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  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, I have no idea. My diet has improved a fair bit since my DX, and my weight has dropped too. The grapefruit thing surprised me. It is one of those specific foods that is also known to interfere with certain meds. Apparently, it appreciably raises your blood estrogen levels. I am not saying it "caused" my cancer, because that would be silly. But I do wonder if my sudden obsession with grapefruit contributed in some way.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    We are in the dark ages of nutrition still, when actual findings of one study propels many to effect changes in their lifestyle.  What I hear is something like, "Well, it may only be one thing, but it's better than doing nothing?"  I ask, "How do you know it is better than nothing?  You might change one thing and make no difference at all or actually make things worse than doing nothing because we do not know the interactions involved in cancer."  

    But the mentality is we must DO something, and we would like to feel that it matters.  Going back to the balance sheet, we just cannot know that what we do does matter for us as individuals.  A population study can render a statistical finding, but what measure do we have as individuals to know if what we do does anything at all?  With us having had cancer already, maybe the die is already cast.  

    The study was not even conducted on women who had cancer and who recurred, so we don't know with any certainty at all that if we never ate another grapefruit in our lives that we could escape recurrence.  For that alone, the study is meaningless to me because it is not my cohort.

    Btw, my days are filled with wondering.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, I hear you. It just stuck in my head because I saw it somewhere and rolled my eyes. Then I saw it some other place and thought "hmmm." Then when I investigated, it actually seemed to be a real and significant effect. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Let me put it this way: I eat cheese. I got cancer. You ate cheese. Eli ate cheese. Ergo, cheese causes breast cancer.

    I knew grapefruit and the meds I were taking were a bad mix, so I haven't had grapefruit in probably 30 years. So, that certainly wasn't a factor in my case! I think the fact they were studying grapefruit for the strange interaction it has with so many common meds is what led them to the silly "study result". There is ER in so many things we eat, why pick on the grapefruit????

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    But, Barbe, what about all the folks who ate cheese and didn't get cancer?  More like cheese (or grapefruit, or anything) plus everything else you do and eat all combine with your individual genetics and then the dice gets rolled.  The study results can be completely genuine but what does it all end up meaning to me?  I do not know how to incorporate the findings into my daily life, other than making sure not to eat a 1/4 grapefruit each day.  That says nothing about me eating 1/4 grapefruit every other day, or maybe eating 1/2 a day is o.k. because that is all outside the parameters of the study.

    It's not even just what Barbe posted about could be any particular thing.  Next week it will be something else.

    I think back to when I first joined BCO and it was supposed to be beneficial during rads to drink 4 oz. of red wine.  Not more and not serving...a 4 oz. serving to be precise.  It drew a fine line as to how much was o.k.  So with a lot of the stuff, supposedly good or bad, you also have to wonder how much?   Some others who go back to 2009 or so probably remember how everyone was writing about it at the time.  Cutting alcohol consumption is supposed to cut the risk of BC, so I don't even know what the current thinking about the wine during rads is nowadays.  This stuff tends to change like the (ahem!) weather.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    A funny thing...I don't sit around thinking about this stuff too much anymore, but then when it does come up and I write something down, it kind of hits me like, "Oh!  So that's how I feel about that." 

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    ...i  do sit around and wonder about this stuff all the time. well, a lot of the time! And, Momine, it is funny, i also had aquired a grapefruit obsession, about three years prior to dx. i couldnt get enough of it, i was eating it, and drinking it, and trying to find creams and lotions and perfumes, that really smelled like it. i am going to the store now, i want one now!!!! but i really havent been lusting after them, till right this minute! since treatment, i have probably only had two, altogether.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    hi all. First thank you for your kind words!! I'm kind if getting used to the buzz cut. No brushing of hair. Super cool combos of beanies and caps and it's super easy oy but on a bathing cap!!!!!

    As for grapefruit;  I never ate it but did and do eat cheese so my bc is definately the fault of the cheese!!  Lol

    Agreed that everything changes   My mother is 91 and she just read that seniors who are overweight live longer. Lol

    What to eat. What to drink. What to bathe in etc etc. 

    all I know is that I'm not drinking alcohol now because I'm going through treatment. But once over I will return to drinking wine and beer every now and then like I used to. I'll still eat fast good every now and then. Eventually what's good today will be bad tomorrow and vice versa

    I volunteered at a BBQ which supported the cdn breast cancer association yesterday. My DH bbqd and I handed out literature and sold rubber band bracelets. Met 3 bc survivors. It was awesome and so good for the soul!!

    What a beautiful weekend!  I hope that everyone enjoyed it!  Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

    I close this by saying that my scalp is driving me nuts it's so itchy!!!!!!!!!!!  Day 12 today and nothing has fallen out yet to still waiting to be a true baldie bean!!  Lol


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Funny that the fund raiser would have a BBQ as that is a carcinogen!!!! LOL

    My point about the cheese was just to say, like, ANYTHING, say the air we breathe can cause cancer. What really causes cancer??? We have a pulse!

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    hello all

    Barb the BBQ itself was hosted by Nissan. They supplied the food. As for carcinogens -they are everywhere!  If we can't enjoy a good hotdog or burger every now and then why bother?  The literature that we had was awesome !  First time that I've seen a man used in one if the diagrams explaining how to check your breasts for lumps. We've come sling way!

    The gm of my company really pissed me off last fri When I checked my wmd he sent me a request at 7:30 in the morning to connect with him on linkedin. For those of u not familiar with this it is a networking tool for business. When u send a request to connect with someone a default message appears which can be changed. He didn't even bother to change it. I haven't heard from him since starting my std then receive that. I may not have minded as much had he changed the default message to atleast say how are u doing? I got do mad!!

    Other than that my scalp drive me wacko last night with itching. After applying a cold compress it seemed to calm down instantly. Day 13 today and STP have my hair. Fall out already !!

    I drank a cup of non sweetened cranberry juice this morning. Ugh ! That was disgusting! I plan on drinking a cup 4 x a week and it will NOT be fun!!

    I hope that everyone has a great day today! I'm off to walk then go boob shopping!! Lol

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    e, we definitely do not think you are a "cheeto eating idiot". Made me laugh, tho.

    boob shopping, A new concept for most of us. Have fun and choose wisely. I love the women at my Images Boutique, they are so helpful about sizing and fitting. I'm going to need to go back soon, since I have lost weight I can go down in size. yay!

    Makes me wonder if I'll end up with fat bras and foob along with my fat jeans. lol

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    I didn't want to horrify anyone yesterday, but guess what I did?    My son took me to a picnic and I fed some baby geese.  They were very well-behaved, quiet,  and eating my sandwich bread nicely, but sure enough, the "Dad" was already trying to teach them how to hiss and act ornery.  You could tell he was thinking about flying in my face, but my son had a "goosecatcher" blanket over his arm which kept him in check.  The "Mom" was embarrassed, of course.


    Just an internet pic, but something like this.  There were six in the family that I fed.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    love the pic!

    Well boob shopping is interesting!  Here I am flat on the left side from the mastectomy but I have sagging tissue from having my implant yanked from the right side. So how do you balance that out?  The woman that I see got me in a regular bra in which she will see pockets. I have a prosthetic for the left side and she will get creative to balance out the right

    In hindsight I should have had a double mastectomy. Then it would have been easy to fit me. I was always flat on the right side due to my noob never developing

    Oh well. I'm going to be tested for the BRCA gene so fronting on the outcome tho knows what my future might bring. Lol

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Here's an article I enjoyed reading today, and it's written by a BCO member:

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, that is the header.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    elimar I clicked on the link but only got a photo. No article 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    I think I fixed it.  Give it another try.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,415

    Eli - fantastic summary.  It's more than time to move away from awareness to prevention.

  • Alive4Five
    Alive4Five Member Posts: 2,225

    Hi ladies! Kind of been lurking and trying to see what's up, and where! :) 

    Got a question... I am coming up on my 1yr. post bmx, and all has been going as well as it can I suppose. I am 52, and I opted out of reconstruction. At least for now.

    But my question is this; if I have dropped like 10lbs in just a matter of weeks, shouldn't I be concerned? I am a light-weight as it is, and certainly do not need to be losing any weight! Im worried...

    Thanks for any input! xoxo 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Greetings, Alive4Five!  I won't tell you to worry, but if you have been eating normally, not on any diuretics, and have not gotten a lot more active, then you might need to go in to discuss with doc., even if it is not time for a scheduled follow-up.  It took me about 4-5 mos. to lose 10lbs., and I was on chemo and my intestines were not even hooked up, so yeah, dropping 10 lbs. real quick could be a concern.  Notice I did not say cancer, because it could be a number of things (e.g. your thyroid ramping up, or something) so it's not time to enter panic mode.  Get checked out and ease your mind a.s.a.p.  By the way, congrats on reaching your 1 year cancerversary milestone.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Eli.....interesting article, but I already believed that BC will take my life one way or another...

    Live your life today, as if tomorrow never comes............

  • Alive4Five
    Alive4Five Member Posts: 2,225

    Eli, thank you for your reply. I am due to see my onc in about 3wks...BUT, I am not so sure I want to wait that long. 

    I'm not on any diuretics, and although my appetite has decreased, it still is there. I just don't know what to make of it....and like I said, I was, 120. Now I'm 110! And it happened just over the past 8wks or so. I wondered about the thyroid possibility also. The only thing I can see is stress. If there is excessive stress, I can't eat...ya know? And let's face it, lol, who is withOut stress?

    My mother lost to bc in 1994. age 49 and gone in one year at 50! I have already out-lived her...

    Oh, and exercise... LOLOL!! Uhhh, no. In fact, I'm quite fatigued...very. Ugh...

    That article was interesting,eh?

    Thank you all for being here, it means alot to me! xoxo

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    The article is very interesting, scary and insightful all rolled into one!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    welcome, Alive4five!! Have you just come off some medication? I lost 15 lbs easily when I came off the steroids. Check it out with your doc, tho. No harm in asking. 

    Very interesting article, eli. Very straight forward and enlightening and sobering. 

    I'm hoping I can sleep tonight. My right knee has been waking me up with lots of pain. It doesn't hurt when I'm walking around, just when I am laying down. Bummer. I'm trying heat and then ice. But I would rather be sleeping. It's always something. Maybe arthiratis?

  • kah51
    kah51 Member Posts: 1

    Hello ladies,

    I am just getting started..all has happened in a two week period. More mammo pictures then ultra sound , biopsy..then mri new tumor 2nd biopsy both cancer. Bilateral mastech coming up..lymphn biopsy next week.  Reconstructn depending on  biopsy.

    I think I am just now starting to realize what all this means, a little scary. All your posts have helped.  Thank you

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    good morning all!!!

    Other than an incredibly itchy scalp things are going okay. Today is day. 15 for me. Next tues is blood work then meet with mo then wed round 2. 

    Oh yes I also will have a consult next tues am with respect to the BRCA gene. My original appt was in nov but they managed to move me up to May!  Thankful !

    Have a good day all !!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    kah51, Welcome, we all understand what a whirlwind the first weeks can be.  You now will be seeking out tons of information that a month ago you never would have thought you would be needing.  No matter how much awareness makes you know that BC strikes 1 in 8 women, when you are that one woman, it is still a shocker.  In the beginning, lots of us have found it very helpful to ask for copies and records of all the tests and office visits, because it is hard to remember everything; and remember, it is your doc's (or staff's) job to answer your questions about what you are getting and why so you should never be in the dark about any of the proceedings.  As you get more info., you can create a profile (like what you see at the bottom of the others' posts) and then we can comment more specifically.  Hope you have good support from friends and family,  Finding BCO helps a lot too.

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    kah51- As you enter into the whirling vortex that is BC diagnosis and treatment, try to take time to breathe.  My experience had me overwhelmed, emotional and stressed out, mostly thinking about the "what ifs" that consumed my thoughts.  If you take each step as it comes (try to focus only on your status) and take time to make the right decisions for YOU, it should help ease your mind.  Once I knew what I was up against and a plan of action was developed, relief was immense.  It's been two years since my MX, and I can say that I am no longer consumed with thoughts of BC.  It is an experience I will never forget and hopefully will not revisit me again, but I have gotten through it thus far and feel OK about today.  And that's all any of us really have.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    kah51-sorry you had to find us; glad that you did.  Questions are never dumb, boring, or annoying so be sure you ask lots-of your care team & of us, if there's anything niggling in your mind.  It's especially helpful to have BCO on those insomnia nights...usually someone else is up and roaming the boards.  Best of luck.  Check in.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alive4Five, have you considered diabetes? Either way, you should be seen, but 8 weeks to lose 10 pounds isn't that bad (like I wish I could do that!) even though it's obvious you can't really afford to lose the weight.

    mac, sleep with a pillow under your knees to reduce them flexing backwards when you lie down. You should get relief. 

    Now to read that article!

    Oops! Welcome kah51 to the club no one really wants to join....