Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Well, I'm not sure what is going on with the first pic (of a dog) because i saw it, then refreshed page and saw empty square outline, then refreshed again and didn't even see the outline of the pic.  Must be a hosting problem so I'm going to give it time to fix itself before I mess aorund further.

    My mouth continues to heal, and I'd say I'm at 90% now, so I think I've passed the test with this chemo.  It really was not the chemo creating the problem.  That was the CT dye reaction, and the allergic reaction took A MONTH to work out of my system.  Why it was like this, I don't know, but I just reported the facts as they happened to me.  Pretty weird.  I am happy, happy I tell you, to be back on the chemo because I want the extra KILL POWER this chemo can provide.  I still hope to achieve a Complete Response, despite having to take a week off.  I told my body to try REAL HARD!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Eph,  Did you say that it's longer than 7 days?  I have not seen a cruise where Bahamas is combined with those other ports.  It sounds so great and I wish I could stow away and come snorkelling in the Caymans (although how I would do that with good ol' "Tiny Tim" hanging onto my neck, I don't know.)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    it's just 1 island in the bahamas (I think it's owned by the cruise line;) Good ole Tiny Tim would probably not appreciate a dunking, but I haven't swam in a warm ocean in 11 years so I'm ready to snort salt water while snorkeling!!! Edit to add: no - it's 7 days.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Eli....glad you're doing better....and in fighting form!

    Love ALL the festive photos!....especially the cheesecake! :-)

    Love and blessings to all!

  • amywolfie
    amywolfie Member Posts: 6

    Greetings fellow survivors & survivors-to-be!  I'm a two-time BC survivor -- both hit when I was in my 40's & 50's.  I've written a book about my experiences, DON'T LET ME DIE IN A MOTEL 6, which I'd like to give away FREE to any ladies who need a good laugh.  Trust me, there is a time when all the treatment will be over, and you'll be back in the World Of the Well.  Just Tweet me at @AmyWolf_Author.  Thanks, and good luck to everyone.  NEVER SURRENDER!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E-love the reindeer hostess up top! Her outfit is quite stylish!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh my, looking at those poor pets.... if looks could kill!

  • TAB55
    TAB55 Member Posts: 71

    Eph: Your cruise sounds heavenly!  Unfortunately I'm headed to the frozen lands of Canada where my MIL lives.  The good news is we leave on boxing day for NYC, where we'll take in a couple shows, eat good food and enjoy the sights.

    Eli: Glad your mouth is on the mend and your cancer killing robot is back in action.

    Amy: Thanks for the offer.  I'll send you a PM, and I agree, NEVER surrender!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Elimar - my rat terrier gets cheezed off enough at me when I put a sweater on her when it gets really cold. I'd hate to think the looks I would get with those on her.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    luvmygoats,  Not to mention what your GOATS would do.  Ahahahahahahahahhaahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269

    Eph Have a great cruise! We have done the Western Caribbean twice. Once on our 10yr and 20 yr anniversaries and loved it both times.

    Love the pics Eli! Don't think my cats would be that patient to get a pic.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Elimar - Those hats have to be photo shopped in. With 4 of them one would surely be eating the other's hat. I do have a pic of my first 4 goats in T shirts. I think I had clipped them for a show and was afraid they would be cold (2001 hard to remember). I have been known to put toddler Ts/sweatshirts on babies (6 lbs or so) but not so much now. I wait until March to kid them out. Those in the pic are Boer goats BIG honkers (bucks 240 lbs) used for meat but these appear to be does (have udders). Mine are closer to big dog size 60-70 lbs and use dog crates in the pickup. Might have to get a Christmas hat and try to get some pics.

    We are having a west Texas style dust storm blowing in a cold front. Afraid of grass fires and TX is soooo dry.

    Hope your chemo killing partner is behaving tonight.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Isn't it just uncanny how I knew she would dress those goats up!   LaughingMoney MouthTongue Out


    Speaking of mystical knowledge:  Today when I saw my MO, I was posing the question on whether I would have bone pain (pelvis) that lingered on for some years (similar to the two years of rib pain after breast rads.)  Honest question, right?  My RO answered that since with the surgery, they go down to the chest wall, it is hard to say whether that lingering soreness would have been the result of the surgery or the rads.  He said, "There is just no way to know."  (Will it just never end that they don't admit anything is the fault of their treatment?)  I just had to reply, "Oh but I know."  Then, as he exited, he got in a little digger.  "I forgot, you know everything, don't you?" he said.  I let him have his small victory, secretly finding that comment just hilarious.  He may think he got off calling me a know it all, he may have the medical degree, but who inhabited this body all these years?   Maybe I do know a little more about it than he does, and shouldn't I?

    He had just told me I could take Monday off if I wanted to, so I couldn't give him an indignant attitude after that.

    It was a good thing I did not squander my indignance so early in the day, because it came in handy later in the afternoon.  I got a call from the surgeon's office, not from his nurse but another nurse making the call for her, to tell me the results of my PET scan.  The one I had back on Nov. 28.  The one that surgeon's nurse told me she would call me on as soon as she got the results.  The one that my RO's nurse discussed the results with me on Nov. 29 and I had a hard copy in my own hand from the imaging center on the 30th.  Here it was TWENTY TWO days later that someone calls from the surgeon's office with results on the test HE ordered.   Hey, it's ONLY a test to find out if I had mets or biggie.  (Please read that last sentence with the extreme sarcasm with which I wrote it.)  Yes, I did go on record with a few statements of feedback over that ridiculous oversight.

    No, I did not "go off" on the nurse that did call.  She ended up being both apologetic and sympathetic to me AND she ended up being the nurse of new, young, robot doctor whom I hope will be doing my surgery.  I think we are BFFs now.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Enter young robot doctor at Elimar's bedside...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    You must have missed the part where it was previously revealed that he is far from being a hottie and also has little skill at human interaction (no doubt from keeping company with too many robots.)   Those qualities don't rule out the possibility of him being a good surgeon.  I'm keeping my hope alive.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    This must be him, notice the condescending sneer?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Pretty darn close, Meece.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    You can always imagine bad breath.

  • Hopeful-1
    Hopeful-1 Member Posts: 7

    I need help with an issue so I'm reaching out to the the fellow BC survivors.

    As if fighting breast cancer wasn't enough, I'm now fighting for a healthy workplace.  How can someone bully a cancer survivor!  Unbelievable, but it's true! Stress is the last thing that I need. 

    Please help by signing the petition to help pass this the Healthy Workplace bill in Maryland:

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eph - You will no doubt be thinking of your mom no matter where you are at Christmas time. It is one of the toughest times of the year. My mom has been gone for 11 yrs now, she was the one who put Christ in Christmas for us all - still miss her terribly. Have a wonderful cruise with DD - I am sure that your mom will be travelling beside you sharing the adventure. ((hugs))

    Eli - so glad to hear the your mouth sores are healing so well and that you are able to get back to the task at hand. I bet you and Tiny Tim make a wonderful pair - remember that good things come in small packages!

    Tab55 - enjoy your time in Canada - depending on where you are going, you may find that we are not frozen over totally. We are experiencing above normal temps, no snow, where I live.

    Safe travels everyone!

  • TAB55
    TAB55 Member Posts: 71

    Barsco: Thanks for the warm wishes, but the forecast high for Christmas eve in Kingston is 14°F!  That's too d@mn cold for me!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    yes barsco, thank you for your sentiments.  Today is my last day of work until Jan 3 '13-Whoopee!!!!! I am going to be meeting 1 of my chemo angels on the 30th-back in '09 she kept me supplied with funny cards, care packages & good wishes.  If you are actively receiving chemo, you should look up & sign up with "chemo angels" at

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph have a great time, TAB55 that is too darn cold for me too.

    eli glad your mouth sores are getting better. Can't believe it took so long for the Surgeons office to call you but at least you made a new BFF

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Well, ladies.  Doomsday is drawing nigh and I've found everything you need to know to survive the Apocalypse!  Besides preparing you for the end of the world, there is an interactive guide with interesting factoids about all thing apocalyptic:

    Eph - I hope you got travel insurance in case it's the end of the world and you don't get to take your trip!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Tab - minus 14 - yikes! Kingston is quite a bit farther North than where I am. Wear your woolies!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    I'm two days late in posting this since I had my 14th day of rads yesterday (and that's HALF WAY) but here goes:


    12 painful mouth sores

    11 different denials

    10 nights a-tossing

    9   days a-napping

    8   scans, some glowing

    7   lame prescriptions

    6   ft. of tubing

    5   punc-tured-veins

    4   pompous looks

    3   disgusting drinks

    2   chemo bags

    and a burn in the crack of my a$$

    Feel free to adapt that last one to fit the breast cancer treatment experience if you wish.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - your sense of humour never ceases to amaze! Congrats on the half way mark!

  • TAB55
    TAB55 Member Posts: 71

    Eli: Thanks for the laugh!  You know how to embrace life's challenges!

    Barsco: I'm packing woolies, long underwear, boots, scarf, hat, gloves and warm thoughts.  I just hope it's enough.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    To all those going North and all those going South, happy holidays and safe travels.  Same to you East and West go-ers.


    And the ones who are staying put, I imagine we'll be having are holidays here together online, so I need some help decorating.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Oh yeah, and I post this every year (probably because I can't resist making a couple every year.  No one trusts me with actual scissors.)
