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  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    Makarz, your bro must be wicked smaht to go to WPI..........and you must be too as the apple does not fall to far from the tree.....

    No, this B19 is not fun to visit. My husband and I use to go to Spag's when it was cash only and no bags.........husband stood outside while I counted out all my dollars, dimes and nickels and came out exactly correct and lugged all the stuff to the car. Such fond memories.......thanks for bringing them up............


  • DebbieSawyer
    DebbieSawyer Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2009

    Well ladies, it's nearly 7pm and I've still got chores to do. You all have a good evening, and we'll yak again soon...yes?

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    I have had similar on my mammo report also............. seeing something that they feel is b9 and come back in 6 months. My onc said it is the scar tissue but they have to write that they see it. All the more reason that I wonder if I should have done mast!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just don't want to deal and worry with this any more than I have to......grrrr.


  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    hmm, I chose bilateral mast because it worked for me. Amen. I didn't care if I lost my breasts, i just didn't want to deal with having lots of biospies and all that stuff. I had a long history of cysts that were aspirated and turned out to be nothing. lots of stuff sent to pathology. I was so sick of it all. I was being "treated" at the women's health ctr at Umass Health in Worcester, where they didn't even have digital mammos......and this was supposedly the best. sheesh. I did get the courage to venture off to Boston and advocate for myself. I don't miss the boobs. Kinda like the prosthetics. DO NOT WAIT SIX MONTHS...take care of YOU.     Sue

    PS, I reitred in march of 08, had another pain in the ass mammo in June 08, they saw something and i had an ultrasound. dx was cyst. In Dec for follow was cancer.  but stage1. these take a long time to grow..Take care of YOU, I cannot say that enough............Love,Sue

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    I go to the Breast Care Center in Woburn at Baldwin Park, had my surgerys at the Winchester Hosp. Rads in the new WHORC in Winchester and my wonderful onc is in Stoneham, I will be on Arimidex until July 2012.  So far so good.

  • Lindissima
    Lindissima Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2009

    Hey, can I join this friendly thread too?  I joined BCO only after  finishing  all my treatments, so I missed out on making connections with people during the treatment phase.  I have learned so much from this forum and wish I had accessed it when I was making those gut-wrenching decisions like chemo or no chemo and should I do this or that clinical trial!

    My stats: Stage one, lupectomy, re-excision, rads, Arimidex, and  Zometa twice a year.

    I live in the Bay Area and have also spent a lot of time in Boston. Agree they are two great places.

    Somebody a while back mentioned having something done on Friday the 13th. Well,  my first surgery was Fri the 13th, my post op mamogram on the next Friday the 13th and my appt with my new PCP is on...Friday 13!  Hope it went well for you.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Hi Lindissima... I also joined in July. I have an excuse because I didnt have a computer until this year. My DD's wanted to bring me 21st century as they call it and this was their Xmas gift. Welcome to our thread.

    Wink Sheila

  • Sido
    Sido Member Posts: 55
    edited November 2009

    Hi, I would like to join too please.  I found my lump in August while putting on a bra and within a week was dx with stage 1 (1.9 cm), grade 3, triple negative bc.  I had a lumpectomy on Sept 17 and started 4 round of chemo on Oct 16.  I just finished my second round of chemo today.  After chemo I have 6 weeks of radition to look forward to.  After the lumpectomy they told me they believed that my tumor grew in about 6 months, which scared the hell of me.  And being triple negative didn't leave me with many options.  I've taken the BRCA test but haven't gotten the results back yet.  I don't really feel like I've been poo-pooed for being stage one, but that may be because it was so aggressive.

    My next labs are on Friday the 13th, but when I was a kid it was always a lucky day for me.

    Be well, Sido

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    I hear you! They did the mammo and followed with both a breast sonogram ( not sure if that is correct name) and breast MRI. Felt nothing had changed since last mammo. I asked my onc why they did not do a biopsy and she said because there was nothing to biopsy. I go to MD Anderson which is well known here so hopefully all is as they say.................... however, always between mammos exactly what you are saying does cross my mind!

    thanks for your input,


  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009


    I can relate to having made all or at least most of decisions prior to finding this site. This would have been so helpful !!!!!!!!!


  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited November 2009
    hello ladies, I am another stage 1 survivor who hates pink Smile
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Sisters you made this thread a very warm and friendly place to visit

    and connect with others. It was very nice to meet you. Hugs and

    Best Wishes to all. Lets continue to post and support each other.

    Smile Sheila

  • London-Virginia
    London-Virginia Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2009

    Hello all Stage 1 ladies - I am just popping in to wish you all very well (in all senses of the word) and to say I think it is a grand idea to have a Stage 1 thread - it is already a big success and I think it seems that Stage threads provide a quick and easy way for people to link up with fairly similar situations.

    Sheila - so glad your tests went well!

    and Lindissima - I have my 5th chemo on Friday the 13th, and your post has rather cheerd me up so thanks for that!

    Cheerio ladies -

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2009

    Correction to a previous post of mine............ meant to say ultrasound as opposed to breast sonogram......sorry it was late at night!

    Pat :)

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited November 2009

    Good morning, ladies.  I saw this thread yesterday during my morning break so I added it to my favorites so I could post when I had time.  It only had about 5 posts and now...3 pages to catch up on before I even post!  Good work!

     I seem to have been out of touch for so long.  I never knew this website existed when I was diagnosed 6 years ago this month.  You can see my diagnosis at the bottom of this post.  I don't know how I missed this, I went to for info, but never found this area.  I was going through a divorce from a physically abussive husband and my focus was on surviving, this would have been such a good support for me.  

    I made it through the mammo, ultrasound, biopsy, lumpectomy, chemo, rads missing only two full workdays (one for surgery and one for nausea) and half days on my chemo days.

    My current husband found you here in September when I faced a stereotactic vacuum assisted core biopsy after a questionable mammo in conjunction with other symptoms.  I am so glad he found this site.  I was a wreck and my fears were eased, but more importantly they were acknowledged.  So many people just like to tell you "You'll be fine".  Nobody wants to admit that cancer happens.

    Last December I finally bagan reconstruction.  I am going to have stage 2 on the 19th.  I hope that this will be the last.  I hate surgery, and I hate anethesia.  I am learning so much about options here, and I can go to my PS informed.

    Thank you all!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Meece..Welcome to our group. I'm glad you're almost done with your surgeries.

    Its good to have a place where we belong.

    Good luck on the 19th, and stop by as often as you need too.


  • Lindissima
    Lindissima Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2009

    Sido and Virginia

    Sido: Good to meet you.  Virginia:  Your witty posts have often cheered me too.  Keep kicking up those lovely London autum leaves!  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you  both on the 13th. 

    hmm and Meece

    Although I did a ton of research on medical sites like Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins etc, I was warned off discussion boards by the medical professionals I was seeing. Those establishment medical sites are good for basic information, but it was such a relief to come here and  be able to explore all the nuances of being diagnosed:  the grey areas, the contradictory feelings we sort through as we make those difficult decisions. Hey...and I could really 'get'  the humor too!  My friends, though very supportive, just didn't understand  why making treatment decisons was so hard.  It was like, "Just follow the protocol."  Well, I learned here the protocol for stage one is in many ways  a negotiation between patient and doctor. And it's ongoing. 

    Sheila:  Thanks for the cheery blinking  flower pot! And for starting this thread.

  • London-Virginia
    London-Virginia Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2009

    So glad if I have added good cheer to anyone's day!!  I liked the cheery flower too.  It reminds me of my very favourite programme when I was a tiny little girl.  The programme was called "Bill and Ben the flowerpot men" and it had two men puppets made up of flowerpots (it was great - you could see the strings working them!!) and they had a friend who was a nice flower in a pot just like Sheila's, and the flower was called "Weeeeeeed" and they all spoke a mysterious language that was something like "flobbalob" and said "oooooooooooohh" a lot , as well as "weeeeeed!"  They all lived in a sunny, peaceful garden.  In my view, we would all appreciate having a lot more t.v. programmes like Bill and Ben.  Who needs all the depressing/violent/ill humoured stuff? 

    I vote for Bill and Ben, the Flower Pot Men!  (and Weed).


    Sheila - is it possible for you to pm me the smiley flower please?

    Your sincerely, sophisticated central London lady.  Indeterminate age.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Virginia... With pleasure if you liked it because it took you back in time.

    So nice to see all my old and new sisters feeling comfortable posting in this thread.


    Cool Sheila

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009

    Nd it's moving so fast!!  I have to go to my sons soccer game in an hour, I bet I will miss a lot of posts!

    THANK YOU SHEILA!!!!!!!!!!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited November 2009

    Linda... I hope its not cold up there, since you'll be outdoors.

    Are you going to take your long walk?

  • thepinkbirdie
    thepinkbirdie Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a crazy Cajun from Louisiana in South Carolina having my treatments at MUSC.

    As far as I know, there has been no history of breast cancer in my family.  I was diagnosed in June at the age of 43.  I've never had children nor any pregnancies.  I was on birth control pills for several years in order to control heavy (an understatement) periods.

    I think my cancer was the result of working with asinine co-workers.  :p 

    In addition to IDC I also had what they basically termed as pre-DCIS in the same breast.  I had a left mastectomy August 4th. 

    Currently undergoing chemo and reconstruction.  I just finished my third of four treatments.  The oncologist told me at my last visit that there is a study underway to find out wether or not 4 treatments will be sufficient or should it be increased to 6.  I'm one of those who fell into the grey area on the Octotype score, which is 14.  So, depending on what my oncologist tells me at my next visit, I may be having 3 more treatments instead of just one.

    If it were not for my bald head, it would be hard to say that I've been on chemo.  I haven't experienced any nausea.  I have, however, had to deal with a lot of depression after each treatment.  And weight gain and funky taste buds.  :(

    Everything had been going well until my last expansion fill.  I think the nurse practitioner over did it.  It's been tight and uncomfortable and appears that some of the stitches have opened up!  Not a happy camper knowing there is a hole in my chest.  I'm on antibiotics for it and will be seeing the surgeon again on Monday for this.

    I'm also abrasive and standoffish, hate crocs and boomcars, loves to eat and sleep.

    I just finished a breakfast consisting of 3 scrambled eggs with cheese and chunky salsa, 3 slices of bacon and a biscuit burried in butter (and I'm now on my second buttered slathered biscuit). 

    That's a bit of the story of my journey.  Glad to have all of you gals here, just not glad about the reason we all are here.

    I am getting a kick out of going into public places bald and lopsided. 

    Anyone else here from Louisiana or South Carolina? 

  • London-Virginia
    London-Virginia Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2009

    Hello Marie - I have had the chemo depression too.  Really grim.  I wish you well for a better outlook once the bloody chemo is done.

    best wishes -

  • London-Virginia
    London-Virginia Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2009

    I would like to share with you ladies this little excerpt from Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men (and Weed).

    Hope this works.

    It explains much of the English psyche.


  • Lindissima
    Lindissima Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2009

    London V,

    Just emailed the Youtube video to my British expat friend who lives for his garden and is the right age to have seen this.  Can't wait to hear his reply. 

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited November 2009


    It's an away game so I'm not sure if I will be able to walk.  I sure hope so.  It's warming up slowly!

    Welcome Marie, the biscuits sound heavenly!!  I hope your mood improves. I'm sure others here can help you.

  • London-Virginia
    London-Virginia Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2009

    Well I hope he enjoys it!!  I also found other programmes from the same series (Watch With Mother was on daily.)  My other favurites were Rag, Tag and Bobtail (about naughty rabbits), and the Woodentops, which had The Biggest Spoitty Dog in all The World!!!!  I really lolathed Andy Pandy.

    The other fun thing is that someone has made a humourous skit on the Bill and Ben thing (which if you look around that Youtube thing you will find.  It nvolves illegal things so I haven't posted it here!!!

     Highly recommend Captain Pugwash.

    As Marie is Cajun, maybe she could post a link to some good Cajun music?  In the 80s a cajun band used to come touring here regualarly -  somebody and the Zydeco Kings.  Very popular.

    I am off to a bonfire diosplay now -

    good wishes all -


  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited November 2009

    Sido, if that your dog? What a cutie pie!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    Good Evening All,

    WOW, 89 posts, and I make it 90.  It was a real nice day in New England.  Tomorrow even better.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited November 2009

    I want to add an "S" to Friend♥