one. I googled caring for tattoos. Like the one-step, nothing is what it seems!...pain during and after the tattooing, possible infection, oozing, bleeding, peeling and scabbing. The scab can pull off the color. Also, there are many different opinions on what creams to use....some say no cream. YIKES! It never ends! Undecided

    Last night I shoveled the snow off our walkway (about 50 feet) and half of the double wide driveway. I think shoveling has helped to loosen up my tight muscle! I still have the stuck, poking feeling, but I think I feel a little improvement! The snow was beautiful to look at last night. All the branches were covered and it looked like glistening cotton balls on every branch. We have spot lights on our white birch really looked beautiful!

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

    Sounds like everyone is doing well.

    Meg,  I've seen Dr Israeli's site and I'm sure he's more than competent.  Any concerns you might have regarding bleeding, infection, etc. I'm sure he can lay to rest in one office visit.  Your insurance should pay for that and you will be able to see examples of his work and get references from some of his patients (like the one we saw on TV).

    Shoshi, I'm glad you're doing better.  Please try to take it easy and let your body get over that infection.  Patience is hard for me too and anything that limits my activity is hard for me to put up with.  I'm trying though.  You try too and eventually we will both be OK.

    Now I think I'll get on with my rant.  Stand back, ladies.  Give me room.  I'm pretty worked up.

    I've just received a letter from my insurance provider.  It appears that they are investigating my case as a possibly pre-existing condition.  It would have been nice if they decided to do this before my $54K MX.  I'm completely floored.  I was not covered by insurance until after I got married in Jul. 09.  DH dutifully added me to his insurance in Aug. 09.  I started with routine Dr. visits in Sept.  I was diagnosed in Oct.  Insurance came thru like a champ for all diagnostic stuff including pathology that described my cancer.  They even pre authorized my MX.  Why are they changing their minds now?  Can they change their minds now?  Perhaps some of you with medical and/or legal background can explain to me.  Of course this is the last thing I need as my surgery to achieve symmetry won't happen for about 6 mos.  Perhaps longer if I have to do Chemo.  I may end up mismatched for the rest of my life.  And I have no idea how I'll pay for chemo.  The Neulasta shots that I would have to keep my white blood cell count up are $4K each by themselves.  And of course being married to DH means I'm now too prosperous for public aid.  So now what?

    In answer to questions about my job as a stagehand, I help to build shows that feature live entertainment.  Mostly large tours such as rock or country acts that you would see in an arena.  I also work in some theater productions and some private shows as well.  I usually am involved in the lighting more than anything else.

    Thank all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.  I have appts. with BS tomorrow and OC on Fri. and can use all the help I can get.  My choice of treatment may have just been made for me.  I may have to have faith that the surgeons  got everything in that very expensive MX and just pray that I will be OK denying further treatment.  Let's all pray for a really low Oncotype score.  OK?

    Well that's all for now.  Sorry it's not better news.  Maybe everything will be ok.  I'll be back later.

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    Happy Mardi Gras to everyone! My SIL invited family over, got busy and baked a King Cake (with blueberry and cream cheese filling.) She pulled out her collection of Mardi Gras beads and we all helped make some seafood Jambalya and drank some wine. It was a fun, if caloric night. Thank goodness for holidays in February to brighten the winter months!

    Shoshi, I'm glad to hear you are home. I hope you stay "out of the woods" and get your life back on track. It doesn't seem like a PBLMX should be this much trouble, but I guess you are in a different category because of your previous breast reduction surgery. I think the circulation and the body's ability to heal gets compromised.

    Fortunate1, your vacation sounded fun....glad to hear your dad is doing better.

    Meg9, you sound like you are doing better, bit by bit. I'm still not ready to pursue tattoos yet. I'll wait until after I see the "pain doc" and get the green light from him. I may pursue having my nipples evened out, but then again, I may not. The incisions are starting to soften and lighten again. I hate to mess it all up with another surgery. I've heard that some cosmetic tattooists don't charge for aeorelas. Insurance will pay if you have it done through a doctor. From what I've read, women frequently need a second session. Cosmetic tattoo artists use dyes, not ink so they tend to fade. You could let your doctor do the first one and then have it refined with someone else? Although he sounds like he's capable. I mean, really, how hard could it be? It's not a rose or bird or something.

    UpCreek, UMMMMM, triple layer chocolate cake. 

    NewBride....a stagehand? Cool. I helped out a set decorator friend once on  a series. We decorated Christmas trees and created a pharmacy set. 

    It's sunny and in the forties today. Nice.

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

    Yeah, okiegal.  Same kind of thing.  I had forgotten you have lived in the L.A. area.  You probably worked with some I.A.T.S.E. Local 33 guys (and girls).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,324
    edited February 2010

    Upcreek, people seldom make their own king cakes.  They're available everywhere during the several weeks of Mardi Gras season-- bakeries, supermarkets.  Today the only king cakes you'll find are from yesterday and will be marked down in price.  Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.  Big Roman Catholic population in south Louisiana.  A king cake looks like a coffee cake formed in a circle but it's decorated with white icing and gaudy sprinkles in wide bands of purple, green, and gold, Mardi Gras colors.  There's usually a tiny pink plastic baby hidden inside.  Whoever gets the baby buys the next king cake.  Some bakeries don't stick the baby inside but put it in the box because of liability.

    NewBride, the letter from the insurance company sounds like an example of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing, or vice versa.  I wouldn't panic.  I was amazed at the cost of your MX.  When I received my statements from Medicare and BCBS, I felt almost apologetic that my two surgeons, BS and PS, hadn't been better paid.  Costs are much higher, I'm sure, in NY and CA than many other places. 

    I played golf today and it was hard work.  Cart path only because the course was too wet to drive around on it.  At least I was able to enjoy being outdoors, even though it was cold starting off at 9am.  DH will have to eat take-out for his dinner because I had a late lunch at the club.

    NewBride, I have my fingers crossed that you get good news when you go to your dr's apptments.  Shoshi, hope you had a good day.

    Fortunate, your trip sounds like a good getaway.  Good luck with the new students.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.

  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2010


    They are likely just looking to delay payment. It lets them control when they payout what claims to keep cash flow moving. They would need proof of the prior existing condition.

    Get your hands on a full copy of your husband's insurance policy book and read through it. generally there has to have been a diagnosis prior for it to have been a prior exisiting condition.

    BC/BS tried to play games with paying my claim by saying there was no prior authorization, but there was and I had copies and they had already paid and acknowledged the prior auth of the hospital and tried to claim that they had nothing on the surgeon (at memorial where its all the same thing)

    You may want to speak with your doctors office or the state insurance department before doing any phone interviews with your insurance company. Keep copies of everything they send and reply only to the exact questions asked without giving any extra: IE: were you ever diagnosed with cancer before? Just answer no, no filler.

     That is my 2 bits as a lawyer.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010 bride...i agree with carole and big apple...don't panic and don't get were covered when you were diagnosed and all the tests were coverage is always checked before you are admitted to the hospital and all doctors check that stuff before they even see you....i believe the insurance stuff will work out....wishing you the best tomorrow at md visit.....meg....there's alot to think about with tatoos...everything is so scarey, especially when you've come along way and are feeling pretty good...i guess i would try to find out from different people if it is better to use a doc or artist. stonebrook mentioned that she had tatoos done with israeli...i think i remember reading that he also has an art background. i have an apt. with him in march and i plan on asking him about the tatoos, does the tatoo artist and doc perform the same procedure?....carole, okie....i never heard of king cake.....i bet it would be a big hit here in new york......fortunate...sounds like you had fun, and dad is ok....what did you think of the yoga?.....i've never tried it....but many people love it.

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

    Wendy,  You're an ace.  I feel better already.  DH's benefits people at work may be able to straighten this out too.  "No filler." is excellent advice.  I will try to follow it exactly.  I have already  aquired the full insurance book from DH's employer so I will get down to the reading right away.   I guess I should bring this up at BS appt tomorrow and OC appt on Fri. And I will contact my state insurance dept. tomorrow.  Thank you so much.

    Thank you Carole and Ally for riding to the rescue so quickly too.

    I feel like I can maybe get back on track with the healing and dealing part of the program now.  At least the healing is going well.  PS says I can wear any bra I find comfortable so I think I'll do some bra shopping tomorrow and pick up something with a contour cup and no underwire.

    O.K.  Deep breath, cup of tea and I'll talk to you all later.  Thanks again.