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One step implant procedure with Alloderm - Anyone?



  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    Shoshi, so relieved to hear you are home and on the mend. It's about time! You can always delete or edit your post to remove your personal info. Thanks for following up Ally.

    More snow is predicted for today. Ugh. Blah. I hate winter. Carole, congrats to the Saints!

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    Shoshi, Good to hear from you and that you're getting better...sorry you still have pain. Hope your feeling better soon.

    Ally, Thanks for the update. You are so thoughtful!

    Carole, What an EXCITING game! Congratulations! During the game, I told the DH, "I think I can hear Carole and her DH CHEERING!" Smile 

    Okiegal, Your storm is heading my way. We are expecting snow on Wednesday! UGH

    I've been walking at least 4-5 days a week. I have not lost any weight! Frown I'm going for my walk now....Wishing everyone a good Monday!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Carole, So glad the Saints won! Even though I'm not a sports fan, who wouldn't be happy that New Orleans won. DH and I saw Avatar, and I agree with you, simple good vs evil plot, and a wonderfully realized world of Pandora. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

    Shoshi, welcome home!

    Sun and rain alternating here, but nothing severe. Even with the extra rain, I think we're still considered to be in a drought. I think its our permanent future .

    Have a good day everyone. 

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

     Meg,  Keep walking.  It's so good for you.  I have always been told that muscle weighs more than fat so you may not notice a weight loss as fat is burned and muscle is built.

    Ally,  So nice of you to follow up on Shoshi.  I emailed as well.  I'm sure we'll see more of her as she gets over her infection and it becomes easier for her to get to her computer.  I think it's harder for her to go on the web from her Blackberry.  You're right. She does sound better.  I'm so glad.  Is'nt it something how when one of us worries we all worry.  I never thought I would feel so close to a group of women that I've never met in person.  It's really kind of a miracle that we can all come together like this to support each other.

    Carole, Yaaay Saints!  I love an underdog.  QB's baby is sooooo cute too.  Thanks for telling me about your thread on Oncotype and Grade 3. I found it and think it will be helpful at chemo decision time.

    Fortunate1,  Rain here too but snow within sight just a few feet up the mountain.  I'm learning to appreciate walking in the rain.  I do have to change out of soaked outerwear and boots afterward but the solitude is so nice.  Nobody else wants to come out so I have the entire outdoors to myself for a little while.  Everything smells so fresh too.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    hello .....everyone sounds good......i'm feeling pretty good...better each day...i did some physical stuff around the house this weekend, and i'm totally fine today......there is a light at the end of the tunnel....i've avoided doing physical stuff for many's nice to know i can start slowly. no snow here this past weekend, but a snow storm is predicted for mid-week....meg...that can be frustrating when you're walking several times per week and not getting results....i think you're bound to see results if you keep it up...i'm jealous...i haven't exercised at all....i keep putting it off...i just look at my treadmill's still too cold here for me to walk outside...okie, i hate winter too.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for all the congrats on the big Saints win!  It was an incredible game.  Deep down, I figured the Colts would probably win, but I did so hope the Saints wouldn't be embarrassed by a lop-sided score.  Many of us have a superstitious feeling about this whole Saints football season.  That the Saints were destined to win.  Afterwards you would have thought it was New Years or 4th of July.  Fireworks and car horns all over the neighborhood.  People went outside laughing and yelling Who Dat?  On tv there were scenes from the French Quarter in NO.

    At our party, the host popped the cork on Who Dat champagne and we all drank a toast, even the non-drinkers.

    Sean Payton, the Saints coach, lives here on the north shore of Lake Ponchartrain.  I believe Payton Manning's brother Cooper is his next door neighbor.  It was a difficult situation for New Orleanians to have to be against Archie Manning's son, Payton, because Archie is much admired in New Orleans as a former Saints quarterback and a very good man. 

    Dh and I were out shopping today and there wasn't a Saints Superbowl shirt to be bought.  They flew off the shelves this morning.  One of our neighbors, Susan, owns a clothing printshop and is one of the two businesses that has been getting the big NFL contracts for Saints shirts and hats.  She came to the Superbowl party for a while and said if the Saints won, she would have to go immediately to her store and begin printing shirts.  So I guess Susan had a busy and profitable night.  She'll probably be busy for weeks.

    Enough football talk.  I never liked football and didn't watch it until I decided one year I would write a romance with a pro football player as my hero character.  So I had to do some research into the game and as a byproduct gained some knowledge about the sport. 

    Shoshi, still thinking about you and sending out healing vibes. 

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Meg, I am losing weight for the first time in my life. I didn't think it was possible for me and my love for good food! It has been very very very slow, so I'm hoping it will reset my baseline weight and stay off. My approach has been stupidly simple. A little more exercise (I'm lazy, must do more) and smaller portions. I have been staving off hunger with coffee and skim milk. If I feel even a little full at meals I hand my plate to DH and the food disappears quickly. Keep it up, you'll lose, and NewBride is right, muscle weighs more than fat.

    Oh no, its getting late......... bye for now. 

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Hi Carol!   Who Dat?

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    carole....i'd like to read that romance novel with the football hero character....maybe it would get me into football.....sorry to say when i watch it....just seeing these grown men jump on each seems silly, and aren't they afraid of getting hurt....i guesss that's all part of the game

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2010

    Congrats Carole on the Saints.  We did watch the game. My husband is not a big sports addict--thank God and I usually tell him who is playing in the finals so he's not embassed at work!  I echo Ally's request--I want to read your book too.  Is it published--can we get it?

    Meg9 and Fortunate1: I lost lots of weight after my surgery, mostly because I was nauseated for two weeks.  I've kept it off by walking 3 miles every second day and doing weights alternate days. 

    Tx Ally for the update for Shoshi.  We will hope and pray for her.

    NewBride:  You are always so positive.  I agree--what a good group of ladies.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet some day?

    Okiegal:  Can you send some of your snow my way?  We want snow and don't have very much.

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    Upcreek, you don't have enough snow in Canada?!? I'd be happy to send you some, but the farmers here would probably strangle me...they want the moisture. I want to move back to the desert climate of L.A.! Oh well, winter will soon be over and then we will face mosquitos. Is there something else I haven't complained about? I love Spring and Fall and Summer (with bug spray)!

    Carole, my brother and SIL lived in Mandeville for several years. My brother commuted to NO daily via the Lake Ponchartrain bridge. Needless to say, they have a bit of Louisianna in them to this day and rooted for the Saints...did I. I always go for the underdog....but could care less about football. Only watched a few minutes of the game.

    Thanks everyone for posting reports about Shoshi, here's hoping that her infection resolves and she begins to move quickly toward a more normal (and quick) course of recovery. Speaking of recovery, I wonder how AnnL is doing? Ally, how far out are you? I've lost count.

    Our "snowstorm" came and went with everything melting in the same day. Smile However, I decided to make a favorite chicken chili recipe. It calls for 1/4 cup of chili powder and I decided to use some that I had purchased on a trip to New Mexico (chili powder from Chimayo chiles). I took the first bite and discovered it was "5 alarm" chili! Several spoons of sour cream helped make it edible. My sister and I brainstormed a few more ideas including turning it into an Indian Curry by diluting with cocoanut milk. I'll keep you posted. Wouldn't you know, I doubled the recipe?! 

    Meg, I'm back on the weightloss band wagon...again. I've gained 5 pounds since last year and really needed to loose more than 5 to start with! I join the rest in encouraging continued faithfulness in your exercise routine. It will pay off eventually. 

    It is fun checking in each day, you are a great group! Hope everyone has a good day.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325
    edited February 2010

    Upcreek and Ally, I probably have some author's copies of that old romance novel, which was called SURPRISE OFFENSE.  If you'll PM an address, I'll send it to you.  The hero's name was Rocky Player.  Isn't that a hoot?  My heroine ran a house cleaning service.

    A recent TIME magazine has an article on the dangers of playing football.  The top players make millions but all too many of them suffer mental problems later on from the concussions.  I would never encourage a small boy to play football, which is a brutal contact sport.  Pro basketball is about as bad.  If I had had children, I would have nudged them toward tennis and golf.  Or maybe baseball or soccer.

    Speaking of weight, the Superbowl weekend did me in.  I'm back on the WW wagon starting today. 

    Okiegal, I taught high school in Mandeville and DH and I built a really neat raised house half a block off the Mandeville lakefront.  Our walking/running route was on the lakefront.  My best golfing buddy lives in Mandeville.  We now live near Madisonville, which is a pretty little town on the Tchefuncta River.  Small world! 

    Fortunate, you've hit on a basic premise of weight loss and weight control.  Smaller portions.  Once you adjust to smaller servings, amazingly you're just as satisfied.  I'm happy eating less and having healthy snacks.  The trick is having the healthy snacks handy and not bringing anything into the house I shouldn't eat.  Like leftover Superbowl kingcake.  I'm not happy doing without my cocktail or wine at night before dinner, so I have to figure those calories into my daily intake. 

    A happy Tues. to all.

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    Hello Everyone,

    Ally, I found myself to be very lazy after took awhile for me to get motivated...even cleaning the house!

    Okiegal, You and DS are so creative!

    Carole, What are your healthy snacks? I eat blueberries..the ones imported from Chile are very sweet now. I also eat strawberries, pretzels and popcorn. I avoid sugar and caffeine. I always drink water...never alcohol and in the morning and afternoon in drink PERO (hot drink that taste something like coffee) purchase it at the health food store.

    I canceled by appointment for the tattoo color match. I'm not comfortable that I have not been able to see a clear picture of her work. All she has to show me is her digital camera with a 2" screen. Even though PS and NP said her work is good, I need more proof then that. So, my search continues.

    We are expecting to get 10-12 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow. I think newly fallen snow is beautiful. I also like the quiet that comes with winter...I enjoy winter meals and sweaters. I like all the, humid summer days are my least favorite except if I'm at the beach! I don't know if you are into wildlife...there is a live web cam of an eagles nest in Hornby Island, Canada. Soon the eagles will be nesting. It has been interesting watching them in their nest.

    I hope everyone is feeling good for my 3 mile walk! Ugh!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Think of me today. Dad is ill, doesn't want to go to see his doc as it sometimes seems the doc's routine advice for everything is- go to the emergency room. And indeed the over the phone advice was.... go to the ER it might be pneumonia. Dad has the right to make his own decisions, but I worry. (Don't like the doctor)

    And me? I just bought train tickets to visit a friend starting Thursday (no class Fri or Mon!, wheee). Dad's health trumps all, of course, but it is frustrating.

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2010

    Carole:  What an offer!  I sent you a PM.  I factor in the wine calories also.  Don't want to give up all the good things.

    Okiegal:  No, we have very little snow as we live on the shores of Lake Superior and because of the "lake effect" don't have as much snow as places inland.  We love to ski so keep hoping it will snow with not much luck.

    Fortunate1:  Will be thinking of you and your dad.  Hope he is okay.

    Meg9:  We have an abundance of "wild blueberries" up my way. We pick enough to last all winter and they are wonderful.  Have you read anything about Vinnie who does tattoos in Baltimore?  He is suppose to be very good.  Let me know how you make out.  I am going to wait until I see my ps in March to see what she suggests.

    Hi to everyone else.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    okie....had a good laugh with your 5 alarm chili recipe.....let us know how the indian curry turns out....i'm ashamed to say tonight's dinner for my son and i was kentucky fried least it was the grilled kind...thanks i don't feel so bad about not exercising...i know i'll get back into my little exercise routine again...okie i'm about 9 wks out, and this week is a definite turning point....i just feel better....carole i pm'd you my address. i'm in the mood to read a good romance novel, and i could definetely use a hero in my life named rocky player, forget rocky, i'd rather have the cleaning symptoms does your dad have that his doc thinks he needs to go to the emergency room?.....seniors are my specialty.....i wonder why the doc didn't tell him to come to the office.....meg...we're expecting the same snow storm.

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Hi all, things are better here. Dad is home with a possible urinary infection, or maybe the last of mild flu. He decided to go to his urologist, not to the gerontologist/GP/go-to-the-ER doc. He is dehydrated and needs to get fluids into him, but exactly what is going on... not sure. Ally, I bet you're great with your seniors. I really think Dad needs a new doc. 

    It has started raining pretty hard, the latest storm just hit. I think I might need some five alarm chili to take the chill off. Yeouch! Or maybe I'll sit in the corner and eat leftover King cake.

    Hope our NewBride and Shoshi are well today. 

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    Fortunate1, whew! Good news about your Dad, relatively speaking...and sounds like you will get to take your trip!

    Meg9, good move. She didn't have a portfolio? I know it's expensive to print things out, but at least she could put together a C.D. or a computer presentation...maybe a website? It's really not that hard these days. That would make me nervous too and you can bet I'll have to see someone's work before they work on me! I didn't want my PS doing the tattoo for that very reason. You may have heard of FACECRAFTER, on the BCO site, she is a cosmetic tattoo artist and a BC survivor. She has a list of other artists that she will be happy to lend you for research. Just PM her with your information.

    Yes Carole, small world. They lived there about 12 years ago. I bet you were still teaching? My petite, never-needs-to-diet SIL says she gained 5 lbs the first year they lived in LA....all due to King Cake! I'll take some of UpCreeks' mouth watering blueberries instead and skip the hunt for the hidden baby. Tongue out

    I'm draggy today after staying "on program", walking and lifting weights yesterday. Think I'll recuperate and try again tomorrow. Ally, I felt much better at about 9 weeks, but it still took awhile to get motivated to exercise.

    Looking forward to "Bollywood" 5 Alarm Chicken Chili tonight...I'll review tomorrow!

  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2010


    I did not realize you work with seniors, so do I, the bulk of my practice is in elder law, I always hear from my client's children about the challenges of helping them with medical and rehab issues, it really seems to be such a hard cross generational issue.

    Fortunate, I am so sorry that you and your dad are going through this.

    Carole: I'll be at a conference in NOLA from 2/25 through 2/27. One of my business partners is coming with me and he graduated Tulane, so I am hoping I manage to survive the social side of the trip.

    So not wanting to go out in the snow and travel the two blocks to the gym today, maybe later. I'll stay here and stare at my daughter doing her homework and snuggle with the cat for now.

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    Fortunate1, Glad to hear thing are better with your dad. I've been there with my parents and MIL and it's not easy. You should look into a new dad is comfortable with and one you trust.

    Ally, Do you know who your PS would recommend for tattoos? You would think that in NY one would have many to choose from. There is one in NYC...her pictures are not as good as others and she is expensive $1,000. I don't mind paying the money, but I want to be happy with the outcome!

    UpCreek, I have been to Vinnie Meyers site and his work is very good. He is about 5 hours away. I'm considering going to him if I can't find someone closer to home. DH was impressed also and said I should go there. It would be a different experience...male tattoos artist and in his tattoo shop. I'm sure he is a total professional, but...Embarassed  Does anyone know if there are any complications from the tattoos?...infections? Would being far from home be a problem?

    It is a winter wonderland out there! Looking out my window this morning everything is coated in pure white snow. The only color was a beautiful red cardinal sitting in our dogwood tree!...while it's snowing!

    Off to walk my three miles...still nothing! Have a good day!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2010

    Just called over to Dad's house. He's resting and feeling better. I have been told to take my trip, but we'll see. I'll drop by and check on him on the way to class. About elder care, we are so lucky to have a good caregiver living with Dad. It is astonishingly expensive but oh so valuable. The flippant little statement.... "getting old is not for wimps" ..... is true. Taking care of your parents is a real wake up call. I'll make sure I get that walk today and be strong.

    Snuggle into your warm homes and watch the snow, good day everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325
    edited February 2010

    Fortunate, your dad sounds like a sweet man.  He probably doesn't want to be a bother.  I'm glad he's doing better.  Is he agreeable to a new dr?  I hope you're able to make your trip. 

    BigApple, NOLA may be pretty dead when you're there since that's the week following Mardi Gras.  You should be able to get into your choice of restaurants.  There's no predicting the weather. 

    Meg, my healthy snacks include some of yours.  Fruit, berries, fat-free popcorn, raw veggies with hummus or Laughing Cow cheese.  I like to make a bowl of fresh fruit salad with no dressing and have it in the refrigerator for snacking.  I buy big boxes of Quaker low-fat granola bars, 90 cal., 2 pts, and stick a couple in my golf bag.  They're small but take the edge off my hunger.  I rarely leave the house to be gone for hours without taking a snack with me.  I don't get mildly hungry.  I get ravenous.  When that happens, I could eat anything in sight.

    As for portion control, I stopped eating 2 eggs at a breakfast meal and have 1 egg.  Instead of a whole sandwich, I have half a sandwich and pack it with lots of fillers like fresh spinach or romaine, pickles, sundried tomatoes.  I often use hummus as a sandwich spread instead of mayo.  We do eat sandwich meat.  A favorite is Boar's Head low-salt ham.  I love cheese but usually don't put it on my sandwich.  I've been making my own whole wheat bread this winter.  I often have half a slice of it  or half a whole wheat bagel with low-fat peanut butter and half a banana for a quick fix breakfast.  The fat in the peanut butter stays with me longer than most other breakfast foods.  Same with a few nuts, but it's hard to limit myself to a few.

    Hmmm.  I'm getting hungry!! 

    Upcreek and Ally, I read your PMs.  The books will be on the way before the weekend.  Shoshi and NewBride, hope you're both having a good day.

    The dermatologist has instructed me not to do my aerobic walking for 4 days following today's minor surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma from my right thigh above the knee.  The line of sutures is over an inch long. 

    I'm loving the beautiful scenes from snow country.  Everyone stay warm and safe!

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

    Hello to Everyone.  I am 3 weeks post-op and things seem to be doing pretty well.  I can sleep comfortably on either side now.  At the end of the day I do have a burning soreness in the pec muscle but it is'nt terrible.  I'm carefully getting back to my normal routine.  So far so good.  There are a few moves that I still can't do without my pec feeling like it might separate from my sternum but in the long run I think it will be OK.  I was getting pretty sick of buttons so it is nice to be able to pull a T-shirt over my head.  Nipple continues to show small improvement.  I think I may be regaining a little sensation.  It seems to be creeping in from the edges. I'm almost sure that I'm feeling stuff where I was numb before.

    I have appts. with BS and OC at the end of next week.  I'm getting kind of nervous and depressed about what is next.  Especially being as my invasive tumor was missed by mammogram.  I kind of wonder what else might still be there.  I guess the waiting is worst.  Right now all I can do is pray that everything will be alright.

    Fortunate1,  I'm glad your dad is feeling better.  I hope you still get to make your trip.

    Meg,  Take your time choosing an artist.  Maybe you can take a long weekend and go see Vinnie at work to satisfy yourself that his studio meets your requirements.

    Okiegal,  I'm now living in the bras that you recommended.  So much more comfortable than the one the PS put me in.  Thanks again for the link.

    Well, now that I can do stuff, I guess I should get some housework done.  In-laws are coming up to the mountains this weekend.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.  I'll be back a little later.

  • ally1423
    ally1423 Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2010

    hello everyone....lots and lots of snow here......meg...i'll call over to the ps tomorrow and speak to the social worker there and find out all about it. it's probably good to interview a bunch of tattoo artists..... big apple...i find that families that hire elder lawyers do very well with finances involving home care for their parents, as fortunate1's so expensive, however elder lawyers seem to know just what to do to obtain home care services without families having to go broke. fortunate1...glad dad is doing better, and that he has someone taking care of him. i guess his care giver needs to remind him to drink more fluids, especially while he's on antibiotics for urinary tract infection. hopefully dad will improve and you can go on your trip....carole i hope all goes well with your derm surgery sound like you are recovering very well. it's wonderful that you've regained some feeling...i'm still numb....i'm really hoping everything goes well next week with your apts.

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2010

    Snow, snow, snow.  Can you all stop bragging and send me some?  We know what to do with it!

    NewBride:  You are doing well for 3 weeks. 

    Carole: Sorry about you had to have surgery but I'm glad it's done.  Looking forward to the book!

    Fortunate1:  How old is your dad?  Is your mom still alive?  My mother is 82 and is in a senior's apt and doing well on her own despite having late onset M.S.  Where are you going on your trip?

    Ally and BigApple:  Nice to know the elderly are in good hands.

    Went back to work for the first time Tuesday.  I have allot of catch-up to do but trying not to stress out too much about it.

    Hi to everyone else.

  • okiegal
    okiegal Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2010

    NewBride, good to hear you are doing so well physically (and that you are getting feeling back in your nipples!)...I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your upcoming appointments and in between. I know it's impossible not to worry, but I'm sure I speak for everyone in hoping that your worry is for nothing. Glad to hear you like the bras. The one's I received from the hospital and my PS were intolerable! I'm still wearing the Hanes/Bestform bra. It fits, it's comfortable and it's cheap. Not exactly sexy....but I can always wear something else if I want to.

    Carole, I get ravenous if I eat higher carb. I've finally realized that I need to have protein with carbs or have low glycemic carbs otherwise....I get grouchy and indulgent. Speaking of food...the attempt at shifting the chili recipe to an Indian recipe was only okay. I had hopes for better, but maybe edible is good enough in this instance. For the next experiment, I'll play with adding apples, raisins and yellow curry and then I'll take two servings in a Thai direction by adding ginger and maybe peanut butter. Making a "Frito Chili Pie" by adding sour cream, cheese and Fritos would also be good, but not "on program" this week.

    Hope everyone has a good day.....snowed in or otherwise!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325
    edited February 2010

    NewBride, it's great that your nipple is healing.  Ditto to Okiegal's words.  You can't help worrying, but maybe the news from the BS and Onc won't be as bad as your worst fears.  With any luck, you don't have an imagination like mine that plays out all the scenarios in living color. 

    Okiegal, carbs make me ravenous, too, unless I add some fat, like a tsp of Smart Balance to my oatmeal w/cranberries.  Or a T. of peanut butter to my toasted bread.  Gosh, I think you should keep a journal on the variations of that chili!  I see a good newspaper or magazine article in the making.

    Feb. is often a most pleasant month for us, but this year it's turning out to be cold.  Today is best decribed as a sullen-looking day.  It's possible that the northshore may be in for a "wintry mix" of precipitation tonight, including a couple inches of snow if the conditions are just right.  My limited understanding of global warming, gleaned from reading National Geo and Smithsonian and watching documentaries on tv, is that climate change such as we may be undergoing on planet Earth doesn't rule out extreme winter conditions.  I believe the majority of weather scientists agree that climate change is occurring.  It probably always is occurring very gradually in any era.  The big argument is whether the activities of humans is a factor.  It amuses me no end that conservative talk show personalities spout off their skepticism as though they're scientists.  And many of their listeners take them seriously.

    Happy Thursday!

  • NewBride
    NewBride Member Posts: 126
    edited February 2010

    Thanks to all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.  It really seems to help.

    Carole, I've been so self absorbed.  As I was reviewing the last few posts on this thread I realized that somehow I totally missed the fact that you just had a skin cancer removed.  I'm hoping that I am right in assuming that it was caught in the early stages and should cause you no further harm.  I hope you are healing well too.

    okiegal,  You are the intrepid chef.  I'm starting to try new stuff too.  Most recently, in an effort to keep from drowning my healthy salads in not so healthy ranch dressing, I have discovered the wonders of lemon juice.  So now it's just a little ranch with a healthy splash of lemon juice and I find I like that combination better anyway.  Sometimes change is good.

    It seems everyone is having a pretty much back to (new) normal day.  I'd better get back to this housework because the MIL white glove makes no exceptions for BC survivors.  Maybe because she is a BC survivor herself.  Seriously, my MIL is wonderful.  I think it's just reflex on my part.  Visit from MIL = housecleaning frenzy.  She does comment on how nice everything looks so maybe it's a conditioned response. LOL.

    I'll check back later.  Still praying for Shoshi.

  • Meg9
    Meg9 Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2010

    NewBride, Happy to hear that the nipple is coming along... Good luck with your appointments. We are here for you! ((Hugs and prayers)) 

    Ally, would be good to find someone closer to home. I'm still searching!

    UpCreek, I don't think I have ever had wild blue berries!  Don't stress too much over work! done!

    Okiegal, I use very little spices when cooking...when a meal doesn't work usually means take out!

    Carole, I hope you're healing OK. One inch sounds like a lot. Any follow-up? I read the NY Times article on global warming. I think it will take centuries to figure out...if we're all still here!

    I was really enjoying the newly fallen snow yesterday. Then DH came home and took out the snow blower and messed everything up! was like a scene from Avatar! LOL   Today I shoveled the remaining snow that fell after DH snowed's a wet snow and pretty heavy. The most weight I've lifted since bmx.  So far no pain!  I noticed when I came inside from the body was warm (under layers of clothing) except my breast...they were cold to the touch!...Strange!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

  • Tinkerbell99
    Tinkerbell99 Member Posts: 193
    edited February 2010

    hi ladies,

    yesterday i started to go on here & windows shut down my puter for updates..ugh!!

    Carole, i hope you rminor sugery & recovery is going ok. i hope it wasnt /isnt malingnent & an easy removal...

    Fortunate glad to hear your dad is doing better...being dehydrated, having the flu...its harder on the elderly...i remember when that would happen w/ my dad.

    Wow upcreek u went back to work, what do u do? How did it feel?  New Bride I am praying all comes out ok w/ u..Ally ur doing  ok? Ur doing work arnd the house?

    Meg ur insurance wont cover nipple tattoo?  It's funny u talk abt ur breasts being cold even though the rest of u is warm..i have heard that many times....

    well me..i am still on home IV antibotics 2x a day & i hate of me would have preferred to stay in the hospital where at least they give u good PS wont give me the doses i had in the hospital UGH!!! glad i have my own statsh when things get bad.

    i am still sore & in pain in some areas. My rt breast, now that i can lie down & not sleep in a chair , when i get up, wow tha pain!!! it stil is swollen,...the redness has gone doen tremendously!!  Wow!! I just wish i could do more..i started the other day just to move arnd the house putting things away, no heavy lifting & the pain  I was also stupid yesterday i shoveled.....i didnt even lift heavy snow, but the pain i was in was like the 1rst day afer surgery..this is when i really took my the middle area it hurts & is so hard..its like bone  & it left side has moved/shifted over to the side which my ps said , but until recently i could  not tell so between thr right being swollen all the time & the left shifted. they really look different in size...not sure what to do..i should c if i could wear a bra yet...i can put my hands over my head a certain height & reach for things now..where the drains were is still very sore, but healing....sometimes i wish  i did the TE instead ....since he has to tweak the left one anyway & its taking so long to heal..i wouldnt want to be big anyway the fills wouldnt be much....i think he put in 400's or 450's...Did anyone get a card or anything saying they have implants & have allorderm...when they used cadivar bone in my foot yrs ago they gave me a card....

    i use ice pks b/c i can feel  the areas where i use them & the hospital did too....i use em for 10-15 min at a time & thats it.

    we have had so much snow & i had to play a little in in too & of course fell on my right  breast which didnt help i hope i caught everyone up Thx Ally & New bride for e-mailing me.  this meant a lot..sometimes i hate writing on here b/c all i ever do is

    hope u enjoy ur weeeknd & whom ever got snow hope ur enjoying that too!!!