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  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    Thx MNSusan, we are gonna be implant sisters now with the same implants. Hope I like mine as much as you like yours. did you have operation in May?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    BayouBabe: Great! If he could use 600 ccs in an HP style, even better! So urge him to aim for 550 ccs to 600 ccs. If he has a skin closure issue, he might need to switch to the moderate plus profile - even 500 ccs in the mod/plus would be fine, if he just cannot go with the HPs. All sounds well to me.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178

    Hi Whippetmom:

    My stats:  Height 5’ 1”; weight 151 (have been losing and hope to lose 16lbs more), ribcage 35”, Mentor style 6200 tissue expanders (submuscular) medium height 650cc 14.6cm diameter filled to 460cc placed during BMX February 2013. 

    PS will use Mentor Memory Gel Silicone Smooth Round implant.  PS says that the anatomical implants were not yet on the market at the time of my BMX so he did not give me an anatomical pocket; therefore, I need to have the round implants (I didn’t know that prior to the BMX and am rather disappointed about this because I want to look natural). 

    Prior to surgery I was a 40D-42C.  I want to be SMALLER and look as natural as possible.  I told my PS this at the start but he insisted in putting in rather large (in my opinion) TE’s as “they had to match my chest width.”  I like the size I am now with the expanders filled to 460 but would be happy a little narrower because the TE’s are overflowing into my armpits/sides.  PS says that during the exchange surgery he will be doing some “tissue tailoring” to remove the excess skin. 

    My exchange surgery is scheduled 7/5/13.  I would really appreciate your opinion regarding implant size using Mentor Memory Gel Silicone Smooth Round implant (submuscular).  PS has told me that he would be bringing four Moderate Plus sizes to the O.R.  I would love your imput prior to surgery. 

    Thank you!

  • InSearchOfLabCure
    InSearchOfLabCure Member Posts: 2

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I'm a long time "lurker" on this message board and a first time poster.  I am incredibily grateful for the words of wisdom expressed by the wonderful women on these boards in that they've been a great source of information and support during my breast cancer journey.

    I would really appreciate some guidance on implant selection for my upcoming exchange surgery.  Here are my details:

    5' 4 1/2" 

    135 - 145lbs

    33" rib cage circumference 

    Mentor Low height tissue expandar (catalog #354-6113)

    Fill volume for these expandars is 450 cc's

    I'm currently filled to 470 cc's on each side and no further expansions are planned.  I'm pretty much at my pre mastectomy size and am able to fit into my old bras.  I was previously a 34 DD and the volume of tissue removed from each side during my nipple and skin sparring mastectomy was about 590 cc's.  I have asked to be reduced to a perkier full "C" cup.  During the expansion process I was most comfortable with a volume of about 270-370 cc's although the shape was not optimal because there was too much expansion into my armpits and I have loose skin below my nipples.  The problem I have with this decision is that the 370cc volumes looked much different between my breasts because my right breast is very tight with less projection which I believe is due to my previous lumpectomy.  My left breast at 370 cc's looked too big but my right one looked about right.  The plan is for extra skin, nipple height and side projection into arm pits to be corrected during the exchange procedure.   A breast "lift" will be performed at that time and in preparation for this he needs some extra skin so he's over expanding.

    My PS (who is wonderful by the way) is recommending the Sientra textured shaped round base high projection 370cc implant (reference #20646-370RB).  Fortunately I was able to touch and evaluatel this exact implant in his office and it looks about right, although it appeared small compared to what my breasts looked like expanded to 370CC's.  Can I assume that the extra tissue/skin will make this implant look larger once it's in place?  When comparing the appearance of implants outside of the body versus after they've been placed in the chest do they generally appear larger due to skin/rib cage projection?

    Any thoughts/suggestions/insights would be much appreciated!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    I am NOT a professional, but I just had my exchange and I had 550cc hoping for a mid C cup and they look SO MUCH smaller then I thought they would. I am VERY disappointed. I look like a small B cup at best. I think I am smaller then my pre surgery size which is a bummer with going through all that TE fills and pain. At 550cc my TE looked HUGE but not so much now that the real thing is inside me:-(

  • InSearchOfLabCure
    InSearchOfLabCure Member Posts: 2

    I'm so sorry you're disappointed Tangles!  I'm trying to avoid being disapointed!

    Do you think that the difference is because the shape of your expander and the shape of the implant are significantly different?  Maybe your implant is wider than your expander so the 550cc's is being distributed differently resulting in less projection?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    LoriWNY... I sent you a PM

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864


    Some of the difference in size/appearance is due to the fact that the expanders have a rigid back. Their job is to push muscle and skin out to make room. When the actual implant is put into the pocket it is soft and conforms to the chest wall/rib cage, etc. So equal volumes between TE's and implants just do not look equal.

    Having said that, Tangles....hang in there!! You are still VERY close to your surgery and things WILL change!! It is SO hard to be patient when we've obsessed over these things for months and months...but it's going to take about 3 months to have a true, clear picture of what you've got.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Thank you Dulcigirl but I just keep thinking when the swelling goes down they are going to look even smaller:-(

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Hi Tangles, I have the mentor round silicone implant as well, just on one side so I have the other "natural" side to compare. Right after surgery it was high and flat, but I did not panic as I had read all the posts on this wonderful site.

    Indeed now it has "dropped and fluffed" as the other girls and our guru whippetmom had indicated, with more projection and I can wear a shirt with no bra and FINALLY not look lopsided. I'm a 36c.

    At first I had to wear a bra constantly because that side was so high and flat. The tissue just has to adjust.

    I am so glad for the "no bra" option because i am now in radiation and it is around 110 degrees where I live, and I have to run around campus all day. Ouch! Sundress, sandals and undies are the only option.

    Good luck to you and smooth healing.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Thanks sciencegirl. I sure hope they change. I dont feel mine are very high though so if they drop they might be on my waist!

  • nesw
    nesw Member Posts: 24

    I've been in limbo for my exchange since early May because there was some kind of FDA hold on the yet unapproved remaining Allergan 410 styles.  My PS suspected they were in the process of approval in light of the original 410 approvals, but apparently that didn't happen. I just got the call that they are available again and still on clinical trial, so my exchange has been scheduled! I fill out the trial paperwork next Wednesday and exchange on Saturday 7/13.

    I'm scheduled to get 410MX 535gm. I'm 5'5" 135 lbs (lost some weight since surgery) and TEs are filled to about 460cc.  I have no idea what to expect. I told my PS that I'm hoping for no larger than a B cup size. Right now my left breast looks like half a cantalope and my right breast like a big hamburger bun. My pectorals cramp constantly in response to fabric, breezes, almost anything, and this has resulted in pushing my TEs up high and partly under my arms over the past 8 months. Because of this I have fleshy bulges at my armpits. My PS says he will do a good bit of pocketwork and probably some liposuction, but I wonder if my pectoral cramping will push my implants up and out in the same way over time. I don't really want a canyon between my breasts like I have now and I don't want hamburger buns. It's going to be interesting. I'll definitely be happy to have these chunks of granite out of me.

  • Chinneymae
    Chinneymae Member Posts: 173

    Whippetmom: I have Allergan 650cc, 133FX-14-T. My PS put 400cc in each one at time of surgery and I had 100cc put in each one at first fill and second fill another 100cc put in each one today. I am 5'1" and weigh 220 with 39" ribcage. My PS said he would probably go up to 750cc and then put in a little smaller implant. Right now I have 700cc and will get one more fill before exchange. I don't project out like I want to. My husband says when I'm laying back they look really big and project out good but when I stand back up they look spread out and flatter. Most of it is at the top of my chest. He said "my mountains turn into mole hills when I'm upright."

    This is what you suggested to me last time. "Okay, if the implants are up at the top of your chest, you might be better off with Allergan Style 20 - 750 ccs or Mentor HPs - 750 ccs. I don't think you will be happy with anything smaller, especially if you think you are on the small side currently. Your TEs are sufficient to get you to implants with a volume of 750 ccs."

    My question is: Once I have my exchange will the implants drop from the top of my chest and be more normal looking? My PS's PA said that they would and I would notice a huge difference. She said to give it a good six months for them to adjust. I'm just worried that after my exchange they will be stuck way up on my chest. Would I be out of line to ask him if he can show me a Pic of what I would look a year after surgery? Or something close to it?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Chinneymae: I need you to send me photos. I am going to PM you my email address....Oh, and when you send the photos, please PM me and let me know you have done so.

  • Chinneymae
    Chinneymae Member Posts: 173

    Pics have been sent, Whippetmom. Thanks.

  • miamimiami65
    miamimiami65 Member Posts: 9

    Well, lets see. After finding out I had breast cancer on February 14, 2013, I had a bilateral mastectomy on March 27th. I am doing remarkably well and I have found a way to help others that dont have the funds to have, what could be, a life saving mammogram. I am so blessed to have had that benefit, I am adamant to try to help others.

    My recovery.....I am doing my reconstruction. After my left expander had a flat and fix a flat didnt help, I had a replacement surgery. All is going great. Im at 600ccs on my right and 700 on my left. I go Friday for my last filll with one more expansion at surgery before the exchange to have 800 ccs at both sides. But, IM CONFUSED? My right side is much smaller than my left, by about an inch, top to bottom....side to side. My PS and I have agreed to Natrelle 45 800 ccs gel implants. I suppose I'm asking has them happened to others, will I be unbalanced?

    Thank you!

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Hi there i am getting implants Aug 7th the PS said i have enough skin and do not need tissue expander's I am wondering tho about the gummies which I want. Are they heavier  than the silicone ones ? My BMX was in November of last year and  I also had chemo  and it ended in Febuary. He will use the Natrelle implants the Dr said they are heavier  but I could not really tell also I have lost 50 lbs since my BMX will loseing more after my impant are in make a difference  with the soze of them?

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Hi momto7.  We're surgery sisters on august 7!  That's my birthday and I'm having my exchange that day.  My BMX was also in November but I didn't hve any chemo.  The implants I'm going with are 750cc silicone.  Not sure how the weight compares to gummies but I did check a link someone here provided and know that mine will weigh approximately 3.5 pound each.

    Congratulations on the 50lb weight loss.....that's absolutely awesome!  I had a similar weight loss back in 2004/2005.  I have, unfortunately, put back on a good 30-35 pounds of that since then, but I'm in MUCH better physical condition now.  Most folks guess my weight at 140-150 but I'm actually 170-175.

    Weight loss after implants will definitely make the implants appear larger because they won't loss weight or size like the rest of your body.  I'm working on losing weight right now too, but I'm approaching the implant size the way Stacey and Clinton do on the show 'What Not to Wear'.  I'm dressing my body (with implants) the way it looks and weighs right now rather than count on a future weight loss that may or may not happen.  If I lose more weight and keep it off long term and end up looking way too bodacious I can swap for smaller implants then.

    ((((((hugs)))))) to all!

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Momof7 there are several threads about gummies. I read up on them and decided they were not for me for a few reasons.

    I am headed to see my PS now. First question will be why did implants turn out so small?? Guess if he doesn't have an answer I will need to lose a but load of weight to make them look like they looked pre surgery:-(

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Thanks tangles I will check it out the nurse said he will order then at my pre op visit on the 30th  i will check out those threads 

    Sweetandspecial I did not know they weigh that much it did not feel like it when i was feeling them in the office. i guess i will know on the 30th of this month during my pre op visit i am 59 yrs old and told my daughter i will have perky boobs lol

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    momof7: Love your avatar by the way!  My daughter (23 years old) has missed most of my journey except for a few weeks at Christmas (out of the country).  After I had my last fill I emailed her photos of my God-given breasts just before BMX and also my final expansion look.  Her reaction: 'Holy crap Mom, you're gonna look awesome!'.  She's also the one that said, after getting over the shock of my diagnosis, 'Well, ya know Mom, you've been saying for a coupla years how you'd like to get a little structure and lift back for the girls'.  Outa the mouths of babes, huh?  Guess I'd better be careful what I wish for in the future.  Who knew I'd get my wish for perkier boobs from breast cancer reconstruction!

    As far as the weight goes, I don't know how much the tissue weighed that they removed during surgery, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was similar.  Good to know, though, that in the future I can blame approximately 7 pounds on my implants Smile.

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    SO BUMMED PS agreed my implants do NOT look good. One larger then the other, one flat like a pancake. One had small projection one has hardly none. He said that wont change even if things settle. He said we will have to go back in and do another surgery. Im just sick................. 

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 115

    Tangles, that is such a bummer, why did they turn out like that? I wonder if that is very common?


  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Oh tangles, I'm sorry the current implants won't get better.  I know you're just sick and tired of the whole process, but I'm so glad there's something that can be done about it.....yay!!!!  And I'm also glad that your PS agrees that they're just not right and is willing to make it better for you instead of ignoring your concerns and telling you you'll just have to live with it.  Allow yourself to be a little angry and upset for a while, but then try to look forward to the planned improvement with optimistic anticipation, k?  You can do this Kiss

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Hugs Tangles I hope evreything goes better for you  hang in there

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467

    Oh, Tangles - my heart goes out to you! As if this whole journey isn't long and painful enough! They will be perfect this next time - the surgeon will want to do his best job ever after this. Hugs!

  • Chinneymae
    Chinneymae Member Posts: 173

    Tangles, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I hope you will get the results you want. It's enough having to deal with BC much less having to go through a surgery that could have been prevented. I know you'll get through this victoriously!!

    Momto7: My TEs are at 700ccs. Whippetmom has suggested for my weight, height and ribcage measurement that the Allergan 45 800cc high projection round silicone implants would probably be best for me. She is very knowledgeable about implants. Anyway that is what I will be suggesting to my PS. Right now my foobs are sitting on top of my chest and looks weird.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    miami: Why doesn't your PS hold fills on the left and fill the right up to 700 cs? Is there some reason the right has less fill volume?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    momto7: Just as an FYI: One step "direct to implants" is not always successful, and I would not think of having a one-step unless this is a top notch reconstructive surgeon. Frankly, I have seen very few successful one-steps. I would urge you to think of getting a second opinion BEFORE you go through the surgery. I mean, it might all work out fine and you could be one of the few for whom this is successful. Keep me posted!

    BTW: Are you going to a PS in Chicago?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    tangles: How about a second opinion before you go through this again? I can help you find someone....