

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hello All from the class of 2012. After 8 years of NED, I am having a CT scan of my neck and chest late next week.

    I have a right vocal cord paralysis. I thought I had laryngitis. Never heard of vocal cord paralysis (VCP). When one has VCP, it is because the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve is not functioning. Why? often because of lung cancer. In breast cancer patients, it can be the first sign of mets. My MX was on the right side. So, now I'm researching VCP and breast cancer mets and/or lung cancer. Couldn't find any citations about this on BCO search function.

    I had a scope done (a lighted tube via nose down to vocal cords) at the Ear Nose Throat doc. I have no polyps, cancer nor irritation on my vocal cords nor throat. He immediately told me I needed a CT scan. He talked to me about my cancer history. Stay tuned. Right now, there is the possibility of a "virus" (not Covid), cancer or "idiopathic" ( unknown reasons). Who'd of thunk that VCP is something that we BC women need to pay attention to?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962

    Deborah--who'd of thunk we'd need to worry about vocal cord problems, indeed! And people wonder why some of us freak out over new or odd symptoms. Praying for an easy scan and for results of a virus or something treatable.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429

    Deborah - fingers crossed for you. Please do let us know.

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Thank you MinusTwo and NativeMainer. I got my CT results today. All (neck and chest) came back clear! Whew!

    BC has been a distant memory. Glad my ENT is vigilant and had me scanned.

    Happy holidays everyone. It'd be great to hear from the 2012 Feb. MX ladies eight years later to see how we all fared and if anyone grew other cancers related or not to BC.

    2021 simply has to be better than 2020!


  • beachw3
    beachw3 Member Posts: 26

    Hi everyone, I’m glad to find this post. I have had breast cancer twice in the past four years. I am 54, just went for routine MRI and they found 5MM lesion on my rib so have a CT scan Monday. I’m so worried. I am having a bad day as I feel like I’m not living my life like I want enjoying my grown three children the way I want because of there step dad and just not happy. Sorry to be such a complainer but this makes me worry and rethink am I really living like I want. Any thiughts

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429

    beach - this thread has been 'closed" so isn't really active. Sorry you are back for another round. It does mess up your life. I'd suggest joining a thread for "mets" or for recurrent cancer or join the tread for diagnosed but waiting for treatment decisions.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Just popping in to say hi Middies!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962

    Hi, Eph! How's life? :)

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Hi Everyone ,

    Glad to see you, Hope everyone is staying well.🤗💕

  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93

    Hi Everyone,

    Going on 59 and just freaked out that once I hit 60 I am no longer a middie.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962

    AnnC2019--the age range of 40-60 is and "ish" range, not a hard and fast rule. I'm 62 and still consider myself a Middle!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429

    Well I'm definitely not even close to a "middle", but my heart is in the right place. I always enjoyed this thread.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962

    Perhaps we should be "Middle-Age and Onward"

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Good to see familiar names - I too am well past the "middle" and that's a good thing. Means I'm still here. Age though does come with new scares. Have had every test in the book for what was thought to originally be a uterine bleed. Not so. Three ultrasounds later - nothing alarming in the female organ area - good. So sent to urology - three ultrasounds, a bladder scan, and a CT scan all good in kidneys, bladder, lower spine and lower lungs (the last two came along for the ride due to location of the kidneys and got covered in the scan) I go in next week to have a final look (narrow ureter - likely that way since birth and a small kidney stone they want to take out before it causes issues). He, after nearly six months of testing, believes I had a small kidney stone pass (had the accompanying back pain two weeks before and stabbing pain in the groin just the day before the bleed) and hopefully this is the last thing to do. Somewhat reminiscent of all the trials of a cancer diagnosis. Nothing seems to move swiftly in the medical field. Test after test seems to be the order of the day. But the amazing thing, to me, is that in all these tests not one involves cutting me open - It truly is remarkable to see just how much they can do with small cameras and imaging. Kind of miraculous. Hope all are well and enjoying getting out lives back to a somewhat normal situation after 2020.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962

    The testing and imaging that can be done is marvelous, isn't it? One would think they'd have come up with an answer after all that, though.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    You probably can't believe that I have come back to this thread to post something. I know that I can't believe it. I just have a quick story to share...

    So, my friend got BC in 2020. It was caught in an early stage and her treatment required Lx and Rads. She was done by 2021, but as the RO was reviewing her post-rads imaging, the breast looked all clear but there was the appearance of something suspicious on her lung.

    Biopsy, yep, it was LC. Her first cancer treatment segued right into a second cancer treatment even more grueling. Long story short: She surgically lost one lobe of her lung but kept going and a few months later welcomed a new grandson. He's now a year old and she's now NED. Happy ending.

    You know how LC is a silent killer, rarely making itself known with symptoms until it is very advanced, usually Stage IV? My friend was lucky to have gotten BC because it ended up saving her life.

    Every now and then you come across an amazing true story like this.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    P.S. to my Mid-Age Thread OGs: I'm doing just fine, thanks; just more "ish" now than when this thread was created.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429

    Eli - great to see you and hear that you are doing fine. You were always so gracious to let me occasionally join this thread - even though I was 'more' senior even back then. But what GREAT ladies we had... Almost 3200 pages of great ladies.

    PS - I'm doing fine too. Discount the CIPN and the LE - and life's not at all bad.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    Hello all! I’m new to this group! I’ll be celebrating 60 years this summer and 40 years with my hubby this fall. No kids - it’s just us - we are the kids 😂😂

    Recently I received a test result which has me feeling like a scared little girl.

    I was diagnosed 9 years ago and have had breast MRIs yearly since then - all negative. After diagnosis I had a modified radical mastectomy on the left side and an implant removed from might right side. This breast never developed due to birth defects

    I just received the results of my recent breast mri and it said;

    BONES AND SOFT TISSUES: There is a 5 mm focus of enhancement with T2 bright signal in the 5th or 6th
    anterior right rib, not definitely seen previously.

    New right anterior 5th or 6th rib 5 mm enhancing focus. High T2 signal is reassuring, although etiology
    is unclear. Depending on risk of recurrence, consider CT/bone scan correlation. If not seen, consider
    six-month follow-up MRI.

    I am frozen. Has anyone been through a similar circumstance?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,429

    footballnut - sorry I didn't have anything similar, but wanted you to know we will be rooting for you.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    Thank you!

    I was successful with having my oncologist look at the actual images and she said that she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about and to relax

    she wouldn’t say that if she thought it was Mets right?

    I only ask because when I felt a lump in my breast and under my arm 9 years ago I saw a surgeon who felt them, looked me in the eye and told me that it was nothing. I knew he was full of you know what

    A week later he told me what I already knew. His doing that makes it hard for me to believe good news

  • map1002
    map1002 Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2024

    Will I ever lose the weight?? 7 years passed treatment of Stage 2 HR+++. Chemo, lumpectomy, rads. no more meds for a couple years now. I'm 58. I was on the brink of menopause when I was diagnosed.. trying to stay motivated in an exercise plan/nutrition is hard. What say all you? I'm 5'3" and 215lbs. sigh

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 845

    Hi Map

    I just circled back to this thread, it's been a little dormant for almost a year. I've been taking arimidex for 9.5 years now and one of the affects is not being able to lose weight. I've done Keto which helped my drop a ton of weight, but then it just creeped back. It's a constant battle while I'm on Arimidex.