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  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    GreenMonkey, I just had round 2 of te's put in 2 weeks ago. He used alloderm, and I had a weird pinched area too. It freaked me out. At my recheck, he told me it was just an internal stitch he used to position the alloderm. It has already calmed down, so perhaps the same with you?

  • fearlessfoot
    fearlessfoot Member Posts: 88

    GreenMonkey, thank you for posting and documenting your story.  Your latest photos look really good -- after only one day I can't believe you even had the energy to photo and upload!  You are really helping people by your sharing and open nature and your blogging skills!  You have shown tremendous courage and good humor!   

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    thank you fearless and geewhiz... lately, I'm really torn about how open I've been. another surgery sounds ridiculous (to me) and I come from a family (who no longer speaks to me) that believes you don't "hang your dirty laundry out for everyone to see" - They accuse me of looking for sympathy and being weak. I started blogging after my son's death 10 years ago. Thats when they stopped talking to me. How dare I write about something as shameful as suicide. I'm really weepy today. Tired of the pain even though its only been a week. I am worried this latest revision won't work. 

    geewhiz, ohhhh you're right about the internal stitch! I remember something like that now. It will disolve on its own i think.

    I also worry that I talk too much about myself here and I'm sorry if I don't give more encouragement or advise. I get very self absorbed lately. I am sorry we are all in this but so glad I'm not alone.  thank you for listening.... 

  • KellieDenise66
    KellieDenise66 Member Posts: 32

    GreenMonkey, THANK YOU for being you! I'm 6 days post op from a NSBMX and last night was by far the roughest. So much swelling under my arms, and for some reason my right TE is so painful. Feels like there's an Alien about to rip through my skin. It's also the side with the nipple that's struggling. My 11 year sang The bee gees "staying alive, stayin alive" as my husband changed my dressings last night! We are a bit whacked around here.

    My right side pain forced me to try and sleep completely sitting upright last night. Thats when I popped on your blog and can't thank you enough for getting me through the night. First off your foobs are BEAUTIFUL! (I am however deeply sorry you're hurting.) I love your humor and gift of writing. I laughed out loud several times in the midst of my whimpering pain from righty. I admire your handle and description on the complexities of family dynamics. We all have them, just can't always articulate about them as beautifully as you do. The blog about your son and his life is so deeply touching. Thank you for introducing him to all of us, and allowing us the privilege of connecting with his spirit. Im so sorry your family views this blog as anything other then pure love, and goodness. I'm also delighted you have a loving husband, fun beautiful daughter, and adorable grandson in your life.

    Thank you again for getting me through a painfully rough night with your wonderful blog. I left feeling like I'd had a warm visit with a dear friend. Thank you for fulfilling your calling as a creator of truth, and being brave and generous in sharing it all despite the negative feedback from family. Please feel better soon.



  • KellieDenise66
    KellieDenise66 Member Posts: 32

    GreenMonkey, THANK YOU for being you! I'm 6 days post op from a NSBMX and last night was by far the roughest. So much swelling under my arms, and for some reason my right TE is so painful. Feels like there's an Alien about to rip through my skin. It's also the side with the nipple that's struggling. My 11 year sang The bee gees "staying alive, stayin alive" as my husband changed my dressings last night! We are a bit whacked around here.

    My right side pain forced me to try and sleep completely sitting upright last night. Thats when I popped on your blog and can't thank you enough for getting me through the night. First off your foobs are BEAUTIFUL! (I am however deeply sorry you're hurting.) I love your humor and gift of writing. I laughed out loud several times in the midst of my whimpering pain from righty. I admired your handle and description on the complexities of family dynamics. We all have them, just can't always articulate about them as beautifully as you do. The blog about your son and his life is so deeply touching. Thank you for introducing him to all of us, and allowing us the privilege of connecting with his spirit. Im so sorry your family views this blog as anything other then pure love, and goodness. I'm also delighted you have a loving husband, fun beautiful daughter, and adorable grandson in your life.

    Thank you again for getting me through a painfully rough night with wonderful blog. I left feeling like I'd had a warm visit with a dear friend. Thank you for fulfilling your calling as a creator of truth, and being brave and generous in sharing it all despite the negative feedback from family. Please feel better soon.



  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    Kellie, I appreciate your words of encouragement. thank you. I have these dreams of being published and then I have the reality of words like yours - such a gift. you validate my heart. Your words are an incredible gift to me. Extra sweet today. 

    Ah...the BMX pain, I remember it well. It's so restricting. the no lifting is bad. and, the alien sounds so unfair. whats he doing in there? he must be part of the "phantom pain" 

    I say this often but I can't tell if what I'm writing is funny of rude. It's different from when you speak it, and get immediate feedback. For example, I got into a weird habit of randomly working "you know, not everyone has nipples" into casual conversations. 95% of the time, it wasn't funny. In my head I was Robert De Niro, in the movie The In-laws, when he asks "can you milk me?"  I think what helps me the most is my ability to laugh at myself. 

    and beautiful son Kerry. Thank you for reading about him. He's with me always. I believe he came here to help me to grow. 

    I think the vicodin is kicking in. Tomorrow, hopefully, I get my drains out. All the best to you Kellie! I'll keep writing so please keep reading :) 

  • fearlessfoot
    fearlessfoot Member Posts: 88

    Greenmonkey:  ditto everything KellieDenis said!  I, too, have read your whole website and truly appreciate your sharing of deepest emotions, especially about your son, who is still with you in spirit. 

    Renegade people are often rejected by their families!  "Friends are the family we choose," my own late mother always said when she felt rejected by hers and started choosing her own family! 

    I think openness about cancer takes strength and courage.   Not to mention writing about suicide and family issues! 

    I have been "open kimono" in terms of telling people by own decision from the get-go and have been mostly very comfortable with my decision (only once in awhile I regret it a tiny bit when someone asks something a bit too personal for me or makes a boob joke in an attempt to make light of my situation, etc.).  Lately, I have had people coming to me for information about BC which makes me realize how important it is that I chose to communicate openly about my experience.    

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    Thank you fearless! 

    I have a good friend who sat me down recently and expressed his concern over my "over exposure" - his comments are coming from a good place, he is part of my chosen family.

    If I could do it all over again I would have probably used a pen name for security reasons - oh the irony of me running a security company and not taking steps to secure myself.

    I too like it when people are open to my "suggestions" most of which were learned by my own errors.

     I've noticed something odd that I want to blog about next.  Typically, when women who know I'm dealing with cancer approach me, they give me this worried look and then stare at my breasts and ask, "how are you feeling?" When men who know I'm dealing with cancer approach me, they look at my breasts smile and say, "you look great!"

  • CJRT
    CJRT Member Posts: 221

    Green Monkey - I had to laugh out loud when I read what you are blogging about next. My husband, my MIL, my kids, and I went for a walk around our neighborhood shortly after my surgery and happened to pass the only neighbor who new what was going on. The man said, "How are you doing? You look great." as he gestured towards my chest. As we walked away, my husband said, "What would he have done if I had testicular cancer? Motion towards my crotch??" We still get a laugh about it.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    OHHHH thanks for sharing that! these things really do happen. sometimes I wonder if its just me who see's it, or worse, it only happens to me. 

    I just got back from my PS appointment. Drains OUT!!! I drugged myself up because the last time I had drains taken out it hurt in a weird way - I could feel the drains pulling through my body. I guess it had something to do with the positioning??? Today, I felt NOTHING. Doctor said, take a deep breath and hold it, and SLIP SLIDE out they went. When I questioned why I felt NOTHING she suggested that maybe they didn't release the sucking when they did it the first time - to do this they need to pop the top, squeeze the bulb so its deflated and then put the top back on. GOOD TO KNOW!!!! 

  • cailindearg
    cailindearg Member Posts: 19

    Hi Whippetmom,

    Need some advice on implants, I have an apt with my PS tomorrow am. I had a BMX on Jul 3rd.

    Iam 5 4', 117lbs and my ribgcage is 30". I have 400 cc in my TE's right now. They are Allergan MV expanders, unfortunately I can't find my oficial cards right now. I find these TE's a bit too wide for my frame. Also I have a long torso.

    Also wanted to add, previously I was a 34A, and I was going for a 34B or full B cup...

    I think I'm going for silicone but any advice would be great!

    thanks so much!! 

  • LAS123
    LAS123 Member Posts: 6

    GreenMonkey, you are so brave and refreshingly open about your journey! I am thankful for your openess and honesty. I don't think others can understand unless they have really been through it. It's disheartening but we each must deal with turmoils in our own way. <3

    I myself am lost right now as to who to go to next to try to even out my breasts and reconstruct nipples. I did 3 rounds of grafting w Key Biscayne doctor, i am still recovering from screws and strings removal (internal bra) placed in me which caused permanent pain and numbmess.  Didn't sign up for that :/ Still healing physically and mentally til I can seek more opinions. I wish I could start over as my expanders were even and I had so much hope. I'm losing faith in all surgeons at this moment.

  • JamieB86
    JamieB86 Member Posts: 183

    LAS123 - don't give up hope.  There has to be someone who can help you out.  Whippetmom keeps a list of PS.  Maybe she can recommend someone.

    Best wishes

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291

    LAS123, Jamie's right...don't give up. Take a break if you need to but keep your heart and mind open. 

    Easier said then done. I saw my PS yesterday. She said, "if this doesn't work, I don't know what to do"

    That was NOT what I wanted to hear but it was an honest response so I guess I'm grateful for that.

    My opinion of what I want has changed over the past 7 months. Can I please look normal, less freaky, more even. Can I please not be in pain. Can I please be cancer free. Can you PLEASE be honest with me!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Cailindearg: I think probably you will want around 371 ccs in Allergan Style 15...IF the width of the TEs will be adhered to...

    The TEs should not be too wide for your frame with a 30 in ribcage. Perhaps they are too lateral? Do you have a fairly wide gap in the cleavage area? I am your size and my implants are 13.5 cm in width and I had the same TEs as you. I have 550 ccs in a HP implant. You say the implants feel wide, but do they seem too large? Since we may not have time to discuss this before your appt tomorrow, determine if the width is because of TE placement, as opposed to being overly wide. If placement is not the problem, the pockets could be narrowed, but I would want to know why he chose that width in the first place. Ask your PS about Sientra shaped implants tomorrow. This might be another option for you.

  • CJRT
    CJRT Member Posts: 221

    LAS123- Sending you a PM. I am in South Florida, too. I am so sorry about the problems that you are having.

  • cailindearg
    cailindearg Member Posts: 19

    Thank you so much for your reply! He did mention tear drop shape, the last time I spoke with him...I will talk to him today. No my TE's don't seem too large but they seem to stick out abit to my sides...

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    cailindearg... How did it go today?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I just read the second paragraph of your post. Let me work on this with you. Could you send me photos and give me all of the details? You can send me photos via email privately. I am going to PM you right now with my email addy. Do not give up hope! I have seen a lot of botched recons that ultimately were revised and came out lovely.


  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Hello ladies,

    I just wanted to say hello... I've been a bit of a 'silent partner' in the forum of late.  but I do check in once and a while to see how you are getting on...

    My uni -Anatomical TE's settled down, and am awaiting a date for the swap over & augmentation. And Ive been getting on & pushing myself out of my comfort zone to enjoy life in between recon surgeries. For example, yesterday, I photographed my first ever fund-raising fashion shoot for Breast Cancer Care (held in the London, UK, 22 women & 2 men whom have / had BC catwalk modelling - all of whom were truly inspiring - I shed tears with each snap it took!)

    A week ago, I sat in the green rice terraces of Bali,pinching myself, as it's a place I never thought I'd see! And even learnt to dive in Bali too  - no easy feat considering I'm very scared of deep water and can barely swim. Result: I passed my PADI Open Water Divers course 3 months post-op- and now am a qualified diver! The underwater sights were amazing- well worth overcoming my fears, to feel truly ALIVE. I share these things not to 'blow my own trumpet' . I just hope to encourage other women to achieve their own personal victories, knowing fully well that at times, getting out of bed, making that first meal for yourself,  getting dressed independently - all these can be those great achievements made on our BC journey. Having breast cancer made me a very very scared woman; day by day I feel less scared and more myself.

    And LAS123: I had quite an ordeal with my reconstructions & revisions, ongoing post-surgery pain (read my profile for an eye-full if you dare!), and many times felt really let down by surgeons and fed up about it all... this BC marathon- journey can feel like a lot to endure! 

    You probably see that the women in the forum  identify with your feelings & experiences from their own personal experience! You'll get a lot of support from the shared wisdom of its members here... we are all routing for each other, and those who can, will offer guidance, answer your questions to the best of their abilities... Try when you're able, to perservere; you WILL get to a better place.

    Anyway, I just wanted to wish you ALL the best with your recovery, surgeries, decision-making, and lives.

     Warmly, Buddha Wolf


  • KellieDenise66
    KellieDenise66 Member Posts: 32

    Buddhawolf you made my day! I'm delighted to hear about your dreams fulfilled, and have chills from your breathtaking photograph. Thank you for taking the time to share!

  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Fearless! I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned you have been "open kimono" about your cancer decisions - I havent heard this expression before... "open kimono" describes exactly how I discovered my lump nearly 3 years ago! 

    Whilst lying down watching the nature documentary series 'Life' on telly with my partner,he went in for a closer snuggle and as I raised my arm to put around him, my kimono slipped opened and out popped my breast - with a lump underneath my nipple! Had I not had an 'open kimono' I may not have found it at that early stage!

    Thanks for sharing the expression. 

  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    KellieDenise66 - thank you for your kind acknowledgement...

    Felt a bit of a risk to post ( I suppose it's a British thing -  to talk about one's achievements makes me a bit uncomfortable..) I'm heart-warmed to know it cheered you. <3

  • CJRT
    CJRT Member Posts: 221

    Buddha- You brought tears to my eyes with your words, and your picture is unbelievable. Thank you!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Yes BuddhaWolf...your photo is gorgeous and so are YOU!

  • loulou24
    loulou24 Member Posts: 42

    BuddhaWolf : Beautiful !!!

  • jmemama
    jmemama Member Posts: 10

    Hi. I need some help understanding how sizing of temporary expanders and implants work.

    I had a BMX on August 31 with expanders placed at surgery and immediately filled with 240 cc's.

    I am having no chemo or rads. Cancer was stage 0.

    I am currently filled to 420 cc's and I am planning on having saline implants placed. My understanding is that there are mid and high profile for me to choose from. 

    The expanders are:

    Allergen Style #133MV

    Width-14 cm



    Suggested Max Fill Volume is 500 cc's

    Moderate Height, Variable Projection.

    I am 37 years old.

    5' 3"

    165 lbs.

    Ribcage measurement is 35 inches.

    I was naturally a 34-36 DD

    I would like to be a D cup after the exchange or somewhere close. I do not want to be a C, and I prefer to be closer to my natural size. I am trying to figure out how many cc's I need to get close to the size I want to be. PS keeps telling me to look in the mirror and try on my clothes to decide. Im so afraid that I will tell him to stop at a certain point and I will come out of surgery with a C cup which I don't want at all! 

    Please help. I don't understand how any of this works. if there is any additional information I need to add, please let me know and I can add it.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    BuddhaWolf - you made my day!!!!!
  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    jmemama - Please dont be afraid.. Whippetmom has the info that can help make this process clearer for you. Implants are complicated to the untrained, and it can be intimidating making this long-term decision; I know as I was in the same position as you. It sounds like we both have similiar TE's. Stick around here, you'll soon come to understand the process of sizing, and how implants differ to natural breasts in a bra much better.

     Also look on herroom link below - it can help to understand cc's and cup volume.,904,30.html

    Measuring for Proper Fit With Implants

    You and your doctor may have agreed on the size you want to be, but factors can affect what bra size will actually fit you properly. Implants tend to run wider than a natural breast. Therefore, even if you feel like you are a C cup, you may need to go up to a D cup to get the right size underwire. Also, doctors will claim you as a "full" cup, which means that you now have an additional 1/2 cup size increase. This can also push you to a larger cup size. Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (ccs). 175 to 200 ccs is the equivalent to one-cup size increase. Knowing the size of your implants will also help you determine your new cup size

    This is just a guideline, so please dont get too caught up trying to work it out on your own.All will be well.


  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, jmemama:

    I am 5'5", and before my TEs were placed last December, I weighed 204 pounds, and my chest measurement was 39". I wore a 38DD/DDD bra. Based on that size, I had Inamed 133MV-16 TEs placed, which had a width of 16 cm.

    I was filled to 180ccs in the OR, then within 5 visits was filled to 620ccs.

    At that point I asked my PS what would happen if I got the larger implants that matched the large TEs and later lost weight. He said the size of the implants would not change.

    Fearing I would have stripper boobs, I stopped my fills, and postponed exchange until I could lose weight and get down to my normal size.

    By August, I weighed 148 pounds, and my chest measurement had gone down to 33".

    I had my exchange to Allergan Natrelle Smooth Saline, 700cc high profile implants, #68HP-700s. These are the exact same implants whippetmom had suggested.

    At minimum volume, they had a width of 14.4 cm. During the exchange, the PS had to do a lot of pocket work. He removed scar tissue, separated more muscle so that the implants would sit lower, and did lateral capsulorraphies on each side so the implants would not migrate to under my armpits when I was on my back.

    A few weeks later (after the incisions healed), just on a whim, I tried on an old bra. It was a racer-back style underwire, and it fit perfectly!!! It was a 36DD. I was amazed.