sheila888 Posts: 9,611
edited September 2022 in Stage I Breast Cancer






  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Me too!  It's good to have a place for us stage 1-ers to share!


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009
    Welcome Jennifer.Wink
  • jsh22
    jsh22 Posts: 17
    edited November 2009

    Hi Stage 1-ers!

     I am pretty sure I am a stage 1 for the second time...1st time was 13 years ago and I know I was stage 1...8mm and no lymph node involvement...radiation therapy only.  This time it was even smaller, had mastectomy and no other cancer was found, but unable to find any lymph nodes to take out and check...they were taken out 1st time with the lumpectomy.  My name is Janet and I am from WI...nice to meet you all!  Hope your treatments and recoveries are going well!

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890
    edited November 2009

    Seyla888, you won't mind giving me credit for suggesting you get this thread going, will you?

    I'm already adding you as a favorite and make sure to stop back at Middle-Aged Women 40-60ish from time to time, cause you've got some friends there in other stages too.  I'll be back soon.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Thank You Elimar. You're right I wouldn't even think to start a thread. You are all my sisters.

    Janet so happy you found the thread. Welcome.

    Smile Sheila

  • don23
    don23 Posts: 213
    edited July 2010

    Hi fellow stage 1-ers! Good idea to start this thread. My name is Donna and I live in the Chicago area.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Hi Donna and welcome.

    This is a very strange day. I had my 4 months follow up on Wednesday and I wasn't suppose to get the results until Monday. Right after this thread was opened, got a phone call.

    My Test results are fine. What a relief and what a good feeling to share this good news with you Ladies.

    Smile Smile Sheila

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Woo hoo!  Let's celebrate!  I have my next 3 month checkup next Friday.  Should I be worried that it's Friday the 13th??  LOL!

  • Jenniferz
    Jenniferz Posts: 25
    edited November 2009

    I am a Stage 1 survivor of 3 years. Glad we have a 'home"!


  • don23
    don23 Posts: 213
    edited November 2009

    Great news, Sheila. I had my four month check up a few weeks ago and had good results also. Totally worth celebrating!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    I feel this thread is going to the right direction, Only 3 hours and already 2 good news.

    Ladies I am so happy we have a home for us to express ourselves when we are feeling good or not.

    Yippeeeeeeeee !

  • bookgirl
    bookgirl Posts: 6
    edited November 2009

    Hello everybody! I just am finishing my 1 year checks. Mammo came back clear but BS wants a MRI (Had it today) She says I am so lumpy and dense she would be more comfortable. I of course am a nervous wreck! The waiting doesn't seem to get any easier! Knowing there are others out there feeling the same things I do has been a blessing! Thanks!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    bookgirl I can relate to that waiting for test results were and are the worse for me and so many others. Maybe one day they come up with same day results.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Posts: 534
    edited November 2009

    Hi, I'm Linda, Stage 1 too and triple neg.  Am 3 1/2 weeks into my 6 weeks of rads. Nice to meet you all and here's hoping that we all always remain stage 1!


  • deborye
    deborye Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

      Hi Sheila,  I'm here, thanks for the invite.

    I am a over 2 1/2 yr survivor.  I don't see anyone until next year, which isn't very far off.

     Hey Linda, are ya starting to get pink??? Smiles

  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Hi all. I'm Debbie; living in the San Francisco Bay Area. A stage one'er as well. I am on these boards only occasionally, as it seems I'm always at doctor appointments (blood tests, bone density scan, onc, etc) for this breast cancer! Had lumpectomy and SNB on Oct 14, now awaiting second lumpectomy/re-excision on November 10th for unclean margins. Rads at some point in the near future.Good to meet you, and thanks for starting this thread!

  • sheri47
    sheri47 Posts: 10
    edited November 2009

    hi all i see you are all stage 1 and size 1 cm are there any stage 1 c that had a size 2 cm grade 2 no nodes

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Hi Deb nice to see you.

    Debbie... Even though it was a while ago I went through the same procedures you're going through. re-excision was a success. I had Chemo and Rads.  Herceptin for 52 weeks because as you see I'm HER+.

    But you know what once all these tests, scans are over, you'll feel much more better.

    I know emotionally it drains you. Good Luck on the 10th and let us know how you're doing.

    Smile Sheila 

  • Jean12
    Jean12 Posts: 6
    edited November 2009

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Jean

    Just wanted to introduce myself since I have'nt sent a thread in a minute.

    I'm now working on my getting my third of four chemo treatments.

    I wish nothin but the best for all of us.

    Stay strong and stay possitive


    Love, Peace and Happiness !!!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Hi Sheila,

    Thanks for the invite!

    My name is Linda and I am stage 1 too.  Grade 2, IDC, no nodes HER-.

    Looking forward to making some new (and old) friends here!


  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone,

     My name is Pat and I also am a stage 1. Had a lumpectomy with 25 radiation treatments and 5 boosts. Presently taking Arimidex without any problems  and hope it stays that way!!!!


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Posts: 534
    edited November 2009

    Hi Sheila -   Not yet pink but my rad onc says it will happen shortly!  Aaaah - so encouraging.  My nipple is a bit sensitive over the last day, but am hanging in there!  Thanks for asking.


  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Sheila, thanks for the encouraging words about re-excision. I'm pretty much at the point of "let's get 'er done, so I can get back to whatever I was doing before dx!"

    hmm, how were the rads? I'm still on the fence about doing them, but have a few weeks to think about it.

    So when I got this dx, I was told by surgeon and onc, to get off the hormone replacement therapy NOW, immediately, pronto. I'm back having big time hot flashes. What are you all doing for them? (Uh, I mean for those that are of the age to have hot flashes!). What has your doctor prescribed/suggested?

  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    The rads were "okay" but I "almost" backed out as I was having second thoughts about any possible long lasting side effects from them. In order to give myself the best chances with this I either had to do the rads or have a mast. So after having a meeting with the rad. onc. decided to go ahead with the rads. From time to time ( usually when going for mammos etc) I second guess my decision!!!! Everyone is different and we all have to do what is right for us. Let me know what you decide........ good luck!!!!


  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    Hi, all!  I'm in for stage 1 and hopefully never another!  Welcome to stage II-ers too! 

  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Posts: 142
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone - are we still on Page 1? Lol! These threads have a tendency to get so busy so fast, and I find it hard to keep up with everyone - but still I wanted to stay hi to all my Stage 1 sisters. I'm also a frequent contributor to the Breast Reconstruction forum - and an occasional visitor to the Her2+ forums. Also - I visit for helpful info.

    Now an interesting thread would be - Stage 1 sisters who had mastectomies. So many people are shocked when they find out I had a mx for a Stage 1, Grade 1 tumor - but I remind them that many Stage 0 girls have mastectomies too - that everyone's BC is different and we each need to make the best decision we can with the information that's available to us. I may do a LOT of complaining about my "foob" and all the reconstruction surgeries I needed - but I really feel that I've beaten my BC down to a mere little nuisance buzz in my brain now and then. My prayers are for all our sisters who first start on this nightmare roller-coaster ride - no matter what stage - may God's angels watch over and protect us, everyone! Innocent

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Posts: 797
    edited November 2009

    Hi All

    Stage 1 here too, though like swim says one would never think it with all the treatment I have had for a highly aggressive stage 1 bugger.

    Double MX, TCH x 6 with a year of Herceptin to follow. Monthly Zoladex injections.

    Bisphosphanate trial, and just finished my last recon surgery this past Monday.

    GEEZ it seems like it has been forever and I still only have hair to mid cheek!!

    I pray that all this was worth it and I am as "cured" as my Onc's seem to think. All that being said I am happy to have had so much support on these threads from so many (swim, and SueMED included)

    I was getting my hair cut today and actually cried in the chair for all that has gone on over the last year and a wow it just came over me and just sobbed.

  • aabinion
    aabinion Posts: 6
    edited November 2009

    Hi fellow Stage 1's,

     My name is Amy and I was diagnosed at 34 with Stage 1 ER/PR +, 7mm IDC. I had lumpectomy chemo and radiation. 

    Swimangel72 - I am going to have bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction on November 16th. I decided I would feel better and not worry so much if I just got the "girls" removed. I wish I had done it in the beginning but it was too much at the time!! 

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    HELLO, I am also stage one, and just saw the ONC a couple of days ago. I am  old....grandmother of 5 but "wicked immature" per my daughters.   On Arimidex. Had bilateral mastectomies after the MRI caught another cancer (refuse to use capitals on THAT word) in the other breast.  What a shock. Let alone the shock of discovering the first breast cancer just before Christmas last year. So my nodes are clear, got treated at Dana Farber in Boston, MA. I have learned so much from this site and discussed a lot of stuff with the ONC RE: soy, alcohol, complete body scans, etc, and he kind of poo pooed all that. PLEASE, NO MEAN GIRL responses. I am simply stating a fact. I also have gained weight on the Arimidex and feel like a pear. Boobless with a lot of muffin top......I wonder if we Stage ones are being blown know, like your prognosis is excellent, yada yada. I am so happy to be part of this group....Let's all be kind and help one another. After all, cancer is cancer and I hate PINK. (3 daughters, everyone bought them PINK outfits when they were little and now I particularly hate that color) Best to all, Sue

  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Pat; Do you mind if I ask what the rad doc said to make you change your mind about doing rads afterall? I haven't met with one yet, so don't know much about pros and cons. Did you have many SE's from the radiation? I realize there's a radiation thread, and I'll get on it when I get closer to that time, just wanted to hear your take on it.

    Hi Swimangel! "Stage 1 Sisters who had mastectomies"---I'm glad you mentioned that. When I was dx'ed, it was a Tuesday. On Wednesday I had to decide if I was doing a lumpectomy with rads or a mx, without much time for research.  At the time all I could think about was saving my breast, but what I've learned in the last 6+ weeks, I've rethought that decision. As I go into this second lumpectomy next week, I've decided if the margins still aren't clean, I'll do an mx; which maybe I should have done to begin with. My husband and friends can't understand such a drastic measure. I just want it over with...and not to lose any more lymph nodes! How are you doing? Are you done with surgeries? (sorry, I don't know the time frame of recon).