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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    2miraclesmom: One of the benefits of having been augmented prior to being dx'd with bc, is that the implants created pockets, much like what the TEs will do, and so a one-step, coupled with your previous DIEP, might not be a problem at all.  It all depends on how large you want to be though.  If you just need to "augment" the DIEP flap or flaps with a smaller implant, I think that might be the way to go.  Why don't you PM me and tell me who you have seen and who you intend to see and let's discuss who else you might want to see for a consultation.


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    Whippet, again...thank you! I'm almost certain I have mentor HP smooth round 475 CC which puts me at a 12.9 cm (you recommended 13) so I think my PS did a good job of listening although she went with the mentor instead of the allergan. I'll ask for the card when I see her on Monday. I just hope I don't lose any projection but bottom line, if they stay as they are, I'll be THRILLED!  I'll post picks in blog and link in. 

    I think I have a girl crush on my PS. Why....? because she cares, she listens, she's smart, she's honest, she laughs at my jokes, she doesn't glam herself up or pimp cosmetic treatments, she's my age, she wants me to be happy, she respects me, she brings her mom to work... 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    whippetmom - Regarding the above comment about capsular contracture (not your post).  I thought the capsular contracture issue was just the opposite.....that smooth are better because they slide around in the pocket and that there's greater chance of CC with textured because they tend to stick in one spot and are not moved around as easily.  Am I remembering this wrong from having this discussion with my PS???

  • JamieB86
    JamieB86 Member Posts: 183

    I thought the same thing too TinaT

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161

    LOL!  I think I now have a girl crush on your PS, too, and I do not even know her.

  • janiceh
    janiceh Member Posts: 7

    Hi again whippitmon. I communicated with you around a week ago about my concern over the size of my final implants. As you suggested I requested access to the picture forum but was not given access. I did my best to find out on my own what might be a good size since my PS is a very poor communicator. I am 5'5" and around 155 lbs and my TE were 600. My PS put in gummie bear implants that are the Allergan 410FX 450. On my frame they look very small and much smaller than my original breasts and what I expected. I went back to see him the next day to express my concern. I asked to have larger implants put in asap. I can share photos with you privately if you have any thoughts about what might be the best option at this point. Thank you for your previous response and I apologize for letting my distress be so obvious.

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161

    Tina, I am pretty sure the advantage to textured is a reduced risk of capular contracture.

    Having said that, my understanding is that the risk reduction is small compared to the risk of rippling so that any benefit is far outweighed making the smooth a much better choice for reconstruction. But Whippetmom can correct if I am wrong on this.  I do not think I am. If there is any other advantage to textured for a recon, I cannot imagine what it is.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    I hope I heard my doctor correctly and that I have "smooth round high profile" implants. My follow up appointment is tomorrow.

    I just worked my mastectomy to implant photo's into a blog post for those of you who want to see, read me. 

    Somewhere after "you have cancer" I lost my vanity. 

  • lisa2012
    lisa2012 Member Posts: 288

    Ok, I'm ready for advice. I'm 5'3, 129 lbs(gained 8 during chemo, will lose it)

    I have TEs that are ;375 ccs now. Am scheduled for exchange Aug 7 but worried. PS said he wold use 390 or 420 Natrelle smooth round, not sure of profile yet. I wanted about myprevious size, like a 34 or 36 large B or small C.

    How can he put bigger implants in my TE pockets? Should I get them expanded again? He said the implants shape use in between how te TEs are and the old breasts.

    My sister just did her exchange in May, she had been a slim large A. I think she is second guessing her decision on size, wishing she'd gone a bit bigger.

    It is part of us wishing we just had our old lives and shapes back (yes, they were a little flat and droopy but they worked ) plus it feels sprang to pick our body parts' size.

    Whippet mom, are you around??

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Janiceh: Yes. Your anatomicals are too small for your frame. Not to worry though, as your TEs created the space sufficient for around 650 ccs or 700 ccs - easily 650 ccs, in a smooth, round silicone implant. I will PM you my email address so that you can send me a photo.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Lisa: Why is he using saline implants? The 390 to 420 cc comment tells me he plans to use a saline midrange profile implant. Have you discussed saline vs. silicone with him? I recommend silicone, unless you need an implant larger than 800 ccs, which is not the case here.

  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    TinaT_ hello. It was my understanding from my surgeon that textured implants reduced the number of incidence of CC, hence him fitting me in the near future with textured ones, having a Hx of Grade 3 CC. Im seing my PS today, so will ask about this...

    Fearlessfoot - thank you for your supportive reply... I find that the women on this site really offer great support & consultancy, really! Very positive to be able to ask and offer in this space...It sounds like youre getting on well with your 'noobs' (that's an exquisite phrase!! )  post-op - Im hoping for the same. As I understand, there is a possibility in the first few weeks for anatomical implants to rotate within their pockets until they adhere into place in the pocket - Im refering to  textured ones. Is this your understanding Whippetmom?

     GreenMonkey - youre PS has 'crush-worthy' characteristics (especially bringing her Mom to work - aaaaaaawww! thats gorgeous!) !!! It would be hard not to fall for her...

    Right! In 3 hours Im off for my first inflation in a long time nearly 2 years.. and first since my revision.

    Whippetmom - Im a bit nervous about this - as I hear my new PS is really gung-hoo about inflations - whacking in 100cc at a time. Please can you say why 100cc is too much at a time, and 'less is more'? Also, you mentioned in your previous reply to me, that going for rounds over anatomicals for increased volume with a smaller implant - why is that? 

    inFLATION time -  Wish me luck! Im now going to take a very strong painkiller! Frown

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Buddhawolf -- smaller inflations are less painful.

  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Lilah- very true words- I made it to 70cc with pain relief- and CLEARLY felt enough was enough at 70! Thanks 😊

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    And you can get stretch marks with the bigger fills. Why the hurry?

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    BuddhaWolf and whippetmom - The smooth vs textured conversation with my PS took place early on when I was still feeling pretty overwhelmed.  As I read the link which whippetmom posted I now think that my PS must have said that there were hopes that textured would be better at preventing CC, but that it hadn't necessarily turned out to be true.  Or, perhaps it was through his own experience that he decided to recommend smooth round implants for me.
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Dawne-hope -- hahahahaha stretch marks -- I long ago got those!

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    Lilah - Wink
  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Oh Dawn! Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! Didnt know about that...

    Off to massage loads of healing oil into my noob now!!  or to continue... as I started doing that with the heamatoma. But will do more consistently - Great tip.

    TinaT - I hear you.. I'm a bit disapointed that textured may not help, but glad to get other tips on CC prevention -  so thanks Whippetmom for the link. 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    Met with my PS today, first post surgery appointment and... I'm going to see her again in 3 weeks - make certain my implants hold - but we're both thinking I should go bigger. My pocket is large enough for it. Right now I have 475 mentor smooth high profiles, at 12.9 diameter and she wants to try and bump me up to 525 which will give me another .2 cm projection and then, she can move them a bit closer and a bit higher AND at the same time give me nipples.

    Question: because I'm still projecting larger on my right, are two different sized implants ever used? I went to the bra store today and tried on a few 34B bra's. My right fit it perfectly, my left has wiggle room.  

    Deborah, will you look at my post exchange photo's on my post and tell me what you think?  Thank you again, and again. 

  • janiceh
    janiceh Member Posts: 7

    This is helpful. Thanks. I will bookmark the link.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Green: I am getting a "page does not exist" message when I click on your above link. But I do not know of a 525 cc round silicone implant. Do you mean 550 ccs?

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161

    GM, I am like you with the seemingly unusual expansion result:  I was expanded to 350 on the left and 410 on the right. I was exchanged to Mentor 400cc high profile silicone implants, and I project noticably further in the left side which had the lesser expansion. 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    see if this works Deborah.

    Mondays! oh thank you for making me not feel like a freak! I am not the only one :) 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Amazing Shannon. You look wonderful. You could go larger, but there are risks. You have symmetry, the size is good and I just hate to mess with things for only 50 ccs. Are you really unhappy with the size?

    Don't shoot me, but I would rather you lose an inch around your ribcage, and the implants will look larger.

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95

    GreenMonkey thanks for posting photos.  I just had my exchange yesterday to allergan Style 45 800cc.  I am bandaged up, so I can't see. You look great. Good symmetry.  You look a pretty good size. 

    I was looking to go smaller, I was a 40 DD.  I think we accomplished a nice moderate C, I hope.  They seem kind of small at this point. But, whatever it is I will be happy so long as there is symmetry, that is most important to me.  With my TE, they were not centered, with the right on lower and further into my arm pit.  Hard to tell where I am now. They appear to be equal distance from the center, but still pretty far apart.  I just want clothe to fit right.  With TE my bathing suits with cups....well, the cups did not sit right over the breast. 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    Deborah, "lose an inch around your ribcage"? you mean drop some weight? I need to lose 10 pounds but I honestly can't figure out how to do it without giving up wine and cheese :)  seriously, I worship the wine and cheese. got to have it, want it, love it almost as much as I love my dog, love it more than my cat, and my husband... I can't give it up, not now. okay, maybe I can cut back a bit.... ugh! :)

    I might be getting addicted to anesthesia, or white coats, or bright lights, or hospital jargon, because after 4 surgeries in less than 5 months, I think NOTHING of going back under the knife, so thank you for your advice. I need to hear it but I probably will do it again, because I do want to be a full B on both sides. Now the good news is that my left side is NOT the problem side.  

    Thanks for looking at my wild recovery ride! I told my neighbors they would know when I'm done because I'll walk topless to the mailbox. I hope I'm finished before winter.

    I ordered some "rub-on-nipples" yesterday in two shades - I picked one and I let my husband pick the other. He picked "dark ebony brown" ... ????????? this tells me he fantasizes about me being a black women. I can't decide if I should get a afro perm or kick him to the curb.

    Beautiful day here in Connecticut! hope everyone is happy and healing ~  


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    She, I want mine close too! and I agree, symmetry is KEY! and I want mine round. I had teardrop shaped boobs and I hated them.

    Curious -  how many of you had your pocket under your natural fold opened up ?????

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Green Monkey -- eat smaller portions of that cheese and start walking every day (if you aren't already)... generally keep your carb consumption lower (not insanely low but just lower than now) and you'll drop those 10 pounds.  And I agree with the others: you look fantastic!  Heal up, wait for them to "drop and fluff" (which may give them a plumper appearance), and be patient!