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  • FieryRed42
    FieryRed42 Member Posts: 4

    Oh, duh - I had that info right next to me and forgot to post it! I've got an allergan 133mv-13 - I think it's supposed to have a recommended fill volume of 400ccs?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    FieryRed:  Got it.  So if you go with high profile smooth round silicone implants, the lowest recommended volume for you would be 500 ccs.  In Allergan, this would be Style 20.  But if you prefer to be larger than you are now, you will need around 550 ccs in that style.  It will very much depend on how much ptosis or droop your PS will be able to achieve to match the native breast.  He definitely could overfill the TE - another 200 ccs would not be out of the question, but whether that much would be needed is unknown.  Perhaps only another 100 ccs or so.  Your PS could use a midrange profile style implant like Style 15 in Allergan, which would enable him to match the 13.0 cm width but use a smaller implant and give you a bit more droop.  However, I think you would be happier with a high profile style.  It all depends on what it takes to get symmetry with the other breast.  Also, with a nipple sparing, ensuring that the nipples end up in a logical and acceptable position on the breast mound factors highly in the equation.  So go over these numbers with your PS.  If your PS was able to get in 400 ccs from the get-go, I think that he will not have a problem getting you into a HP style implant.  Discuss all of this with him though. 

  • FieryRed42
    FieryRed42 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks, that's helpful info for when I meet with him next! 

  • loveb
    loveb Member Posts: 15

    Hi Whippetmom.  :)

    I had another fill of 50ccs today to bring me to 400ccs total. I'm really liking this size even more than the 350 fill. I have one more fill next Friday to overfill and that will be it.

    I discussed the possibility of the 450 mentor high profile silicone round and he said I could do the 425 but not the 450 as the max width he will use is 12.5.

    He did say I could use saline if I wanted. If I understood correctly, saline would give me more projection and larger size because their sizing is differnt and not pre-determined like the silicone.

    This is what I found on Mentor's website for Saline in the width of my TE 11.7 to the max he will use 12.5.

    Saline Smooth Round High Profile Style 300


    Nominal Fill: vol: 420cc diam: 12.0cm proj: 5.4cm  Max Fill: vol: 500cc diam: 11.7cm proj: 6.7cm


    Nominal Fill: vol: 460cc diam: 12.4cm proj: 5.5cm Max Fill: vol: 550cc diam: 12.1cm proj: 6.9cm 

    Not sure I understand how these work vs silicone but it looks like I could have more volume and/or projection with saline keeping within 12.5cm. But it seems everyone uses silicone.  If that's true, I guess I need to decide between a larger size using saline or possibly smaller, but better cosmetic results with silicone. Is that right?

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    loveb - How thin are you?  My understanding is that with the saline ... the rippling is more pronounced than the silicone.  You've gotta decide what's more important to you ... the potential for more rippling or the projection.  Undecided  It's crazy all these decisions, eh?  [[hugs]]
  • loveb
    loveb Member Posts: 15

    Hi Dawn-Hope!  :)

    I was 118lbs at the time of my surgery. 5'7" but I think I gained a little weight since. Not much so it's got to be close to that. And you're so right...decisions, decisions!  :)

    Hey..thank you for your reply. I just received a message from someone else basically telling me to figure it out on my own if I should use saline or silicone. I was really taken aback. I feel alone a lot of the time as I lost my Mom last year to breast cancer and God Bless my Dad and brothers, but they don't really talk about these things with me. I'm so grateful for communities like these and people like you. After getting that message and feeling sad, I came here and saw your message with hugs!  Thank you!!!

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    loveb - I lost my mom to breast cancer too and I totally know that alone feeling.  Nobody gets it but those who have walked that path.  You're a skinny lady and I would lean towards the silicone.  I'm thin too (5'5" 110lbs) and I have noticeable rippling with the silicone.  Can't imagine how bad it would be with saline.  That being said, fat grafting is an option that would definitely help with that issue.

    Definitely ask your PS what he/she recommends for you.  Listen to whippetmom too!  She's a sage!  Laughing  I personally was worried about the silicone in my body but when I did a lot of reading and research I found out that the saline implants are covered in silicone ... so either way your body is exposed to it ... that kind of sealed it for me.  The ladies on here recommended silicone, my PS recommended silicone ... that was enough for me.  But again, you have to decide what is important to you.  Whippetmom will give you sound advice.  I'll pray for you to have wisdom and peace.  I'm so sorry about your momma.  xo

  • loveb
    loveb Member Posts: 15

    Dawn-Hope: I'm so sorry that you lost your Mom too. I wish I could take that loss away from you. I'm sending you hugs right back!!

    With regards to the implants, thank you so much for your thoughts. I'm not concerned with the safety of silicone but the rippling does concern me. Thank you for sharing your experience with that with me. It really does help me to hear from others and really be sure I'm looking at all angles before deciding what's best for me.

    Thank you!! Smile

  • jyg
    jyg Member Posts: 60

    Dear whippetmom - seeking advice as I approach replacement in about 7 weeks. My chest measurement is complicated by a lot of excess skin from a 130 pound plus weight loss. The PS plans to remove most of it at exchange, and I still have about 16 pounds to lose (minimum) before goal. I have 800 cc Mentors, med height, filled to 705 cc and also some symmastia that has developed, which is why he did not fill completely. I am 5'8" and weigh 166. Chest measure 35" under TE's (and over the excess skin).

    Any input is greatly appreciated. I was huge before and have no desire to be big again!

    Thank you.


  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166

    loveb, I am 5'5" and 110, and I have silcone implants.  I have rippling issues that require a revision surgery.  I also have textured implants that really don't work on reconstructed, thin patients.  I was told by doctors and others that saline ripples alot more than silicone on reconstructed patients.  Being thin, the ripples are more pronounced.  Whippetmom is very knowledgeable in this area and I am sure she can help you!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    loveb:  Well, I thought we were all here finding our way as best we can, looking for advice and sharing our stories (successes and failures).  I'm only on certain threads here, but I feel nothing but positive energy and support here.  Sorry you experienced otherwise.  I'm really puzzled that you would receive a message like that - I would chalk it up to someone having a bad day or ???? 
  • loveb
    loveb Member Posts: 15

    slinky: Thanks for your comment. We're really similar in size too. Another women messeaged me who had the gummy bear type of implant and she said hers rippled too so it seems accross the board but that saline is far worse for rippling like you said. I sure hope your revision surgery goes well and I wish you all the best on that!!

    TinaT: Thank you for your nice comment as well. The person who said that to me was on a different site and not on the forums here. Whippetmom and others who have interacted with me here have been so supportive. The other site has been positive too. It really was just one person so I should just chalk it up to them having a bad day like you said and not take it personal. It just took me off guard and I felt foolish for asking a question.

    Thank you both for taking the time to reply to me. It really is appreciated. 

  • howard
    howard Member Posts: 102

    Loveb: hi, I have Gummies and very little rippling. I have to lean over to see the ripples and then it's only on the outer side a little where my skin is so thin. My PS recommended the Gummies bc I, too, am thin. I'm pleased.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    loveb: Here is another option... Style 45 in Allergan. You could go to 550 ccs with a width of 12.4cm. How about that? As much projection as the saline alternative. Or 500 ccs..that would work also.

  • tlc40
    tlc40 Member Posts: 69

    Loveb- I read back a few pages to remind myself of what you have and are wanting. You said your ps uses mentor...would that be only mentor? Because just in my opinion, you may love the allergan style 45 in...(don't be scared)....550cc's, or if your ps could agree to 0.3cm more in width, even 600cc's. The 550's are 12.4 width with 6.0 projection & the 600 are 12.8 width & 6.1 proj. I don't think that 0.1 extra projection would make much of a difference so the 550's could make both you & your ps happy. Do you like a more full upper top to your breast?....because the 45's have more of a pushed up & out look.

    And to answer your skinny question....yes the bigger breasts will kind of help you not look too skinny. I had delayed reconstruction & during my completely flat time, me & all my friends & family thought I looked too thin. I'm currently still in 750 TE's overfilled to 900 and look voluptuous. I'm exchanging to 800cc's mentor high profile smooth round. But I'm still about as wide as I was before mx so they fit my body.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Jan: Wow. Congratulations and applause for what you have achieved with your weight loss!! I am so happy for you!

    Okay, we need to address the symmastia. What does your PS intend to do to repair this? This is an important and delicate revision. I have more to discuss with you about this issue. As far as sizing, it is also going to depend on the skin flaps you had going into this. I feel you could use 800 ccs in a high profile implant and you will never look like you did previously. Trust me. Perhaps 700 or 750 ccs, but I am going to need to see photos. I will PM you tomorrow.

  • tlc40
    tlc40 Member Posts: 69

    I am a very slow typer & saw whippetmoms post after I hit submit. Funny, I learned all of that here & mostly from her, as she knows so much. But I have to admit I'm a proud student to have suggested the same info as she did:). Thanks for the great education whippet mom! :)

  • loveb
    loveb Member Posts: 15

    howard: You just echoed what the other gal said about the gummies, in that the rippling occurs when she bends forward. I don't think they are an option for me though with my PS. I think only certain PS in the US are part of a study that can use them. I'm really happy they were available to you and that you like them.  :)

    whippetmom & tlc40: Those Allergan 45 impants sound perfect!! I'm pretty sure my PS is exclusive to Mentor but I'm sure going to see if there is anyway possible we can use those. Oh, I will be disappointed if he says no because they really would be a great choice for me. If he says no, maybe I can buy them on my own and just have them shipped to him to put in. :)  I think I would seriously do that if possible but I'm sure it's not. 

    tlc40: To answer your question, I'm not sure if I like more full upper top. If that resembles the look of my TE right now in clothes then yes. They look a bit odd because they don't move and are a bit under my arms but I really, really like the look in clothing at 400. I'm guessing the Allergan 45 you mentioned would get me the closest to how I look now. I'm happy to hear you are all set for your exchange. :) I hope your surgery goes well and I will send lots of prayers and good thoughts your way!

    My goodness, thank you all so much for taking the time to help me navigate all this. I am so grateful for each of you.

  • tlc40
    tlc40 Member Posts: 69

    Loveb- I think the 45's look more like the TE's & the others have a more, I'm not sure what to call it, maybe natural, mature...though the 45's look natural too, maybe just perky or how the others look in a's hard to say you really should get on the picture site & see the differences. It helped me so much....especially seeing so many amazing, beautiful end results with all different implants & women. And I was so confused & undecided on which ones to choose (I had all options available, even gummies) and considered probably every one at different times. This site & that one have helped me so much. You have to send a private message to the gatekeepers of the picture site to get in. I know MBJ & Lilah are two & I can't remember the others but someone else will please chime in with more info or correct me if needed. It helped me so much I'm excited & happy to pay it forward & post my pics too.

  • Urban_Mom
    Urban_Mom Member Posts: 31

    I told the PS nurses yesterday that "I'll go ask a dressmaker" when they asked me what size I want to be.  Truth be told - I have no knowledge in this area - so finding this topic and all the information is a blessing. 

    I am 5'3", weigh 128 lbs and have a ribcage measurement of 29"  I have always been a pear-shape with my J-Lo butt, 36" hips and barely B breasts. 

    Currently I have an Allergan 133MV-12 TE (300 cc; w 12"; l 11" proj 5.2") filled to 240 cc so far (I THINK - but I will check at my next PS appointment.) When they gave me the card - I was told it was for security screening at the airport so I put it with the hundred other papers and didn't realize that it had all the TE info until I read Whippetmom's instructions.

    What are the best possible proportions that can be achieved given my body shape and the possibilities with implants? 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    tlc:  I saw your post and I thought, "right on!"  Smile  I am glad you thought of it also!
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Urban_Mom: I think I would like to see your PS overfill your 300 ccs and use Allergan Style 20 in at least 425 ccs and 450 ccs, if possible.  The 425s mirror the same dimensions as your TEs - but I think that bumping it up to 450 ccs, if possible, would be nice also. Once you are filled to 300 ccs, let me know what you think of the size and we can then refine the numbers.  But I think you are going to need some overfilling to get you to where you need to be, to ensure good implant coverage and also to get a teensy bit of ptosis.


  • tlc40
    tlc40 Member Posts: 69

    Whippetmom- I know, I thought proudly "right on" too & then I saw the "symmastia" issue & said "huh, what's that?" /:( So I still have much to learn....I'll google it. But it really has been invaluable having you & all of these ladies here to help, inform, & support. Even the questions are helpful because now I will google something I've never heard of & learn something new that could help someone else.

    So a sincere thank you to every sister! :)

  • tlc40
    tlc40 Member Posts: 69

    Googled symmastia & now know that is what they call "uni boob" or when the skin seems to become detached from the sternum....middle cleavage part of the breast. Thanks.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    tlc = "breast whisperer in training" :)

  • jyg
    jyg Member Posts: 60

    tlc40 - my "partial" symmastia developed at the very end of my saline fills. Sometime between the next to last one and the scheduled last one (which did not occur because of this problem) I knew things had changed because my TEs were no longer abutting my axillae. I don't quite have the dreaded uniboob look (whippetmom can show you my pics), but the TEs are MUCH closer together. I am already prepared for a rather extensive exchange procedure given the PS will have to resecure my pecs internally, deal redundant skin left intentionally at the time of BMX, and remove additional skin and secure whatever he needs to chest wall (I'm thinking my Mom would use darts like in sewing. LOL) What usually takes him 45 minutes will take about 3 hours - almost as long as the BMX and TE placement!

  • happyhere
    happyhere Member Posts: 2

    My exchange is scheduled of October and seeking advise.  I am 5'5", 240 lbs, 41" ribcage, TE are Allergan 133MV Moderate Height with 700cc on both sides. The TE are not under the muscle.  My PS felt that since I was going from size G to D (I think they are really C), that he did not need to place them under the muscle. At this time I was not supposed to get radiation but that all changed. My original plan was to get saline, which he prefered because he could get them already shaped.  But I don't know which style he is planning on using. I have a large ripple on the radiated side and hope it will go away with the exchange. Because of the rippling, I am wondering is silicone would be better. I also have a large dog ear on my right side that he was less than enthused to fix.  Any advise would be helpful.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Happiness: His lack of enthusiasm about removing something as benign, albeit annoying and unappealing as a dog ear makes me crazy.

    I am not sure about his premise that you did not need to be submuscular, because you were going from a G to a D. I need to talk to a bit more about this . I will PM you tomorrow.


  • jyg
    jyg Member Posts: 60

    happyhere - that dog ear needs to go! No excuses for something so simple NOT to be fixed. And it is relatively simple in the big scheme of things because they are so unsightly and often uncomfortable. (I have a German Shepherd-sized one that is coming off at exchange!)

  • happyhere
    happyhere Member Posts: 2

    jyg-yes it is uncomfortable as my arm rests on it. It's good to know that having it fixed is not a weird request. He also tried to convince me back in April that they flatten out over time. LOL, then I will have a German Shepherd's ear once it flattens out.

    whippet - please PM me when you get time.  I would love to chat more.