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  • OnePetie
    OnePetie Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2009

    Yes is the best place on this site!

    I'm another Stage Oner....retired Trauma Nurse. I was dx'ed with DCIS this past April. The first thing my MDA BS said to me was "What we do depends on how attached you are to your breast". And my response was "Well now, that depends  on my breast's intentions toward me". I mean, if it was going to do me harm, then I would strike first!

    I had a L MX with immediate MS2 free tram reconstruction. On surgical path, they found microinvasion...very small but there nonetheless so I have left the world of DCIS behind and joined the ranks of IDC. I feel so fortunate I can hardly put it into words. My journey has been much easier than so many of our sisters.....I had no chemo or rads....I'm on Arimidex now and check-ups with the Onc every 3 months. Piece of Cake!!

    I'll have my Phase II surgery done in 2 weeks (Happy Thanksgiving to me!) and then I think I'll give all "recoveries" a rest....I'm weary of them.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    Che 54

    do you agree that we nurses make the worst patients?

    I had bilateral mast after another small dcis and IDC were  found in the other breast after I INSISTED (oh I am such a brat) on MRI..........that's the only way the darn things could have been found. I have a real good buddy who used to work w me as onc cm (casemanager, I am retired) and she did the advising. I am strictly a cardiac gal and knew squat about BC. 

    I insisted on bilat mx , no recon. Actually told my pcp that I hated my boobs anyway and was not too fond of my liver, either. He nearly fainted and asked if I had an ETOH issues we needed to discuss. Cripe, no sense of humor. 

  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    I'm gone out of the room for a mere two days, and we're up to page 5--AWESOME! Been enjoying catching up on the new posts. My weekend was swamped, and I'm heading out the door for mex and margs with friends, but wanted to stop by and say Hey.

    So guess what, my SNB incision is way infected. Started feeling it late Friday night, and today it is five inches of screamin' It's starting to spread to the lumpectomy incision about two inches below. Oh oh. I was so swamped over the weekend, I couldn't get into the hospital, but I'm calling there first thing tomorrow morning. I wonder if this will postpone my re-excision on Tuesday? Any one have their SNB incision get infected? Oh, did I mention I have the seroma from hell in the SNB site, as well? It's been drained twice and keeps on coming back. Size of an egg. Ouch.

    Hi jeanneann8, I've been thinking about you too. Did you get my PM's?

    Sorry to dash in, dash out, but I'm not passing up margaritas with my riding buddies...see you later, and great work on the forum, Sheila!  

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Sue, just finished supper or as we really say in New England .....Suppah!  I made 'football food' as my boys call it.  We taped the Patroits game and are watching it now with our football food!

    In my avatar, I am the one without the glasses.  The other girl is my BFF.

    My neighbor is a nurse practioneer and she says nurses are the worst patients too!

    Sheila, thanks again, love the new thread!  You done good!!

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    Sheila, THANKS for inviting me to this thread. HAHAHA.

    Makraz, Have u seen the new Victoria's Secret ads? I laugh. Their new bras can enhance your breast size up to 2 more cup sizes. As I have none........what would Victoria do for me? Any comments or suggestions......are welcome. Wish I looked like those babes. Never did even when I was a babe.......... But Makraz, you surely hang out w beautiful people. You are adorable! 

    And good night to all on this site. It is so busy and so successful I am unable to acknowledge you all.....but you are all wonderful and I am sure this will be a great place to chat! Sue 

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    Debbie, just sent you a PM, get thee self to MD asap!

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    DebbieSawyer..........I had a "hematoma from hell" after SNB and lumpectomy.............. they did try to drain it a few times with minimal success but after a while it did go away. Not sure if it will delay your surgery but mine did delay my rads.Good luck and may all go well and may you have  swift healing.

    Sue 61.............. hear you loud and clear on getting around Boston! Many years ago my older sister also went to BU and my grandmother when I was growing  worked for Perkins Institute for the blind.....not sure if they are still in the Boston area or not.Anyway, I know it is not an easy city to learn. And by the way......we have same thing here with the "clowns" trying to get lifetime disability for whatever!!!!

    Che 54............ I also go to MDA but in Orlando and if I have to deal with this ................... that is where I want to be.

    Good wished to all,


  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Debbie, you and I were posting at the same time.  I agree with Sue, get yourself to a doctor asap!  You don't need an infection!  Please take care an let us know how it's going.

    Sue, I have not seen the Victoria Secret ads.  You made me laugh in asking what they would do for you.  Perhaps you should ask Victoria?  Maybe they will come out with a whole new line for the BC gals!!  Thanks you for the kind words about me and my BFF. 

    Got to run and get one of the kids in the shower!

    Edited because I have typing issues!

  • OnePetie
    OnePetie Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2009

    Yes, Sue....I'm proud to say we're the worst! I was a great helicopter trauma RN....what I knew about CA and Onc was next to nothing.

    You're really making me laugh about your MD and no sense of humor. My PCP was trying to gently break the news to me that my core biopsy came back as malignant...when I asked what the report specifically showed and he said DCIS, my husband and I high-fived each other. From the look on the MD's face, I'm convinced he thought we were experiencing group hysteria brought on by fear and denial! It makes me laugh even now thinking back on it. I have fit really well with my surgical team at MDA. I've very pragmatic and they just tell it like it is....perfect for all of us.

    I'm glad you're entertaining your team as well. I sure they need it....and it keeps them on their toes.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2009

    Hiya all!  Thanks Hmm and Sue-61 for the encouragement which I really needed today!  You're right, Sue, this bc is NOT FAIR.  

    Hmm... I dont mind sharing...I am planning a bi-lateral DIEP flap surgery for February.  It's where they give you a mastectomy and then take your belly fat to recreate your boob(s) (basically).  I originally got the lumpectomy and radiation.  When first diagnosed this June, I told the doc "cut em off and give me new ones," but he felt that I might not be happy, being so young, and that I needed to do research before I made that choice.  I'm glad he suggested that...I did do my research, and asked all the folks around here, and still decided that it was what I wanted to do...but now I was sure, and there was no rush for two reasons:  had rads, so skin has to heal, and I have been treated, so the DIEP is more propholactic.

    Expressionsofdeb...sorry you had to join this club, but everyone here is so nice and supportive, and we're here for you!  I know your feeling of shock as I am the first in my family for generations to get any kind of cancer, let alone bc...and I also have melanoma (early stage)...all before age 37 (just turned 38).  I'm the lucky one!  I'm getting both breasts removed even tho one is fine...I dont want to deal with mammos and needles for the rest of my life.

    Sounds like your doc is suggesting you have "grade 1" cells which means they are slow growing versus super fast growing which is grade 3.  

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    If I ever have a recurrence in the same breast or BC in the other, OFF THEY COME. I have enough tummy fat to make a nice pair. LOL

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Oh, me too!  I'm going to call them my Tamoxitwins!!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    I'm stalking Linda and Deborye  LOL

    Was thinking the same thing I have more than enough fat so if that day comes DR will have enough to play around just like he told me before my Lumpectomy. I think he really took out a big chunk I can see the hollow area. lol lol

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    Wow, I just found this thread and LOVE it!  Thank you Shelia for starting it.  I am a fellow stage 1 gal.  I was diagnosed in May and had BMX with immediate TRAM flap reconstruction in July.  I signed up for the TAILORx trial, have an oncotype of 24, and was randomized to chemo.  I am having my final T/C tx on the 12th, and will start Tamoxifen about a month from then, Merry Christmas, huh?  It is nice to have a place to share with other stage 1ers.  I am adding this thread to my favorites.  Good luck to all of you this week.



  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Susan.... so glad you found us. Like you said This is a nice, cozy thread away from home.

    Where we share, understand, and care for each other. Welcome

    Wink Sheila

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    Sounds like a good plan. If you had done it at the beginning would you have been able to skip the rads? Also, how long do they usually wait between the end of rads and surgery? Sounds like you gave this lots of thought and know this is just what you want. Good for you.


  • aabinion
    aabinion Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2009

    Swimangel72- Thank you!! I am having my surgery done in Cincinnati. My breast surgeon recommended my plastic surgeon.

     Makraz- love the tamoxitwins !!  But I hate tamoxifen... it  has made me gain sooo much weight!

    cakeisgreat- I was the same way...I decided the boobs needed to go and then when I was talking to my plastic surgeon I told him if I was going to go through all this he needed to at least make the new boobs stick out farther than my stomachLaughing

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2009

    I am heading down south today for my pre-op with my PS today.

    The plan is to have fat injections into the large dent, attempting to reposition the areola and nipple, and the symetry thing with breast #2.

    Has anyone esle experienced or heard of other reconstructive surgeries or procedures, for post lumpectomy patients, which were sucessful?

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Wow - I was away for a few days and have a TON of posts to catch up on!

    Meese - good luck with the recon.  I'd love to know how it turns out, as I may consider getting my lumpectomy "divot" taken care of. 

    Marie317 - I live in Fort Mill, SC, outside of Charlotte, NC.  I also lived in Ruston, LA, for three years and so miss the yummy Cajun food.  Gumbo, jambalaya, crawfish boils...yum!  Anyway, Charleston/Mt. Pleasant also has some wonderful food - love the shrimp and grits!

    I was dx in January of this year with stage 1, grade 3 triple negative bc.  I underwent a lumpectomy, four rounds of TC chemo, and 33 rads.  I think that the post-treatment phase has been very difficult.  I appreciate having a place to vent and share my fears.  Right now I've been having pains in my leg bones and worry that something is going on, but I don't want to be a hypochondriac.  I will mention it at my checkup on Friday - the 13th.

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  • boobytrapped
    boobytrapped Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2009

    Hello ladies, another stage 1 chiming in.  Haven't been on the boards for awhile and its nice to come back for a visit. Having my 1st one year mammo this week and I'm feeling really nervous. Getting that weird breathing anxiety thing going on. I know it will be fine and I'll feel much better after its over and done and behind me. Was using Arimidex for awhile but just hated it and stopped for now, but when I meet with my onc later this month, maybe I'll try it again. What a journey this bc crap takes us on huh? I had rads on left breast and it still feels so odd, dense and sorta numb, after almost a whole year. Does that ever go away entirely? Anyway, wishing good thoughts and gentle hugs to all who are still in treatment. Take care all.

  • jillincc
    jillincc Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2009

    Hi ladies....another Stage 1 here.  this is my first time to post.  See the oncologist on Wed. to get the oncotype results.  A little concerned.  If chemo is not indicated then will start radiation right away, I guess.  I've decided Al Gore has no idea of an "Inconvient Truth"....BC is the ULTIMATE Inconvient Truth.  Thanks for this special forum.

  • Nadine54
    Nadine54 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Been on some other forums for a long while...recently quit or near quit one of them and was told that this is a wonderful I am going to jump in and continue reading past postings and get a jest of whats what here and then will post more a bit later.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day,


  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Welcome Nadine.  I hope you feel at home here!  Welcome everyone!

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2009

    Hello all of you beautiful stage 1 gals.  Thank you Shelia for the warm welcome.  This seems to be a milk and cookies kind of thread, a good place to call home. 

    Carolinachick, I love your picture.  Just curious if it is post chemo and if it is, how long?  I am having tx #4 of T/C this week.  I hope your leg pains are nothing to worry about.

    Nadine, I love your quote in your signature line, very nice.

    I hope you all have a great day!



  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Thanks, DenverDiva!  I had my last chemo on April 22 and the photo was taken on Sept. 13, so it was almost five months later.  I don't know if it's typical, but my hair came back very thick and curly - it was stick-straight before  - and it came back with a vengeance.  I don't think it grew that quickly before.  Now it's about two inches long and I'm contemplating getting my first hair cut to shape it up.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    jillincc...So glad you found this thread. I know you're at the beginning of your journey but once you start the treatment, time goes faster. Welcome.

    boobytrapped..I still get nervous on Mammogram time or any other test time. After all we are humans. Good luck on your first mammo. Let us know how it went, and Welcome to our little corner.

    Nadine...its so good to hear that you were referred to this forum. Its so nice to have you here with us. Welcome.

    Wink Sheila

  • radcad92
    radcad92 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2009

    Hi Sheila , I am also a stage 1 ... Diagnosed Oct 2007. Today is my annual mammogram day and as usual I am freaked out. I had a total masectomy on the affected breast ...But I constantly worry about the remaining one . I feel so guilty.. Some of the other women have had it so much harder than me ( because I opted for the masectomy no chemo no rads) And I am still so anxious . Right after my surgery I was on a high . All I have had to do is take Arimidex every day

    My oncologist ( I see him for the Arimidex) said this was a " bump in the road" and re occurance was less tha 1 % . Yet still I am on pins and needles when mammo time rolls around again . Does anyone out there do the same ? I look forward to feedback . Thanks All , Debbi

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Hi radcad...Glad you found us. Welcome.

    You know what its just because you didn't have chemo or rads doesn't make your fears any less than others. We were all DX and waited for results and went through the same thing at the beginning. My BS calls it an accident because I was the first one in my family, never smoked, had my kids before 30. My risks were low but it happened.

    After 4 years I still feel nervous around mammo time and Blood work time.

    Smile Sheila

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    I don't know anyone who has had breast cancer who does NOT get nervous to one degree or another when going for screenings! Maybe they are out there but I have not met them.Wishing you an uneventful mammo.


  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    NADINE,glad to see you on this site! A big welcome from me too. You will like the gals here....

    RADCAD, I hear ya loud and clear. I had bilat mastectomies due to finding  out at the last minute that I had cancer in BOTH breasts...long story............and my BS reassured me that chance of recurrance was so small. ONC is a great doc, smart man, etc, but I want him to tell me it will NEVER come back and I can't seem to coax those words out of his mouth. I also am on Arimidex.

    Greetings to all new comers and the folks I met in the past couple of days.


    (edited due to some cooky grammar(