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  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    I'm going to start... I'm sleepy. :-)

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011

    I am here

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Betty, Tori, Lauren and Judy - may God raise you up on eagles' wings.  Amen, goodnight & God bless all.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace.

    Blessings to Betty, Tori, Lauren, Judy and all who pray tonight.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Oh no! I didn't know about the 9:30

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    I will follow just behind you all, and Michelle thanks so much for stepping up to the plate.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011

    Thank you ladies for your prayer they are much appreciated.  God Bless you all.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited January 2011

    Prayers for you all this evening...

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    I am praying for you all tonight and my intentions all evening are going back to Tori and Betty.

    I am sorry if  I messed up with 9:30 my apologies.

    I hope you are feeling good Tori, and Betty I feel the grace of our Lord will be with you and your precious children.  I will continue praying for you all weekend.

    Prayers also for Judy and Lauren 

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    Good morning sisters!

    We got about 2 inches of powdery snow here in the Shenandoah Valley.  I lucked out and there was a cancellation so I got my hair cut this morning!  I feel like a million bucks after a good hair cut.  She cut more of my chemo curls, but my hair is still thick and very wavy. :-)  I try to always tip my hairstylists generously b/c I feel they are miracle workers!! LOL

    Thank you for your prayers geewhiz and you are welcome anytime!

    I got my EWTN mailing this week and noticed there is a Novena to St. Joseph in March.  If you agree, I'd like to lead us in that Novena.  I really love St. Joseph, as he helped me out so much when I was a single mother and we still honor him in our home.  We have his statue (I inherited!) in our kitchen.

    Well, I have to start putting away the Christmas decorations.  I'm not sure if I'm ready to put the tree away, though.  Everything else is just adding to the clutter in the house, so away it goes!!

    God bless you all today!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011


    No worries! I should have checked back earlier. It was so comforting to know you all prayed for my friend Judy. She is very much on my mind, and we will know more after Monday. Prayers for our Betty having surgery this week, Lauren on the 12th, and for Tori as she is now at the end of her chemo! Tori, it was a long haul and you have been such an inspiration. You have kept your prayer life going, and stayed in communication. I wish I had met you all before I went through it!

    I hope prayersareanswered is having a better go this next round (I think she would have had her second, or is getting ready for it.)

    So Theresa, how are you doing with you new anti-depressant? I have been trying to get up the nerve to start one myself. My PTSD has me feeling like a raw nerve, and then I have this post chemo sensitivity that affects my hearing. I had a really rough go today when a truck backed up into an alley I was trying to walk through with my dog. The "back up" beeping was like ice picks in my ears and brain, and then it finally went past us...we started running, and there they were right behind us again. Then the guy blew his horn, and I thought I would fall into a heap. I know they saw me with me fingers in me ears too. The overhead address system at work in the new part of the clinic feels about the same. I about come up out of my chair, then have to cover my ears. I am going to try and get some more ear plugs, I have some cheapo ones from Rite Aid. So anyhoo, the medicine which is for seizure/neuropathy disorder will be in addition to my neurontin.  I am going to start it tonight, I've been looking at it for about three weeks. Of course I'm all paranoid about getting a rash. I think my patients have more guts than I do when it comes to starting meds :)

    alright, dog on the way.. 

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2011

    I know what you mean about starting meds, Traci.  But when my family insists I need help with depression, well, I had to do something.  She gave me samples of 10mg Lexapro... the 10 mg made me sick, so last night I cut it down to 5mg and slept like a baby... first time in a LONG time.  Skip said I was on top of the covers when he came to bed, but I don't remember even having a hot flash.  My mood is usually pretty good on the weekends, so the test will come next week when I have to hear my alarm go off at 4:45am.  I'm hoping once I'm done with the anti-hormonal meds and am well past menopause, then I can stop them.  But it is what it is.

    Even before chemo, I was one of those super sensitive people to sound, light, etc.  Bright lights can trigger a migraine.  Smells can too.  I wear earplugs often and wish I had "discovered" them years ago.  Skip (being a safety OSHA guy) found me really good plugs and we bought a big box of them online.  I've had that box for over a year and still take them out to get fresh ones.  He even uses them to cut the grass on the riding lawnmower.  The funny thing is, he puts them in and can't hear a thing.  I put them in and can still hear.  It takes the edge off sounds for me.  I tell him that I probably have "normal" hearing with the earplugs in!  So my advice to you, Miss Traci, is to buy some good earplugs (I can get you the name of the ones I use) and use them! :-)

    I've been filling out personal and family cancer history paperwork for my onc visit next week.  All of the cancer has been on my Mom's side of the family (the Catholics!)... except my Dad had "stomach cancer".  And everything seems to be her generation and my generation (so far), nothing before her generation.  It boggles my mind.  Is it the Eastern European genetics?  Is it the Richmond/DC environment?  And why can't scientists figure these things out?  Ok, rant is over.  We need a cure.... or a miracle.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Theresa - 4:45?  No wonder you get tired.  That's a long day.  Just get to bed early.  Is there any reason to believe that sleep deprivation can cause feelings of depression?  (I have no idea - but worth looking into)

    Tori/Betty - I enjoyed reading about your families as we did the prayers last night!  Feels like I know you better now.

    Traci - did you ever get the surgery strategy resolved?

    Not much news on my end.  I'm just sick of going to doctor appointments, but think things are falling into place.  Endocrinologist reduced my thyroid meds.  Passed the cortisol test (she thought that might be high but it wasn't - yay!.)  Started on tamoxifen this week now that the cyp2d6 test evidently doesn't mean anything now since the San Antonio conference.  I guess the big news is I've pretty much decided that I will have a right prophy mastec this spring.  Over Christmas, felt a 'thickening" and BS called in mammo & US order.  Those were clear but the tech could feel what I was talking about.  Then went to gyn and he could feel it too. However everyone seems comfortable w/the test results (birads 0).  Everybody but me, that is.  I just don't trust screenings anymore because tests missed it the first time around and it presented as a thickening then too - not a lump.  I can't see going through this every 6 mos the rest of my life.

    Yes Lord, have mercy on us & please send a cure for this disease.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011

    Janet, Can you ask for a MRI, for your own peace of mind. Mine also wasn't pick up on mammo or US.  Isn't it horrible living like this mo to mo, scan to scan.  Its our life now.  I am glad you decided to have prophy this spring you will feel so much better,  I had it done also. 

    Yes we need a cure for this disease we just have to keep praying it will come sooner or later.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2011

    JANUARY  9th and no posts since Dec 31st?------------you women don't let what you have die, I have not met a more dynamic group ---ever. ------------------you care so much , say so much. Give such inspiration to each other . What's the change. ?  Holiday recovery is one thing---get beak to carring about each other. Sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2011

    LOve to all  sheila --will explain in the future------------------H L P _SAS

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Good Morning Sheila

    I am so happy to see you here. On my way to mass and would like to ask you would like their intentions heard this week. I also love the idea of Tori/Betty letting us know more about their families and really letting us in and letting us lift them up in all areas of their lives and the lives of their families and friends. Thank you for allowing us in and trusting us. Please do not feel that old Catholic guilt or anything else negative about stepping forward and asking us to concentrate on you as this is what God wants he wants us to join together in prayer and he wants us to bring our issues to him. It is as simple as that and all the other stuff we feel is made up in our own minds about why we shouldn't deserve that.

    Love to all of you and more prayers for Tori, Betty, Lauren and Judy this morning I feel God's Blessings being bestowed to you. 

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2011

    Hi again (one more thing to share)

    When I was first dxed almost 3 years ago, I had the biopsy and then they sent me for a breast MRI  to look for other "stuff" I was scared, bewildered and really didn't know a thing about what was going on. I was in the MRI room and there was a little radio playing in the tech office (kind of crackly transistor type) but as I was laying there on the cold table with my (still with me breasts) in the holes. I could hear a song come across that little radio and it was "here comes the sun" by the Beatles. Now the Beattles were a bit before my time but it is the music that makes me think of my parents when I was a young girl and I all of a sudden had a feeling of relief wash over me that all was going to be ok. My Mom died when I was 5 and this song always reminded me of she and my Dad and the happy times prior to her death. So here she was with me telling "its going to be all right" this morning I am baking and listening to my IPOD music and the song came on and it reminds me of all of you ladies. Listen the words, it is like it has been a long time that we have been in this pain of bc (PTSD) and the sun of God is breaking through (the ice is slowly melting)>

    Ladies it has taken me 3 years to feel this way and I still have rotten days (major anxiety but boy there are other days full of sun)

    Love to you all 

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited January 2011

    Good morning sisters...

    I've been MIA since Friday and I apologize...I had my Ipad with me on Friday for prayers, but unfortunately, not able to post from that yet (BCO is working on fixing it), so was just able to read and feel the blessings being bestowed on me by the prayers being sent and offered up by you all...what an extraordinary feeling to know that others are so kind and unselfish in their prayer life...I can not thank you enough for being so kind to me during all of this...I know I still have a long road ahead of me, but knowing I have this forum and thread to get me through the "rough" spots, really does help.

    I hope and pray that I can be of some comfort and support to others in any way possible as I continue to move forth...

    Thank you for allowing me to put myself "out there" along with my petitions for my family and other intentions.  I know since I've been on this thread, I may have seemed to be a person that didn't want to share with you all.  That has never been the case.  I guess, I've just always considered myself to not really have something of importance to share.  I have to admit, it really seems that you all have it "together" when it comes to being Catholic and your spiritual/prayer lives.  Here I am in my 40's feeling like I still have no idea.  I am working on that and hope that I can improve on it as time goes on...I have so much to learn still...

    At any rate, all in all, I'm feeling remarkably well after my last infusion on Friday.  ( I still smile when I type that)...I know most of the yuckiness will start tomorrow, and God willing the worst will be over by Friday or Saturday.  I will be getting a call this week or early next about rads.  I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm hoping for the best.  I'm sure an AI will be brought up as well. I believe most ladies start taking it after chemo and it's okay to take during rads?  Correct me if I'm wrong... 

    My prayers all offered up to you today ladies...for being so strong, so unselfish, and just being exactly what our Dear Lord intended you to be...simply remarkable!

    peace, prayers, love, and my gratitude,



  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011

    Hello All :)

    Sheila, we saw you peek in! Nice to see you and share what you can. We are here for you.

    Theresa, what a blessing to get some good sleep. I know how hard things can be, and I think we all have different chemical makeups. I too have been the highly sensitive child, and there is a fair amount of depression and anxiety in my family genes. Cancer too, oh well. My mother's side holds the cancer genes, and Dad's side have the longevity genes. My father's tumor was not malignant, just in a bad place in the brain. My gyn did recommend genetic counseling, and my Onc was a bit more, "whoodulie doo" about it. My ovaries are out already, but I am curious. I don't know, maybe this info could help someone else?

    So I bit the bullet and took my first dose, to be titrated over 5 weeks. I'll just see how it goes. Frankly I would rather go back to Effexor, but will work with my MD on this. I just remember Effexor as being quite soothing to my nervous system. I think I mentioned it was a hit with my co-workers as well :) Anyhoo, one day at a time.


    Thanks so much for sharing you story and words of hope. It is important to "witness" for each other, the good and the not so good. Knowing at the end of the day, we are each on this journey together.

    I think another part of this journey, which has been talked about before in many threads, is the plain reality that people make assumptions that once you are out of active treatment, that all is well. I have found this to be a very hard time, trying to take on more hours at work. Dealing with the chaos at home, trying to carry laundry down the street. My dog is still going through it too, the food never came, and there is no word. So life is not easier, just different. I need God just as much as I did before. My brain is just more aware how much I need. I suspect I am not alone in this.

    So I will keep praying for myself and you all.

    (and watch my program at 10:00 to cheer me on...I think tonight will be an extra special one on Bio channel.)

    and Tori, I'm glad you are still feeling good. It would start to hit me the same night, and I would be flushed like I had been in a windstorm when I went back the next day for my shot. May you sail through this week, God at you side, Angels petitioning for you.

    Alright, onward and upward!

    off to pick up my Neurontin, oh and Theresa, I am "all ears" to learn of your brand of ear plugs.

    God Bless you All.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Tori - you are so welcome and thank you for all YOUR support too!   

    Betty - what day is your surgery again?  I know it's this week.  And yes, I'm gonna ask about another MRI.

    Michelle - was so touched by your posts.  Good to know this gets better or at least can cope better over time.  And, the story about the messages from your mom was amazing (here comes the sun).

    My daughter & her friends had a luncheon for Lauren today and gave her all kinds of little things for recovery - books, magazines, cozy socks, movies, etc.  My daughter told Lauren we added her to our prayer list.  She said to make sure we knew she was very grateful.  Her surgery is at same hospital w/same surgeon I had.  In fact Lauren was the one who gave me a list of BS names back in the fall.  She's very active in the BRCA organization helping other young women her age- I think the name is Force or something like that.

    Traci -  I hope the new meds help you.  The mind journey is as difficult as the medical journey.  And thanks for reminder about the show tonight!  I was trying to find the channel so I would know what number and can't find it.  It's called BIO ?   I don't get HBO - maybe it's one of those channels. 

    For everyone - I'm sure you all know this song (it's one of my favorites)...

     Be Not Afraid

    You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst.
    You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way.
    You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand.
    You shall see the face of God and live.

    Be not afraid.
    I go before you always.
    Come follow me, and
    I will give you rest.

    If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown.
    If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed.
    If you stand before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that
    I am with you through it all.

    Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs.
    Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh.
    And if wicked men insult and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011


    Excellent song! the show is on Biography Channel. I get comcast, which is channel 115. I have the extended cable, I hope you have it!

  • thrmine
    thrmine Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2011

    HI ladies,

    Hope everyone had a good Christmas Season.  

    I had my BMX last Thursday.  It went well, no surprises.  I am home recovering and I think things are going pretty well.

    I went to Mass today.  Such  a blessing to be there.  Friends came up to greet me and they were so kind.  It was hard to be out and about for the first time.  I think this cancer thing is almost harder on some of my friends than it is on me.   A few of them are just visibly shook.    It seems like this whole journey has been a lesson in humility in some ways...

    Let's pray that God can use us and our circumstances to win hearts for Him.  I am not sure how to do that, but I guess, it starts with putting a smile on and making the best of the day before us by working with God in what comes our way.

    I'm not sure where I am going with this...just so very glad to be done with surgery.  Radiation is yet to come in Feburary.  

    Hope everyone is doing alright and staying warm!   

    Alice in Ohio 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2011


    Such beautiful sentiment. I love how you are looking deeper into this journey, to see the spiritual work that can be achieved. I am glad you are doing so well, and to make it to Church in less than 2 weeks shows you are certainly on the mend. I bet your children are already learning many lessons in your example. I bet they are also quite an inspiration for you too.

    Nice to hear from you!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Wow Alice - you're doing great to be out and about!  Grab sleep whenever you can as that's when all the healing takes place.  I found even 20 min little power naps helped keep me going.

    Traci - drat!  After your note I checked and I don't get that channel:(    Couple of years ago I got so fed up with cable bills, internet bills, cell phone bills, and phone bills that I cut back the channels.  Don't miss them except on occasion when I hear about a good show like this one.

    Have a good week everyone.  God bless.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited January 2011

    I just got home from a HARD visit to Indiana to see my Grandma. She is 92 and seems to be in the beginning of the end. Her tiny body has started not to work as well..... it really is shutting down. My little brother ( 37) flew out with me just to visit.. and he saw the condition she is in. She lives in her home still.. and her daughter ( my aunt) lives next door, and takes care of her daily. They are very close... so this is a good situation. It is VERY hard to see this happening slowly.

    Could all who are reading this, please pray for Willow Cox.... that her passing.... whenever God chooses..... is pain free and simple. For Jan Cox... that she can feel God with her as she cares for her.

  • prayersareanswered
    prayersareanswered Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2011

    My dear Sisters,

     I have been MIA for so long and I really apologize. I have had hard time especially emotionally in the last couple of weeks...For the first time since this journey started, I felt totally out of control and miserable. It was too much to handle. I could not sleep at night....and it made thing worse. My primary care physcian decided to put me on lexapro but then it made me feel very sick. The oncolgy nurse made me switch to effexor which i have not started yet. they also put me on lunesta to help me get some sleep but i noticed that ativan can also do the trick. You would have noticed that I really don t like medicines, which I think made my SE worst and non manageable the first time around. The nurse is asking me to be more proactive this time.

    I am actually writing from my infusion chair. I really pray and hope that things will get better and will be more manageable this time.

    thank you all for your thoughts and prayer even though I am not here all the time. I wis I could talk to you all everyday. I truly need the good spirits and the wondeful sisterhood I find here. I have been advised to go to support groups but haven t done yet.

     I keep my sister's card right in front of my eyes, the one that says "you will win this batle, you are strong like a beautiful tree in the forest..."

    thank you for all the prayers and support I find here. They mean the world to me.

    I pray that God answers all our prayers here.

     much much love, God bless

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited January 2011


    My heart hurts for all of you that are going through such a difficult time right now...Words fail me as I try to think of something to type that will make things better for you...

    I offer my prayers up to God for those of you struggling right now; that you feel the arms of our Dear Lord as they wrap themselves around you, granting you peace, comfort and security in knowing that you are never alone.... 

    thrmine-so glad that surgery went well and you are feeling up to being around people....such a blessing for you..I pray your recovery is smooth and uneventful... 

    estepp-prayers for your grandmother and aunt... 

    prayersareanswered-We all know too well what you are experiencing...treat yourself well and know that we care deeply.... 

    Janetinvirginia-I love that song...always a blessing to be singing it....thanks for sharing it.. 

    theresa, traci, betty, sheila, michelle..praying for you all as well...In fact, for all you wonderful ladies... 

    Have a blessed Monday...

    peace and prayers,



  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited January 2011

    What a beautiful name, Willow....I have prayed for Willow this morning, Estepp.

    As far as earplugs go, I have 2 suggestions. One is Max's. They are wax and come in a little case. They are readily available at most pharmacies, maybe about $5. You have to warm them and shape them to fit your ear....but they work really well!

    Another idea is to go to a Home Depot, and get earplugs that the woodworkers or landscapers use...little plastic orange ones. They work fairly well.

    Prayersareanswered..YAY!! One more chemo down!! Keep your eye on the prize, you can do it!!

    We got a huge snowstorm here in the Southeast today!! So much fun!!

    I am waiting for the iPad to work here as well...I almost never post!!

    Blessings to all today.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2011

    Hello Ladies, Tomarrow is my surgery,wish me luck.  Prayers for all  Betty