so you are the same time as Sheila. I must look at a map and see where you are.
Sheila - what picture are you talking about? I can still see your profile picture.
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Profile is there. Its the thread picture. I had a sign it said "Welcome"
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Yeah, Rae, I'm the same time zone as Sheila & most nights I can't sleep either, like her.
I would think you could put a new pic in the same place, Sheila. You could always write the moderator & ask them.
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I can see the Welcome sign Sheila
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I dont use photobucket. Either I google it or copy it from FB and paste it here.
But I have a problem and dont know what to do. it was explained to me I just cant do it.
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I still don't. All I see is a big space & the little box with a red X in it.
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Rae..This is really getting weird. Val cant see it either.
Whats happening/
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I have only used Photobucket once & that was when I posted the pic of my DD's awhile back, think it was on the E-LAB thread.
I'm having a problem getting a pic from a googled Image site back over to here.
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Well, that is very strange isn't it? Picture is as large and colourful as it has ever been on my screen.
Storm is worsening again - must have been the centre when it calmed down again. Power is flickering now so if I suddenly stop talking you will know what has happened to me.
Is nice to be talking to you ladies in real time for a change. I normally check in when everyone else is asleep it seems.
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It's strange, how we could do it once & then not again. At least for me anyway. You mentioned a while back about something changing in the way that it used to be done, do you mean posting a googled pic?
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Maybe it just isn't downloading to our computers, Sheila & it did to Rae's.
Maybe it will show up tomorrow when we logon. But, then I haven't see it in a while like I said. How long have you not seen yours?
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Val..Remember the instructions couple of page back. Its no longer working that way.
Even when I google it you don't have to change pages. Every image is on one page.
and its much more easier and faster now.Val... I will post it step by step if you want me too. Tomorrow.
I have to put something in my mouth I'm so hungry I'm nauseas.
Ladies it was a fun night. Lets do it again.
Good Night!
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I think since the change that image disappeared.
I have to do some detective work.
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Okay, Sheila, step-by-step is good. Tomorrow, or whenever you can.
That way a few pages back is the way I am trying & it doesn't work for me.
Let's do this again!
Good night! Hope the storm has passed, Rae.
This has been fun!
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Night Sheila - it was fun. I have to start getting dinner ready now - 5.30pm.
Val -I looked you up in my atlas - you are a long way up toward Canada. Hope you are enjoying a warm summer up there - your winters must be VERY COLD.
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Are you seeing The new picture now?
I am
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Hi Sheila - yes I do see the new picture and it is lovely. And so appropriate, we are all interconncected around the world aren't we?
Gee you are still awake. What time is it for you now? It is 6.45pm for me and I am home alone. DD has gone off for a band practice and my DH has gone out to an appointment with clients. Storm has passed - it was a doozy - haven't had one that ferocious for a while.
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Hi, guys! Checking in...I'm sooooo sorry I havent posted in awhile. I have been so busy with the 4 kids' summer activities and I started back to work 2 days a week (doable), so no free time! But I said, I HAVE to jump onto the boards and check in. This is still a home for me because I dont know many people who have dealt with bc around me. But YOU all know!
Waiting on if we are going to transfer to Seattle...we should know this week. Decided to go for the "try" of the job. I'll keep you posted!
I'm 10 pages behind on reading (whew!) so I hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to check back soon!
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seyla888, I see you finally did master the technique of swapping the pictures in your opening post. Lookin' good!
Don't have anything cancer-y to share, it's not so much a concern right now. My check ups will all be in the Fall & Winter, so putting it out of my mind a little. I have to keep remembering to keep sunscreen on my chest...a small patch of the radiated area is exposed when I am wearing a tank top. That area sure does not need any more rays!
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Elimar....My arms still turn blackish under the sun if im not wearing sunscreen.
Thanks about the picture but i still dont undersdand how to change it. It was empty and i filled it.
Well good Morning All.
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hello my sistas..been running away from that dark hole that takes one minute to go to but i wanted to share this prayer with you.
the light of God surrounds me.The love of God enfolds me.The power of God protects me.The presence of God watches over me.Wherever I am,GOD is.
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Very nice to 'see' you cake, missed you!
Thank you for the prayer, grannydukes ~ I wrote it down in a little book that I have that I write down beautiful, meaningful prayers & such in to read when I am feeling down or want to pass on to someone else.
Sheila ~ I can see your new thread picture. Maybe Meecie can help with the changing of that. She does change hers on E-LAB, tho if I remember correctly, she takes the picture with her phone & goes from there. She probably sends it to Photobucket, I'm just guessing tho.
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Google images and choose the picture
Left click once on the pic which opens up a new page with your picture on it
Right click directly on the picture and copy
On BCO dont use the green tree anymore
In the 'post' click left once the cursor is blinking
click right and you will see a sign on the left side outside the post saying Cut Copy Paste
click paste
A pop out will pop
Click allow twice
Voila your picture is posted.
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Took me two times, but I got it. Thanks, Sheila! I copied the instructions off. How did you come about this change? It is faster like you said.
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Just wanted to tell you that the new picture is GREAT! Very appropriate.
Take care,
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I don't know if this is the right place to ask my question and I haven't read all the posts yet but I'll give it a try.My mom is in the process of healing from the recent debribment and is hooked up to a Wound VAC which seems to be doing wonders. We just saw the oncologist yesterday and I'm very confused by what he said. He said my mom did not qualify for radiation, hormonal therapy or Chemotherapy. She didn't qualify for radiation because she has already had the cancer removed (mastectomy). She doesn't qualify for Chemotherapy because her cancer was less than 1cm. He also said she wasn't triple negative but he couldn't be sure because the testing for this was done from the DCIS (noninvasive pre-cancer) and not from the IDC (invasive Cancer). He said the invasive cancer (outside the ducts) was too small a sample to run the test for PR,ER,HER. She was PR, ER - but HER2+. Again he said he wouldn't rely on these findings because it wasn't run from the tissue that was invasive cancer. Yet he said there is a 3% chance that the cancer can spread directly to the blood even though it may not have spread to the lymph node. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to do the chemotherapy just in case? He said something about heart problems and the risks out weighing the benefits. Do you have any insight? He said all they could do is watch for the patient to mention any symptoms like "my bones hurt", etc but if that happens then isn't it too late? We are scheduled to see him in 3 months for mor blood draws to see if her levels have changed. Any suggestions or resources would be great.
Thank you,
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hi sistas..has anyone heard of cryosurgery,cryotherapy in relation to bc?i just got an article from another site sayin they are using it again.i did use it years ago when i had a bad pap and it worked.
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Hi Marichai....Maybe her oncologist understands what he is saying. But its confusing for us to understand. If she is ER PR- than hormonal therapy is not given.
Did she have radiation with her original diagnosis? I read that radiation cant be given twice.
With <1cm she doesn't have to have chemo. There are lot of women on these boards they didn't.
This is the best I can answer your questions.
I would call the DR and ask all those questions yourself. Not on the phone just make an appointment. Your mother is entitled and its her right to understand all the information was given to you and her. Make a list and see the DR.
Good Luck
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Hi I never did.
Val.. You got it
Thanks Pat/hmm
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granny - I had cryosurgery for bad pap about 20 years worked for me too but I have not heard about cryosurgery in relation to BC. Do you have more information on the article??