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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited August 2011

    Frank, Wonderful news!  So glad you got to enjoy your football game.  I am a big sports fan too, so I know how it would have hurt to miss that. 

    Paula, Thanks for more beautiful prayers.  Thanks for sharing your story Maria.  I am trying to use that philosophy too.  It can be hard.

    Sagina, I will pray for Jennifer as well. 

    Theresa, thanks as usual for the good advice.  Will try to  be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  Don't want to slip back into the "rut".  I am only just finished chemo, and I can already see how hard it is not to.  And I am not back to work yet, still out on disability.  I hope I will be able to keep the changes I am trying to make.  I am interested in what you heard at mass, especially that illness can keep you from the Lord.  I would have thought the opposite as you say.  But it seems to be true for me.  I had a scare over two years ago with my son and started going to daily mass.  The scare resolved, but I continued to go to daily mass and pray a daily rosary, even on vacation I'd find the nearest church and go daily.  Now with cancer, I would think I would be more inclined to continue, but I've stopped.  I think I slipped out because of some days just not feeling well because of the SE's from chemo, but now I am in the rut of only going on Sundays again.  I have been really trying to figure this out.  Have been asking my DH why he thought this was.  I wonder if I am angry at God because of the cancer?  If I am, it's not apparent to me, but maybe subconsciously I am?  I don't know it, but the question is bothering me.  I am going to be getting MX with DIEP soon and I'm scared about it.  But it's not making me pray for it or go to church.  Maybe the illness is keeping me from the Lord instead of turning me to Him, but why?   I really don't get it.

  • dlcp
    dlcp Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2011

    Thank you for welcoming me. I just posted a few days ago regarding anxiety during MRI, because I did not push through with my scheduled breast mri, since I experienced claustrophoic feelings. I have to gather strength first to push through with my schedueld MRI, hopefully within this month.  Its been a year already I have been diagnosed of stage 2a IDC,so theres a need to undergo MRI especailly with the breast silicone implant in my left breast.   Please help me pray that I will have the courage and stregth to go through it all.  Thank you so much.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2011

    DLCP, welcome to this thread.  I want to encourage you to be "brave" and go through with the much needed MRI.  I just did 2 brain MRIs and 1 breast MRI (both of which was with and without contrast).  I was nervous and stressed about having them done but when you are most vulnerable while inside the machine, just keep calm and still and keep praying to our Lord Jesus.  You will make it through.  Also, please think of it this way, be grateful that we are in the 21st century and they can use these equipment to scan us.  I'd rather the doctors either find nothing and we can breathe a sigh of relief or they find something in the early stages and take care of it.  I will pray for you to have courage and let the Lord hold your hand while you are doing the scans.  Amen!

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited August 2011

    I am sorry not to have been around much lately.. I am busy and busy is good.

    Where else to find Marys but in a Catholic thread?  Visit the 'Mary - name' thread and say hi.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2011
    A few seconds ago sas-schatzi wrote:

    Kay-------- I thought the whole thing was so true to what should be and isn't.  Thank you, I transferred it to the prayer archive. It's good for the soul.              I hope your twin is managing and the boys. It is such a tough thing to go through.  I did individual counseling after Greg died. In retrospect, I question, if going to group grief counseling would have helped as an adjunct to my individual counseling.  Just a thought. L&H&P's Namaste Sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2011

    Kay---All of what you have said is true about your journey. It is so taxing on the spirit. Nothing makes sense. Everything we do or don't do we question. What was real before, isn't the same anymore. Which creates even more questions. Fear that we were able to always conquer before, at times becomes paralyzing.  I remember when you first came before your treatments, you've come so far, this is another step. Notice I didn't say ---just----. In usually interchange that would have been the connector word. This is a new challenge. You have demonstrated durability with grace. You have an inner strength. Rely on it now. If prayer escapes you, pray anyway. Pray to Mother Theresa----It was revealed after her death that she lost her faith some 50-60- years ago, but kept on praying even though in her letters she stated that she no longer felt His presence the way she previously had. In times like this let her be our guide. She continued to lead an exemplary life. God will keep us, even when we don't think He will and when our feelings get in the way, be it anger or loss of belief. We are human with all our frailties. It's easy to believe when things are good. When we are tested by one assault after the other, we question what the point of our beliefs were. It's hard. It's so hard, but that is again why I say to pray to Mother Theresa. She walked this path for so many years. Allow her to help you hold on L&H&P's Namaste sheila

  • dlcp
    dlcp Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2011

    Thank you so much Diamond Girl, I am almost teary eyed with your advice and comforting words. Yes I will do it soon, when I have my schedule again and my husband around with me. I will put into mind what you have said and shared.  I will also pray for more strength and keep the faith burning in my heart.  Thank you. I will let you know when I will be successful and the results too. God bless!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2011


    If I may share a thought or two? For me, Cancer woke me up to the knowledge that life here is not permanent, nor was it ever designed to be. My trappings are when I get lost in the thoughts of extended trials and suffering. I was very recently embroiled in some "worky stuff," and have been very frustrated because of it. It is now abating (hopefully,) but I can find balance and peace within it, because I have been brought closer to the brink so to speak. (it also makes me less tolerant of silliness, which ahem is not always appreciated by the masses.) But nonetheless, you are in a place of grace that while not necessarily prayed for in words, has unfolded. There are opportunities for growth of Spirit right now. Let your Spirit call to God to show the Blessings within your trials. For me, it comes in the form of stopping, breathing and saying, these issues are not permanent, and therefore what is the legacy that I want to leave here on Earth? What teachings am I receiving that I can share with those around me.

    Church happens wherever we are, and perhaps this is a less formal setting to share your growth with God, but just as powerful. God understands anger just like any other feeling or emotion. He/She gives us fullness and does not judge us as we do ourselves.

    You are perfectly where you are supposed to be, and by sharing your struggles here, you are growing Spiritually.

    and as a good friend says,


    Bless you all today, and a wink to Sheila :)

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited August 2011

    Heavenly Father, walk through my house, and take away all my worries and any illnesses, and please watch over and heal my family and friends. Bring quiet where there is chaos, bring light where there is darkness and put love in our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen

    And thank you Paula, Squid, Shiela and Theresa for the encouragement/advice.  It is greatly appreciated.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    Oh and yes He speaks to me through others if I just take the time to listen....I have been away too long....Sheila were you talking to Kay or me? Your words perfectly describe me all the way even to the worky stuff....

    Diamond Girl thank you for the reminder to trust in Him at all times!  I needed that today.

    I have some swelling above the port removal site....BS wanted an ultrasound asap looking for blood clot.  I'm waiting for results.  But while in the ultrasound the tech found a nodule on my left thyroid (not the radiated side).  Not sure what that all means.  BS out until next week....

    But visiting this thread once again brings me to the place I want to be.  I thought about that on the way to work this morning.  I was my happiest really while in chemo and radiation cause I allowed myself to completely fall in the arms of our Father, and surrounded myself with His children, and the amour of His love was so strong, nothing penetrated.  I want to always put myself there, cancer was just my kick to find that place.

    Thank you, each of you, for helping me stay in His grace.  We are singing "Grace Like Rain" this Sunday....I love that song.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2011


    Sweet ladies... I have been over the top busy this week.... which was nice.....:) A happy, fun week...but I have not been here to read all the posts. I am praying right now for us all.. and for any intentions on this thread.

    I have a very full next 9 weeks. I want you to know, I will be here reading at least twice a week. I will be praying for everything you ask for... and do not ask for. I just might not be posting. This is always my promise to you all.

    If anyone needs me... I will respond to all PM's. I will try to check them at least twice a week.

    Bless you sweethearts... and my prayer is ALWAYS peace within you.

    ((((  AND FRANK )))))        ~wink~



  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    Good evening ladies - anyone here for evening prayer?

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited August 2011

    im here

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011
    Hi Maria!  I'll look for something to share...Smile
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited August 2011

    ok thanks Theresa!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    A prayer of praise and some prose... 

    Dear Lord,
    I praise You and worship You above all else.
    Thank You for inhabiting my praise,
    for it is only in Your presence
    that I can experience the fullest measure
    of joy to be found on this earth.
    I invite Your presence into my life in a greater way
    than ever before.
    I ask You to walk with me and lead me in the way
    You want me to go.
    Help me to stay close to You,
    so that I don't ever stray from the plans
    You have for me.
    Being with You brings hope and joy
    to my heart.
    Being in the presence of Your holiness
    brings wholeness to my life.

    End of the Week Prayer
    Bless me as another week draws to a close,
    carrying with it, chances taken & opportunities missed,
    my actions may have been wise, foolish or both,
    this is a time that was, a time now passed into history.

    Bless me with wisdom as I move forward,
    open my mind to value the lessons that came
    my way this week, with insight and understanding,
    open my spirit with renewed commitment to fairness,
    open my heart to compassion for those I have met.
    It is with openness that I grow wiser with each week.

    Bless all those whose paths I crossed this week,
    make my efforts count for something positive and good,
    let my pettiness indulged in, be over and forgotten,
    renew my spirit and my strength for the week to come.
    Bless each precious day of my life here on Earth.

    Sleep Comes - Night Prayer
    Sleep, comes to me with peaceful dreams
    my  sleep be blessed, as my body renews itself
    my brain, calmly sort and file the day's events
    my spirit soars free, renewing my positive attitude
    I sleep in preparation for a new day of being
    and I am grateful.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited August 2011

    beautiful prayers Theresa thank you!!!


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    God bless all my dear sisters and brother.  Yes, it's been a busy summer with lots to do and I'm trying very hard to exercise in the evening too, which gives me less and less computer time, but I check on everyone quite often! ;-)  I'm happy to see Traci posting again!  Gina, I'm sorry you have to go through this... know our prayers are with you.  It's a never ending battle now, with our bodies, as much as we try to forget and get on with life, something else pops up to worry us.  But keep the faith.  Yes, Mother Teresa did have many, many years of dryness ... she suffered with it, but God never abandoned her.  She was and is a great inspiration of Christlikeness.  Just reading her books demonstrates her love for God and His love for her.  She could not have written those beautiful and loving words without the grace of the Holy Spirit, nor could she endure her very hard life without His grace.

    Good night and have a wonderful and restful weekend!  Stay cool!

    Pax et bonum!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    You're welcome Maria!  Thanks for being here.  Good night!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2011

    Again-----missed prayers, I was here. But not a brain flicker. I guess I will have to put up a sign. Thank you again Theresa for being the anchor. Huh even though us sailors are off ship.

    Sagina----the words you were thanking me for were our dear Squids words, not mineSmile


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2011


    What a gorgeous prayer.

    My challenge, to keep these feelings and faith while in the noise of life.

    Sagina, yes, while in the thick of chemo and radiation, it was (for me,) easier to be closer  to God. I am able to get to "that place" while working with some of my doubt. How do I keep that place free of chaos? for there is always a way to up end the peacefullness that wants to rise.

    I ask myself, how long will I wait to bring God into my waking walking life? I touch Spirit in spurts, and it is so very genuine, yet I do not have patience.

    I don't know how you do it Theresa, managing to find just the right prayer and lessons. But you do.

    Sheila, were you on shore leave :) ? It happens...

    I confess, I am usually in the pool around 9:15-9:55 each night that I can, and if I can't I am fast asleep on the couch. Swimming is my chance to be in a medium where I don't have to carry my weight, and my back and legs are just along for the ride as I pull my way through the water. My "season" is from May-October 31st, and I used to run home for prayers, but I am slower now. So please excuse my absences, I certainly think of you all, and will make more of an effort to pray along with you all.

    Everyone, have a beautiful day, and I will do my best to be in Spirit throughout.



  • frankh
    frankh Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2011

    Hello all

    Well I received Home treatment last week. I went to the clinic on Wednesday as usual. Was there at 8 00am, nurse took my bloods then I had a chat with the Onc nurse and was out of the Clinic by 8 25am. Got a phone call later on (after results back from Lab) to say that a nurse would be with me following day between 11 30 and 12 00. She arrived at 11 30 set up the equipment , I got my HER infusion along with the 2 short infusions. She then sat with me for the 90 minutes to check that I didn't get a reaction.

    Home nurse explained the system. Health Trust still pays for the Herceptin which is between £26000 and £36000 for a year depending on size of dose but Roche the drug company pays a firm of private nurses to make the home visits.  Roche gets to sell another supply of the drug but takes a reduction in profit in the salary of the nurse. Clinic is bursting at the seams so it reduces the numbers attending the clinic. Also the figures for the Health Trust look better as it can count the home patients who are being treated, plus it means that waiting times to get onto treatment are reduced which is a big political issue at the moment. If you go to a clinic to get treatment think of the huge overheads involved in running that clinic. Those overheads, when I am treated at home, are not incurred in my case, so another win for the Trust. Patient gets to be treated at home which is nicer no matter how nice the clinic is - so another win. One proviso is that whilst I will see an Onc nurse on 2 of the visits to the clinic and be away quickly on each 3rd visit I must wait and see the Onc himself. I don't think that I would want to go for too many visits without seeing the Onc.

    Now some more good news - Home nurse has to go to the clinic in the morning to be briefed on the patients whom they are going to treat that day. Home nurse said to me " In the clinic they are very pleased with your progress" no need to say that that pleased me tremendously. I said a prayer of thanksgiving for that good news so girls say a thanksgiving prayer as well.

    Take care all and keep the prayers going.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited August 2011

    prayers for all my sisters. .. (and brothers).. Smile

    back to work yesterday.. it feels great to be at the controls again.. even if it is only an organ.

  • michelleo13
    michelleo13 Member Posts: 116
    edited August 2011

    Just getting ready to go to the hospital for my first chemo session. Praying to the Blessed Mother, St. Peregrine, and St. Andre Bessette (our newest Canadian saint).

    Thanks to all for sharing the beautiful prayers on this thread. My faith will help me get through this!

    God bless.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited August 2011

    Michelleo, I just finished chemo a week ago.  If I can answer any questions, please PM me.  You will get through.  God Bless.

  • Glinda8
    Glinda8 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011

    After almost 60 years of living the Catholic faith I'm afraid my experience with BC has weakened my personal belief in the power of prayer. I don't want to go on sounding like a "devil's advocate" but has anyone else experienced anything similar?? I still have my faith in God it's just that I'm "rethinking" prayers of petition.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    Glinda8 - God bless you!!  Yes, we all (here I'm speaking for everyone ... I should say, I) have often thought about prayers of petition.  Sometimes we get what we ask for, sometimes we don't.  I have to keep forefront in my mind, that my petitions should be for God's will in all things and if those things are what perceive as bad, then give me the strength to endure.  I commented a few posts ago, that for me, I have always been pulled back to God when I am my weakness and most needy, and God knows it.  I'll use weekends for an example of the bigger picture.  During the week, my husband and I have a LONG commute to work.  We absolutely hate it.  It's very, very difficult to practice patience and love of neighbor when you're being cut off.  We constantly pray for God's will and assistance.  So we now say morning prayer together (one reads and the other responds) on the way in and on the way home, one of us reads from a spiritual book -- we're still reading St. Augustine's Confessions - a GREAT book, by the way.  Plus neither one of us loves our careers.  So as part of our morning petitions, we ask for God's will with the commute and the jobs.  What do we do on the weekends when life is easy?  NOTHING!!!  (well, we do go to Mass!!)  But our prayer life zips down to just about zero.  How horrible is that?  So it really *is*, Oh blessed weakness!  I went through all kinds of emotions when I was first diagnosed with cancer.  But it brought me to my knees and I am trying very hard to walk ever closer to my Maker.  I have to work on the weekend thing though.  But the power behind prayer is not the granting of wishes, per se, but the power is the magnifyer that brings you closer to God no matter what happens.  And I believe in miracles too!! :-)

    Traci - I just ask the Holy Spirit to help me find something... even if only one or two of us are in prayer, others come along (like Sailor Sheila) to read and it might help someone ... But honestly, I have those same challenges to keep the feelings and faith alive.  Again, I have to remember it's not by my own power that those feelings come and go.  It's the grace of the Holy Spirit working in us, sometimes completely unexpected.  I read somewhere (I think my Franciscan material) that the more you immurse(Sp?) yourself in reading Scripture and good spiritual books and lessons, the more you start to think and act with the Holy Spirit... but it's more than the act of reading.  Many of us can read something and have it not sink in.  It's reading, meditating on it, and opening yourself to grace.  Even if it's a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes in the evening.  It's an important discipline to have in life, more so than any of our other obligations.  And when I experience those long periods of dryness, I was told to continue praying as if I wasn't experiencing dryness.  I tell myself over and over again, "This too shall pass and I will feel the warmth of the Lord again!"

    I recommend the book: Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. I read it once and need to read it again.  Here is the description of the book: 

    It is the story of a young woman named Much-Afraid, and her journey away from her Fearing family and into the High Places of the Shepherd, guided by her two companions Sorrow and Suffering. It is an allegory of a Christian devotional life. The book takes its title from Habakkuk 3:19, "The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places."

    Whenever something happens in my life that I don't like, I say to myself, "Acceptance with Joy!"  That's from the book. :-)  It's one of the lessons Much-Afraid had to learn. 

    Frank!  Good news!!!  We all live for those little bits of happy news.

    AppleMary - so happy to hear that you're back playing the organ!!  I'm still thinking about taking piano lessons again.  I hate to make my family suffer with me practicing though!

    Welcome Michelleo13!  You'll do just fine.  I'm a chemo girl too ... 15 months out.  Yes, Grace will See You Through.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    Good grief!  Sorry about the long post.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    Hi everyone, thank you for the prayers we are half way there, no blood clots.  BS will call me later in the week about the nodule, PA said probably just another ultrasound in six months to follow.

    Jennifer the 19 year old with brain cancer has tolerated radiation well so far.  She is scheduled for 28 treatments and has had two.  She is listed as critical in ICU and will be staying in the hospital for treatments. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2011

    Theresa - every word of your long post was wonderful. On you statement, that you aren't praying on the weekends. We all know prayer comes in many forms. How often have you related playing with the grandchildren-------is that not a prayer of love and giving. How often have you talked of your gardens and that not a prayer in beautifying the ground given us. You spend time that is different than during the week with Skip........ is that not a prayer to your love for he other. None of these are , put into words. But they are lived. Namaste