I just googled it after reading Michelle's post.
And yes i did have that when I was in my 20s for a severe infection that wasn't healing,first they recommended a partial hysterectomy. I remember GYN walking in the examining room with a big tank without any explanation the next thing I fainted. lol
He was able to finish the procedure after it was explained to me. All i felt was a cold feeling.
Just sharing my story.
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well girls i copied and pasted the article and it got lost somewhere.if anyone is interested its by dr peter littrup vice chair for radiology research and director of interventional radiology at barbara ann karmanos cancer inst. in detroit.i got the email from another daily health news.if anyone is interested in the cryo surgery please pm me and i will be glad to email it to you.this is very interesting.i cannot wait to show this to dr#3.
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(((((Renee)))))) ((((♥hugs♥))))
Thinking of you and your family.
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Thank you.I have been reading the post for a few weeks now..i am not sure how what to say.
I am stage two..grade 3 ..2 of 13 nodes.Sarted chemo June 23 .Had the 3rd Aug.4 and suppose to have the last one Aug 25. To be folowe dby radiation for 6 weeks and the Armedix(Think I spelled that right.My surgeon said I would have 6 to8 rounds chemo not sure what changed when i got to the tratrment docter.Taking Taxeter and Citoixon.IDC.
Thank you for listening..Renee
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Welcome Renee! I also did Taxotere/Cytoxan (4 rounds) + Herceptin. I hope you are tolerating the treatments well. Sorry you got to join this club...
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Welcome can say anything you want too.
Come back and let us know how you are doing.
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My condolences Renee, sorry about your Mom.
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Welcome reneerodger,
I have been on Arimidex (soon to be on the generic brand) for 3 years now. Side effects *SE* are doable.
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I have sent you a Private message. Click on the Private message box at the top of the page.
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hello sistas
does anyone know about the transportation the cancer assoc.provides????
i live in old bridge new jersey and my drs and hospital are far away.
i cant count on people anymore,,,THIS ADDED STRESS I DONT NEED
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Sisters who use EVO
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Thank you for the pm. It was very helpful
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To All My Sisters
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Thanks Sheila for the link about EVO. Unfortunately it doesn't give us any tips on how to get the "real" thing. Guess we just have to wait. It never stops!
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mimi - I am so sorry for your loss...
Shelia - I JUST figured out what EVO means...I thought is was a name brand
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lol, osbhealthy it's not only you - over here we say the whole thing - Extra virgin olive oil - and when I first saw Rachel Ray's show she said EVOO all the time and it took me a while to work out what she was talking about.
Thanks for the hugs Sheila - right back at you! I met a lady that I worked very closely with until June this year today at the supermarket and she gave me the biggest hug and then grabbed me again for an even harder one a short time later - she REALLY needed a hug today! Drama queen daughter is acting up and her job is not so good at the moment so I listened, sympathised and promised to go for coffee real soon and she had a smile on her face when I left her. I told my hubby when I got home and he said 'you did good today' and that made me smile You do get back what you give don't you?
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Hi Rae.
granny how was your DR#3 appointment yesterday?
Valerie are you okay? where are youuuuuuu
Hi patoo and Michelle.
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Hey Sheila ~ I've been around, just haven't been writing much. Have posted on another thread & that has brought up some memories that have brought me some contemplative moments. Having had my 4-month check-up recently, I am thinking of future appointments & that is making me more anxious than I should be. I've been near tears lately....
AND, I am not losing weight. In fact, I have gained. I just can't seem to get back to where I was before my last vaca. I dread weigh in tomorrow. Just dread it....
I feel flabby, I feel sluggish, I feel heavy, I look like crap!
I guess I need a GoOd ole' KiCk in the buTT.
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Val....I know exactly what you are saying. I'm thinking about those things more often.
Questioning myself Why do I feel this way!!!!!
I don't have any pains I'm thankful God I can do my own shopping and everything else.....
What is it then/ I cant come up with an answer.
I'm also not losing weight gained 2 LB since last Friday. My willpower is not there but I'm still trying. and no I'm not ELAB. I don't even know what is it I want from my life.
At the same time Every day I say I'm grateful to be alive. I'm confusing myself.
I need a good cry and I cant even cry because of Antidepressants Im on (for years not related to BC) not letting me.
So Val you are not alone with your feelings.
(((((Hugs))))) ♥ ((((Val)))♥
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Shelia and Val - I can so relate and the only thing I can think of is I am going through the five stages of loss/grief. I am past the denial and bargaining, now working through the anger and despair stage so that I can (hopefully) reach a point of acceptance
I wanted to paste the article on Livestrong website, but I cannot copy and paste at work
Here is the link though (hopefully I have typed it right)
I haven't had a good cry since my dx either...mainly due to the anti-depressants I was on but also pure unadulterated fear that if I let the damn break I'll never stop!
Today is a good day and I am able to focus more on the positive and less on the negative but that could just be because my pain level is pretty low today and that just makes it seem like all is right with the world
((((((HUGS))))))) to all!
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I just got diagnosed a few minutes ago with Stage 1. BMX on Aug. 10 and got the pathology report today. My goal was to never to do chemotherapy. I had two separate tumors in only the right breast, one was 1.4 cm, one was 1.6 cm. The nurse who gave me the path report said I'd most likley be recommended to have chemotherapy. I have an onc appointment 8/19.
Where do I start researching this stage? I finally landed on a consensus report about DCIS from last fall. Where's the latest research I need to look at?
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Oh, Shelia & Michelle ~ Thank you, thank you, thank you for your replies. As I was reading yours, Sheila, I started to cry, STARTED, & stopped myself. And when I got to yours, Michelle, I knew why. "Pure unadulterated fear that if I let the dam break I'll never stop!"
I was so anxious about my last onc appt & when I came out of the Center, I should have been dancing with joy, but instead I sat in my car & cried. WTF???
I also am not in any pain, in fact, that is the first Q they ask when I see the onc. I know I'm lucky & am thankful for that. Nobody can tell by looking at me as I shop, etc that I have had bc, it is all on the inside. I am so grateful to be alive as you said, Sheila. Then why don't I....then why am I in this slump, for lack of a better word???
Some (most, lately) days I sit & ask myself, "What am I doing?.....nothing.....What do I want to do?.....I don't know.....Shouldn't I know?.....I don't know.....Should I?....."
I am so confused.....
Dylan: "There must be some way outta here" said the joker to the thief...."There's just too much confusion....I can't get no relief." (All Along the Watchtower)
anger & despair stages ~ Maybe that is when I'm at now, where we are at now. Funny, now that I think about it, I did just have several months of lashing out at people: my DH (no, I really don't want to go there, just go by yourself, please), the news on TV (how much more $$$ can you people spend?!?), people in the grocery store (get that dang cart over to the side so other people can use this damn aisle, please!! Grrrrrrrr)
Now the despair. Hummmm.....After I post this, Michelle, I will go to livestrong & read that article. Thank you.
I've probably rambled on too much here. I have a lot to think about.
Hey, there's something I can do!!!!
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val, sheila, michelle
I am exactly the same - I feel like I am stuck in a time bubble. I go through the motions of my life but I'm not really experiencing it and I just don't seem to be able to get any direction or forward movement in my life.
I am not unhappy - I just don't care about anything much anymore. I was in shock for a long time after dx and am now just numb emotionally - there has been no crying, no anger and there is no excitement and no looking ahead. I enjoy things in the moment but there is little residual joy in looking back. The only thing I feel is sad right down to my most inner being. I think post traumatic stress disorder is the problem - I mentioned this to my dr and he wasn't convinced but is adament that I am not depressed and says this is a common reaction after a cancer dx and that it can take up to two years to resolve. Said he will send me to a psychiatrist if I am still not 'better' then - eeekkkkk that is about as scary as bc to me! -lol!
Thank you for listening ladies - it DOES help to share with people who understand.
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Welcome taranebraska. I found a link for you. Are you interested about the treatment plans or general info? I'm sure we can answer some of your questions from our own experiences.
You let us know. Here is the link.
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Rae. Val, Michelle,
You're all describing the same feelings. I'm not unhappy but something is not right either.
I always thought because I suffer from Depression maybe thats why I had all these unexplained feelings. Like I wont make any plans until I see my oncologist. When I was going to Hawaii i was on the Internet for ticket prices and praying that it wouldn't change and go higher. I saw my onco March 1 nurse called me March 3 in the morning that the blood work was fine.
I rushed to Expedia to book my flight.
What is my excuse after 5 years. I should feel normal but I cant and I'm not even sick or anything.
For a while I stopped looking at the Active Topics too much sadness was going on All these young women just because the DR didn't want to listen to them.
I hate anybody who tells me (well meaning people) everything is behind you now. i don't talk about it except here. According to them i have nothing to worry about and I also being told "Don't even think about it" ha.
Thank You Sisters we understand each other here.
Today I bought myself anew bath towel the largest one. I feel like did something good because the other one was old.
(((((HUGS)))))♥((((HUGS))))) and more hugs♥
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I don't talk about it to anyone anymore either except here - even if I am asked I just say 'I'm good' to most people - you can see it in their face that that is the answer they want.
Ooooo - new towels make me feel like I am in a hotel bathroom as their towels are always so new and plush. What colour did you get Sheila?
{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}} from wet, windy NZ
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Mauve color it was pretty and 40% off. You cant go wrong.
Its is fluffy and soft tomorrow I will wash it and throw the old one out.
I have bath towels but they are not big enough to wrap around my body.
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hi sistas....its so hard when you are laying on the one has the right words except our sistas.i have a wonderful friend who is a 26 yr cancer (breast,colon) survivor.Im staying with her on and off because when i fall hard she is such an inspiration.ill share with you what she tells me.i will never give anything that much power over me.i have a condition that is being treated and im gonna be fine.she was 26 when diag with b/c and has done this fight alone.
we are not alone....lets have a group hugggggg.
love you girls sooooo much.please think of my friend who is now going for a experimental chemo and is sooo sure she will be fine....
we will be too...
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it's hard with my family and friends because they always ask how I am doing and I try to put on a fake smile and tell them I am fine. I feel alone so hoping this will be the place I can be myself and get answers.
I am worried about my job. Did anyone lose their job because they were sick longer than they had leave time to be off work? I have 12 weeks of chemo starting Aug. 26th and 6 weeks of radiation to follow. I have only 12 weeks of leave so worried about my job being secure.
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cindy.....Im glad you found our friendly thread. I cant answer the job questions.
You will never be alone here. Rant, laugh, cry whatever makes you feel better we are here for you.