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  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    whippetmom -

    earlier you referred to smaller breasts as baby-boobies....too funny!  Guess that's what I have as my implants are 195cc and 225cc's.

    you really should write a book!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    whippetmom:  Ouch!  Thanks, that was a good demo.  But, I must be dense because I don't get the iPhone connection in the video... 
  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905

    My rads side won't drop and fluff, is that correct?   

  • Urban_Mom
    Urban_Mom Member Posts: 31

    Whippetmom! That video is a must see for the ladies weighing the pros and cons of saline v. silicone. On another thread someone posted about being in a car accident and the damage to her TEs...

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Fearless...I didn't get it either....Undecided About the rads side: Probably not.  It could respond more like the other side with fat grafting though....
  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    that video cracked me up!  Laughing 

    although, on the serious side, i'm not sold that there were not tiny holes in the silicone.  

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    I liked the video too... but I wish they would have shown it fall all the way to the bottom.  I seemed like they cut away right as it was about to hit.  So makes it a little less credible?  Did I just miss it?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I have way too much time on my hands.....Frown


  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Deborah, you are too funny!!  Okay, that one is pretty undisputable! :)

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Oh, are they hitting them with meat tenderizers now?  Off to see......

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    OMG - I was just kidding, but he is using a hammer!  Yep, they look pretty durable to me!!!

  • YamahaMama
    YamahaMama Member Posts: 107

    I had my "pre-exchange" appointment yesterday, exchange scheduled for 8/26, and I am feeling a tad bit dejected...  I had "baby boobies" pre-BC, and I'm afraid I'm STILL going to have bb's!!!!  My PS completed an augmentation at the time of my MX, when he placed my TE.  My augmented side received a boost of a Natrelle 440cc TE, Style 120, textured silicone implant.  My TE is 133FV, 600cc, filled to 730cc.  Yesterday, the PS informed me the largest textured implant is 716cc, versus 762cc for smooth.  He is concerned about rippling with a smooth implant, because he is going to have to cut the capsulary some, but by staying with a textured implant, the volume of the MX side will be smaller than the augmented side. 

    I'm trying to remind myself the augmented side is already bigger than what I had before, but that's getting harder to do when I've been living with this size for the last six months.  Also, I KNOW very few breasts are the same size, and I wasn't the same size before, but how much difference is there going to be????  Seriously, this is the biggest it gets????  It's not like I'm Dolly on the one side or anything! 

    Currently, the projection of my augmented side is greater than the TE...will the projection be greater with the actual implant, lesser, or the same?  Right now, I feel like the volume is about the same, if I raise my arm on my augmented side to pull it up, so it sits as high as the TE!  I'm so confused!!!!  Ripples or less volume...which is the lesser of the two evils? 

    Hopefully, I can post some pics on the picture forum tonight.  I just feel so disappointed that I can't even get the "booby-prize" as a consolation prize for having bc!  Frown

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Freeee fallllinnnnn!!!! Too funny. Guess that's why so many flight attendants get implants, to break the fall  . . .  har har. 

    whippetmom I have no info yet about what my PS is going to use sepcifically really yet. I am going to take your list of questions on the header with me so I can get you the info and see what you think. But i have a question now.

    I have one expander right now that is way higher than the other (bmx). I like the higher one better. It's not as natural but i like it. So i was thinking that i should get a high profile implant but, when I asked my PS I said i liked more upper pole, maybe i used the wrong wording and he said oh well then maybe we should use a moderate profile. So which profile will make them look higher? I know he has to do pocket work to get the low up also. I am afraid i used the term upper pole incorrectly. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Yamahamama:  Whoa....wait a minute here.  Smooth silicone implants rippling more than textureds?  Uh uh, no way, no how.  Textured implants ripple worse than smooth implants!  Textured implants cause traction rippling - especially with breast recon patients.  It can look pretty bad. I know only one or two cases where textured implants have been used recently and they are unique in that they are part of a one-step with an Alloderm bra - a very specific application.  Nearly every woman otherwise, who has come here and has had textured implants [and we are talking about three out of hundreds of women], has had them removed and switched out for smooth.  You tell your PS you want smooth implants and you will get the best implant and the better volume!  You will hate a textured implant on your reconstructed side. 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    In addition to what Whippetmom said, my PS will not use textured implants because he feels there's greater chance for capsular contracture.  It's his conclusion that their textured surface keeps them from being "free" in the pocket and increases the chance of CC.  I don't have statistics, I just remember him being pretty emphatic about using smooth implants.  Ack - it's confusing!!! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Carrol: This link gives a good description of Styles 45, 20 and 15.  You want Style 20...

    But what is going on with that one TE is not a demonstration of one TE having upper pole fullness over the other.  That one TE is riding higher on the chest wall.  So no implant is going to do what you want it to do in that regard.  Your only option is to lower the one or raise the other. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    BTW I found this link a while ago. Lists a lot of the sizes and styles: linky  or
  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    whippetmom:  Sure would be nice if there was a site showing the various implants in reconstructed patients rather than augmented patients.  Seeing that website now makes me a little nervous that my PS is even bring 45s into surgery.  But, knowing that he's also ordered 15s and 20s makes me feel better (I think he'll use Style 20).  I told him yesterday that at 500cc I feel there's a little more size and projection than I'd like.  Obviously, I'll be talking to him again right before surgery so I'll make sure it's fresh in his mind.  Most of my visits have actually been with both the PS and the PA in the room so more ears is better I figure! 
  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905

    Thanks, Lago - so mine will be Mentor HP round silicon 600cc's - 14 cm in Diameter and 5.6 projection.   I am unable to picture in my mind what that will look like.

    Says these have "narrow base and high projection" (?)

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,340

    The video is too funny. Loved the choice of the Tom Petty song. Also, the doc picked up the saline implant after the drop and said, "...looks like the saline didn't really make it." An understatement considering he was holding a shredded shell! -Caryn 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    whippetmom ok so i like the way the top part of the breast that is higher looks so i guess as long as he can raise the other side i am good. But when i look at the link i like the really round style 45 why would you suggest style 20 because it is more natural?
  • YamahaMama
    YamahaMama Member Posts: 107

    Whippetmom and Lago, thank you both for the links!  I visited with my DH to see if he understood yesterday's visit the same way I did, and he did...  I'm pretty sure my PS told me there is less rippling with textured implants; HOWEVER, the booklet personalized for me states the exact opposite, in that wrinkling is MORE common with textured, as you said, Deborah.  

    It sounded like, should I choose (which I will be calling to change...) smooth, he will be using the Style 15 Mid-Range, 752cc.  I know his plan was to overfill for ptosis, but this would actually mean I am underfilled.  Also, do you know what affect this has on projection, as in will my augmented and "fake" be similar projection?  There are WAY too many options here!  Undecided 

    I truly appreciate the expertise of all who've gone before me, and your willingness to share that wisdom!   

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Carrol: I would recommend the Style 45 only if you lower the implant which is riding high.  If you want the implants to be higher, you don't need Style 45.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    YamahaMama:  I cannot predict if your reconstructed and augmented breast will have the same projection.  It is only something your PS can determine.  I don't know how small you were, how much breast tissue you have on the native side, etc.  In many unilaterals, a different profile implant is required on the MX side.  You would typically need more projection on the MX side to match a native breast. So taking that into consideration, he has used the equivalent of the smooth Allergan Style 20 on the native side and this is a high profile style implant.  Then he is proposing to use a midrange profile Style 15 on the reconstructed side.  It seems like it would work better the other way around.  But I am not clear why he already augmented the native side. I would rather match the native breast to the MX side.  So I have not heard of it done that way.  The augmentation of the native breast, in my experience, always takes place at the time of the exchange or even sometime after the exchange.  But there is always a first for everything!

  • YamahaMama
    YamahaMama Member Posts: 107

    Thanks, Whippetmom.  I am in the process of getting pics ready for the other forum...yikes! 

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545

    OK I watched the "FREE FALLING" video yesterday and then had dreams all last night of things dropping....NO LIE!!!  It was quite topical though as I await my MX side to DROP!!! It must be on my mind!!!

    DEBORAH - I met the new PS yesterday - she offered me a revision!!!  She said it was all nit-picky stuff and I look great, but told me what she would do should I desire a revision.  She wanted to lower my right implant 1cm, revise my scar and narrow my pocket for projection (Im already in HP).  I said No Thank You, but now of course my right side is bothering me because someone mentioned it!  Anyway, I just posted new photos and described the whole appointment so you can see what she means.  I think I made the right decision.....and now onto a nip next month!

    Yamahamama - Im a uni and augment if you'd like to see the difference in projection.  Its not earth shattering, but there is a difference in the way I fill a bra cup.  I dont have a nipple over there yet and that will help a little, but it will always be a little flatter.  I have HP in both.

  • Psal70
    Psal70 Member Posts: 22

    Fearless_one: Your radiated side will not drop and fluff but it will definitely change over time and it all depends on how much damage radiation caused. You can see my pictures on the picture forum.

    SuebbeBC:  I am sorry I haven't been on the discussion board for a while but I would like to know why do you need a revision? you look great.


  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130


    I have another fill scheduled today.  I think I am up to 350 in the right and 300 in the left.  I am the one with that odd Dermaspan expander.  However, I think that I am starting to look pretty good.  I am not at the rock hard stage yet.  I especially think that the top view (is that what you call upper pole?) looks pretty full, heck, they almost look real, aside from the rippling on the bottom, no nipple, big long scars, well, you get the picture.

    Made an appt with the PS you recommended for next week.  I recently read on this thread that the radiated side will not drop and fluff?  If that is the case, what should the PS do to make sure that I am even in the end?  I want to be sure to ask both PS's about this.

    As always, thanks for your unwavering support on this topic.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Thanks whippetmom i understand that the one side is riding too high but maybe I am crazy i like it. I am not as concerned with looking super natural. I see so many women with implants that they look so normal to me. I guess the difference in the style 20 and 45 is the projection? I suppose that if I want a lot of upper pole as opposed to projection I would need a lower profile? I think I want the high implant and the high projection. I want the playboy look lol. Before breast cancer I had pretty perky 36DDs which had great separation and looked awesome braless in halter tops. I would like to get some sense of that sex appeal back even though I would not be that big now. Does that make sense? I know most women are just concerned with looking natural. I don't want to look freaky but I do want some vavavoom. I like the way the girl in the style 45 looked a lot.

    Thanks so much for my incessant questions on this matter and for what you do for all of us. 

  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130

    Psal 70,

    Too funny about you mentioning about radiated side again, while I was typing away at my post.


    I think I got my numbers backwards, I think that the right is 300 and the left 350.