Class of 2009 - Sisters in the same time frame
jburke1 - don't panic and make sure you take your copy home. Excellent help on this site re searching for the terms etc for any areas you don't remember to ask about. Remember you don't need to make instant treatment decisions, you can wait till you have a chance to think and talk about your repoert and your doctor's recommendations.
Hi class of 2009 - another one from Canada here - dx April, mx left-side May19, no rads, no chemo, now on Tamox and lying in the sun at my cottage on Georgian Bay!.
Question for ladies with pre-teen kids - how are they doing with your treatments?
Love the icons, try them out!
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Hi everyone, I have my last radiation treatment tomorrow. Then I will start on Arimidex. Not looking forward to it. My daughters don't live near me, so I had little support going though radiation, but they did call often. I live alone and trying to cope with breast cancer. My mother and my maternal grandmother both had breast cancer, so I probably have the gene. On the other hand I did not have to have chemo, sending the best to those who have.0
This is a very interesting thread. I did go to the surgeon on Thursday to get the results of my MRI. I only have the one spot, so it is very good news.
I will have my surgery on 8/14, with the injection for the SNB at 6:00, needles at 9:30, lumpectomy at 12:30. It will be a very busy day.
Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words. When one is first diagnosed you feel like you are lost at sea all alone. This website has been so beneficial and now I have more sisters than I ever thought I could have.
I did have a very relaxing weekend, kept my 3 month old granddaughter and went to a family reunion, where they lifted my spirits and gave me the love I needed. I am ready to get this over and move to the next step.
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Cathy64, I am so sorry you are alone in this. I am so fortunate to have a good support system, with family and friends close by to help me through this. I can not imagine what it would be like to face this without them.
I am glad you are through the radiation, I still have that to look forward to, Each step of the way on this journey is tough. I don't think I will have to have chemo, so that is one thing I don't have to worry about.
Remember you are not alone here, we may not be with you to give you that hug, but you know in hour hearts we are there for you. Keep that chin up and when you are down, write me and I will try by best to be there for you.
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Cathie: Congrats on getting through your rads! Today I had #8 of 33. Always know that you are never really alone if you can fire up your computer and know that we are all out there! My family have been very supportive, however, I find myself on this web site whenever I get a moment. It does help to know that there are so many going through the same things as you. Wishing you well!
One-L: Your surgery day sounds exactly like mine went on June 16th! Just know that the SNB shots are not pleasant - to me they felt like a bee sting with a burning sensation that subsided just as you get the next one (I had 4 in total)- and I had some numbing cream put on first! But try to relax through them and not hit the Dr.!! Good Luck to you!
Hope everyone is getting through each day with as positive of thoughts as possible! Take Care!
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OH NO... wrote a long message to several new folks and some old ones and it disappeared! But my heart is with all of you!
MrsPhilly... get that A/C fixed! I admire you, your job and determination. Your kids will see you as a strong survivor. What a role model. Cathy... we find our comfort here with those who are going through the same battle. My (grown) children want to hear good things so I cannot share my fears or insecurities with them. Only you all understand, thank heaven for you!
JBURKE1.... how did you Dr visit go? FMAJK....your words are so gentle and supportive. Thanks for joining us. I am 7 wks post rads and it seems so long ago. It absolutely consumed by life for a month and a half but I survived it! ONE-L.... I took my Ipod with me the day of my lumpectomy. There were so many times that I was just waiting and it was so soothing to me to listen to music in between procedures. All of us are with you!
So that's the Readers' Digest version of my lost posting. What a great group of women. It is comforting to know a little about all the strong women who are traveling the same difficult path and doing such a good job. Makes me braver just reading about each of you. Thanks for being here for me and each other.
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Hi cathie,
I live alone but my DS and BIL are close by. My kids are in NC but come up when they can. fmakj is right though. Fire up the pc and join us when you are lonely or need support. Are you on facebook? If so let me know. We have a lot of fun there. So right now it's just me and my cat and I babysit my BIL's shop cats. They are a lot of company to me. Have a good night and know we are not far away.
Love and hugs,
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I just had to add... i dreaded Arimidex too. I have been on it 7 weeks and so far, so good. I upped my exercise as everyone says that helps with joint pain. I have some stiffness but nothing terrible. Mind hot flashes, again not bad. The drug is expensive and my insurance only helps a little. It is scheduled to go generic next July but they have already had one extension. We'll see what happens. If it is keeping the "beast' at bay I will be happy to keep taking it.
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Hi Pam,I was dx 12/24/08 but I think it is close enough to relate to what the group is going through. I had a lumpectomy 1/09, bx, and scans. Started chemo 2/12/09 and finished 5/20/09. I have decided to have BL MX with immediate reconstruction rather than radiation. It is the roller coaster of your life, sometimes you have to hang on tight and sometimes you to get to relax and breath a little. Breast cancer is an event in our lives that will change and guide our decisions in the years to come. I always look at my cup half full and am thankful that I already had the other half. Stay strong and we will give each other support through the good and the bad. Thanks for starting this link it is much appreciated.
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I told my doctor that they only run all those tests so we will say, " oh good, I ONLY have breast cancer!" Doesn't it scare you to death! Somehow I am getting used to all of this and am gradually feeling less stressed, sleeping better and obsessing less. We are here for you!
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Hi threeteens,
Wow, dx'd on Christmas Eve. So sorry but never a good time to hear that news, I guess.
My husband is from Tulsa and we visit there frequently. Going in early October... you will arrange for it to be cool, won't you? Too hot in Florida right now.
I admire all you young women who are aggressively going after treatment and raising children and working! I know you did not choose the fight but you are showing strength and character.
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Went to doctor yesterday and got full report. Stage 1, 1.2 cm. HER2 neg and est and prog positive. Good news right? I am encouraged right now, but still scared that this is happening to me. It is all happening so fast. I go see the onc today at 1pm to see what lies ahead for me.
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threeteens, I love your attitude about cup half full and happy about having the other half already! I work at being a cup half full person rather than cup half empty.
jburke1, my diagnosis is the same as yours except you didn't mention cancer grade. Mine is grade 3, high grade, which is worrisome and makes me fear learning my oncotype dx number.
I, too, greatly admire the young women on this website who are raising children and holding down jobs and fighting this fight against bc. I'm thankful that I at least didn't have to face bc until I was in my 60's.
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Hi Jburke1,
You have good stats and you are going to do well in this journey. Bet your doctor tells you how "lucky" you are.
None of us feels lucky! It is so scary and we are always waiting for some piece of bad news. I have always been the ultimate optimist but learning I had breast cancer threw me for a loop. After almost 6 months I am beginning to calm down but it is hard to get back the trust and confidence I used to have in my body. My DH says tincture of time.
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Good evening everyone:
As always it is good to hear from all the sisters and know that I are not alone. Sometimes when I get out here and read all the information, it scares me to death. But I am willing to go through it to make sure I live to see my grandchildren grow up.
My heart goes out to all of you that have to go through so much more than I do and it makes me ashamed that I feel sorry for myself sometimes. You are all so brave and do inspire me.
Thanks for all the encouragement.
I to admire the young mothers who are traveling down this road. Stay strong, it will be a hard journey, but well worth it.
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Rads done yesterday and took the little white Armidex today. Schedule back to work on August 24th. One thing at a time.
jburke1 how did the visit with the oncologist go
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Carol my cancer is grade 1, I know that is comparitivley good. Yesterday I saw the onc for the first time, it wasn't much fun! I went alone and was a wreck at the end of the appointment. I am going back in for more surgery on Monday. He didn't like how close the anterior margins were from my lumpectomy. And I also have to wait 2 weeks to know if I need chemo or not. Not feeling so good today physically or emotionally. I am drained. Yeah, PJ my suregon keeps telling me things are good, and that I am lucky. And I know it could be a whole lot worse, trust me. But I am still just plain freaking out about this.
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Hello Everyone. I hope all of you are well.
Tomorrow is my first chemo treatment. My Onc decided on TC x 4. I am a bit nervous. I got my hair cut 9 inches last night in preparation for hair loss. It made me sad. I have not had a bob cut since I was in grade school. I love to have my hair long.
I am all ready for tomorrow. I have my chemo bag packed and I have been drinking a ton of water today. It has been a nuisance to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes. Tomorrow after infusion I have an appointment at the James Cancer Hospital Hope Boutique to try on some wigs and scarves. I am hoping to find a wig I like as my insurance company will only pay 100% for a wig if I buy it there.
Nancy - I hope you are feeling better. What a terrible deal you went through!
heatherw - Good Luck on Friday with your second treatment. I hope it goes much better than the first one.
Take Care Everyone.
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I had all my pre-op appointments today. Ready for surgery on Friday, it will be a long day.
Since I am just starting out and haven't any idea of how I will feel after surgery or any of the other treatments. I plan on going back to work on Tuesday, do you think that is reasonable? I can take leave from work if needed, but I am afraid that I will need it later while I am doing my rads. I just don't know what to expect.
Yasmin1, I hope your chemo goes well. I know how hard it is to cut your hair. That is one of the things that went through my mind when I found out I had cancer, will I loose my hair. I know there are much bigger things, but that is part of what makes us a woman. This disease certainly assaults that doesn't it? Good luck to you and I will keep you in my thoughts.
Cathie64, congrats on finishing your rads. How have you felt? I know I will have 5 to 6 weeks of rads and I understand that fatigue is a major factor. I am exercising and trying to get fit so I will be physically strong to start out. I do not know if that will make a difference. Hope it does.
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One-L--I would really re-consider going back to work so soon........your body needs time to recover from the trauma its about to undergo and you need to be strong for the next part of your tx. When I had my lumpectomy and SNB, I was told that I would need at least 2 wks to recover. The worst pain was in my armpit because of the SNB and you have very limited movement so driving is not possible initially. Try to do the exercises that the nurses tell you to do......they help a lot!!
It's been almost 6 mths since surgery and my armpit is still a little numb, the back part of my upper arm is still sore and there still is bruising around the nipple on my breast. Recovery takes time and you need to put yourself first so you can get strong and kick this beast in its a$$!! My thoughts are with you and all the best tomorrow.......Hugs!!
Best wishes and gentle hugs for everyone on this thread!
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Beach, I was just reading your post. It has been 6 months since your surgery and you are still having armpit pain? OMG I don't know if I can handle that! I am in so much pain under there, and I am actually going back to the dr. today because I noticed a very rancid smell at the incision site yesterday. I am afraid of infection. I am one week and a day out of surgery, and I didn't think it would be a couple days of recovery, but I would hope that it would go away fairly quickly.
I am so glad I found this site, I am learning a lot and I don't feel so alone.
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One-L I am one week and day after surgery and I have not gone back to work yet. I am going back in for another surgery on Monday. So who knows when I will get back to work. Just take your time and let yourself heal. You need to be strong for when you actually start your treatment so take care of yourself now. If you are involved in a church, contact them and let them bring you meals. I did and it was the best thing I did. Also allow people to help you with day to day housework, you will not be able to do it alone!
And you are not alone!! You have all of us!
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Good AM One-L,
We are all with you in spirit tomorrow,
Is your work situation such that you can be flexible about returning to work? I think I got along great after my lumpectomy and SNB but I agree, planning to return so quickly might be pushing it. I did not and have not had much pain or discomfort. But I did feel weak, probably as much from the anesthetic and anxiety as from the surgical intervention. If I had to stand for any length of time I had to start looking for a place to sit down. I probably could have driven but followed doctor's orders not to for a week.
In the week after surgery I had an appt with the surgeon, my medical oncologist and my radiology oncologist so I was busy. I was in a hurry to lay the groundwork for further treatment and even though it was too soon to "do" anything I got a lot of preparation in place. I developed a post op infection about 10 days out and that precipitated a whole new round of lab work and appointments.
It's not usual but sometimes patients have to go back in for more surgery; if the specimen margins are not good or if follow up pathology finds nodal involvement that was not seen at surgery. You usually know that within a few days and act quickly.
I grocery shopped and cooked for about 7 days ahead. I cleaned house and did up laundry and paid bills so I did not have to tackle stuff like that for about 2 weeks. That worked for me.
Things picked up again at just under 6 weeks post op when I began the radiation simulation and treatment. I was told it was desirable to begin radiation within 6 weeks of surgery and I had to push for that time frame due to the complications of my post op infection but I made it. RADS prep probably took up large parts of 2 days and then it started. I never experienced real fatigue but I did find the process stressful and time consuming. Some days things did not run smoothly and I was at the hospital an hour or two. It always took at least 30 minutes, even if everything was on time. Early AM appointments seem best for working people because delays have not yet affected the schedule.
I am normally a really good sleeper but something really affected my sleep during those three months. I had trouble going to sleep, was restless in the night, and woke up about 5:00 AM every day. I think that would have impacted a workday more than anything else. I did not ask for sleeping aids and am happy to say at 5 months post op my sleep pattern is back to normal. But if I had been working I would have been dragging due to a loss of good sleep.
For me, the emotional turmoil was worse than the physical assault. I had a friend, a realtor, who went to work every day during her treatment and did great. She said it kept her mind busy and she was able to take breaks as she needed which was infrequently.
Your surgery is going to go smoothly and you will soon have more information to help plan your treatment course. Your doctor will be able to tell you the hormone status of your cancer and its grade (aggressiveness and stuff like that). You can decide if you want to send it off to be tested for Oncotype. You'll rule in or out chemo...hopefully out! And your radiologist will begin to create a plan. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!
Hugs and good wishes.
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One-L = Good luck with surgery tomorrow. We will all be thinking of you. Post again when you can.
Yasminv1 - Good Luck with your first cocktail tomorrow. The first one is the worst one. I know when I went for my first chemo, I was a wreck! But after you get the first one under your belt, you will feel so much better. Hope the SE's are at a minimal for you.
Beach - I'm with you! Take time for ourselves. We are so busy with our lives, working, children, husbands, house work and the list goes on and on.... this is the time we need for ourselves to heal - physically and mentally. My BS told me yesterday, your body can only concentrate on one thing at a time, so take the time that your body needs to heal. I had surgery in January and just finished radiation last week. I can't imagine going back to work yet as my body and mind need to heal. Everyone is different, but this is how I am coping also.
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Hi Jen,
You had a lot of nodes removed! And all negative
Congratulations on that. But no wonder you are still so sore. My doctor warned me that would be most painful and he only took two nodes.
But do get them to look at you again. I thought I was doing great at 2 weeks post op until my breast got red splotchy and hot. My surgeon had actually released me so he was surprised for me to be back. Scared both of us but 2 weeks of antibiotics cleared it up. Would have preferred it had not happened though.
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Dropping in to say a quick Hi Everyone!
One-L that OR will be full tomorrow, you will know we're all there with you. Watch out for all the pink boa's, there may be a feather or two floating around. Re going back to work - not such a good idea so soon after surgery. Give yourself two weeks if you can. I did work through rads both times, I was tired and sore but survived.
Jen, hope you made out at the Doc okay and that you don't have an infection.
Yasmin I hope your chemo went okay. Sending {{Gentle Hugs}}
Cathie Congrats on being a Rads Grad!
I know I've missed a few, my apologies.... I'm at work and scrambling to get things ready for my absence. I'll have a lot more time to post after
All the best, She
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Doc appt went ok today, He drained a lot of fluid from the node removal site, but no infection! Thank God! So, all in all, today was not a bad day. Did a lot of running around today to get my kids ready for school to start next Wednesday, which is 2 days after my next surgery. Doc reassured me that it won't be a big deal and I will be out in no time. My mother-in-law is coming this weekend to be here and help out. Hopefully that goes well....
Welcome Athena! I am sorry for your dx, but we are glad you are here. There are a lot of great women on this page that will help you and be here for you!
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Good everyone:
Thanks for all the good info. I can take more time off from work if needed, so that is not a big problem. I am working on a special project and it is about over, but there is still lots of work to do. The project can not be stopped, so I don't know who will do it if I am not there. The other lady that was helping me, had surgery last week and will be out at least two weeks. What a time for us to get sick.
Anyway, I do appreciate all the good advice. I guess I am trying to be optimistic about all of this and I can't think much further than the surgery. I need to just take it one day at a time. I have done the laundry and tried to keep the house up, so I wouldn't have to deal with any of that. I have a cousin that lives close, so she will be able to help me if I need it.
Thanks again. I will let you know how the surgery goes as soon as I can.
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One-L I will be praying for you tomorrow. As soon as you can type, please let us know how you are doing. You are in our thoughts.
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Hello Ladies! It is SO NICE to see what you are up to. Thinking of each of you.
Port goes in tomorrow, then first round of T/C on Tuesday. Waking up in the middle of the night and just so scared about all of this. Don't want to lose my hair. Don't want to be sick. Ordered some pretty scarves and a sleeping hat, which arrived in the mail today. It was strange to look at these things and realize they will be used soon. Must find the courage somehow to walk into that treatment room on Tuesday.
Nancy - Sorry it's been tough lately. Sure am thinking about you, and hope you continue to heal and feel better.
Yasmin - You are near to my heart, because we went through that AGONIZING chemo decision at the same time. Hope round one goes well for you. Please let us know how you're doing.
Carole - Any word on your oncotype yet? I am praying for a nice low score.
Heather - Hope the treatments are going easy on you. Keep us posted.
Ellen - Thanks for the kind words. It really helps!
And to ALL OF YOU - I'm keeping up with you, and saying my prayers for you. Welcome to the new ladies. We're going to do just fine, just you wait and see.
XO, Mary